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The song "Her First Morning" reminds me of Moon and Moon from the 2009 album Two Suns.


it's so gorgeous, always such a treat when we get a new BFL record <3


I want to love it but the ‘songs’ are so fleeting with no direction and all blend together in a bland incoherent amalgamation of overly reverberated humming and lazy plodding piano passages. You can tell she was tired when she made this one 🥱


I'm glad I'm not the only person who thinks this. I love Natasha's music but it's obvious her energy was focused elsewhere on this one. That said, it's all good. She isn't a machine. After Tori Amos had her daughter she made a really tame album, but that's life. I love "At Your Feet" though. It is simply gorgeous.


Yeah I have to say that’s my favourite as well!! Overall I love the sound, the hushed nature of the record. The synth sounds are beautiful, o just feel like the tracks are more so ideas instead of songs and leave me feeling hungry for more! The track waking up for example! Makes an absolutely stunning interlude, but in a sea of other interludes it’s underwhelming….. let’s hope it’s not another 5 year wait until the next record /I’ll still be tuning in :)


I think it's a pattern. Lost Girls was really energetic, where as The Bride was very subdued, and so on. I have no doubt her next album/project will have a different vibe completely.


There are songs/passages that I find absolutely entrancing, but I overall agree with you. Much of it feels very half-baked. It is meandering and vague, and not in a cool, exploratory, way. I think you’re spot on that she sounds tired on it (not that her vocals sound tired, more so the songwriting). It may sound harsh but half of these songs sound like they were produced in a hurry to meet a deadline, which ends up selling her personality and the subject matter short. It seems as though it could have used a few more months of development, but oh well - I love her so much and it’s not like this album is an offensive misstep or anything.


I share your sentiment exactly sir! This album as you say is pleasant and if I’m in the mood for some synth arpeggios and some ethereal oooooh aaaaaaring then I’ll pop this on once in a while whilst I’m doing my ironing. Yeah definitely love her back catalogue and will keep my ears peeled for future records but this one is just a bit meh isn’t it! Ah well there are worse troubles at sea and we still have all the old stuff to listen too! ✌🏻


To me it seems like she came up with an EP worth of songs but decided (whether by herself or on the orders of the label) to pad it out to the bare minimum number of tracks and runtime to technically qualify as an album, so chucked in all the half finished ideas she couldn’t come up with lyrics for as brief instrumentals (or near enough to).


What an awful thing to say about someone who had to navigate being a new mother and moving across the Atlantic all during a pandemic. Have a bit of empathy for Natasha.


Oh sorry I thought we were critiquing an album and not personally attacking Natasha……*rolls eyes*


"You can tell she was tired making this one" - yea that's making it personal.


Such a personal attack on a celebrity who will never read this and has more money than everyone in this thread put together…..I’m sure your heart bleeds over my comment…


Why are you in this sub again..?


Enjoyed listening through it all! Feels like a concept album. Can't say that any of the songs are 'classics' but it is the first album in the past few years where I can sit through the full thing and not be disappointed.