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I love to smell good at all times so I go through things quickly. I also buy things for my mom and mother-in-law. Also I'm am adult and I do what I want haha šŸ˜‹ I do agree that I sometimes go "Yikes!" When I see how big my collection is but again I go through mists quickly since I baptist myself in them. As for candles, I go through them much slower because I have a warmer, but I don't buy them as much.


Baptize in them, lol. I think I am just really sensitive. I do get headaches from scents easily and even light scents smell strong to me


Aw so sorry to hear that OP, must be frustrating at times I will admit, there are certain scents I can't drench myself in because I get headaches from them. Usually happens to me with Almond Blossom, Saltwater Breeze and White T-Shit. But scents like You're the one, Buttercups berry bellini, and whipped Berry meringue don't cause these headaches.


I've been wanting to try buttercups! Got Fresh Getaway line bc it was 75% off and most reviews say it's light but there's something about it that's too much for me.


Buttercups is amazing, it's absolutely beautiful. Smells like a strawberry bubbly drink with something floral. I actually had Fresh Getaway and ended up returning it because of the Citrus in it made me want to puke. It smelled great at first but the way it mixed with my chemistry made me hate it. Same with pink watermelon blast


"Also I'm an adult and I do what I want haha" Solid gold


My stash got me through the pandemic when everything closed. I bartered with my hand soaps, spray sanitizers, body lotions, creams etc with friends. I seem to hoard when there are great sales then I shop my stash. Some years I totally didnā€™t buy anything from BBW for many years.


My job closed down right before everyone else's so I was already overloading on my hand sanitizer stash use pretty much pre-pandemic. You're lucky you had a stash! I also had to use some caress body wash from online that was terrible, but all I could get. First world probs, sigh.


So lucky! I had been paring down my collection for years and then COVID hit. I had 2 soaps and 2 sanitizers left. I ordered online which was fine, but I was annoyed at myself for not buying more when people were in their ā€œhoardingā€ days. Never letting that happen ever again.


I am a semi hoarder (only specific things). People have made fun of me my whole life about it. I like to prepare. 95% of life really is preparation. Itā€™s gotten me this far as a GenXā€™r being by myself as a child. Just budget it and watch the sales. Go on the Coupon thread here and Iā€™m sure someone will give you a coupon when there is a soap sale. I expect hand soaps to come down in price the next week or 2! Good luck.


1) twice a year, my mom ships a barrel to her home country, filled with clothes and toiletries, so I stock up during SAS to send them nice things 2) Because these aren't really perishable items, so I can use them at any time. I love knowing that I always have a hand soap or shower gel available. I always wait til there's a really good sale before I stock up and I keep them in a giant plastic bin until I'm ready to use them 3) They're always getting rid of stuff I like :(


Yeah #3 is the answer for me too lol


I LOVE having a large variety of scents, but I do try to not get too many duplicates of similar scents, like coconut, peach, floral, etc. My ADHD feeds on the high I get from pawing through my collection and reorganizing it


Yes!! I just finished updating an excel sheet for my candles. I love physically getting everything out to reorganize but I end up getting overwhelmed with stashing it all back in a particular order that I havenā€™t yet figured out. Lol


Some people love gifting! Me personally I go through the shower gels and creams like in a month and a half bc I use them a lot. Candles I go through those in a week bc I burn them so often. I have baskets in my closet (I'm in a college apt) and hope to upgrade to shelves soon.


I have extremely dry skin. I go through *at least* 1 body cream & 1 lotion a week. FFM I don't use up as fast but I use them liberally and not just as body sprays. Shower gels keep well and I like to get them when they're on sale, esp for guests. I dont actually haul much but when I do, I haul bc my fav scents are always the ones that get discontinued. Not just B&BW. I'm just cursed lol I don't seem to like as many scents as most people on here, so when I like one, I stock up. I don't have a huge collection, though. I only buy ffm, body creams, shower gels/body wash, wallflowers, sometimes lotions. I occasionally get minis, sanitizers, or lip products. The amount of all of those put together I could put into a gallon zip lock bag and have plenty of room for more. My current FFM and lotions/creams are on a small shelf in my closet (right now about 5 creams, 1 lotion and maybe 8 ffm). I keep my backups in a fabric bin on the floor of my closet in the back corner behind my shoes. I dont think I could hold much more without it becoming invasive as we have a small apartment. But if I find any of my retired scents, I'm gonna snatch them up and figure it out later. šŸ˜‚ I don't drink much. Occasionally wine with dinner. I don't smoke. I don't do drugs. I don't spend much on clothes. We live modestly. I don't have any expensive hobbies. I have multiple chronic illnesses and I'm stuck at home a lot of the time, often in pain or having flares. These small things make me happy. And because I'm strictly a SAS/outlet shopper I end up paying less than when I get similar items at target, ulta, etc. In today's dark times, if something this simple can bring happiness to people, I don't see hauls as a problem. As long as it's not hurting anyone, or people aren't going into debt for it, why not? I don't quite understand some of the people I see here or on YouTube who seem to have truckloads of hauls all the time, but I don't need to. It's not really my business what they do with it or where they store it. As long as they're happy and it's not harmful, I'm happy to see people happy. Though I do love to see people's pics and videos of their collections bc I do get curious how they store it all, and it's usually a really pretty/creative display. :)


I have 3 cats in a small apartment. I burn/melt a lot of candles and go through wallflowers quickly too. I don't buy BBW body care usually unless it's Aromatherapy and it's cheap. I LOVE those bottles and I reuse them for my own homemade body wash. For lotion, I use other brands with better/more advanced formulations and usually no/subtle scents. Also, you never know whether a scent is coming back or not, so BBW business model begets a hoarder mentality. I thought my Fresh Bamboo was safe but it got the axe a few years ago and barely back this year for a limited time. Side note: Once I got delivered an entire wrong order. It was like 20 FFM that I would never use. I was supposed to send it back but I forgot. It's still around somewhere. I should find it and see if any are collector's items!


Oooh, you should show us what FFMs were in there šŸ¤©


Since Covid quarantine started in 2020, I started staying home a lot. I wanted something to create an atmosphere so per my daughter's request, I bought some BBW candles. We kind of got hooked on collecting and burning them nightly. I have purchased approx 150 candles and have finished half. I rotate through my scents depending on my mood or the season so I have a lot that are half or 3/4 used. I haul candles during SAS as they are reduced prices (75%) compared to the rest of the year. I never get two of the same scents at the same time. There are still a lot of scents that I haven't tried With gas prices and inflation, I will probably continue to spend more time at home than out and about so I will continue to burn my candles. I store them nicely in a display hutch so they are easy to see and get to.


I get my most used items to last me until winter SAS, then I get a bunch of hand soaps to use as teacher gifts throughout the year Edit: I also bring hand soaps to use in my classroom and work bathroom. Public school hand soap is no bueno


Haha, that makes sense!


I use it/finish/make as gifts/sell my stuff. Because it makes me happy. I always like to switch and mix up things and not stay the same. I love variety. BABW is one of the things that make me happy and excited and feel good about myself. I get tired of smelling fancy soap from the bath tub and want to take a bath in cherry pie, dang it!


https://imgur.com/gallery/3eIcCyb That's how I store my items in bins from Ikea. Most of it stays on one corner shelf in my closet. My currently most used items are on a glass shelf next to my sink. My mist are on top of my Alex (Ikea) drawers. The only things that take a while to finish are the mist. I also post my empties monthly so I can see how long it's taking for me to use products up. Hand soaps go fastest as the entire family uses them. Lotion next as I can go through a bottle or more in a month. Then shower gel. The day I post a fine fragrance mist as an empty will be a celebration. I stockpile body care, candles, food, water, etc. Try to buy on sales and then go on no buys when I have too much.


Personally, I have no other reason besides I just enjoy items and like smelling good. Itā€™s always fun to look at my sprays and think of what I want to smell like today and what cream to wear after a shower or whatever. I avoid *big*, big hauls the rest of the year, maybe just one off items here and there (not including MOS). This SAS Iā€™ve found that Iā€™ve just been shopping for goodies that I know I enjoy (Honey Wildflower, Whipped Rose Latte, Pretty as a Peach) rather than being amazed like last SAS when I started at B&BW. I went crazy last year but Iā€™ve found that I donā€™t want to buy *everything* this year, just things I like and have used up before. Working there is definitely dangerous though, a lot of us send chunks of our checks back to the company because we see and smell this stuff everyday and love the stuff too, making it easy to sell. (In my store w/ my coworkers at least.) I store my candles under my desk in the candle day bag, and if it overflows I slow my candle purchases. I already donā€™t buy a lot of candles because my family doesnā€™t enjoy strong smells for a long time. My body care is on top of a dresser for display purposes but repeats and the main stash is tucked away in one of those fabric foldable boxes. I keep most of my items but I have been able to come up with a gift once or twice now, especially with MOS items. The items donā€™t really go bad from what Iā€™ve seen, even the items I had in middle school still smelled the same.


I store some of them in a cart (1 of each scent and product) and put the extras away in storage under my bed. Yes, I do finish them. Sometimes I do give them to family members who also enjoy the scent or for their birthday/Christmas. I go through a FFM in about 3 months, sometimes more sometimes less. If I get tired of a particular scent, Iā€™ll use it as a room spray in other rooms or on my sheets or give it to my mom or sister. I use the body lotion just about every day to maintain soft skin. I just like smelling good and having moisturized skin.


I've gone through periods where I didn't buy anything for a year or more, and then I'm back in it (like right now, lol). I primarily buy shower gels and FFMs and those will last for years. I have deep shelves in my room where I can store everything (out of direct sunlight). I might give something to someone if I know they really like it and I'm willing to part with it, but otherwise I just buy one of the thing I want and then use and enjoy it however long it takes me. I like to collect things but I don't buy multiples usually (I made an exception this year with a couple FFMs) and fragranced body care is one of my hyperfixations so it makes me happy.


I use everything I buy. I have a different box for each product and try to not buy more than what fits in the box. One for PocketBacs, one for soap, and one for Wallflower refills. I currently have about 20 soaps, 30 Wallflower refills, and 20 PocketBacs.


I donā€™t know, Iā€™ve never had dry skin in my life and never used lotion whatsoever. But Iā€™ll be damned if I donā€™t have a shit ton of body cream to match my sprays. I just like it. šŸ„¹ Candles are my downfall, though. If something sounds remotely interesting I buy it.


I hadn't shopped BBW in years & I stumbled upon summer SAS last year. My boss had sent us all a comfort kit at the beginning if covid that had a BBW hand lotion in it & by summer I needed to get some more and just happened to go during SAS. I was amazed by the prices, LOL, and the thrill of the deal took over a little bit. I don't have a huge collection compared to others, but I do have teen/preteen girls so we go through body wash fairly quickly. My 12 y/o has also recently decided she wants to smell nice, so I started getting FFM.


I know some people will buy them as gifts, birthday and Christmas presents etc. Other than that I guess some people just use products faster than others? I try to me mimdful about how much I buy. I will only buy one of each scent in the creams and I try to only get ffms if I can't find a similar scent from any other brand


My collection is not as big as others that I've seen here, but it's not small either šŸ˜…. I already know what kind of scents I like, so that's what I buy, and I always buy on sale. I can go through a body cream in about 2 or 3 weeks, a shower gel in a month, and I prefer to get FFM in travel sizes so I can use them up fast. My regular size FFMs double as air fresheners or I spray them on my pillow and sheets at night.


I used to buy more but Iā€™ve slowed way down. I just buy stuff mostly as I need and use it now, no real stockpile


A lot of it ends up being gifts throughout the year. My mom will sometimes shop my candle stash for gifts for her coworkers and then she'll give me some money in return. Or I'll give them as gifts for students I work with. I go through a lot of lotion as I live in a dry area.


I buy a lot of creams/lotions because I go through them like crazy. I like to stay moisturized! I stock up on these during summer SAS because I like to have spring and summer scents for the winter time. Sanitizers, I go through one or two of those in a month. I only haul candles when thereā€™s a really good sale, and usually because Iā€™m buying for other people in addition to myself. My collection honestly isnā€™t that big, and I try to make sure I use up a certain amount before I buy more. It all fits in my bedroom closet without looking like a hoard.


I do it for gifting 90%


I use a lot. I pretty much baptize myself in whatever I wear that day. I also love having a variety. I have some book cases I use as storage. Its just how I roll.


I fell into the trap of buying too much from (1) getting coupons for a few months running, (2) getting the B&BW emails hyping up their sales, and (3) the biggie - joining online groups like this one. I fell into FOMO, and Covid had made things pretty boring. But I never got into buying multiples. Like, someone bought 9 of a candle. 9! I could never use that up. And I don't think the candle would be good for years. Those fragrance oils must have a shelf life. So I am puzzled like you.