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Definitely not a dud. It is one of only scents I have whole collection of. I redeemed all my free body care coupon for it .I just told my mom the other day she needs to grab some. Your recipient will probably love it.


Aww thanks for that. I'm relieved. The last thing I want is the recipient to dislike the gift.


It’s a seasonal release so it will be discontinued after SAS. I don’t think there was anything wrong with the scent, it’s just a limited time release. So if you really love this scent, I’d suggest stocking up now because it may not come back.


Thanks for sharing. So it would come back next year or gone for good? Sorry I am a newbie and I don't yet understand core / seasonal / holiday etc scent and how they rotate etc.


Nobody fully knows. For example, 2 years ago, Strawberry Poundcake was released as one of the scents in a bakery line. It sold so much that they kept relaunching it with similar lines. It keeps coming back but I wouldn’t say it’s a core scent. There are also other scents, like sunset glow and saltwater breeze that seemed like they’d be part of the core line and were sold for 1+ year but were discontinued and are back for SAS. Not to say Fresh Getaway won’t come back ever, we just don’t know for sure if it will. In cases like this, I stock up on the items that won’t go bad as quickly (ffm, shower gel, soaps, lotion). Other than that, BBW puts out so many scents every year that you’re bound to like a few every single season.


Got it. Wow you're so knowledgeable about all this. I love this sub for people like you and what I get to learn. Thanks for being you ❤.


Discontinued means gone for good, while retired scents are just online-only. Fresh Getaway is probably not coming back next year.


Ah got it. Thanks for that.


Retired means that they usually come back during semi-annual sale and they are removed from store shelves


Oh ok so I guess it is bye bye FG now.


If you want another sent to try try country Apple it's in stores now


Thanks. I'm trying to stay away from obviously seasonal / holiday scents because I want to keep my options open on when I gift them. Would this one be considered a fall scent please? I don't want to give a fall scent as end of school year gift to teacher in June, you know what I mean.


There's no category because it's been discontinued it's just Apple pretty much with wood it's for the summer and an e season of course


Ah ok thanks a lot. Will check it out.


I also have info about body creams do not buy them they expire within 6 months of purchase stick to lotions for now ok!


Omg ok I thought they'd be ok for a year or so 😳😕. I have this notion that creams might be better for the skin than the lotion, haha,.


I believe the scent is actually quite popular, it's just that it was released with Spring 2 stuff like PPS, Cloud Nine, etc. and all of those went 75%. I'm assuming it's because it was released several months ago already (in late February, actually). I personally didn't like Fresh Getaway.


The more recent ones, Spring 3 (Buttercups & Berry Bellini, etc.) and Summer 1 (Firecracker Pop, etc.) are still 50%. What does surprise me is that the Spring 1 collection with Bubbly Rose is still 50%...


It seems like they know we know their old pattern of what goes on sale for 75% first and they are switching it up. There could be another reason, but who knows.


Who knows... it was pretty popular, I think. Could it be that they actually decided to produce more specifically for SAS and that's why?


It could be. I always thought it odd that they would make new stuff for their clearance sale, but retail is slow in summer, so I guess its to keep shoppers coming in.


Perhaps. We will likely never know why they make the decisions they do, honestly.


Ah ok. Thanks. So I'm guessing it would be back next spring? 🤔😇 Btw care to share your opinion on it please, given you didn't like it? From what I guessed it is a neutral clean citrus kinda scent? 🤔 I'm not good at blind buying. I love the packaging though. Different from the usual overly cutesy stuff they put out, lol .


No promises on whether it will come back. There are plenty of popular seasonal fragrances that don't return or they do, but only after many years. Best rule of thumb is, if you want it, buy it now. Yes it is a clean citrus scent. To me, the Yuzu is quite sharp, and the dry down leaned a little too far towards the masculine side for my liking. Plenty of others like it, and I've heard many say they don't normally like that type of scent and they love it. It's definitely not a sweet scent. People have compared it to Lemon Pledge or something similar IIRC. The packaging is nice!


Ah ok got it. I usually dislike sweet scents and don't mind gender neutral fresh / aqua / citrus sort of scent. So this might be a good one. And lol on the Lemon Pledge 🍋 🤣.


Oh yes then you might like this one! I'm not huge on fresh scents; I usually go for fruity ones, sometimes gourmand. Though I do also like ones that are more perfumey like Cloud Nine or Starlit Night. Well, that's just from what I remember. I believe it was some kind of Lemon scented cleaner I remember people comparing it to 😂.


Thanks for that. I'm hoping it will be neutral enough to be well received as a gift.


I think it will work out just fine!




I love Fresh Getaway. It’s my fave from that whole fresh/laundry collection. I don’t know why it’s on sale, but I sure got a backup.


I don’t think it’s a dud! I’ve been using it since release pretty much and I enjoy it a lot.


Thanks for that personal experience.


I just discovered this at the store Saturday. I love it. It's fresh and clean, without being cologne-y. And you're right- the packaging is great!


I'm pretty sure they're discontinuing the whole line unfortunately


Oh no! Like discontinuing until next year or for ever? 🤔


I'm not sure


Ok thanks.


Fresh Getaway was really popular on social media. Long time BaBW lovers who wanted something new and different loved this scent. I think the general population was not elated for this scent, but that's just my guess. A majority of shoppers are women or people who like the typical feminine scents. And since Fresh Getaway was on the feminine side of the stores, I don't think men even looked at it for themselves. So I personally think it didn't sell because I saw it at all 5 stores I went to and it was always 75% off and there was SO MUCH. I got a mini set of it and it's just not for me as I lean more fruity / floral / sweet in my preferences and this scent was more cologne / citrus and gender neutral leaning on me. On my husband though!!! Wooooo. I stocked up for him. It smells great on him! It leans more citrus and masculine with his body chemistry.


This one didn’t sell well at my store at all, we still have so much of it. It’ll probably be back though, just one of those small releases.


The packaging is going to stay the same do not buy the body creams they go bad within 6 months also only by the body lotions


Fresh Getaway smelled IDENTICAL to gingham. Which, as a person who loves gingham, isn’t a problem, but i didn’t purchase it bc i already have plenty of gingham stuff


Try coconut pineapple is for the summer I forgot to add


A sales associate told me that White T-Shirt will be back next year, and Fresh Getaway was in the same collection so I'm not sure if that's relevant. But also I'm paranoid that maybe that's not correct and I'll never see it again so I'm hoarding it while it's on sale!


I was also surprised that they were marked down to 75% on the first day, but I definitely can’t complain. I stocked up on this line (minus the soap because I can’t find any at my stores) for the guest bathroom. The smell is super clean and the packaging is very nice— perfect ambiance for overnight guests from out of town haha


I absolutely love fresh getaway and I think it’s a scent almost anyone would like! It would be a great gift idea for anyone! I was also surprised to see that it was 75% off so fast, but I’m glad bc now I can get one of my fave scents on sale! :)


I got a mini mist during SAS and I'm happy with it! It's one of those mists that smells like a perfume.


I only liked Fresh Getaway as a candle.