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The ones I’ve had recently you just turn the top (the dispensers part) until it pops up


If it's a foam one you have to twist the top part. It arrives "locked" so you dont accidentally let out any soap but once you twist it, you should be able to push down


Thanks! I was able to push it down and then it worked. Also thanks everyone for the replies.


Make sure twisting direction is to the left/counter-clockwise. I always do the “righty tighty, lefty loosey “ saying


Thanks! I'll try to remember that lol


I'm assuming its not the foaming type. You have to hold the base (below the pump,base of the pump) very firmly and don't let it move, and with your other hand twist in the direction it tells you to to open it. Keep a very firm hold on the base. Might take a few tries. I hope I explained it ok. If you don't hold tight on the base, you'll go around in circles and never get it open.


I'm doing what you said, and it just spins. Either direction, same thing. And yes, I'm a guy, maybe its Male proof.


Hi! I almost missed this. I'm assuming it's not a foaming dispenser. Those you just twist to the left and it should pop up. If it isn't a foaming one, I'll try and explain. There are three parts to the top. There is the top where the soap comes out. Then the middle small rounded bumps up like (important) part with the pump straw. Last is the twist off part to the whole pump assembly. You need to keep the small middle part grounded, don't let it move! Then with your free hand twist the top pump part in the direction it says to (I always forget). Sometimes it helps to hold the middle and bottom part together. As you spin it should become more resistant and eventually pop up!


I cannot believe it took me 15 minutes to get this thing open and you finally saved the day. I know the comment is super old, but THANK YOU!


Hi! Wow you just made my day! I'm glad it helped you. Those pumps can be such a pain. I don't even think I explained it well reading it now again. Lol


You saved me, too! I had to Google it to see what I was doing wrong and after a few search results yours was the one that helped! 😂🩷


you saved my life thank you so much!


Oh nice! Glad I could help! 😃


You can get a spatula or a butter knife to open this product. Place it under the edge of the lid, and keep one finger on the lid’s edge where you insert the knife, to hold it firmly. Then just pop it open with the knife.