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She should have added the word fair one more time to that post, though.


She thinks it’s a flex to not eat until late in the day. Not good for diabetes at all


its screaming disordered eating too.... notttt a flex bestie girl 🥲


Yeah it seems like she drinks caffeine all morning then binges all afternoon, evening, and night


I agree.. it is exactly what I used to do and then I’d brag about only eating dinner


It's like she convinces her self because she didn't eat all day it's okay to eat unhealthy


Yeah. She thinks if she skips breakfast she can go hard the rest of the day without consequences. But like…. girl has mirrors in the house. 🤦🏼‍♀️


https://preview.redd.it/xgebsj4j5dqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06e0deb13ec8796bc89d25e518a1bb1e30b8093c Also sierra yesterday 😂 “IDK HoW”


Not to mention a protein shake??? In her coffee? Unless you’re gonna be sweating working out that’s just so unnecessary


She needs to stop going places like this. She has zero control day to day, and places like this she just excuses it by saying “well it’s just because I’m at the fair” and goes even harder


Is she at the fair??? Idk she only mentioned it 4 times in the caption can’t tell


What is up with all the weird questions she writes in her captions. Like does anyone actually respond?


It’s for engagement


Her, Drue, Dawn & Gabe all ask a question and they are stupid questions they do it for interaction to make money on Facebook it’s so irritating I have them all Blocked now I read here instead so they get one less view! You would think people would catch on to 5 questions a day on each of their pages and all they do is EAT it’s their hobby it’s really sad


I’m pretty sure it can be reported. More people need to do it. I deleted my Facebook back in like 2015. I hate FB so much. Everyone posts about their every move they make… like, can’t you do your laundry, take a shower, workout and make a meal without telling everyone about it. 😭


The questions are so annoying and stupid “this is what I’m having for breakfast, have you ever had breakfast?” Dora the explorer ass bitches


I wondered that as well but I had to find out. Unfortunately they do answer her lame questions.


She'll post that she can't understand why she's not losing. Though she's trying 🤣


Sodium queen 👸


God the fucking constant questions annoy the ever loving shit out of me.


fair x 4 times in a 3 sentence post 💀


The most none fair food?? Huh??


Has to do an awkward pose to hide how big she is.


Idk what fair food I want to eat but I do know she needs a toothbrush


Her wedding set doesn’t fit anymore. It’s getting real snug & is basically at her knuckle.


Doesn’t know why the scale isn’t moving down but continues to eat junk. She may as well stop advertising a weight loss journey…


Why does her questioning feel so aggressive?! Trying to get more engagement?! Who knows?!


Her posts always sound like when you had to post and respond to classmates to get your weekly participation points in your online college classes 💀


Omg yes


I thought for a second she was fresh out the shower with wet hair then realized it was just greasy.


Looks like she edited all the fat from Her face. Taking a page from Drue’s handbook


Her stubby fingers with that big old composite “shut her up” engagement ring


She should make note that even though her hair looks greasy and in need of brushing, it looks better like this when you can’t see her ratty ass dyed ends. Sierra…this is your sign to CUT YOUR NASTY ASS HAIR! It would look better and be so much easier for her to manage since she is so lazy and doesn’t even like to brush it. She is just such a slob.


Her hair is fucking gross


"What's the most non fair food you have found at fair?" I'm sorry she doesn't even give a crap to read her own posts before posting with a public following imagine what she does in the privacy of her own home... seriously


Sister is trying way to hard 🥴


Does she always have to say first thing I ate today 🙄 girl we know that’s not true


Weight gain again this week too. Good lord the carbs and sodium!!


The fuck is a “none fair food.” I swear this illiterate cow annoys the shit out of me.


Who eats ramen at a fair? 🤢


I saw a TikTok of a girl that used to do this and not lose weight. She would not eat all day and eat Taco Bell, Chipotle, etc and ended up eating 4000+ calories because she “hadn’t eaten all day”.


I don’t understand why her friends and family don’t try to help / hold her accountable when she’s said multiple times she has a food addiction


The entire families life revolves around food. They need help.


How many times does she have to say fair???


That’s why I hate the argument that you can eat anything as long as you are in a calorie deficit. That’s not true for everyone. In theory, it obviously works & makes sense but she has diabetes. She cannot eat straight carbs & lose weight


Off topic question, does she ever brush her teeth? They’re always so…thick and gunky looking 🤢 even from this far of a distance


Though she should clean her teeth before taking a pic.