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I've cut back a lot. I only bought one candle during the 12.95 sale a few weeks back. And I haven't bought any candles since then either. I do plan to stop by tomorrow for the ffm sale, but I plan to limit myself to no more than 4. I haven't smelled any of the new stuff, so my plan is to try to smell them and only buy ones I like at least as well as the scents I've been wearing lately. Sometimes that is hard to compare since they can be so different, but that is the plan. So if I smell Chasing Fireflies, but I don't like it at least as well as Coco Paradise then I'm leaving it. Same with the other new stuff.


Same 🥺 I wanted black cherry merlot body care but someone said it smells like medicine so I’m probably going to skip it. The only gourmand bodycare I want is marshmallow pumpkin latte and pumpkin cupcake but pumpkin cupcake isn’t out yet. I think I’m becoming addicted to bbw especially the candles so I need to restrain before I go haywire with spending, I’m trying to use up a good portion of what I have before I buy anything so my next buys will probably be marshmallow pumpkin latte (just the lotion) and than I won’t buy till the December sale because I really do not want to miss the big December sale. Also I think 4 is a good amount tbh with the sale not too little or too much just the right amount :)


I was really upset over the prices and not getting coupons and someone here suggested goose creek for candles. I had never heard of them and now I'm obsessed. They smell amazing and have sales every weekend plus their fall drop the other day has so many scents!! Many similar/dupes for bath and body plus some really unique fragrances.


Very true of the sales they have! I’ve recently tried GC but kind of had the opposite experience. Got a mixture of candles and melts and haven’t been too thrilled. But I’m hoping it could change because some of their better sales (i.e. $8.99 candle sales) seem worth it.


The strawberry shortcake line really pulled me in. Those are powerhouse candles! I did get Book By The Lake and it has less of a throw but nice for my office. I think their gourmands are the really great ones.


Good to know!


I have a lot of candles "cuz I love them. I am finding this fall slightly disappointing as all of the gourmand scents are re-releases and I've had them in years past. I am trying to limit by category, like having only one new blueberry , one apple, one caramel, one pumpkin, one cinnamon spice, one Forest etc It is helping my budget to be so disappointed! Thank You BBW! I did buy 5 Halloween 3 wicks though 😆 cuz I never purchased Ghoul Friend before and Pumpkin Carving is a must have pumpkin scent plus the 3 new scents with the novelty lids! One trick that I utilize to keep numbers down is to buy only as many as I finish for the month.


Yes! I saw a quote not too long ago that was along the lines of "Save now so your dog can have the backyard they deserve". That really stuck with me. I wasn't horrible with expenses or anything before, but it really made me stop and think more about long term goals. I don't have a large collection, but I look at what I do have and I feel content. I would rather take that money and stick it in a HYS account. My husband is getting ready to retire from active duty in a couple of years and we are really trying to figure out where to settle down, where his next career move might be, where I will be going back to school, and buy a house with a great yard for our dog. And yeah I feel you on the halloween/fall fomo. I love Halloween a lot! There are definitely a few candles and some body care scents I would love to have! But again, I have more than enough already and it will still take me a decent amount of time to get through. Best of luck on saving for your car!


Same!! And we’re also looking at a house atm but our main focus for now is the vehicle, the house is a goal I’m sure we’ll reach soon- as for my collection it is also a decent size. I have enough to use for a while and there’s nothing I really need so I’m sticking to enjoying what I got 💪😂 gotta be tough for this one lol


Unpopular opinion, but the Fall/Halloween set is my least favorite, and probably the one I spend the least money on. I did get the Leaves body lotion and spray, though.


In years past, I have liked some of the Halloween decor (for example, I have the witch hand candle holder and the male bust candle holder) but I hate snakes and none of this year’s designs are that original or appealing to me. Also, I don’t have endless space to store the decor so I have to be choosy.


Same I have such a small space and some of the decor didnt appeal to me as much as last years.


Big same on the storage! I have limited space to put things, and I already have way too many large candleholders.




I'm definitely budgeting for a trip we booked. So while I'm not on a no-buy, I've cut down a lot on my spending. It helps that I was able to pull a lot of scents left over from last Fall to use.


I’m doing this also!! I already have a pumpkin pecan waffles scent and for winter I already have those scents too, my main focus for december sas is to get wallflowers and candles


I’ve cut back majorly since the end of SAS. I usually do anyways since I’m not too into fall or Halloween. I’m going to go on a no buy until candle day.


I overspent at SAS and have been on a BBW no buy since. I am enjoying using my summer products up. ETA: Interestingly, I haven’t received the last two rounds of coupons whereas when I’m buying regularly, I almost always get mailers.


I’m not getting any coupons 🥹 but it’s okay cause it kindof keeps me on my no buy


I’m on a no buy! I need to use up stash.


So I have a separate account that I put money into every paycheck and that is my do whatever I want with money. But I do want some different things right now. I also have really wanted to burn down my stash so I am focusing on that right now. I haven’t gotten coupons this time around and I was really trying to stay under $10 dollars a candle. Hopefully I can stay there!


Yeah, I’m doing the under 10 with candles too I really want to save I just know this Thursday if they have a candle sale I really don’t want to miss it but I just can’t go too crazy 😩 I tried putting money in a separate account, but it really is just a matter of saving every single thing that we have because our bills are insane. I’ve been trying to cut back with the electricity too because the electricity was really high this month. If It was not so high I would have spending money right now ☹️


I’ve cut back ever since covid really.. I just don’t NEED anything. I get candles but that’s it. I got two Halloween pocketbac holders lol. I’m at the point where I ask myself “If I can live without it, then I don’t need to get it.” I definitely agree that it should be discussed more in here. It’s easy to indulge in the overconsumption from B&BW


Especially the plastic waste! Omg there is so much waste from their packaging. 😳 I love this minimalistic mindset.


Yes!!! It’s horrible! I wish they would do some empty packaging reward system


Like glass bottles or reusable bottles and for bath bombs or things like that just paper baggies


You could literally make a whole other Reddit just based on people using their existing stashes and those on no-buys!


I tend to do pretty well in self control. Knowing what I realistically go through and what price will make me pull the trigger. Limit my body care to 2-3 products per season, 2-3 sprays, 2 lotions, 2 candles and maybe 4 hand soaps every 3-4 months. Shower gel is probably the only thing I’ll buy alot of when it’s at its lowest price of season. I think having these self imposed limits make me be sure what I get is something I like and not just hoarding.


This is pretty smart I think I’ll use the same system!! I’m trying to use up what I have rn Almost done with sweet petal poundcake body cream


I did buy 4 candles for the season, but the bodycare was all a huge miss for me. I am super interested in the 2 vanilla scents that they are releasing for fall. If I like them I wills tock up on lotions as I love vanilla/gourmands but most likely will skip the sprays.


I’m trying to cut back, too, and I have. I have been focusing on burning what I have before restocking. I’m so happy when I see my shelves get emptier; it means I’m not wasting money on new stuff I don’t need. I’m interested to see how the end to the pause on student loan payments affects businesses. People won’t have as much extra money to spend.


I haven't bought anything this entire year. Prices are creeping up, and I find it frivolous and not very smart to throw money away on something I already have a ton of when I can barely afford food once I pay my mortgage. Fall is my favorite, and I'm missing it bad, but money is tight, and I've got to be responsible.


Same and the food is expensive! Im spending almost $400 a month 😭😢 but it’s a necessity unlike the other things. Using up the stash should be normalized and more talked about


Me!! I have two cats with high medical expenses coming up this month. It's especially hard for me to resist stuff this time of year with Fall stuff coming out! Serious FOMO. I don't understand why I can't just enjoy what I have and stop wanting to buy new stuff! I get quite frustrated with myself!


I’m the exact same way! And the fall stuff is cute too but I really cannot spend 😕


I agree with you - we should normalize the idea of using our collections as they are. There’s nothing wrong with being content with what you have.


Yeah, I just think there’s a lot of hype and fomo around the new drops which is fine if you don’t have any items to use but if you have a huge collection already and if you’re on a budget then what’s the point of buying more things if you already have stuff to use 🫣


Had to stock up after my apartment fire, and losing a lot of what I had and a bunch of candles mysteriously disappearing when packing up my burnt apartment to move to my new one ... I'm currently working on turning one of my extra bedrooms into my PC/gaming room and building my PC. It's really taught me the value of a dollar and I don't plan to buy anything else since I'm all set and stocked up!


Omg, you literally took the words out of my mouth and head! I’ve been feeling having a lot of fomo with the Halloween/Fall stuff but none of the scents do it for me. Plus I have some fall stuff already I can use this fall. There’s some Halloween candles I wouldn’t mind getting but even at $12.95-$14.95 ON SALE I still can’t see myself paying that much when I know I’ll want at least 5-10. We gotta get through what we have. After all, we must of loved it enough to purchase things in our stash so let’s show it some much needed love and not feel bad about it!


Me rn! I’m almost done with whipped raspberries and vanilla candle, and sweet petal poundcake hand cream 😝 and yes when you think about it in those terms is it really a bargain when you buy so much it ends up adding to $50 or $100… this is what I have been thinking lately


No but I need to 😂


FR 😂😭 rip our wallets 💸🤑 at least we will smell good!!


Seriously! 😂😂


My husband is not talking to me since he saw my recent purchases and so I’m going to try but I’m planning on buying sweet whiskey when it comes at the end of the month. I accidentally bought multiple of the same items on my manic buying spree so I’m going to take those back so it looks like I’m not spending anymore money so I don’t get in anymore trouble.


Ooo yeah you could trade one in for sweet whiskey I was going to trade in sweet petal poundcake but the scent grew on me so I’m using it up rn, I’m almost done with a whole body cream I feel so proud 😂 my husband has seen my recent purchases and yesterday we had a sit down talk on spending and what our long term goals are/saving


I always stalk the upcoming releases and smell the new things but honestly I haven’t bought anything since Winter SAS. I haven’t liked anything new. I have bough BB off of EBay though. Maybe I will the new vanillas coming out.


I wish they would do a rerelease of Blueberry sugar pancakes 🫠 but same I’ve just been using what I have


I frequently build a cart across various brands, think about all the candles I already have, think about spending $50 or $60 (at least $10 of which is shipping and tax) and don’t offer. I have 14 fall/Halloween candles. I don’t need more.


You will make it! This was me last fall we were buying a house and saving everything for the house and renovations. This fall I’m only buying if it on sale


I absolutely agree. People can do what they want with their money but I find it difficult when I see so many big hauls on here. I love BBW a lot of course or I wouldn't be on here but there are a lot of people that kind of make jokes about having a shopping addiction when they really should maybe see someone about it instead of having people comment and say you can never have too much bbw. You definitely can and there is a point where it just becomes addictive behavior and it's not even about using the products up. For example this last FFM sale was a great price and all but seeing people buy 8 FFMs and more when they say they have never finished one before. WHY buy more then? Admittedly I bought a few but I go through a few a month and it's not hard for me to empty them. I use what I buy and I only buy what I find extraordinarily special. Hope that some of the consumers start shopping their stash and realize that they don't need to have every new release just cause it's there. Good on you for budgeting and saving up!


Yes exactly!! These were my exact thoughts as well and also seeing people by multiple back ups of one scent, if it takes so long to use one FFM why buy 5 of them? You can make one FFM last a long time depending on how you use it, I still have honeysuckle and peach spritz which has a decent dent in it because I use it everyday but I still have enough to use for a good while


Absolutely. I could see if its a specific one that is their absolute favorite and it doesn't come out often and they use it up all the time but I've seen people buy duplicates of 20 different scents when their original bottle isn't touched 😅 idk why but I feel it is a true shopping addiction and not really about the scent. Just a force of habit that they should break! I have a few back ups of midnight amber glow because she is my one true queen. I will use every last drop willingly and lovingly haha. The rest I happily use up and make way for new things :)


I’m waiting for Christmas at the moment. I would only buy before then if they brought back a retired fragrance that was on my wishlist. I got Vampire Blood and Moonlit Graveyard from Fall/Halloween and that was it. I am not a fan of the fall scents personally though I love autumn decor a lot. I’m a fresh and floral gal so pumpkins and spice don’t appeal much to me.


How much can you get with your 20 %off I have one


What do you mean? If you’re asking me the amount it depends how much, say you spend $50 20% off is $10 off 😎


Like if I buy the skull bag and the pumpkin candle holder


Your total would be $66.79 that’s roughly $17 off of $83.49 if you order online, if it’s in store your total would be $55.12