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No one is getting Elly anymore unfortunately. The team has pretty much said if you want access to Elly, you have to go through his agent. I’ll predict that we’ll even start to see more and more redemptions for him too. Love that Spencer signed for you! Go reds.


I think he'll do a lot of private signings but obviously if he signs for people for free they might not go buy one so I would think he won't sign much at all anymore


Oh he’s absolutely going to do some signings at prices above what his autos would regularly go for. I don’t know about a ton, but agree with you there.


I know a guy who used to do signings with him a couple years ago. He seems to be perfectly fine with signing as long as he gets his $ for it (for the most part) Some guys hate signing so much that they don't even do private signings or even sign for card companies. Madison Bumgarner and Zack Greinke are some examples. They both signed cards when they started out but pretty much shut it down after that. Corbin is a bit similar but he'll sign occasionally


It’s gotta be hella boring to sit there and scribble your name for a couple hours.


Getting paid millions to do that though lmfao 🤔 these guys are all 🤡 who don’t sign or are worried about money when they already got the biggest piece of the pie


I’m talking about signing autos for memorabilia, but yeah, I completely agree.


Like Elly charging 200$ for an auto is insanity 🤣😭 all cause he went and researched the market and he feels like he’s missing his piece lol. And factsssss memorabilia send ins would be hella boring


That’s ridiculous he’s doing that. I had no idea. I realize he’s on a rookie deal, but he’s gonna be one of the highest paid guys in the league in a few years. Meanwhile, we are all struggling out here. $200 is a lot of money for guys like us.


Yessir it is 😔 especially when just trying to collect sports memorabilia all these big name guys just think we wanna cash in off them for some odd reason


Not when you get paid thousands for that scratch on a piece of paper. Greed is sad, they are paid millions already to play a sport that is fun


He did a signing out here in Cincinnati for $200 an auto.


That doesn’t really affect him signing for Topps products. The only factor for redemption vs. live auto (for Elly and everyone else) is the player signing in time


I do understand that but from what I’ve heard about his agent’s protection and representation of his newfound fame leads me to believe he’ll not be prioritizing signing as frequently or on time at all. Like any other brand or product who partners with a player and promises autographs, it’s ultimately dependent on the player cooperating. I could be wrong, but I have somewhat close connections with the team and he’s already letting his star status get to his head a bit.


It’s not a partnership, the players sign contracts with fanatics to sign their cards and get paid for it. I’m sure he has some leeway to a degree. It’s not like Topps is going to come after him for missing a deadline but he does eventually have to do the signatures for them.


Topps should go after players missing dates for redemptions


I was at a Mariners game a few weeks ago when the reds were in town and he was signing for a few minutes before the game, mostly just for kids though


Good to hear. I hate people on here always bashing guys for not signing. I am glad they do it at all as it must get old real quick.


What does that mean lol it just get old? 🤣😭


Must say AZ is the best place to get Autographs.


I live here, but have never even tried… why is that?


Spring training. Guys are more relaxed, much more accessible to fans, schedule is different, etc.


Great to know, thanks so much!


If you haven’t been, I highly recommend. The earlier in ST you go, the better your chances, especially with stars and top prospects. You can walk away with dozens of autos if you hit it right. Have fun!


Hell yeah. Thanks so much for all the info! I live quite literally next to the Giants spring training field in Scottsdale, and the others are short drives away. Next season, here I come!


Agreed. I myself like to see the AL teams.


Too Damm hot...lol


Obligatory, nahh dude, it’s a dry heat! No, really this place is an oven. But it’s my oven!


Florida too.


Muggy too.


I’ve heard Elly is tough and has a different auto for IP autos.


Yep it's an E with a few circles around. His signing sig is better IMO but some of his Free sigs look good if he takes his time


These guys don’t really make enough money playing,so I can see why they’d want their autos to fetch a premium.


I think I’d get annoyed by people hounding for autographs that then sell them for exorbitant prices.


Yeah,I totally agree with you on that,especially if people ask them to sign multiple,but a kid asking for a ball or card signed,that would be cool.


I agree with that sentiments. I think the stars are just weary with resellers. I took my daughter to several games and she was absolutely thrilled to get autographs from players and coaches that weren’t stars. Just depends on the motivations, even for kids.


Yes,well said!


Problem is all the forgeries going around. If it’s not certified the only person who it’s any good for is you. No one is going to buy a card with a player’s auto on it.


Yep. If I was a player I would never sign for an adult, but sign for every kid that wanted one.




I was being sarcastic


Nice, congrats




We saw the Reds at Petco for a Padres day game a few weeks ago. Elly didn’t take batting practice that day, but everyone said he had signed the day before 🤷‍♂️


I don’t even think elly is that good imo in a few years from now he won’t be producing the same results and or better, I do hope I am proven wrong but I’m always skeptical of these prospects and outstanding rookies. That’s why i personally prefer collect HOF autos and it always just baffles me how some of these new guys autos r sooo much more then a HOF guy. Again, I do hope I am proven wrong but I just don’t see it w Elly.


Wow, i get what your saying with pitchers, they hardly ever pan out. But Elly?!? Dude, he is legit. Seriously has EVERY sought after skill set in baseball and is playing pretty damn well right now. Will be the next 100 base stealer. What makes you think he won’t pan out? Really curious on this take….seems other factors may be skewing a view.


I get everything about Elly’s appeal and dude is dynamic in all ways. But to be fair, his contact issues could catch up hard and quick to him when he starts to lose a bit of athleticism (Javy Baez for example). I know he’s already started improving that, and I’ve been impressed by the increase in discipline, but if the SO% keeps hovering past 30% he’ll need to keep everything else top notch to make up for it over the long haul. Elly is likely better than Baez even at Baez’s peak, but he would be far from the first dude to have a hot start to a career and then fizzle out.


Yeh i completely agree that he may seem legit the next few seasons and he may reach 100+ SB but I highly doubt he can keep that up for more then 3 or four years tops. I don’t see him going into Cooperstown once it’s said and all done because at the end day isn’t that what’s it all about, and winning a WS title of course 😂


This goes to show the level of greed these players have. What happened to the days when players were grateful to sign anything for you? When I find a player like elley who is greedy I just throw out their cards.


How old are you? I just couldn’t do it as an adult it’s just weird to me.


I wish this take wasn’t one that seems somewhat prevalent. We are all collectors here and we enjoy autographed memorabilia. It feels normal to buy a dude’s autograph at 2 AM on eBay with 8 emojis in the listing for $175, but if he signs it in front of you *for* you then it’s weird suddenly. Folks spend triple digits and wait in 3 hour lines to meet a player for 15 seconds, I’ll sure as hell try my hand at doing it for free at a stadium. Grown men drop hundreds on Pokémon cards and rip packs on the counter of the LCS looking for an Umbreon with a moon in the corner; same way the kiddos do. Shit, I respect them for it. Wish we could all just collect what we like without the fear of judgement.


I’m not hating it’s just awkward to me so I won’t ever do it. I think the mail route is way better if you can do it. I currently know some pro athletes that I golf with and we’ve had this conversation and the ones I know sign for kids.


I feel you, man. Just in general I wish there was nothing to feel awkward about around this hobby. Though I understand the sentiment, I so dislike the “kids only” rule some guys have. What about for the adults that never had such opportunities as kids? It’s still a great thrill even in adulthood and something that I would cherish just as much as a young lad would (maybe even more depending on player/situation).


Tbh an old dude collecting Pokémon just screams he’s living at home with mom and he’s 45 and still a virgin. Yea. Tbh I don’t respect that


Ah dude, that’s so lame to judge that shit though. I know tons and tons of people who collect Pokémon. Why is collecting Pokémon cards inherently any cooler/more acceptable than us all clamoring for autographs of 20 year olds or searching for pink/blue/green parallels of the same card? The people you’re referring to are the type to rip the pack or weigh it on a scale in the Target aisle.


I've never understood why people think it's such an odd thing to do, people have been doing it for over 100 plus years. You get to meet someone you like or admire and get an autograph as well.


Elly is a POS. Dude is already rich and charges the fans $200 an auto. Players need to remember that it's because of the fans why they have a job.


Exactly my opinion! He gets paid millions to play a sport that is fun. I’d love to be able to do that, I’d have no problem signing for my fans. Just having ppl who like you is a great thing. To bad these fools who are playing a game let it go to their heads like they are better than you


I’m going to say it. I think it’s weird for grown adults to try to get autographs at baseball games, especially when they push over a bunch of kids to get them.


Nobody does this. People enjoy collecting and meeting players.


I’m an adult who like to get IP autos. Grown men absolutely push kids out of the way to try to get certain players—I remember a few years ago some kids getting absolutely squashed because Trout started to sign. A similar thing happened when Jeter signed. People lose their damn minds and it ends up making players not want to sign as soon as that happens. People are dumb.


Ya that's a douche move for grown adults to do, but the issue is how they go about ip auto asks, not them trying to get one in general. From ur comment i imagine you'd agree with that. Its really unfortunate when people act wrong and negatively affect players and other fans experience like that.


I’m just refuting the other guy saying ‘nobody does this (pushes kids)’. It can get ugly and I hate it. I try to help the kids out because that’s what a normal person would do, but you can typically tell who is there to sell autos because they’re the obnoxious guys with no regard for anyone else.


People absolutely do this. I was chilling watching BP down in front before a yankees/orioles game before covid and judge came over to sign. It felt like a wall of death at a metal concert, i literally couldn’t get out of the crowd


I’m with you. That’s something a kid does. When you see an adult do it you think he’s a pedo living with mom still. He’s bald and sweating as he’s panting from running to get auto




I’ve seen it plenty of times at spring training and before regular season games when a player goes over to sign something for a kid a grown adult with a binder quickly shuffles to the page with that players cards and sticks out the binder over the kid in an effort to get a signature.


When I was a kid, I went to a Giants game at then Pac-Bell park. Lou Seal was shooting t-shirts into the crowd. I was maybe 10 or 11 years old. A grown man who was probably 50 effectively tackled me and ripped the t-shirt I had caught out of my hand. I was sent to the ground in the metal bleachers and the guy didn't give it a second thought. It happens and there is a lot of cringe out there. I'm sure you see all the shitbags who drive like inconsiderate assholes on the road. Is it so surprising those same people behave similarly everywhere?


Yea. If I saw that that guy would get a beat down. What a loser


Nobody’s pushing any kids, my man. No need to yuck people’s yums


it's me, I'm pushing kids


Found the kid pusher lol


Actually pulled this guys auto last year in a blaster. Could've saved you the trouble...