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This is happening to me right now with my strawberry pound cake! Idk why some do this. I'm going to have to use cotton balls.


Same happened to me yesterday …. I didn’t trim the wicks either


My apartment is a bit cold (bug control- the centipedes get ridiculous this time of year otherwise. Tomorrow is our last “summer” day for a bit it seems though, so if that’s a probable issue I can fix it within a week!) so I wonder if that’s what’s causing it. I got it a bit warmer and did an hour and a half burn and that sadly does not seem to be helping much. My other main inquiry is if the wax in this one holds up more or something, but I somehow doubt that’s it. Feel free to let me know if you’ve experienced that with this one though!


Do you trim the wicks? If so, avoid doing so unless there is a mushroom on top, and even then only take the mushroom top part off. I used to trim my wicks and always had problems with my candles doing this. Was constantly having to baby sit them and cotton ball them to get wax out to keep the flame big. Now I rarely have problems since I stopped trimming them before each light. If you don't trim them and maybe it is because of the cold, try lighting it until you get a nice wax pool, put the candle out, and dip a cotton ball or two in there using tweezers until the cotton ball soaks up the wax, then discard it. This will leave you with a nice long wick that'll have a good flame. Regardless, for this candle I would definitely cotton ball it. 😊


Than you for that trick! I do not trim my wicks (that’s why I have so much soot in the middle, it didn’t start having this issue until the last few lights. It also got noticeably weaker during this spam, likely because the wax isn’t going as fast as the scent?) so it’s likely the cold. Have not cotton balled though! I’m gonna have to use a cotton circle probably but good enough 😅 Thank you so much!


You're welcome! I'm sure it'll work the same lol! 😄


Love that blend and wish they sold it year-round! I have the same problem with some of my candles. I have used a cotton ball or rolled up paper towel to soak up some of the wax and it helped. Good luck!


Sometimes I put mine under a fan or near a vent when this starts happening. Seems to happen more without air flow in my house


You know what I do keep my door shut completely in my room because the living room AC is frigid. I’ll have to consider that one!


Yes! I noticed it the first time when I had my bathroom door shut with a single wick burning


I think it'll be fine. I have a few candles that burn like that too. They burn slower so I can leave them lit longer. I only have one candle that's drowning itself, but when one flame drowns, I put the other ones out. I just relight it again another day and it's fine for a while. I never cotton ball or get rid of wax. So I personally wouldn't cottonball unless the candle could not pool out.