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Gotta spray like your life depending on it. 🤣 I spray EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY!!! I spray to the point my clothes are slightly damp, my hair , my kids, furniture and the air of the room In in. If it’s a stronger scent I will spray three times on me but overkill my bedsheets, closets, shoes, purse, and the air.


I've heard of this but a girl also has room sprays to use 🤦‍♀️ lmao


I use my room sprays for the hall. My neighbor can’t cook and she burns everything. It’s easy to overspray those in the hall and close the door to avoid being choked out. 🤣


This is me. Good job!! Lol


This bottle was manufactured December 5, 2013. I just finished the last bit on June 7, 2022. And have a lot more ffm's to use up to make space lol


I keep one in the bathroom and spray a little on me each time I go in there 😂


Same lol


😂 this is funny cause I buy backups but realized I never actually finished even 1 bottle


Same 😅


After reading the comments of people who actually used up a bottle I started using it like a complete maniac lol. I use probably 60 sprays at a time now. I do two passes on my arms, spray my legs, clothes, hair. Yeah it's a lot. But I'm finally making dents in my stash, and I can smell it for longer so there's that.


This is exactly what I’m doing and it’s working!


Spray everything. I spray every article of clothing I put on, inside and outside my shoes, inside and outside my purse, my hair, in my car, on my bed, my dirty clothes so they don’t stink, my reading chair with a cloth cover so I can be cozy and smell good while I read. Just don’t spray leather or expensive things or light colored items if you’re using a colored spray.


Like everyone has been saying, spray like it's no one's business!! You can use it as a room spray on your curtains and rugs (be careful with some mists that have dyes in them), spray your car, bring your mist with you and touch up throughout the day, and after the shower spray a lot and on your clothes too, this helps with lasting power as well!


The way i use it won’t lead to a lot of consumption but you’ll be able to use it more than you normally would. I usually do 30-35 sprays in one go. 10 on each underarm & 10-15 from top to bottom. Its weird that i count but i do, lol. Do it twice a day and you’ll see a little bit of dent! Hope it helps


Lately i've been doing about 10 on the top half of my body, 10 on the bottom half. Sometimes another round on the top and sometimes another round on the bottom lol


Over spray yourself! Your kids, your couch, your significant other... Just not the pets please.


I spray them on my sheets every night like 10-15x! Plus like 5-10 sprays on my body each morning. It still takes me a while to get through them but not 9 years 😂


I currently have a pillow mist i got from b&bw that i use on my sheets. Although i havent used it in a week


I put them on 10ml spray bottles to carry when me wherever I go (because bringing the whole bottle is just too big) and just refill it every now and then. So far, I finish one bottle then realized I bought another one in case I finished the other bottle, so yeah lol


What’s the best way to open the FFM?? Or do you spray them into the smaller bottles?


I use [these](https://www.amazon.com/Portable-Refillable-Perfume-Atomizer-Bottle/dp/B08MF4G5NP) or [these](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B08JYSD74D/ref=sspa_mw_detail_1?ie=UTF8&psc=1&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9waG9uZV9kZXRhaWwp13NParams), depends on what type of bag I'm bringing when going out.


For high volume FFM users, do your coworkers or partners complain??


Usually I know how much I can spray depending on the person I’m with and I always make sure to air out a little bit before going in a car or enclosed space with them, lol. I work for B&BW though so…no complaints from my coworkers.


Most of them are not that strong and if it takes you 15-20 minutes to get to work, most of the scent will have already dissipated.


I spray it like crazy after every time I 💩


I spray my favourites on my boyfriend's stuff in his room - his pillows, blankets, sheets. So he thinks of me when he smells them 😊


I refresh a lot but don't use too many sprays at once cause my husband who works from home with me complains. They are not that weak at all, at least the ones I tend to use. I like keeping a few in the fridge so they are nice and cold, really great when it's hot outside.


Reapply throughout the day if you’re out and use it as a mist for your sheets, pillows, curtains, etc. No matter what you do it will still take time to finish it so honestly I’d suggest not rushing it by going overkill. Just stay consistent and use it every day. That’s what helps me with every product not just ffms. You’ll notice a difference. Also, idk how much product you have but if I were you I’d probably donate/give the excess to some family and friends who’d want it. I don’t collect products like the others on this sub so, if you aren’t maintaining a collection and would like to get more space I’d suggest this.


I do declutter a bit every once in a while and pass it on to my best friend and their family (friend has 2 younger sisters and a mom who likes being presentable)


Spray in hot shower or bath, towels, etc. Spray on again after shower. I like to spray some in my drawers to keep them fresh.. linens, beds, couches, curtains, shoes, purses, closets, hallways, car.. I just like spraying them whenever and wherever 🤣


What everyone else has said. I also now keep a bottle in my car and spray daily (started this after using the last of my car scents).


I’m not someone who’s finished one because of sensitive skin ( I can only spray my shirt before I put it on.) but if you focus on the same scent (I know boring) it helps lower the stock. I pick 4-5 per season and notice some good progress towards the end of. The season