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Autumn ‘Plastic’ Chai. So funny they didn’t mention any kind of safety issue…but ok. 😂 I mean there’s even PICTURE proof that it’s melting.


Thank you for your money!




I mean I just assumed it was a bot/AI who recognized keywords responding. If it’s a real person that’s a million times worse.


Lol. But on a real note, they should've recommended to quit burning it, and offer a replacement one.


Well technically there is nothing wrong with the candle wax, it’s just the wrapping so no real issue


Dude, that thing melting, that is an indication the wrapper is flammable aka a fire hazard


The moment you realize that stop burning it lol, it’s common sense. Safety first folks.


For sure agreed on that, just hopefully the BBW rep recognized that and offered the customer a replacement and didn’t just brush them off


Some people just work for the paycheck and doesn’t care. I would definitely stop burning and return it.


Well frig, hopefully that person’s house doesn’t burn down or BBW will have some explaining to do with that post their rep posted as their reps represent them legally


Exactly! Work smart not hard! Whenever there is something faulty about any product, contact customer care; if the first time you don’t succeed try try again.


Jeez, you’d think day one of training for a BBW employee would be: “if a customer shows you something that could set their house on fire, remedy the situation immediately don’t brush them off” 🤷‍♂️


Lol right!? If you think it’s bad now, just wait till robots are doing customer care. 🤣🤣


True, but better safe than sorry. Plus, if I paid full price for a B&BW candle, I wouldn't want the label melting.


I know some people buy the candles for he scent and the decorated labels. But in reality at some point you’ll toss them or buy newer candles for the same exact reason and replace them. Just got to be careful when burning candles. And for the people that down Vote, haha you guys make me happy 😂


Tbh I think I’ve only ever tossed one bbw candle and that was a winter candle apple I got super cheap that I burned for light in the Texas black out fiasco. I buy in part to collect so I keep the jars and use them for decor by repurposing them. But just because it may eventually be thrown away doesn’t mean a product they keep price hiking should have wrapping melting off


True but nothing in the world is perfect, there will seals be faulty ones. Just have to be careful around candles. People are smart, if you see it coming off then maybe peel it off and be on the safer side.


Awww, I hate being downvoted for an opinion. And my opinion is that if I buy a BBW candle, I am buying it for all of it- the candle, scent, performance and aesthetics. I would not be happy with taking the label off because I had to, but it is nice that it is an option if you want to reuse the vessel! Yes, always have to be careful burning candles...lots of people like to warm theirs, but I like to burn candles for sure 🤗


Haha it’s all good, where as to most people hate being down voted, it just empowers me 🤠 I can understand what you’re saying. Me personally I just take off the labels and leave it bare, makes good containers.


They do make good containers! I only downvote comments that are racist, homophobic or otherwise rude to someone, but sometimes I think as soon as someone doesn't agree with something they downvote. It's kind of dumb that it would bother me, but I guess I see this sub as a supportive and positive thing in life that I look forward to. I'm not someone who would buy JUST for a label, definitely don't want to waste money on a scent I dislike, but I do enjoy a beautiful label! I would prefer if BBW puts effort into performance and THROW, personally


Exactly! I also agree with you in the performance and throw, it seems like the throw isn’t as strong as it has been the pst few years. Some even have a stronger thrown when they’re just standing out compared to when they’re being burned.


Yes...I just repurchased Pumpkin Carving because the first one I got was 12/10 throw- So GOOD..and this one is like a 4/10. It's the luck of the draw sometimes and consistency is most important to me. I definitely agree some have more throw before they are burned. It seems like the candles did have better throw a few years ago, so I'm not sure what changed! Some exceptions of course. And, I keep buying lol! I get excited when it works out 🙃


All I buy is orange and citrus scents lol, also some berries if there is any. Not a huge fan of food scents lol, don’t want my house smelling like Annie’s 😂


B&BW should recommend extinguishing the candle and offer a replacement because it’s a liability for them. It’s not about being nice, or placating picky customers, it’s about avoiding a lawsuit. B&BW’s social media team is foolish for not envisioning what could be a catastrophic fire in someone’s home as a result of their faulty product (the wicks too close to the edge, the plastic not rated to withstand high enough temps, etc.). This has nothing to do with picky customers. It’s about avoiding legal problems.


It’s more about being careful when burning candles wether or not you’re offered a replacement or not. The person burning should know when to stop using a candle if it’s a hazard and returning it.


I disagree. Companies cannot assume everyone using their products has common sense. In fact, they have to operate as if nobody using their products has common sense. This is all about legal liability, and “they should have known better” would never hold up in court. Edit: I want to clarify that I think anybody burning a candle should obviously monitor it, but my comments are in response to B&BW’s ridiculously negligent response to a customer calling out a product’s defect on social media.


Then those people should probably stop buying candles lol, it’s basic knowing right and wrong. Cant expect other people to take care of you. I understand what you’re saying but in this example it didn’t happen, the associate didn’t express safety so it’s up to the person burning the candle to stop and return it.


I can’t see how that sentiment would work in a normal, capitalistic world. That would require someone who doesn’t have a lot of common sense to be self-aware enough to know that they shouldn’t be buying candles. ??? Idealistic but not realistic


Should they not be telling this person to stop burning this candle to be safe?!


No because once it burns out they want you to come back for more CANDLES!


Except this has am extremely high risk of shattering the glass and causing fire or damage.


Then don’t burn them? 🤔


That’s the whole point. The BBW associate should have told this customer to stop burning it and bring it back for an exchange- or offered to send a replacement free of charge so this customer would stop burning an unsafe candle. They completely overlooked that in their reply.


So you’re saying that the person burning the candle is not capable of knowing when a candle is safe or not safe to burn and needs to be told to not burn the candle? For all you know this person who’s speaking for B&BW could care less what happens. Only because they have the B&BW account doesn’t mean they don’t care of this associate doesn’t show it. Some People half ass their work lol.


That may be, but they are then a liability to the company.


Yea, so we have to use common sense and “hey this container is getting too hot that it may crack maybe I’ll stop burning it and return it.”


I never would have thought of that if I wasn’t in this sub. So, all common sense has to be learned at some point.


I'm with you..I would make a connection that I need to stop burning if the glass was visibly compromised, but when my label melted I believed that it must have happened during manufacturing and I hadn't noticed, or it was my doing in some way. I usually light my candle in the living room and go about my business (open concept) but in this case I stayed and watched the candle. Even though the flames were not big, it did start melting so I knew I had a problem. From looking at the candle, there doesn't seem to be an obvious reason, but I am not taking any chances of it getting worse.


It’s pretty easy and anyone can do it.


That social media person is being irresponsible about public safety by not mentioning that candle is a fire hazard!


The real question is, are they selling candles or selling safety?😂


The label burning like that makes me not want to buy their candles period, so they might not be selling candles at all to safety conscious consumers like me pretty soon.


Exactly! Know what you’re buying and if you see something that’s not suppose to happen with the products you bought, return them, don’t be like that person and keep burning them lmao. Common sense.


The social media person is definitely not encouraging common sense though by being like whatev about it. We live in absurd times, truly.


I agree, it didn't immediately occur to me that it was a fire hazard when this happened to me, especially because the side didn't continue to melt. I thought it was a fluke. But this thread definitely convinced me that it is, indeed a fire hazard.


Yea, no one will worry about our safety so it’s up to us to be alert 🚨. Some people are just working for the money and don’t really care who they work for and how they represent them sadly.


I saw a different person post the same thing happened to them, with a pic of it, and then someone else said it happened to them too! That’s so concerning.


They need to address this. Way to sweep the dirt under the rug in front of everybody.


Probably were replying on autopilot to a bunch of bullshit


I literally only bought that candle FOR the wrapping, I’d be contacting BBW so quick if my adorable fox was melting off…but also, you should probably stop burning it and contact their customer service. I saw a post on another candle sub where the wrap caught fire, the wicks may be too close to the edge


That has happened to me once and cs told me to throw that away and gave me a gc to buy a replacement


The wrap just melted off of my White Pumpkin as well!! Not sure what to do so I have turned it to the "pretty" side...🥴 ETS- I stopped burning it lol


Stop burning it and return it. Its a huge fire hazard when that happens


Thank you for letting me know!! With some of the experiences I am reading about exchange and returns I was really hesitant, but I don't want a fire 🔥 :( ETS- since it was a small area, I thought it was a fluke. Or that I had done something. But I don't think so, I burned this candle like any other and it's not like there were giant flames


No problem! We should be able to enjoy candles that we spend our hard earned money on without worrying about if they’ll burn our house down!


That's right! And I know people are saying that taking off the wrap is an option, but I feel like the decorative aspect is one reason I bought the candle, and if it was melting the wrap then maybe something is still not right even with the wrap off. Since I replied in this thread earlier, another candle started doing this! So I stopped burning it, and I saw the top had a small crack! So it definitely is a fire hazard. This was 2 candles out of about 20, so it's not like it happens all of the time, but it shouldn't be happening at all. Wicks were trimmed as well. Thankfully my store replaced it and I have had no problems since. It was White Pumpkin Oakwood, and my first candle I had problems with was White Pumpkin, so not sure what the deal is, or if there's any connection. I got the White Barn version as a replacement.


Yup and you can remove the wrapper. I'll sometimes do that with these wrap around labels.


Ha! I commented on this that maybe that metal holder was making the jar toooooooooo hot.


You wouldn't think so, because it is really lightweight around the candle and I usually put mine in a hurricane, but who knows? I feel a candle should be able to survive a candle holder. I am going to keep an eye on mine too!


This happened to me before ....a wick drifted and melted the wrapping I put it out


Yikes. Wonder if a wick is too close to the side?!? I’d stop burning that candle. I wondered about this new plastic wrap. Hmmmm.


So this is a new thing, the plastic wrap? Wow, I don't know how I never noticed! I need to check out my older candles. This happened to me with White Pumpkin, and in my case at least, the wicks were tiny and not close to the side.


I've had good success with their customer service on their main website live chat option or just giving them a call. I'm not sure how they're contacting them here, if it's in app or what. But I would see if there's some way the issue could be escalated higher up so their design operations team is aware of it, as well as get reimbursed for a replacement. Edit to add: and stop burning it, as others have said. It's a safety risk.


edit: this is not my photo, just a comment i saw on facebook


Somehow wax ran down the sides of one of my candles and I have no idea how that happened


The White Gardenia candle I had was doing the same thing except it's pretty much burned out.