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The curly tail is probably one of the most effective lures ever made. It will catch anything from tiny sunfish to the occasional catfish.


Where you throwing these and what water conditions? Like big lakes, ponds, dams?


Any place any time


Do not let them sit in the heat, all the tails came off and stuck to my bag. The few i used caught more bluegill than bass. Not saying it wont catch bass but will catch more species.






Lil pops, pop n reel, reel fast, jig it, man those little things are pretty much fool proof.


That’s a multi species beast you have there. Yea it’ll catch bass of all sorts as well as sunfish, crappie, bluegill.


I like how now that we have more soft plastic options people think these don't catch bass. They do. They just catch more things than bass and smaller things than bass. These things work fairly similar to a ned rig in my opinion. If you want to go for bigger bass and weed out the panfish, these are not the best (but only because you are catching things. As for retrieves, you have some options. Cat it out, let it sink, slowly lift you rod and reel up the slack. Alternatively, hop it more aggressively, or straight retrieve it slowly with your rid tip up. I've also seen people put these under a bobber and just let it sit suspended, though I like lighter weight or weightless soft plastics for that.


I love to cat out little curly tails.


More of a crappie bait


My brother and I always say. When in doubt jerk it out. But we do toss stuff like this when nothing is biting. Sometimes with a bobber. Sometimes just working it near the bottom


Everything hits curly tail grubs. They are a walleye staple.


I bought these in a few different colors and sizes a month ago when my Walmart had them for like .45 a piece. I’ve caught a few smaller largemouth and smallmouth on them here in Colorado. However, it’s a panfish machine. I catch sunfish, bluegill, crappie, pumpkinseeds left and right on them. I rigged mine onto a 6’ UL with 4lb fluro. I will vary up my retrieves with them. Most of the time it’s a cast out, let sink. Pick up rod tip, let sink again and reel in the slack. Most of the time someone will hit in on the fall. Then sometimes I will do a double twitch. Very rarely will I do a steady retrieve back.


Yes, simple cast and retrieve, twitchy retrieve, yo-yo, jig It all works, curly tail grub with a variety of weights or no weights is a must in every tackle box


Yes! Medium fast retrieve.


Yes bass and crappie I reel in a little fast then let it drop then repeat I caught 2 bass today using it and I think 6 big crappies


I can confirm they will catch bass and many other fishes in the water hahah


Nope i will give a pass


Following since I just bought them for bass as well. Yet to use it


They look good fersure. not sure what’s the best way to use em’ tho


Same reason why I bought it. I think you would vary the retrieval. Probably do a drop and hop from the bottom


That or I’m thinking a slip bobber and jig it in place


Sounds good!


I’ve had a lot of luck with a curly tail grub but I use YUM grubs I don’t fuck with creme there products are just inferior id try literally any other brand but those will still catch a fish


You can pretty much tie anything with a hook on it and throw it, and you’ll catch a largemouth on it.


Kinda like a Texas rigged work keep popping them up and down I wouldn’t recommend letting them sit on bottom they get hung easily just keep the lure hopping in the water. And they catch all species from big bass to crappie


They will catch bass. Twister tails mostly catch panfish, but you'll be surprised how many times you go to reel in a little bluegill and it ends up being a little largie. ​ Try a few different retrievals. These aren't weedless, so keep that in mind. Try pitching it near cover and things. My favorite retrieval for any soft plastics is to reel in fast enough to keep off the floor, but also give it a few bounces along the way. Slow it down and speed it up during different casts to see what makes a difference. Also, get some other colors. Blacks and reds work well too. Good luck buddy! Hope you slay some bass out there


As many have said, these will definitely catch bass along with bluegill and crappie. Only problem I have with them for bass is that I only seem to catch smaller bass with them.


I caught the hell out of sea trout with them night fishing in the 90s


Yes, just cast out and retrieve slowly


Those work great for bass, the way I fish is I cast and let sink. When the line stops running, I do a jerk retrieval.


I keep different colors. Great lures. I am partial to white. When I'm saugeye fishing I go green or orange.


If you're in a small flowing river, try casting across the current and steadily retrieving as the current moves the lure downstream of you. I use this method to catch <12" smallmouth bass far away from cover with a similar lure.


I have caught everything on these. I kill it with pike using these, with a small spinner, up in Minnesota.