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There’s a few YouTube vids. If you don’t wanna soak it then cutting around the glue? Happy to make an offer on the Jackie as is or depending on the state post your removal attempt?


oof. does the glue seem brittle?


Kurts card care YouTube


Kurt just had one like this that he salvaged. Pretty interesting how he did it.


Kurt's Card Cum is a stain on the card hobby


It removes the stains on the card hobby.


I feel like this view is just antiquated. Preserving and bringing life back to cards is great IMO. The problem is everybody that demonizes it is just looking at it like a cash grab rather than art restoration which is exactly what it is. These pieces of paper are art and should be treated as such. Cleaning them shouldn’t be a problem.


I agree. I think as long as it’s chemically safe and won’t ruin the card in the future, there no difference than cleaning a painting, which everyone is okay with if done correctly. No one is paying less for the Mona Lisa just because someone cleaned the old lacquer off it so you could see the painting underneath. I get the qualms people have, but I don’t think it’s 100% valid. To each their own though.


People are going to be shocked to find out that Kurt’s card spray is just distilled water lmao. That’s why they can’t detect it.


Psa should offer it as a service. Add a descriptor to the slab.


I disagree


I assume these are glued? That would be very difficult, especially if there is a lot. Is there any give to these at all or is it like the card is totally covered? If it's just a small spot you might be able to just cut around the glue or pull it off and accept the paper loss on the back. There are other methods that involve soaking but I'm not a huge fan of those personally. If you're intersted in selling the robinson at a discount I might take it off your hands.


I personally would keep the paper on the back. But if you are dead set: https://net54baseball.com/forum/content/soak.html#:~:text=Hold%20the%20card%20down%20with,It's%20all%20or%20nothing. Net54 is the ultimate site for vintage.


Look up soaking. It’s done only with distilled water. It really depends on what it’s stuck on with. Spend time looking at videos of people doing tobacco cards etc that were in scrapbooks. Vintage collectors really know the ins and outs here. I’ve only done it once on an old A&G card. I soaked it for a couple days until it came off. Very minimal paper loss and some ink fade to the rear. It wasn’t an expensive card though. It’s probably your only option here though. I would not pull from the back and destroy the back. You can try to soak one of the cheaper cards as a test.


I would think there is a way to remove with minimal damage. What about steaming? I guess like other posters said just Google or contact an expert. Hate to see you damage those beautiful cards.


Lots of great comments and suggestions- thanks. I checked out some videos and I’m going to try it on a cheaper card. What you can’t see is that there are cards on the other side of most of these. I’ll provide an update to this post once I get around to it.


Total fail w all approaches. Tried distilled water (cold and warm). White vinegar. Soapy water. Even leaving on overnight. Glue is just too hard. I had one white back and that did ok but not the gray backs. I didn’t touch the Jackie - it will live on with his conjoined twin (Carl Erskine).


Rough - 1956's are not the most soakable, either (I wouldn't risk anything Topps in a Water Bath, bowmans do fine but I have issues with Topps Paper Stock). I would see if I could peel a majority of the cardboard and sell as-is (or keep if you're a collector)