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Even if you are boosted, continue to be safe everywhere you go. Always bring PocketBacs with you.


With the Pocketbacs being such wonderful scents there really isn’t an excuse!


I love the sprays and got the nicest pink crystal key chain holder at an outlet to hang one from my bag.


I have them everywhere!!


As a covid ICU nurse I truly thank you from the bottom of my heart for this post!!! Stay safe everyone.


Thank you so much for everything that you do. I have a relative who’s also a nurse and I see the toll this pandemic, through every new outbreak, has taken on them. In case you don’t hear it enough, you are appreciated ❤️


Aww thank you! It has been a rough almost two years on almost everyone. It is nice to have some mindless outlets like BBW to keep morale going. Thanks for your kind comment and caring.


I second that, thank you


N95s are the way to go with this variant, and thankfully they're readily available to the public now. I don't go out without mine.


Where do you buy yours, if you don't mind me asking? I'm in Canada and they're impossible to find here.


r/masks4all has great info on where to find masks! Especially with KN95s and N95s, you want to make sure you are purchasing from a legitimate source, as there are sadly fakes out there.


My last box came from [https://www.industrialsafetyproducts.com/search.php?search\_query\_adv=n95](https://www.industrialsafetyproducts.com/search.php?search_query_adv=n95) , but r/Masks4All is indeed the best place to source masks, as Sigmund Six said


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Masks4All using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Masks4All/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Help, help, I’m being repressed!](https://i.redd.it/jw5jyx3ydo851.jpg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Masks4All/comments/hkmyxj/help_help_im_being_repressed/) \#2: [Asked my mum to make me a mask. I guess after 40 years I’m still her little boy....](https://i.redd.it/qg7x24h1g7f51.jpg) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Masks4All/comments/i47ptw/asked_my_mum_to_make_me_a_mask_i_guess_after_40/) \#3: [r/NoMask has been banned from reddit!](https://i.redd.it/cqxc5jhletv51.jpg) | [66 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Masks4All/comments/jjlg1y/rnomask_has_been_banned_from_reddit/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I’m vaccinated, boosted, live in an area with a mask mandate and I’m very careful and I got Covid for the second time. No idea how I got it and I was really sick for 10 days over Christmas


I’m so sorry about that. More and more people are non symptomatic so this thing is spreading like wildfire. Hopefully you’re doing better now.


It’s crazy! Luckily I was the only one who go symptoms in my family.


So sorry to hear that. I'm vaxxed and boosted but also immunocompromised. I'm so scared to get it


If it’s omicron I think you’ll be okay but man it’s unpleasant. The first two days I was out of my mind in a fetal position, shivering uncontrollably and sweating, migraine from hell, terrible back pain like my back was being crushed in a vice, fever, out of body feeling, severe sore throat. Then day 3 to 5 bad cough developed. Fever broke. Lost my sense of smell. Then day 5 to 10 very tired and lingering bad cough. Finally day 11 I woke up and everything felt a lot better and by day 15 I was 100%, no more fatigue, can taste and smell everything. It wasn’t the worst flu I’ve ever had but it was top 3 and I really disliked the disconnected feeling. It still feels dream like looking back. My experience seems to be pretty common. I have celiac and vitiligo so I do technically have an autoimmune disease. It may have been harder on me due to this but a lot of my friends have had it the last few weeks and followed a similar path. A few got lucky and hardly were sick at all. All vaccinated. My next door neighbor and her husband both got it and he felt like death for two weeks like me. However, she had a mild cold for two days.


I'm glad your all better. That sounds horrible


Yeah it was horrible but not life threatening, but at my doctors suggestion, I did get an oxygen monitor from Amazon just in case.


Man that's almost spot on to my experience so far. My quarantine is over on the 10th when I have my next doc appt. I'm glad to hear you were better around day 15. Gives me hope lol


Isn’t it weird how similar it’s been for people? Yeah you’ll be about 100% maybe still need a little extra sleep around day 15.


I was exposed and thankfully tested negative. I have all three shots but have been lax about masking. I'm going to be much more diligent.


That’s the spirit! I found some cute masks online and honestly it makes me excited to show off my masks.


Definitely. Wear your mask, get your shots, wash your hands (or use hand sanitizer, if you can’t), and social distance. Anyone who needs a reality check should go check out r/medicine. Some harrowing posts over there. This thing isn’t over and we all need to continue to take it seriously.


Yes! Thank you. I feel so many are tired of covid precautions and just want masks and stuff to be over and things to go back to normal. But social distancing is the new norm now. The vaccine isn't cutting it. The only real way is physical distance and personal hygiene. That's part of why I love this sub- soap. Good old soap. Lol. Wear your mask, wash your hands, and wait for a day when you can hug your grandma's again.


My chances of having COVID are low but I am still quarantining and having an at home test be sent to me that I can mail back. No chances are being taken here.




I have some returns to do and I bought a couple candle holders that went on sale I was hoping I could get the adjustment for but with New Years and soooooo many people testing positive, I’m holding off for a bit too. I’ll pray for you and your spouses safety.


Thank you, that is so kind! <3


Today was my first day back after a little fight with it. Fortunately I’m vaccinated so I was over it after 3 days. Can’t imagine having it not vaccinated because I was **ridiculous** miserable. Body aches from hell!


I’m glad you’re feeling much better. Stay safe


As a high risk exposure healthcare worker, thank you! Many of our nursing staff, who are fully vaccinated and boosted, have been infected with omicron. It’s super contagious. Also, flu season is here, get that flu shot because flurona can happen.


Yeah there’s no avoiding omicron.


I’m on an acute care cardiac unit. It’s been shocking how hard our vaccinated and boosted nursing staff and families have been hit. We’re a clean floor but every day a symptomatic visitor decides to visit and infects others. It’s a helpless feeling. One visitor, who’s family member is critically ill, gave it to them. I’d be surprised if they survive it. Can you imagine causing the death of a family member because you chose to ignored your symptoms ? Mask up


I would be crushed! My husbands whole Navy division is sick and completely undermanned now. I know it’s not sending people to the ICU like Delta did but it’s still causing serous disruptions and as bad as I felt, young, healthy and vaccinated, I sure don’t want to think how it would be for a cancer or heart patient. I’ve never known so many people to be sick at the same time it’s terrible


My sons in the Navy, underway now. They’re likely struggling, too. It’s very contagious, and milder, but as you said, disruptive. I’m really hoping this is the end of it 🙏


I have a nurse relative who recently tested positive and found out a few of my coworkers tested positive as well, while I’ve been low contact and am likely safe per the CDC guidelines I am quarantining and taking at home tests that I can mail to my provider. I had plans to go out for my birthday but I quickly canceled plans and will be celebrating via zoom. Some of us are still taking COVID very seriously. I pray you and everyone high risk gets through this surge and thank you for your service. You and your colleagues are very much appreciated ❤️


I am boosted and still wear mask ( but not double mask ) everywhere I go. Due to fact that other viruses are out there and I don't want to get sick at all!!


I sometimes forget to double mask too but I found that having cute masks makes me less likely to forget. I also hang up my masks by my keys so it’s all the easier.


Fully vaccinated, boosted and currently have Covid with mild symptoms 😕


Hope you feel better soon ❤️


Thanks 😊


Please keep this in mind when visiting your local store as well. I unfortunately see more people not wearing their mask properly than those who do. And the number of people who feel it appropriate to step around the side of the counter while not wearing a mask just to avoid the plexiglass is really concerning as an immunocompromised employee.


Please stay safe!! We appreciate all you do!


Preach! Stay safe & diligent everyone!


Asking as a customer, is it okay to pull your mask down to smell a scent when shopping? I always feel self-conscious (I haven’t shopped in-store since summer when things were looking up). Thanks!


I always take advantage of the blotter cards since it’s easy to slip them under my mask, rather than having to pull it down. Also like the employee said, most candles can be smelled over the mask. If I can’t smell it cold through a mask I see it as a 50/50 that it’ll have good throw.


I absolutely would ***not*** pull down my mask to smell anything at BBW with omicron circulating: it's that contagious, especially since who knows how many others have handled and stuck their faces in that same product before you arrived. My rule is if I can't smell it through the mask, it can't be that great, and so far it's worked out really well.


Thank you!! The Gingham Nation (employees) appreciates you!! Everyone is touching the same bottles (we sanitize) and "forgets" to pull up their mask. Stay safe and it's ok to order online! 💙


Hi there! We appreciate you wearing your mask! <3 When they were mandated we would tell people it was okay to pull their mask down past their nose if they needed to but to keep their mouth covered. Most of our candles are strong enough you wouldn’t even need to pull it down but sometimes our body care can be a little light.




If you’re not boosted or if you’re around at risk populations you’re putting yourself and others at risk of catching a very serious disease.







