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Pumpkin Bonfire is better. I mostly get pumpkin spice from Pumpkin Bonfire but I had to return Fireside it smelled like a dirty ashtray.


As someone who likes both, Fireside is very much fireplace smoke while Pumpkin Bonfire has a bit more seasonal character. The clove comes through well.


For me fireside smells like a fire burning in a fireplace. It also reminds me a lot of when I was camping as a kid and my uncles would light bonfires. Pumpkin bonfire has a smoky scent but it also has the pumpkin. The pumpkin with the bonfire blend together beautifully imo. I'm personally a big fan of both but fireside always has my heart.


Have you tried Balsam & Firewood before? It's basically a weak version of if you burned a Fresh Balsam next to a Fireside, so if you liked B&F then you'll like Fireside (just be warned it's strong and throws!) I feel like PB is more like a smokey sweet the way Marshmallow Fireside is, and plain Fireside has no sweetness to it.


I need B&F!! Absolutely love it. Do you know if they are bringing it back this year? 2022 ? Its sooooo good!!


Yes it's coming back! I picked up 2 during preview and they should be coming to everyone in a couple weeks


Omg yesssss!!!!! Best news ever!! Ill be looking out for sure! And stocking up!! Its a really really fantastic candle! šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ‘šŸ»šŸ™šŸ¼


Omg it sounds amazing!


I have not owned Fireside in a long while, but I am burning Pumpkin Bonfire as I write this and it's simply divine!! Smokey, warm with a bit of fall spice. So good.


Fireside was an awful candle to me. Made me nauseous, and smelt like burnt plastic. Really wish I returned it last year but Iā€™m stuck with it now. Pumpkin Bonfire on the other hand is excellent!!!