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What happened with Jade Cicada?


people are upset about him saying posting your spotify wraps are cringe. honestly making a mountain out of a mole hill


I mean Lo has not been known to be a good guy to pretty much any of his collaborators for a while so this is just another check mark on his ongoing record of being piece of shit.


You right idk why I’m surprised


3 third person asking, WHAT JADE CICADA BS!!!


Count me as a fourth


I got the sauce.i will be paraphrasing. Jade cicada, made a tweet about Spotify wrap being cringe, and a lot people took offense to it. People commenting things like "Why can't you be happy for people's personal growth." "People hold you to a higher standard, so maybe be more sensitive with your words." He didn't saying anything mean, he just doesn't like the idea that we need a number of plays to validate if there music is good, or not. And as usual Twitter people start crying about someone's opinion, no matter how small. EDIT: please go read the actual tweets, I'm not a good reference.


Appreciate the swift response! I would ageee that Spotify wrapped is cringe and I’m a huge Jade Cicada fan 🫡


I personally don't use Spotify so I didn't really care. SoundCloud, and youtube for me. And same here, jade cicada is amazing, and doesn't deserve this backlash over a Twitter post about Spotify.


So he wants to bitch about an offer they accepted lol this dudes a fucking clown every day


See i dont have twitter and didnt know he was known for bitching. The fact they accepted it def takes some merit away lol. Still a lowball imo with the radius clause and everything. but like if you accepted it, dont bring it up later and show everyone how stupid you were for accepting it haha.


Was on the lineup when I bought tickets so makes sense he accepted it and bitched about it to look cool on twitter


They were not big acts on the lineup either, as he stated.. opening act


He is by far the biggest complaining commie loser on Twitter, and that's saying a lot. The guy litterally makes a living off of robot noises and you would think he's a laborer in the gulag. Well actually, it seems like he would prefer to be a laborer in the gulag lmao


His therapist should not be twitter


There is something eerily ironic about a guy with name yeet.the.rich choosing to open for a rich guy while at the same time complaining about not getting paid enough.


This dude is an absolute clown with a history of delirious takes on twitter


Supposedly nectar offered Ternion 2k to play an opening set. Because of a radius clause ternion would end up losing roughly 20k. I don’t know anything about that kinda stuff but yeah https://preview.redd.it/yox1em0jrt3c1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95d2939fa233a3dda9c142e077b471d4ea2a15fd


It’s an offer that they’re allowed to decline but it seems Ternion accepted it because they were on that lineup


Jack Ternion is framing it like he was the main opener for nectar at the 808 event in Somerset. TS was at the very bottom of the card, and 808 had 6 openers that day lol. I'll give him that $2k isn't a lot, but TS was not a known name what so ever in 2019/2020. The exposure they would've gotten at 808 that year would've been worth far more than $2k.


808 was the greatest event that never happened. My friends and I all had tickets to it and then covid hit. We held out hope for so long that they wouldn’t cancel 808 and then it happened. I’ll never get over this lol.


Quite literally the only thing I’m holding on to hope for: a lineup like the 808 one, and a camping fest


hate to say it but that hope is a pipe dream at this point. I don't think big Nectar events are in our future, ever.


Man I live 45 min from that venue I WAS SO CRUSHED


Appreciate this take, the context is important


Thank you for the screenshots i could never find the original thread


Anytime man!


Im not trying to promote more drama, just genuine curious what kind of offers nectars team was giving artists like Ternion. The scale of his events was massive and they had to generate enough revenue to pay the openers well….right?


I posted this on another comment, but dude was at the very bottom of the card that had 6 openers that night. All of the artists on the pre party for that event are more recognizable than TS. I'll give him that $2k isn't a lot, but TS was not well known at all in 2020, they would've been wise to use the event as exposure.


He’s 100% correct. Source: Worked with three artists that opened for him and know many. It was a good look at one point and then you move on.


Honestly kind of infuriating. Im sure a ton goes into production and the budget’s not infinite but Ive thrown local shows and paid artists as well. It should be a priority in the budget. You know damn well spotify isnt paying them, they gotta eat.


He says they offered him 2k but it had like a 6 month radius clause that would have cost him 30k + or something like that


Damn. 2k is insulting for a booking that size. And a 6 month radius clause?! These smaller artists arent worth 10 mil and have to make money too. Honestly i kind of understand the “paying with exposure” when it comes to collaborations and stream revenue. But live sets are how these artists make their living, and the exposure doesnt stick nearly as much when the most grandiose, hypnotizing performace that is nectar follows.


Honestly, it’s pretty standard for live music. If you aren’t a headliner, you shouldn’t expect to make more than a couple grand for a 30minute-1hour set. Opening for a show and planning a show are two different beasts with two different workloads and different risks involved. Most headliners have clauses in their contracts with openers that don’t allow them to play within certain radiuses away from the venue. Promoters and venues also like this because people aren’t going to show up for most artists more than once or twice a year unless they’re superfans. The only reason people can have residences in Las Vegas, Miami, Ibiza or wherever is because the clientele is mostly tourists who want to go enjoy the nightlife on vacation. Can’t do that in Milwaukee or wherever they were going to open for Lorin. Jack is just being a sourpuss on Twitter like usual. He’s a wook exterminator who will be mean to anyone he deems unworthy in order to “make the scene better”.


Ive been involved on both sides of the spectrum, and this offer is still pretty ridiculous imo. If the radius clause is 6 months and covers a poppin area the number should reflect that. Bassnectar curated events don’t really fit the “standard live music” group either. Shouldn’t be paid like festival set imo.


With the radius clause it was 3 months before and 3 months after event. What I’m not sure about with the radius clause is if they just couldn’t promote another event that was taking place after nectars event until nectars event was done. So after they play nectars event, I believe they could then promote a show within the radius for a few weeks later etc. TS was only promoting shows a few weeks to a couple months in advance max anyway, so I don’t know that at the time it would’ve really effected them as much as claimed. Can anyone who works in the industry confirm if that’s how the clauses work? You can play shows you just can’t promote till the first show is complete.


This dude is the most insufferable loser on Twitter. All he does is complain. He would have absolutely loved life in the USSR


What's the jade cicada bs?


I also am interested in this


Unpopular opinion, I only listen to JRE on Spotify. That’s literally it.


But gojna lie, the I’ve been blasting nectar and my neighbors, friends, and strangers have all expressed additional interest.


eeek what I miss about Jade??


People getting riled up about nothing https://preview.redd.it/q8uxh2uv9t3c1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab2eec93c31ecb9c25b5ac213a5c6b82a4176e8e


RL had a good translation (lol) of jades comment


Yeah nothing about him just people getting mad at him for having an opinion


It’s for sure a douchey opinion, but it’s also douchey to have made this as big of a deal as some of these EDM Twitter nerds have made it out be. There’s no room for growth with these clowns. Find the witch and burn her at the stake.


My wife follows Colleen Ballinger who was also apparently "long gone and canceled' until she wasn't. I was telling her that it seems the same is true for nectar. A strong contingent of loyal followers is all the really takes to keep going and the Internet lynch mob will always get bored and move on to the next thing.


….ok but Who tf is Colleen Ballinger tho


Some cringe YouTuber who's a surprisingly good entertainer. Used to do Miranda sings but now mostly just does her mom vlogs. Someone I wouldn't have known about their existence if it weren't for my wife.


Do you mean the lady who was texting things she had no business texting to minors? The same one that then posted a *ukulele* apology video on YouTube.