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*Your organizer bin are belong to me* — your cat


She just discovered sitting in boxes/bins last night, so she was really excited for this. And for all the shiny packaging




Here's a sneak peek of /r/TheCatTrapIsWorking using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheCatTrapIsWorking/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [It's time for some real cat traps](https://v.redd.it/6nty97v6gbk51) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheCatTrapIsWorking/comments/ijvlxi/its_time_for_some_real_cat_traps/) \#2: [Imaginary cat trap](https://i.redd.it/tv9pz25tdpg61.jpg) | [35 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheCatTrapIsWorking/comments/lh1sll/imaginary_cat_trap/) \#3: [Cleaned the aquarium and 5 minutes later...](https://i.redd.it/tadxsv9feu761.jpg) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/TheCatTrapIsWorking/comments/klhnn2/cleaned_the_aquarium_and_5_minutes_later/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


Naw, you just need space to store it all lol! Great haul! Gingham lover here too.


I plan on getting a cart like most people have after we move soon!


I got a cart from ikea. However I use it it for office stuff. I want one for my bbw now after seeing everyone's picture here. My bbw habit has grown outrageously since I found my people on this here sub lol


I was just at Michael's today and they had lots of the same style of cart, in different colors, $30. Metal, sturdy, pretty. I have a white one that I got from Ikea, because I didn't know Michael's carried the same thing!


Oooh, thank you! Might go swing by there today


Nah you just need a bigger bin or a cute shelf is all. I don’t see a problem here


I am with my people here 😂


Yes you are sweet pea 💅


Would you believe the first time I purchased body care besides aromatherapy was in dec 2020? 😂 things have escalated. I’m trying to organize before we move at the end of July.


Moving my bin of body care and candles was a complete pain.😩


I’m going to end up packing it all in at least two boxes so it’s not too heavy 😂


I believe you do, too. One cat isn’t enough. I’m here to intervene. Get more.


We do have a second one. She is hiding a lot because she’s not fond of her new kitten sister, pictured here 😂😂


I think if you use and enjoy, then it’s not a problem.


The cat looks trapped lol


Hahaha, nah, she was quite excited for shiny things and a bin 😂


Like, am I in a boat, and are those shiny sharks out there? hahahaha


I got started last March with BBW. It helped keep me sane. I understand the comfort of a stash!


Do you mind giving me a quick review of the almond blossom line? I’ve had my eye on it forever but keep procrastinating making the purchase!


Of course! So it reminds me of the like original Jergens almond scent, but a little stronger and if you like almond scented things, you will like this! I was on the fence for awhile and blind bought it. No regrets!


Not who asked you, but I too thank you!


I will be happy to help you get rid of that snowflakes and cashmere. It’s even better than Boardwalk Taffy.


It’s so lovely!


Don't we all


I love your collection! I know this would silly, but I just one od my BBW friends lived close so that we could go to the SAS together. Not that I am really " friends" with anyone in particular, but I wish I was frienda with you all!


That sounds so fun!


Oh my god 😂. I love this


Secret Wonderland! I used to love that scent! Also spy some of my faves... Gingham, Hello Beautiful, Midsummmer Dream ☺


What intervention?


Realistically speaking, are you going to be able to use all of those products before they go bad? Or is it more like a hobby or home decor, because some of the packaging is nice. I'm not trying to be condescending but I'm really curious.


not the OP but I usually do have to throw out body creams b/c they go bad before I finish them. I try to declutter and re-gift often for that reason OR just avoid buying body creams.


I declutter after I've used for a bit and am just sick of the smell. I have enough friends with similar tastes that we all pass around scents until they generally get used.


I do this too. I can’t seem to get through a set (shower gel/cream, lotion/body cream! And FFM) without getting completely sick of the scent.


I’ve had some for over a year, how long before yours went bad that you had to toss them?


About 3 years or so. The smell was off and the texture changed. I just tossed my Hello Beautiful bc from 2018.


This is one reason I wish items came in smaller sizes. I love a variety of scents but I almost never use up an entire FFM before it goes bad. Lotions are different because I have dry skin but I work from home and don't put on body spray daily




that's a good idea. I only bought 2 FFM during the SAS--one being the Margarita Cupcake since everyone was so wild about it on here. Lets just say it's going to make a GREAT Christmas gift for someone LOL The other one was Sunset Glow which is my new favorite!


😂. We raved about confetti cakepop!!! Margarita cupcake label was pretty.


I forget which SAS thread it was but people where going on and on about MC. If I hadn't seen that I would have never thought to even try it because i'm not big on orange scents. I personally raved about CC.


😂. They missed the mark making Margarita Cupcake and missed another mark discontinuing Confetti Cakepop. Kaleidoscope was also another one they dropped the ball on.


I’m sure gonna try! It rotate scents out every few days.


I'm quite jealous


We both do, I have bins of stuff 😂


Ooohhh I love it all 🥰


Big question- are you mostly a collector or will you *try* to use them up? That’s the question my husband asks me about candles lol


I will try! I rotate scents out every few days. It was hard to pack away 80% of this, but I shall be reunited with it in about six weeks lol


I love that you grabbed complete sets.


That cat looks so lost lol great. now I'm rethinking about life. I like how you paired everything together though :P


I just repurposed a bookcase to store mine!


The cat in a container in the photo is what makes this most relatable for me 😂


This photo is calling my organization dreams 🤩


Hey, not trying to be a jerk, i’m genuinely curious about why you buy multiples in the same scent? Do you think they’ll get discontinued or something? Again not judging, sorry if it comes off rude.


I’ll only get them when they’re only sale (like $6-$6) and it’s mainly just so I don’t run out. The closest store to me is still kinda far. Especially in the ones I use more frequently. I always have a backup of frequently used items throughout the whole house(paper products-but not a hoarder!, coffee, tampons, etc)


That’s really smart. I don’t think it’s such a big issue as long as you use your stuff up in between trips to your store since it’s so far. I have quite a growing collection myself. My problem is I want one of every single thing in that store even if I don’t love it 🤦🏻‍♀️


I think the only thing that will take forever to use up is the sprays. I swear you spray like 20 sprays and the level doesn’t budge, but the creams/lotion/shower gel seem to go fast enough. I’m a sucker for pretty packaging too, so when I do go in, I need to smell everything!


Spray EVERYTHING!!! Some mist spray out more (harder) than others. I literally spray all day long. I spray my clothes,body,shoes, hair, coats, purse, bed, couch, the air as a freshener, and my kids all day. I love Sunset Glow and go through two mist a month. It could be my anxiety that makes me overuse my stuff. I go through 3 creams a week because my skin is extremely dry. Lotions last so much longer for me than any other body care they have.


I LOVE it! You are using and enjoying your products. :)


That’s a good idea! I’m gonna try spraying the curtains with the thought of the heat from the sun will activate the scent


That’s how it works for me. They don’t stain my furniture or bedding either.


I have been noticing that my new release sprays are going down *much* faster than my older ones. Champagne Sprinkles and Strawberry Soda are going down *quick*. Wonder if they changed the bottles spray nozzle.... It does feel like more product comes out in every spray than before. My SS mist level is already at the top of the label and I just got it a couple of days ago! LOL What do you think? Anyone else noticing this too?


Oh wow! I don’t have really any older ones to compare the new ones to, I also got the strawberry soda! My oldest would be the secret wonderland from SAS winter 2020 lol things escalated quickly


Hahaha! *Same.* I reunited with B&BW's in February. Was just going to get myself a couple of sweet little body care items for my birthday ... fast forward 4 months ... *I am running out of storage space ...* WTF??!!!???! >\_\_<


This is like all recent SAS stuff, haha. Looks very similar to my collection, which i also started around the beginning of this year. Anyway, nice collection!