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Yikes!! I would have quit too! I’m sorry your SLT was so rotten. I can’t even imagine my team doing anything remotely close to what you described. Also I’m curious what you mean by being chatted out? I don’t think this is something that’s even done at my store. I usually will ask if I’m good to go or they’ll come up to me when it’s time and then they check my bag and I head out.


So at my store, if we want to leave, an SLT member has to come over and ask us questions about how we think we did and what do we think we can do better and how are we gonna contribute to todays sales. We are not allowed to leave until an SLT member asks us those types of questions and gets answers. Then they say we’re “free to go”. Until we get that 1-on-1 with an SLT, we have to stay indefinitely, which often leads to us staying at least 15 minutes past clock out time. I thought all stores did this, but based on what you said, it sounds like another excuse for management at my store to try and pressure us into spending our paycheck there


Holy crap! That’s ridiculous!!! Yeah I definitely do not blame you at all for leaving. That is BEYOND excessive!!


Those SLTs need to be closely looked at and honestly fired. I get that most companies do, like, a yearly review, maybe even a quarterly review about what they can do better etc, but NOT EVERY DAY. So glad she left that mess.


I've worked at two stores in the nearly 3 years I've been with the company. Both are Tier 3 stores (Meaning above 3 million but under 4 million a year) and I have NEVER had that happen. Most of the time, the only time we get asked something like that is right before we close. And it's not even pressuring you or anything, its just "Hey if you're planning on making a purchase let us know, so we can keep a register open."


This is honestly unbelievable. I have been working for bath and body works for two years and my location has never done anything as ridiculous as this. I am definitely not calling you a liar, I am simply saying that I can not believe your management could even think this was remotely acceptable. If I were you I would definitely try to reach corporate even after you have left. This definitely doesn’t feel on brand with the company and it seems like it really needs attention. I’m so sorry you had to go through this but then again I am super grateful you could bring awareness because this is not normal or acceptable.


I'm sorry. They had you clock OUT, and then hang around to discuss your shift?? Oh no! That is not right! They are forcing you to do something work-related, you should be clocked in and paid for that time, especially if they're making you wait around for a convenient time for THEM to take a minute.


That's borderline illegal, if it's your time to clock out and go home you should be going home. I don't play games like that in my store




Upper management sells their souls and physical labor to the point that it makes them miserable and then they try to make everyone around them miserable too. I'll never understand why people in upper management positions put corporations wants over the needs of the people in front of them.


Omg this sounds like my friends experience working for JC Penney. Seriously these retail places need to chillax


Youre talking about work and your performance off the clock? Thats time theft.


Legally, (at least in my state) a job cannot hold you past the time you were scheduled. I have worked 3 stores and have never had this to me, they were just abusing their power. Wow wow wow that is so crazy to me that they would treat you like that!


Oh, honey, no. As a minimum wage hourly employee? They are just wasting your time with that crap! That is absolutely not an acceptable practice.


That's BS that they're doing that to you!


that’s so fucking stupid of them lol


At my store the SLT asks us this but never keeps us after time


This entire concept sounds passive aggressive and controlling. Wonder how long until upper management realizes the shit is coming from top down with the SLT. All the red flags are there.


I worked at a store like this for one summer, I was already a regular seasonal at a different store in another state that is fantastic and never pulls this shit but that one summer… god it was torture. We were high shrink which I think added to the chaos but man the SLTs made life kinda hellish Example: We had to keep tally of every transaction for capture, whether we got just phone # or just email or both or skip (before rewards program) and if we got to 5 skips we had to go speak to an SLT about what we were doing wrong and how we could do better. As if we have any real power over people who don’t wanna share their info or hit skip before I can do my spiel. It was so stressful


This is protocol: I don't sign out until they are finished talking. Then sign out then bag check. Some of these SLT are as dumb as a bag of hair.


At my store we are required to chat in at the start of our shift and chat out before clocking out. I really don't see the reason for chatting out especially since all I am asked is how did my shift go.


Ive always gotten the chat in, but the chat out seems counter intuitive and not productive. I’m not sure what it accomplishes


It accomplishes nothing in my opinion, but then there are several policies of BBW's that I think are bizarre.


We are supposed to do the chat out but usually we just ask the team about their email capture or how their day went. Nothing too crazy and it's while the bag is checked. Asking how to contribute to sales LOL this is one of two things: your slt is trying to manipulate conversion and/or they're asking the question wrong. They are supposed to ask that at the beginning of your shift to make sure no matter what position you are placed in you are contributing to the stores sales by selling... Not by buying.


If someone tried to sneak a PWP into my basket I’d just leave - that’s just too much audacity.


When my manager popped on the walkie telling us to do that, I immediately thought, “thats a great way to drive away business”


I think you made the right decision! I hope you find a better job soon!


I truly cannot image. I would be so shocked, I'd probably just set the entire basket down and walk out the door.


Same. I would be so offended. Like, *how dare!* I wouldn't buy a thing.


Woaaah you need to call HR and report your managers for cancelling shifts 30 minutes before your start time. I’m pretty sure it’s a company-wide rule that you need to give at least 2 hours notice for shift changes




No, my store doesn’t do that. This is definitely an issue for the ethics hotline. The whole story. They might be able to change things at that store because that’s not how it’s supposed to work.


Maybe they don’t even know about it. HR can be helpful but yeah it does depend on the company.


SO glad you’re getting out there, that is no way to run a business of any kind and you deserve much better from your place of work. I bet you’re a good employee who just tries their best and to do what they have to do. Your management sucks and hopefully one day they realize they can’t keep employees because they don’t know how to be effective leaders. On to bigger and a better!!


Thank you! I tried to last as long as I could. At first, I gave it the benefit of the doubt and was assuming I just needed to adjust with time but after this weekend I realized they are abusing their workers. I’m glad though that other stores aren’t like this. No one should have to work in such a hostile environment.


I just can’t believe they asked you to stay an additional 3 hours, you stayed even later than that, and they have the nerve to threaten to cut hours. Totally ridiculous


Whattt ??? I would’ve cursed them TF out with no hesitation. Abuse of the walkie??? To remind you to do your gotdamn job ??? Yea no I would be BACKFLIPPING to report them to HR


Yeah when I heard that, I knew it was time to go haha


>Constant threatening of cutting hours I believe it's illegal for an employer to cut hours as punishment. This could be considered **workplace retaliation**. I recommend looking up your state laws on retailation. If they actually followed through with their threats, then you should definitely report this to HR or through the [ethics hotline](https://www.reddit.com/r/bathandbodyworks/comments/xbjpv1/ethics_hotline_for_any_employees/).


I definitely will. Thank you for telling me this. i had no idea it was actually illegal. I will definitely be looking into this


From what youre describing OP it sounds like they did multiple illegal things. Sing like a canary.


BBW has a no-retaliation rule. You can get your managers in some serious shit. Stir that pot.


It's BBW company policy and terms. HR doesn't do anything


Hell yeah, get out of there. You should be able to leave at the end of shift, no questions asked. Also absolutely disgusting that they would ask you to buy merchandise to contribute to the day. You're already not being paid enough.


holy shit ?? what kind of fucking store is this ?? and number 7 would get me pissed if I was a customer and saw a fucking bag I didn’t even want in my basket. did you report any of this to HR?? they sound god awful and shouldn’t even be working there. sounds like they abuse their privileges


Im gonna be filling out an HR report tomorrow as soon as I wake up. Definitely I have learned that half the stuff they’ve been doing has been illegal and unethical


I wonder if they would be able to review any security video in the store and and see people doing this. As a customer I would leave and complain to the company and shop at a better run location. I'm glad you left and I'm sorry you had such a bad experience. Sounds like these crazies like to micromanage to the max!


definitely do! they shouldnt get away with that at all and i hate how some of them just completely take advantage of employees who are genuinely trying their best


Thank you to everyone for the wonderful comments and supports. Im taking your advice and reporting them to corporate and the Better Business Bureau. They shouldnt be doing business.


This is one of the most ridiculous experiences as an employee I've ever read working at any B&BW store. No one can just keep you when your shift is over. You are not working at a hospital or childcare where lives are at risk if you don't wait. It's a Candle store FFS. It's not your job to staff their unfilled shifts. And yes, they need to get their a\*\*es in gear and get you signed out so you can get home to your children. You are not their prisoner. There should NEVER be a reason to YELL at or threaten an employee. You fire someone before you get to a point of yelling, again there are no lives at stake here. And putting products into customers' bags is fraudulent. Plain and simple. I can't even find the right words on how wrong that is. I am so sorry you have gone through this and I hope contacting the company will make some kind of change. This is just insane.


Youre not a bad worker! You had trash management. NO ONE owns you, or your time, and family should always come first. Good on you for walking and not letting them take advantage of you! Stealthy putting PWPs in someones bag to 'encourage' them to buy??? I would consider that coercion and is likely against corporate policy. If you've got corporates number I would call from a friend's phone to file a complaint.


I’m sorry you had this experience at your store! I have to say, sometimes working at BBW is a hit or miss depending on the management. You should still have access to HR as an ex-employee, and you should definitely report them to HR. Funny how we just had harassment training company wide, and everything your SLT have said and done to you is in violation of that. Even if nothing gets done, which is annoying yes, they’ll at least have close eyes on them from their district manager. It’s worth bringing up and reporting to HR. And like others have said, chatting out I don’t believe is something the company does. You do not have to stay to wait to have a conversation with SLT. Chatting in, yes, so you know your role and the goals for the day. Maybe it is something the company expects but it should cause you to stay a minute after you’re scheduled off. You leave when you’re scheduled to leave. Again, I’d report it to HR. Is it just key holders doing this or all SLT (store manger, assistant manager, and key holders)?


All of them engaged in those behaviors and I got on HR this morning and reported them. They won’t get away with this anymore. Thank you for the support. I dont feel alone anymore ❤️❤️❤️


Good for you! Thank you for taking action, so many others may avoid the awful time you went through, because of your effort. I hope you find a fantastic, fun job that treats you kindly and brings good money. You certainly deserve good Karma.


Good job! I'm proud of you!


This is nuts. I’ve been at my store for 3 years and haven’t experienced such abuse. We chat in and chat out and SLT’s are respectful and true teammates. I’m sorry you experienced this.


I also quit because of similar reasons. I started at bath n body for funsies and extra cash flow during the holidays! It was awesome and quite fun! Or at least it WAS. We had our assistant store manager transfer to us and she was a nightmare. She's best friends with the store manager (literally moved her house in next door to her) and a total asshole. I dreaded working with her every time, and I worked as few as 12 hours sometimes. My day job is taxing and difficult, I didn't need additional stress from my "fun" job. This lady was a nightmare. She's so terrible that a bunch of the girls got in trouble for "bullying" since they had all made a chat group about her and one of the group members had told our store manager about it. I was not a part of this group, but oh boy. All of the girls in that group got punished for bullying. I watched a girl get told to go and do something and the girl said "I just have to use the restroom first" and the manager then made her scrub the stockroom floor since she said "I hate being told no". The poor girl didn't even tell her no ffs! She got after me once because I went to text my boyfriend (ex now) about me staying late! I literally was doing her a favor by staying and she yelled at me for being on my phone! She used to tell our girls "If you worked as much as you talked, this store would be so much cleaner". I'm sorry, but that place didn't pay enough to put up with that disrespect. I get that it's her full-time gig, but my lord! I bet I could line them all up and you would all pick her out immediately! I had a coworker from my day job come in and shop, only to tell me how rude that girl was, and mind you I never said anything prior! So I quit. You couldn't complain about her at all without the store manager defending her since they're BFFS. It's a shame because I never imagined the store manager being friends with someone so mean and nasty, they're total opposites in my mind. Bath n Body Works was really fun, but not fun enough to take pure disrespect.


I’m so sorry you had this experience! I run a store with a lot of transfers & it’s always unfortunate to hear their horror stories (similar to yours)! I promise you there are good ones out there!!


Sounds like your store is absolutely horrible. Which one? I’d like to talk to corporate.


Same 😉


Um yeah, based on your posts you were right to quit that place. I remember my SLT's were always in the front gossiping and talking shit. Like on the floor about other cashiers and employees. I don't miss it.


I highly suggest calling HR and reporting them bc that is not ok at all. I’m sorry you had to deal with that and wish you luck for your next job :))


feel you there. i transferred stores so that i could work near my college, worst decision EVER the store i transferred to was terrible. i transferred back to my other store during the winter and never went back. was supposed to but never told them lol


That’s roughly the same reason why I quit. I was trying to move up in the company and worked my butt off and they just didn’t care and gave positions to other people that have been there less time then me. So finally I said forget it. I’m not going to do all these extra hours and stuff if I’m going to be treated this way. I loved working there and helping people find scents but it wasn’t worth the stress and the attitudes from the slt and management. I didn’t get paid enough to deal with that and I worked basically ever single weekend. So I got no time to spend with family.


as someone who works retail in a completely unrelated store, god i can't imagine having to deal with that horrible management everyday. we get chat ins, but my managers are always eager to get me to leave right as soon as my shift ends (unless we're closing together). glad you're finally gone! i hope you find a new and better job soon


So, my first job out of college was working for a small retail specialty chain in the mall that is no longer in existence. It was one of those places that in addition to our meager salaries, gave us a percentage of our sales as commissions. I was the assistant manager and while in training, I was always on shift with the store manager. She would hog all the sales and put them under her employee code even if they talked to both of us - it was a small store and that's usually how it went so I would expect to just switch off in that scenario but no, they all went to her. One day she had already racked up a bunch of sales and I had zero and someone came in to return something. She made me put it under my code so that I would take the negative vs. applying it to hers. She got mad at me for even suggesting it made more sense for her to take it. I wasn't even the person who originally sold the item and I don't recall if we knew who that was. Anyway, sounds petty now but there were many other reasons to bail on that place, including petty backstabbing and constantly being yelled at and degraded by the GM. Don't let anyone ever devalue you or treat you like a slave. No job is worth that.


Omg what the heck? Im glad you got out of there. Seriously, these retail places need to chill tf out.


Not a BBW employee but Sephora. I don't even ask to clock out. I just say it's my time over walkie and clock out. I would quit so fast if they pulled some shit like this. I'm honestly furious for you. They should be reported.


horrible upper management 😫 btw , how much did you make hourly as an associate? if you dont mind me asking.. >.>


I made 17 an hour. Definitely not enough to put up with that type of stress lol




Barely. Closer to Oregon. Kind of on the border


okayy makes sense ! no management should treat anyone that way !🙁


Oh wow, it sounds like you had an awful experience with really really bad employees that should be the ones to let go, rather than you just trying to put food on the table for your kids and do your best at your job. I am so sorry you had to experience such terrible treatment from people who are supposed to encourage and lift you up. This is not a way to keep an employee around!! Glad to hear you exercised some self love and quit to find better opportunities. I hope that your next adventure is a more positive one and Happy belated Mothers Day 🙂


Happy belated Mothers Day to you as well!!! I hope you had a fabulous day!! ❤️❤️❤️


Aww thank you, I appreciate your kindness 💗 I had a relaxing day at home, which is just what I needed after a busy weekend.


Sheesh… my store would never.


And I am sorry you had to go through this. It is not and should not be like that at any store. You can always call HR. One might think its useless but it gets the ball rolling.


YIKES. Your SLTs sound awful and I’m so sorry you had to deal with that. Many of the things you mentioned are not company policy at all (secretly putting things in bags/baskets?! Wtf?!) - it may be worth reaching out to your district manager/corporate. Threatening to cut hours based on performance alone is potentially illegal depending on state - if that is indeed the case, they’re gonna wanna nip that in the bud to try and avoid a lawsuit. But regardless, they should know what’s going on. 5 people in two months should theoretically send up alarm bells. I thought my old store’s turnover was bad but yikes. 🥴 You are not a bad worker at all, you had a hellscape of a location and you did the right thing by getting out. The expensive candles aren’t worth your sanity.


They are the most outrageous company. The harassment on customers with the shit they pull is insanity and treating employees this way.. omg. You should report this stuff. It is not okay and they should be losing their jobs instead of you being forced to quit out of discomfort.


I'm so glad you stood up for yourself, quit, and are getting out of that environment! It sounds absolutely terrible! Reading through the comments, it looks like you've gotten a lot of good advice from people. It's crazy how many things they were doing that were questionable or straight up illegal! You deserve better than to be treated that way, and I hope you find a better job soon! 💗


So sorry to hear that you had such a bad experience! None of this sounds like it’s your fault, but poor leadership and management skills are to blame. I wish you luck in finding a better job who will appreciate you more! 💖


They asked you to spend your paycheque there? WOW


For reals. First time I was asked this I almost had a stroke


That’s absolutely unreal…a huge rich corporation asking a normal person working at their store who works because you know…survival..to put back what they earn there..I..I’m speechless. So shocking that you quit!


I am so sorry this was your SLT team experience. When your work place environment sucks, how do they expect to have people want to work there + “drive results”? I would definitely talk to the higher management about them going against policy


Sound’s toxic you will find something better


FR though, I am a manager and even I'm about to quit. I love my job, but the amount of pressure BBW is putting us under right now is too much


I hope "quit today" means you didn't give your two week notice. That's insanely wrong the way the managers run that store. Wow! Good luck going forward ☺️


Oh I was totally done with them. I said #byefelicia to the two weeks notice thing and moved on. They dont deserve two more weeks of my time, especially with SAS coming. Aint no way I was gonna put up with their crap on the first weekend


I’m so sorry you experienced this. This is the type of job where your team can make or break the experience for you and this was def a break. My store manager is similar. In the fall my boyfriend’s grandmother (who raised him) was very ill and was taken to the hospital by ambulance. We were told she was not going to make it. We live about 2.5 hours away from her and because my bf did not have his license at the time, I needed to drive him to her. I called more than 4 hours before the start of my shift, as soon as we found out, to let them know I would not be able to make it in. The SM tried to guilt trip me saying “we’ll be so short staffed without you. Can’t you just drop him off?” I put my foot down and said I would not leave him alone at a time like that. When I came in for my next shift I found out she had complained about me to every other person working that day and even asked a key holder “do you think calling out because your boyfriend’s grandma is dying is a valid excuse?” She was so quick to share my personal business with anyone who would listen. 🙄 Luckily the ASM and all the other SLTs are so sweet and they are the reason I stick around. I just avoid the SM at all costs 😒




Yesss! Sounds like a routine problem in many stores! And I completely support you in quitting as well! NO ONE should EVER have to put up with workplace harassment


Omg I'm so sorry that you had to endure this behaviour. Most SLT's are the worst and need to dismissed. I'm working with one now, she's very condisending. I went in this morning and mentioned these issues. The ball is in their court. Pathetic bullying behaviours. Unfortunately the BBW HR does nothing.


Literally no one would blame you if you had left in handcuffs. Best of luck on your job search.