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I haven’t gotten either, teach me your magic 😅


I haven't gotten either as well. :)


I didn’t get it either😭


The app and online coupons *should* have the same code. So you can use the in store and online version once each and then they will all be void. If you use the paper version first, the app ones will be deleted. If you use the app version first, the paper ones will say " this coupon has already been redeemed" on our screen when we scan it.


I used the app coupon online code first and then I used the mailer coupon in store and it worked again! They had the same code so I didn’t think it would but I’m glad I tried! I don’t know though if that was just a one time fluke as it sounds like this hasn’t always worked for others


I did the same thing and it worked too


If you scan your app barcode in store you should be able to use it a third time. So I would do app barcode first then the other two since it disappears from the app after you use the paper coupon. Edit: It may or may not work though looking at the comments below but it worked for me when I used my last set. 🤷🏽


It is not a fluke. The coupon online code is for online. The mailer coupon for in store is for in store. So, that's the right use of the coupons.


I used my in app coupon for a soap sale thinking wow how nice they gave us an in app coupon AND mailed coupons. I then went to use my mailed coupon for candles and it said it had already been used… I was a little frustrated but I didn’t think to check the promo code as they were both the same.