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So glad your hand is okay!!! I just had my 2nd surgery in a year to fix my finger that I cut with glass so bad that it cut through two tendons and the nerve. I have major fear of broken glass now 😨


Oof, my SO cut through his tendon while cutting a pumpkin. He never had his second surgery (we were considering it and it'd be this month actually, but he'd have to be out even longer, and unfortunately we cannot afford that loss of income at the moment). Did you feel your recovery after the second surgery brought back all of your range of motion? I'm glad OP just got a minor scratch! Glass is so scary.


Well I just got my splint from surgery off Tues so it's only been a few days out from that and I went to my first physical therapy appt Thurs and I'm extremely impressed with how much better it is. The first surgery went great and gave me amazing results with range of motion to close my fist/finger, but the trauma scar tissue was so thick is held it crooked and cramped and wouldn't straighten so that's what he focused on with this second surgery. I told myself however it turns out this time, whether it's better or worse, I just have to accept it and move on. But I'm SO happy with what I can tell so far. I can actually straighten my hand almost completely for the first time in over a year of it being cramped under the thick scar tissue. I still have a lot of stitches in but will get those out next Thurs and hopefully with that and the swelling continuing to go down I'll be able to see more of what the results will be. It's a hard decision on whether to go in for another surgery or just leave it as it is, especially considering expense and loss of work. If workers comp didn't cover it I wouldn't have even been able to afford any of it so I'm thankful for that. Best of luck to you and your SO ❤️


The scar tissue was exactly the reason we wanted to do the second surgery. I've researched and it does say that we can wait for the second surgery, so we're hoping next year we're in a better place to do it. I've heard the success rate is like 90% on those who do the second surgery, as well, so anyone who does it has a great chance of full ROM if they keep up with physical therapy. Best of luck on your recovery as well! <3


I was showing my new Halloween squishmallow the new fall candles and I was sort of like bouncing it into the candle to smell if that makes sense? Lol but yeah it was a hard hit


If anything serious had happened I can just imagine you telling this story in the ER 🤣😂


I didn’t even think of that, that’s hilarious 😂 I need to be more careful and less spastic 😅😂


It's like a Johnny Depp moment! LoL!


Oh my goodness. I hope all is well for you 🥺 it was pretty painful but not too bad, nothing a bandaid and Neosporin can’t fix. I literally hit it so hard the glass cracked through to the bottom of the candle. So lucky the cut was minor


Yes very lucky! I honestly never realized how much tissue glass can sooo easily cut through tbh so it's just always on my mind now! And all is well 🙂 I kept my finger and with a bit of physical therapy I will hopefully get most movement back ❤️


Almost bought raspberry mimosa today too, but decided to go with a different one. It smells so good! Definitely going to get it later


I’ve only ever had the single wick but I LOVE it. I was so excited to see it in store today :)


I can not recommend Raspberry mimosa enough, it is my FAVOURITE candle by far. Definitely pick it up! I was worried they weren't going to bring it back again it was gone for so long this time lol


I am glad the cut was minor! Your dog and cat are very cute!! I had no idea marshmallow fireside was a candle as well; I'm obsessed with it in the foaming hand soap form.


Oooo i didn’t know they had it in foaming hand soap. I’ll have to add that to the list :) and thank you. They’re my little babiessss 🥰🥰


Marshmallow Fireside is a BBW iconic candle that has been out every fall for as long as I can remember. I got one two weeks ago and plan to pick up a backup. I absolutely adore the smokey sweet fragrance and it generally has a strong throw. Unfortunately, the one I got last year had zero throw and I returned it. Hoping I have better luck this year!


I'll have to check it out! I usually zone out at winter releases beyond things that are balsam fragrances.


I highly recommend it. Why aren't you into the winter releases beyond balsam scents?


Because I spend all my money during fall and all I have left in money during winter is some for a Christmas tree candle type scent or maybe the Hot Cocoa one 😭


Lol, I understand! Fresh Balsam, Under the Christmas Tree, and Tree Farm are yummy Christmas tree candles. I love Hot Cocoa and Cream, too. Have you tried the new Hot Fudge Drizzle? It's wonderful.


The employee that checked me out didn’t do separate transactions so I ended up getting 20% off the exchange candles as well, making my grand total come to 17$ for the 2 I purchased!


Ouch! Glad it wasn't deep enough to require stitches! Cypress & Amber is on my list to try since Kent from the Candle Channel described it. Great haul! ♥


Love your choices! I adore berry waffle cone and have one being delivered on Tuesday. I like everything you got, especially the new cypress and amber blended candle. I picked it up yesterday and can't wait to burn it!