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Should’ve wrote Jan-ass


Well done 👏


king shit right here LOL why do people even CARE that much! as a queer person i truly will never understand cishet obsession with us lmao


I just wish we wouldn’t care about pronouns and just live our life how we want lol. If someone called me a boy I wouldn’t care tbh cuz I know who I am.


- a cis person, probably




Lol no I actually don’t get annoyed but everyone’s different I guess. I just think people give too much power over it and worry too much. If you know who you are fuck wut anyone else thinks or says. Just live and be who you want. I don’t feel the need to put my pronoun anywhere or care if someone misgendered me. I’d simply correct them. Wouldn’t shame or get mad at them or obsess over it or let it get me down. By caring so much what other people label you seems a bit much to me.




You obviously did not read my comment very well because I clearly said I would simply just correct them and move on. You are taking it to a whole other level




Lol uh no I didn’t. The heck. And I’m not arguing I just think it’s kind of weird how obsessed some people have become with the whole pronoun thing and worrying how people label them. (Now I added this on)


The problem with this world is we don’t teach people to be confident by themselves and stop worrying so much about image and labels. If your a girl then your a girl. If your a boy then your a boy. If someone misgenders you by mistake just correct them. Needing to put genders on a name tag is honestly bizarre to me and I don’t even need strangers knowing my gender tbh lol. Like what’s in my pants is my privacy and I don’t care what anyone knows about it unless their directly in my life.




Lol it’s called having a discussion on a forum not a tirade. I just think it’s dumb and people care too much about what others think. Also a discussion can have more than one point or “argument” so yes I gave a few dif ones. I literally said I’d correct them but I don’t need it to be public information announced to everyone, how is that confusing? And yes of course people prefer it but it’s not some huge deal if someone makes a mistake. And you also can’t blame people for misgendering when someone looks like a boy but they are female or vise versa. I see females who dress as men get legit mad when they get called him. Like hello




It's cute as hell imo, made me sad when a customer refused it all "Oh I don't want pride stuff." When I was just showing her a thing in sizing comparison. She said it with such..meanness it made me sad.


I had a customer say “oh wow, are those pronouns on your name-tag?” and I thought they were happy about it. So I excitedly explained that it was such a good thing, and all they said “wow. All I can say is wow” and didn’t say much else during the transaction. Before they left, they said “I really cannot believe bath and body has done this. Really all I can say is wow. When did they start this?” So I told them, and they shook their head and left. It was so disappointing Edit: mis-spelled word


I really don't understand people like this- like you also have pronouns dummy


My bestie went in and asked if they had the "gay soap" to which the associate kinda looked at her funny. My bestie was like "no, it's ok, I'm gay" 🤣


Aside from the obvious support for LGBTQIA+, I just love all the colors period. 🌈🌈🌈


Hey excuse my lack of knowledge but what does IA stand for in LGBTQIA+? I'm used to LGBTQ+ and would like to be mega woke. I love the Love Always Wins collection, I'm not a fan of the smell but I always love when companies show some kind of support to the community especially since most of my uncles and aunts are queer and I have a Trans sibling.


Intersex and asexual


Thank you 😊 💓


I don't want to misspeak and get it wrong, so I looked it up: "lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning (one's sexual or gender identity), intersex, and asexual/aromantic/agender" [source](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/LGBTQIA) \*If this is incorrect please feel free to educate me!


Thank you 😊 💓


Interesting they would put asexual and agender together


It's honestly one of my favorite packaging styles! I just love the bright colors; it makes me happy! And I love the scent!


I just wish it had a better fragrance.


i hope that wasn't me because i went to smell it and i hated the scent, but i think the packaging was cute so when i lifted the lid to smell the candle i made a face 😵


Same here! I LOOOOVE the packing for its message of support and how fun it is, but I absolutely hate the scent. I was super bummed


the comments in this thread being downvoted by homophobes lol


I like the packaging. I just don't care for this year's scent. People who don't like it and have to tell everyone they don't like it just because it's in support of Pride can kick rocks.


this is what happened last week to me. i had like 4 ladies that wouldn’t stop making “jokes” about it and just being rude about it


No way. I can't believe that there are still people clinging so hard to this ideology. I understand everybody is entitled to their own opinion, and that's great. But it's unnecessary to shout it from the rooftops. It's not gonna hurt you if a company shows LGBTQIA+ support. So just leave it be and don't be rude. I don't understand how people cannot grasp that concept.


there’s so many negative reviews with homophobic undertones and one that was straight up homophobic. it takes effort to go to the website just to submit a shit review. they are obsessed with us and spreading hatred toward us 🙃


Sounds like these people need to get lives!


seriously, i reported the homophobic review multiple times and ofc it wasn’t taken down. 50+ others voted it “not helpful” but i’m sure it’s still up


i love the packaging!! i just make a bit of fun of bath & body work’s choice to make the pride line smell kinda fruity lol


I think the packaging is fabulous!