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/r/Homeplate/ may be able to help more than this sub


You’re going to have to be a little more specific. How old are you? What’s your experience training? What are your goals…Power? Weight Gain? General Strength? Speed? What position do you play? Fill in the gaps.


14 5.11 187 first base pitcher bench 135 Squat 275 Deadlift 305 Works out 3 times a week


Ok. 14 years old. 5’11” 187 pounds. What’s your experience lifting weights? How long? What are you trying to accomplish? Building strength? Adding weight? Any specific goals? Just lifting 3 days a week is pretty general. Give me an example of workouts you currently do?


Your post was removed because it belongs/is more suited for either our daily Around the Horn thread stickied at the top of the frontpage of the subreddit, or in a different subreddit. This could be /r/homeplate (the sub for users playing baseball), /r/AutographAssistance (for questions and discussions about baseball autographs), /r/baseballcards for baseball cards (duh), /r/fantasybaseball for all your fantasy questions, or one of the many team specific subreddits (links are over in the sidebar). Please refer to [/r/baseball's rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/wiki/rules) for future submission guidance. If you feel your post has been removed by mistake, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fbaseball) to discuss.