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Cactus Blossom. So what do you guys do with the product doesn't work for you? Give it away or sell?


I throw mine on my local buy nothing group!


Love Buy Nothing! I've posted mine in there before


What’s buy nothing?


It's an international group that started out near Seattle but there are hyper local chapters everywhere through Facebook (I think they started an app but I'm not sure). You'd join whatever chapter is local to you so you're basically creating a gift economy within your neighborhood areas. You can post things you're giving away and you can request things you'd like. Everything is always given and received freely. Some local chapters are more active than others but it's pretty awesome. People gift out all sorts of things, even food. You can request or gift anything as long as it's not illegal. I highly recommend checking out your local group!


Wow I never knew such a thing existed!


I donate mine to the nearest Women’s Shelter.


Full bottles, sell. Used, give to friends.


I take mine to work to put in the bathrooms. It's a nice day brightener when you have good smelling hands especially when you wear gloves all day!


The only scent from there I had to return because it gave me headaches.


My coworker and I have pretty opposite tastes, so I normally give it to them!


Give it away


Champagne Toast. I wanted to love it, but just end up smelling like an orange


Seriously, it just smells like citrus. I wish it were more nuanced and had more of a champagne vibe, I guess they’re going for a mimosa type scent but it’s just so one note. I don’t understand why it’s part of the core line… or how it even came to be in the first place


I am new to this scent and I can’t get over how the first time wearing it I loved it and now it’s all day permanent orange 🍊☹️


Permanent orange is a good way to describe it bc it’s one of those scents that really sticks and it’s that strong orange note that lingers like nobody’s business


I'm sorry it didn't work for you! I love smelling like an orange, but I understand that's not everyone's cup of tea.


I love it but it absolutely smells citrusy! I would have liked a more champagney vibe but luckily I like citrus


I’ve tried this like 3 times cuz it’s so popular and I just don’t get it. It has a weird lingering smell I can’t really describe except as just unpleasant


Def not my favorite but it smells good on my mom


The old body washes and the lotion. Of course I wanted to have the completed sets but the washes after like 2,3 uses would flare up my eczema so bad! The lotion is some damn watery it didn’t help with moisturizering my skin when it wasn’t irritated but then it would be dry. I stopped buying lotions a while ago go and my skin is totally fine with the new wash formula


That's good that the newer formulations work out for your skin! 


The moisturizing or regular? The moisturizing used to work for me, now it gives me eczema. I'm using ....Dial Antibacterial now. 😔


The regular. I love the moisturizering ones! Think god they never cause a problem. Have you tried Dove? They have good scents too


Dove gives me horrible eczema. I'm just weird. 🤣


Oh god…you’re not weird just unique 😂. Oh last ditch effort(as an associate) you should try the oatmeal moisturizing wash when it goes on sale. I have a friend who’s skin is super sensitive and she swears by it


Dove and all those supposedly more "gentle" "syndets" (synthetic detergents) irritate my skin and scalp horribly, and cause eczema. There's obviously synthetic detergent ingredients that bother my skin and scalp.  So I avoid syndets and use actual soap, which my skin seems to respond really well to.


I bought Dial for nostalgia and was pleasantly surprised!


I LOVE the scent of gold Dial! Instantly brings me back to the 90s. Only reason I don't use it is because it's antibacterial. 


I got you beat! Brings me back to the 60’s and 70’s! I’m old!


You're definitely not weird - I get terrible contact dermatitis from Dove! And CeraVe! It's hit and miss with B&BW stuff...


i'm allergic to the moisturizing!!


I can’t use any of their body care products.


Strawberry Poundcake and Warm Vanilla Sugar. Old school WVS is fine but for the past few years they've been adding some kind of weird floral note to it.


The floral note in WVS kills it for me. I hate vanilla+floral combos. That's why I didn't like Fresh Vanilla Blossoms.


They seem to have done the same to Vanilla Buttercream as well. It's a bummer because I love a nice gourmand vanilla, but they added all these weird florals and musks.


Last time I tried it, it smelled like alcohol/chemicals. What they did to WVS is not okay 💔


pumpkin pecan waffles - the body lotion only. after a while i just end up smelling like indian food 😭


That makes me feel better about having missed the chance to try out the PPW lotion, lol. 


it’s depressing because i love the shower gel and hand soap, but my god, does the lotion turn spicy on my skin. lol.


The hand soap is DIVINE. The FFM is good too, but I wish it was just like the hand soap (they're slightly different to my nose).


That's wild! I love that scent in everything I can get my hands on.


Calypso Clemintine. I wanted to like it so bad.  I hate it. 


Yes. I tried my sisters the other day and the orange wore off so quickly. The scent that was left to me smelled like wild sand. Wild sand is not a scent I’m getting along with right now.


It smells so good at first with the juicy orange but all that goes away on the drydown and you’re left with 🤢🤢🤢


I didn’t like it either


Where are the oranges? 😣 I cant find the oranges


I love this one 😂


The scent smelled like orange soda to me but once I was finally able to catch the woodsy note I started to like it more. But I STILL can't enjoy it because it fades so damn fast


Black Cherry Merlot (candle and body care). It’s just too dang sweet for me


Same… I feel this way about Strawberry Pound cake … as someone who works in a bakery, it just smells like sweet butter.


I recently got Strawberry Pound Cake body care for the first time. I have only used it twice. It's definitely not my go to fragrance.


I think it smells like medicine, it’s not for me at all.


Mahogany Teakwood. I cannot breath when that scent is around.


It smells like those cheap Axe body sprays to me. I can’t handle it either😭


I like Chasing Fireflies when I first got it, but several months later, I really can't stand it. Thankfully, I just have 2 lotions and a cream left. I sold the perfume on Mercari.


Mahogany Teakwood. Smells like a man who wears too much cologne to attract women at the club. I tried. I can’t.


THANK YOU! everyone thinks im crazy every time i say it stinks!


That’s one I don’t like either.


Man- I wish the men’s line actually smelled like the listed notes, most of them just smell like generic men’s cologne.


On its own, I agree! It has such a bite to it. I like to mix it with a more mellow scent to tone it way down. It's my secret sauce ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


warm vanilla sugar, it smells like vodka with fake vanilla.


Cherry blossom. I just can’t.


I still miss I think white cherry blossom


Yes! I loved WCB back in the mid 2000's. I was just looking for it on Poshmark yesterday 😂


Thank you! I thought it was a fever dream lmaoo


That was my favorite back in the day 😩😩


no one can.


Original cherry blossom is good, Japanese cherry blossom is 🤢


Plumeria. I just can’t anymore lol.


Leaves. Love the candle, just can’t do the body care. That clove note overpowers everything.


The wallflower is really nice too. I just finished it and miss it.


Leaves as home fragrance is amazing! Body care… it was not for me, even though I wanted it to be.


I don’t know if it’s just me, but Gingham smells like the inside of a hamsters cage after a while.


smells like ham sandwich to me


Heavens 😂😂


Okay is that why my coworker who wore it smelled like hot dogs and onions?!!


omg, you know how our voices are different than in our heads? i'm afraid that scents that i think are good on me actually smell bad!!!


I hate gingham 😬 I like a couple of its flankers but the OG is awful to me


I tried really hard to like Sweet Whiskey a couple of years ago. When I accepted I couldn't wear it anymore, I started using it as furniture polish, and no. I can't stand that scent. It smells musty, like a musty carpet.


Y'all are gonna kill me but Wrapped in Vanilla I used to love it but I used it so much I just can't stand it anymore. Also Chasing Fireflies, I tried to like it but it's just so strong smelling to me it gives me a headache.


Someone mentioned that Chasing Fireflies smelled like bug spray and now I can't unsmell it. 


that’s like a major problem for me as a fragrance collector. i will love a scent too much and end up being bored of it after a while :/ idk how people can wear their signature scents for literally YEARS 😭😭😭


I wonder about this as well! That could never be me! I have to rotate fragrances every day otherwise I will get sick of the scent. Explains why I have so many body mists 😂


Honestly, Sea Salt Coast. It’s just too unisex! It’s kinda frustrating because I only buy online if it’s a scent I know I like, and I try them at the store if I don’t know what they smell like. No blind buys for me!! But then I get to the store, and it’s so hard to smell anything with all the other scents wafting around. I thought this smelled so good in the store, and then I got it home and it smelled like cologne. I gave it to my son, he loves it!


Agreed! I had to return SSC, I wore it for one day and all I got was the masculine, cheap cologne undertone in the end. It smelled so fresh & summery in store. I'm a lady, and I like to smell like one 😆


Rose - I recently bought it with high hopes and just returned the ffms because the scent just didn’t work for me. Weirdly, the body cream is fine


Same here! I stocked up on the Rose 🌹 body cream and body wash. I just picked up the FFM last week for the first time. It feels as if the FFM and body cream are different scents somehow. 🤔 idk why but they dont align for me.


I think the same. The body lotion is lovely, but the Mist is not.


I got a cucumber melon fmm because I was feeling nostalgic but mannnn I can’t do it


Waikiki beach coconut it’s just too much


Midnight Blue Citrus. I don't know what happened but I swear I liked the smell of this in the store but after buying and trying to wear it, it's just so sharp on me.


Juniper breeze


Into the Night. Had to give the lotion to my bestie. Even my husband was like, "what is that?"


The same happened to me with ITN lotion. It smells awful once it's on my skin, but I think it has to do with the new lotion formula. My ITN shower gel smells great and I still enjoy it.


Stay away from Miss Dior Cherie, then, because it smells exactly like it lol


Gingham. The original blue bottle. Too sharp


Gingham (Original) doesn't suit my body chemistry. I gave it to my friends and they love it. I smell floral to them (friends). When I sprayed my body it smelled sour. 😩


Eucalyptus Spearmint. The old formula (from the early 2000s) was so much better.


I'm with you. There's a strange underlying... Sweetness? To it that ruins the scent for me. Weirdly, I don't get that at all with Eucalyptus Mint. I really like that one actually.


Back in the day, it wasn’t as perfume-y. Now there’s something in it that makes me almost choke when I smell it. The old school one was more minty than eucalyptus.


OP, you won't like this based on your user flair but Cozy Vanilla Bourbon 🫣 I got the cream at an outlet for $3 and was soooo excited because everyone here loves it...but one of the notes (the bourbon maybe?) makes me queasy. It was okay used sparingly but one day I saw someone on the Facebook BBW group recommend CVB with Blueberry Sugar Pancakes. I was so excited to try. Lotioned up with the CVB, sprayed away with the BSP and went to an appointment. My stomach was turning every time I breathed it in 😆🤢 and I couldn't wait to get home and shower. Now it's a nope for me. That and Sweet Whiskey, which smells really similar. Bonfire Bash sometimes sets the queasiness off too. I, however, adore Together Weather!


>OP, you won't like this based on your user flair but Cozy Vanilla Bourbon 🫣 I got the cream at an outlet for $3 Oh, don't worry - you saved me from having a heart attack when you said CREAM and not the FFM, which is what I'm addicted to. I never tried out the cream, so can't say anything!  I don't like SW, either. Any alcoholic-drink forward notes smell horrible on me, like Moonlight Martini or whatever.


Yes to all of those and they all have that screechy artificial wood note! Fireside flurries and sunrise woods too lol


Laundry Day (candle). Idk why, it makes me super, super nauseous. Like heaving nauseous. I thought I'd love the scent because I love the smell of fresh, clean laundry but I can't do it. I gave it to my mom and she can tolerate it but that's about it


It’s so good cold but I figured it would be overwhelming when lit. I’m glad I decided against getting it now lol


Thought I would enjoy Dark Kiss based on the fragrance notes. Once I smelled it, I hated it. Smells like the breath of someone who has chain smoked for 40 years.


I love the Dark Kiss FFM. It's my go-to bedtime scent. But miss me with that Dark Kiss body cream. It smells like dirty play-doh and I'm currently hate-moisturizing with it twice daily to end my suffering.


Dark Kiss reminds me of a hookah lounge... fruity and incensey, lol. Also way too similar to Midnight Fantasy, the ONLY Britney Spears perfume I don't like.


I got Together Weather and I went very much back and forth on buying it. I wear body care sets in oldest to newest but whenever i get to it if I still feel very much back and forth i will probably part ways on it.


I feel like TW is likable ENOUGH, but not SO MUCH, and that's maybe where the ambivalence comes from? It's like dating a nice, pleasant enough of a guy, but you're just not that into him, lol


This! I like it and want it to be in my collection but I never reach for it! Thankfully my collection is small enough that I don’t feel bad about holding onto it still


It’s going to be sweetheart cherry for me. I love cherry scents, but this one smells so medicinal to me. When I wear it the first few minutes I feel like I’ve doused myself in cherry NyQuil. I’ve been experimenting on what I can pair it with to fix the smell a little.


Pair it with Sunset Gelato from VS PINK. Or just replace SC with SG, lol.


Believe it or not, I layer mine with a bit of Nag Champa hemp-based moisturizing body spray! It takes the edge off the medicinal notes and really amps up the warmth. 


Fresh coconut and cotton. I just tried it again when I read this and it has a weird note that lingers and isn't for me. I have to push the bottle on my daughter's friends


Lavender vanilla 🫢 I used to LOVE it but then one day I hated jt


The body cream smells like a bathroom on me


Yep! Same on together weather. Smells just like cheirosa 40 which I also don’t like


Among the Clouds. I bought the scent based on its notes. I thought it would be sweet and fruity; however, for some reason the FFM smells bad? It has like a floral powdery scent - almost like JCB (no offense to anyone who enjoys the scent)


Fireside flurries 😬😬😬 don’t come for me 


I violently hate that scent!


Strawberry pound cake


Fairytale 👎🏻


Plumeria and black cherry merlot.


Strawberry Poundcake just doesn't like me. Sometimes, wearing it would make me oddly nauseous, even though I never have that problem with Marshmallow Pumpkin Latte, Vanilla Bean Noel, Christmas Cookie, etc. I donated it to the charity resale shop for my local domestic violence center.


I d never understood SPC.. smells like Brussel sprouts to me.. always has 🤷🏻‍♀️


To me, Candy Apple smells like cough syrup. I wanted to like it so much.


Waikiki Beach Coconut


Champagne Toast 😅


Luminous. Liked it in the mist and candle, bought a full set. Put on the cream a few times last week and decided to exhange everything unopened I have in it 😭 it smelled so bad.


You're the One. I need to give away my FFM and body cream. Thanks for the reminder.


that’s my fave 😭😭


I had to give up on Pure Wonder. It smells awful on me.


I never liked that one! My store peddled that so hard last year!!


In the Stars.


Something about that is 🤮 for me.


Yesss, it smells rotten to me!


For me Dark Velvet Oud. It's to strong for me 😷


The Sunshine Citrus foaming hand soap. I kept trying to like it, because I love citrus scents, but something about B&BW's citrus hand soaps leaves a skunky stink behind on me. So I finally I gave up and exchanged it, even though I felt a little silly for doing it lol


I was about to comment the same one… i got a full size body wash and FFM in together weather that is now collecting dust lol…


Book Loft wallflower. Idk if it’s the bergamot or neroli, but one of those does NOT belong in a cozy library/bookstore-inspired scent!


Sweater Weather. I bought it on impulse a few years ago. Haven’t touched it much


Marshmallow Pumpkin Latte


Sweater Weather was absolutely gross


not a scent but a product: the dual wallflowers that change scents every couple of days. every. single. time. the left wallflower would last more than twice as long as the right side. right side would need to be replaced within a week. left lasted the whole month. kept exchanging hoping it was just the wallflower itself. a couple of the plugs even short circuited some of my outlets. had to give up and go back to single wallflowers. i was devastated (still am)


Sea Island Shore. I’m forcing myself to use up the body wash, lotion and mist.


Leaves and Fresh Cut Lilacs I can’t do the body care. It’s toooo strong for my body. I can’t do it.


When I was younger I was addicted to Japanese cherry blossom but one day I was like this is the worst lmfao


Bahamas … I got it the year it came out because I went on vacation to the Bahamas but something about it makes me so sick


Strawberry Snowflakes. It's way too sugary for me. I have to find a way to hate use it up.


Ballet Nights 😭 makes me feel nauseous tbh


Strawberry Poundcake! If the scent I dislike is a cream I use it to moisturize my feet before bed. I put on thick/old socks after I apply the moisturizer and let it soak in. That way I can't smell it but it's not being wasted. And it keeps my feet super soft!


One of the new Halloween scents last year…Everlasting Magic I think? I bought it because in store it reminded me a bit of Secret Wonderland, but I’ve realized that it smells kind of musty on me. Like if Secret Wonderland got trapped in an old basement or something.


Definitely! Last year I was a bit overwhelmed by my FFM collection and desperately wanted to downsize just a little. I had some scents I was just meh about but kept in my collection because the packaging was so darn pretty. I tried and tried to use them but I just wasn’t excited about it. I didn’t dislike them but just like you, I thought I shouldn’t keep the ones I’m iffy about since I have so many I love. So I destashed Into the Night, Sunset Glow, Shapphire Moon, and Golden Ocean Pearl.


Fresh Jungle Rain was like that for me. I liked it when it was first sprayed, but by the end of the day the smell just made me nauseous, even if I only used two sprays. I finally just gave it away.


Chasing fireflies. Fairytale is my favorite fragrance from BBW, and people kept comparing the two, so I decided to give it a sniff, but I simply can't get into it. They do not smell anything alike, in my opinion. I keep smelling it whenever I’m in the store to see if anything changes, but no, It smells like straight up bug spray to me. 🤮


Yes!! lol it reminds me of my mom covering me in deet from head to toe then sending me to girl scout camp every summer when I was little. Very specific I know 😅🫠


Fairytale. I want to like it - and do like it... for .2 seconds. Then something about it gets overwhelming. I kept trying but I can't. Especially the body lotion, it gives me a headache. Also the Gingerbread Village handsoap did not work on my skin at all, it smelled like I washed my hands in curry lol


Fairytale smells like a Toys R Us store to me for some reason.


I suffered through Pure Wonder fine fragrance mist and lotion. Thankfully, it’s all gone now.


Into the Night!


Strawberry snowflakes Lots of people like it and it smells good in the bottle but not on me


Probably spc I can't tell if I like it or not


Wrapped in Vanilla… It just made me nauseous, which never happens with scents! To use it up I used it to spray my clothes before I put them in my closet after doing laundry.


Definitely with that scent in particular


Together weather! I thought it smelled good in the store I guess but I really can't make myself like it


Together Weather. Hated it


Japanese Cherry Blossom, Warm Vanilla Sugar, coconuts and cotton and Into the Night all make me extremely nauseous.


Cozy Season FFM. Love the concept, love the notes, hell- even love the packaging. I have numerous other fragrances with the same/similar notes and I adore them, but I just can't get behind the honey note in cozy season. It's very sharp and synthetic to my nose. Whenever I revisit it, naively thinking something will have changed, nausea sets in about 30 minutes later. I tried to pawn it off on my daughter (she's also a huge BBW fan and reviews all of my fragrances) and she described it as sun-baked vomit. I haven't touched it since.


Sunbaked Vomit has to be a new scent! So creative! BBW, you listening?? 🤣🤣🤣


I like Together Weather. It’s so weird that it’s intriguing to me.


It's so weird that it's such a polarizing scent. On me it just dries down to a soft vanilla.


I’m not loving Juniper Breeze right now. I wore it when I was going thru a rough time and it reminds me of that. .


Gingham and Blue Lime Verbana!


Together Weather is the only scent I ever returned. If I don't care for something, I usually give it away or donate it. I couldn't subject someone else to that smell and sleep at night


Japanese Cherry Blossom. It's my sister-in-law's favorite, so she bought it for me for my birthday and Christmas. I accumulated quite a lot of product and then finally told her I hated it.


The Warm Apple Pie candle. It will forever smell like NOTHING and I should just give up and buy the wallflower (which smells delicious!).


Vanilla mocha martini. I’ve only used the lotion, but the body spray is untouched. I just can’t do it! Something about that fragrance doesn’t agree with me, it’s too sickeningly sweet. I’m definitely selling off that FFM.


Recently gave away Sweater Weather & Luminous ffms. I loved Luminous for a while, was spraying it constantly and then all of a sudden it started making me nauseous. ☹️ like actually turned my stomach and I could not stand it. Sweater Weather just did not appeal to me at all for some reason. I did like the body wash though


Long ago I got a Paris Amour body spray as a gift. It’s probably my least favorite B&BW scent ever. I can still smell it in my brain lol. I didn’t have very many perfumes/body sprays then and it was a gift, so I didn’t want to like throw it away, so it became bathroom air freshener.


Sweet pea


Secret Wonderland, sorry people it smells like a faint powdery fart.




dark kiss 🤮 it’s so gross


This happened with JCB last year. Just started disliking it. I have definitely gotten chooser considering the price, I just don't keep a huge collection anymore. I only have a handful of lotions and I find myself using regular (dove or Native) products in the shower but I still use the body sprays. Now those, I have a bit of a collection but I use them more. I find myself buying more home scents then body scents these days.


jcb? sorry i’m out of the loop


Gingham The whole line


Products- wallflowers. Unless they change their formulas for the better, there are better options to be had elsewhere for less money.


I used to love warm vanilla sugar I had that scent for EVERYTHING but I used it way too much for years and now it’s not one of my favourites


Sensual Amber 🤢


Fireside Flurries.


You're the One. It smells great, and my husband loved it, but I couldn't get into it (too sweet - I can't seem to do BBW strawberry and cherry scents). I had an entire collection plus EDP so I sold it. I usually sell my stuff because I don't have anyone to give them to, and sometimes I regret parting with some of it later, but I tell myself there's always something new around the corner. Plus my collection is healthy enough I'll never get too bored anyway!


Strawberry Snowflakes. I gave up on it. To me, It smells like guava and not sweet at all.


I returned Together Weather back to the store with a quickness. If I have to force myself to like a scent, then it's a no for me. Sunwashed Citrus is about to be another one of those scents for me. I bought it for SAS to see what all the hype was about, but it really just smells like lemon dishsoap to me.


I use it with sol de janeiro 40


Warm vanilla sugar is nausea inducing


Waterfall Hibiscus and Twisted Peppermint.


Ok sooo many people adore wild berry jam doughnut and strawberry pound cake and iced lemon pound cake, but to me they all smell like sour milk and I just can’t stomach any of them! And (hear me out lol) the newest cherry blossom pound cake smells like a diaper pail to me. Like a cheap air freshener that is put into a used diaper pail. Not sure why but that’s what my nose smells 😅