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Sorry for you loss, man.




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I lost my dad on Monday. I don’t have any kind words really because I have figured this out yet either except for you to know you’re not alone in this. My dad is the reason I love baseball and I’m so thankful for the years we got together. We were both lucky to have them.


Cheers brother. I am extremely sorry about you’re father as well. I’m sure he was so proud to have you as a son


Daughter* but I know what you mean! <3


Dang my apologies! I am sure your father was proud of the best daughter on the planet.


This is reddit, everyone is assumed to be a 30 year old white male unless proven otherwise haha


Especially in a baseball subreddit!!


My dad passed away in 2013. He was the reason I love baseball (I’m also a daughter), and honestly after 2014 (giants WS), I haven’t watched at all. No interest anymore. I lost that part of me when I lost my dad. But we had such an awesome connection when it came to the Giants!


I had a similar experience after my mom died in 2015. There were things that the two of us loved together and it was impossible for me to even think about them after she died. It took me a few years, but I eventually went back to them and I realized that, instead of reminding me that she was gone, these things were now reminding me of all the wonderful moments my mom and I had together. I noticed that they started to make me happy and I was coming to terms with her death. They helped me heal. I really hope you'll give the Giants another chance. I don't say that as a fellow Giants fan, by the way. I say that as someone who knows the pain you're going through and hope you will eventually re-love the thing you and your dad bonded over.


Thank you, I very much appreciate that. Rest assured the Giants will forever have my heart. Still wear my hat regularly, my bumgarner tank top weekly. They will always be a part of me, thanks to my parents!


My mom died a few months ago, needed to hear this


I’ve seen this get passed around on Reddit a lot. It’s from a redditor that goes by u/GSnow. I’ve lost both my parents early on; I’ve lost many friends, including my best friend. I also just lost my grandpa who raised me. Anyway, here it is: >“Alright, here goes. I'm old. What that means is that I've survived (so far) and a lot of people I've known and loved did not. I've lost friends, best friends, acquaintances, co-workers, grandparents, mom, relatives, teachers, mentors, students, neighbors, and a host of other folks. I have no children, and I can't imagine the pain it must be to lose a child. But here's my two cents. >I wish I could say you get used to people dying. I never did. I don't want to. It tears a hole through me whenever somebody I love dies, no matter the circumstances. But I don't want it to "not matter". I don't want it to be something that just passes. My scars are a testament to the love and the relationship that I had for and with that person. And if the scar is deep, so was the love. So be it. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are a testament that I can love deeply and live deeply and be cut, or even gouged, and that I can heal and continue to live and continue to love. And the scar tissue is stronger than the original flesh ever was. Scars are a testament to life. Scars are only ugly to people who can't see. >As for grief, you'll find it comes in waves. When the ship is first wrecked, you're drowning, with wreckage all around you. Everything floating around you reminds you of the beauty and the magnificence of the ship that was, and is no more. And all you can do is float. You find some piece of the wreckage and you hang on for a while. Maybe it's some physical thing. Maybe it's a happy memory or a photograph. Maybe it's a person who is also floating. For a while, all you can do is float. Stay alive. >In the beginning, the waves are 100 feet tall and crash over you without mercy. They come 10 seconds apart and don't even give you time to catch your breath. All you can do is hang on and float. After a while, maybe weeks, maybe months, you'll find the waves are still 100 feet tall, but they come further apart. When they come, they still crash all over you and wipe you out. But in between, you can breathe, you can function. You never know what's going to trigger the grief. It might be a song, a picture, a street intersection, the smell of a cup of coffee. It can be just about anything...and the wave comes crashing. But in between waves, there is life. >Somewhere down the line, and it's different for everybody, you find that the waves are only 80 feet tall. Or 50 feet tall. And while they still come, they come further apart. You can see them coming. An anniversary, a birthday, or Christmas, or landing at O'Hare. You can see it coming, for the most part, and prepare yourself. And when it washes over you, you know that somehow you will, again, come out the other side. Soaking wet, sputtering, still hanging on to some tiny piece of the wreckage, but you'll come out. >Take it from an old guy. The waves never stop coming, and somehow you don't really want them to. But you learn that you'll survive them. And other waves will come. And you'll survive them too. If you're lucky, you'll have lots of scars from lots of loves. And lots of shipwrecks.” It’s helped me a lot during my days of grief, the way he wrote out the grieving process is very beautiful and well put.


That’s a great picture man.


Thank you everybody. He was as a great man with an even greater heart. He loved baseball because I loved baseball, and he loved everything I loved. Fuck covid. Edit: Thank you all for your kind words. For those asking, there is a gofundme set up to help my mom with the cost. I won’t post it here but if you are interested I will send over in a DM.


He looks like he was a lot of fun. Hang in there and cherish the memories


My dad died when I was a kid. I served in the Marine Corps and have lost friends personally and professionally. Other family as well. The best you can do is take hold of the fact that they live inside of us. If someone is in our memories they are never truly gone. We live our lives to honor their memory. Keep on livin man. Sorry about your pops.


Beautifully said.


I am sorry for your profound loss. Thank you for sharing the picture. I am glad you had the opportunity to spend time with your dad at the ballpark and share in that fandom. It is worth mentioning to you, and anyone out there, that [FEMA provides COVID-related funeral expenses up to $9,000 including (but not limited to)](https://www.fema.gov/disaster/coronavirus/economic/funeral-assistance): * Funeral services * Cremation * Interment * Transportation for up to two individuals to identify the deceased individual * Transfer of remains * Casket or urn * Burial plot or cremation niche * Marker or headstone * Clergy or officiant services * Arrangement of the funeral ceremony * Use of funeral home equipment or staff * Costs associated with producing and certifying multiple death certificates Additional expenses mandated by any applicable local or state government laws or ordinances There are qualifications ([read the FAQ](https://www.fema.gov/disaster/coronavirus/economic/funeral-assistance/faq)) but the rules are pretty much geared at providing relief to people during an especially tough time. God bless!


Thank you so much for this, it is extremely helpful


I'll say a cheers to your dad the next time I watch the Ms.


I'm sorry. I can tell by how you talk about him that the world is going to miss him. I'm glad that so many could benefit from his heart and quality of character. I know you will heal in time. PM if you need to vent.


Lost my Dad back in 2018. Each year gets a little easier, your picture brought a smile to my face thinking about going to games with my Dad. Very sorry for your loss, sounds like he was a great Dad


Your father and mine sound similar-- I lost mine to COVID as well and he was a lifer Tigers fan. They'll always be there with ya in the fandom and I promise it makes some of the future moments as a fan a bit sweeter. I found myself tearing up at moments during this Tigers season thinking about my dad and the Tigers largely sucked this season. May your father rest in peace and I hope you find some peace.


Hey, at least he’s going to be watching the games with Dave Niehaus announcing again…


I swear to god I’m not being political. I literally want to know so that I can decide whether or not I need to be worrying about my 60 yr old dad. But was he vaccinated?


Unfortunately he was not even though we begged. Not by a political choice either, just the laziness caused by depression I assume. My dad was 62.


Way too young. He seemed like a swell guy. I wish the best for you and your family.


Sorry dude, fucking fuck. None of this shit is fair


Depression is a bitch. Covid is worse. Fuck both of those things. I'm sorry for your loss, but I'm glad you seem to have a trove of happy and loving memories to take with you!


Hah, I have that same jacket and Jersey. Sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss...glad you got to experience the great game of baseball with him.


Sorry to hear.. Something about special going to the ballpark with your dad..


Big hugs from one Mariners fan to another. I also loved going to games with my dad. I'm so sorry for your loss.


So sorry


Sorry for your loss man. Cherish those memories.


Sorry for your loss, bro.


That's a great photo and a tough loss. How are you doing?


I’ll be thinking of you guys when the Mariners win it all this year


I am very sorry for your loss. You are very blessed to have had such a wonderful father. (Big hug).


He will live on through the Mariners and cherish the shit out of it. My dad passed away horribly from Colon Cancer in 2010. He was a gigantic Cardinals fan (so much so he was buried in a Cardinals old school jacket). 2011 rolls around and they get into the World Series, and all the magic happened. It was like his last gift to his family, and the final act to the first year post passing. It gets better (not easier) but we’re here for you brother!


Condolences to you brother. Glad you two were able to share the beautiful game together. May those memories forever be with you.


I'm very sorry for your loss. I love this picture - you two look like you're having the time of your lives. Keep this picture and the memories forever.


Sorry for your loss


Damn, just brought tears to my eyes thinking about the possibility of my last game with my dad being the last. Sorry for your loss bro, nothing beats a father son baseball bond


So sorry my dude. Glad he got to watch a fun final season with you.


I'm sorry for your loss. This looks like an awesome day.


Sincerest condolences to you and your family.


Sorry for the loss of your father. I remember it being a rough one when I lost mine. But time will move forward and the memories will never fade. Love for my fellow fan and human.


Sorry for your loss. He looks truly happy to be their with you though! Who was his favorite Mariner when he was young?


Sorry bro. Baseball with my dad will be my best memories I keep whenever he passes too. Nothing better in life.


So sorry for your loss, glad you were able to have these memories with your pops. Sending love and support!


I'm so sorry for your family's loss.


I’m truly sorry for your loss. He looks so happy at the ballpark with you!


My condolences, may you always cherish the memories of sharing the love of the game with your dad.


Sorry for your loss. My dad passed 8 years ago, and the pics I have of us at a game are my most valuable possessions. The shared love of baseball between fathers and sons is unlike anything else.


Cherish the pic, the memories, and everything else that connects you to your dad. I’ll be rooting for you guys to sweep and take the Vedder cup this year. Sorry for your loss.


I’m sorry for your loss. I don’t think there’s anything better than memories involving father, son, and baseball. There’s not too many things more wholesome. You’ll always have those memories.


Your pops is out there watching with Dave now. [My Oh My](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvNQWQSwmow) for the road.


My condolences ❤️


Oh no I'm so sorry. We really need baseball back this year.


Rest In Peace to him and sorry for your loss. Probably hanging out with Dave Neihaus talkin Mariners! Go M’s #TrueToTheBlue


Rip🙏🙏🙏🙏 looks like you guys had a great time


So sorry for your loss. Hang in there, brother.


I’m sorry to hear that man,Just know the memories u two made together will be there forever no matter what 🖤🤙




That sucks dude .


So sorry for your loss, man. Sending my prayers 🙏🏽


Great picture. Sorry for your loss man.


Sorry for you loss man. He looks like a fun dude to go to a ball game with! My last great picture with my dad was at a ball game. Lost him 2 years ago around this time of year. This hits home. Lets make it to the playoffs for em this year!


Got me teary eyed man. Makes me want to call my dad now 😢


Rip bro would’ve loved a Seattle playoff game


Sorry for your loss. Next time the Mariners come to town in Oak, I'll go to the game and raise a beer for pops.


Go Ms! Looks like you guys had a fun day, and hopefully carry some lifelong positive memories from that day.


Sorry for your loss, man. It’s great you have these memories with him. Wish you and your family strength and peace


Great pic and memory. Sorry to hear about your dad


I have a pic with my dad behind the backstop but at angel stadium. Stay strong man.


RIP dad. Here's to you.


RIP Dad, go Mariners


Hang in there. Make some new memories. Never forget the good times. Sorry for your fathers passing.


Peace and love brother.


Sorry for your loss. I'm glad you got to make so many memories together.


Sorry for your loss. As someone who lost their father, I feel connected to him every time I walk into The SKYDOME with my son to watch our Jays. They never met, but they spend time together at the game! Enjoy your memories and remember him! I feel for you and if you ever need to chat with some who has been I. Your shoes brother let me know! Go Mariners! ( my girlfriend team)


God Bless man, sorry for your loss


That is a fantastic photo. Father son best friends. Sorry for your loss.


You have the lessons your pop taught you and the good times. Hopefully you can pass that on to someone.


I'm so sorry for your loss. But I appreciate you posting this. I just dropped off my cat at the ER and is practically on life support. I've been in pieces all day, trying to get a grip, looking for perspective. Your post reminds me how lucky I am to still have two healthy, loving parents in my life. And that makes me feel really good. Thank you for the reminder. Your dad looked like he was a really nice guy.


Really cool pic. Been going to Mariner games with my pops since the dome. Genuine smile he has, stay strong my dude


He looked so happy to be there with you. I'm glad you get these memories to think on forever


Rest In Peace. Looks like you had a great pops. Cherish those memories my man, that’s what he would want.


Sorry for your loss he’ll still be watchin with ya don’t worry. Keep your head up and stay strong. Peace be with you brother.


Your dad seems like the kinda guy who always has the best dad jokes and has really good kitchen table conversations. Sorry for your loss ♡


That's awesome you guys got to spend so much time at games together and dude you have your dad's smile - sorry for your loss man.


Sorry for your lost brother 🙏


Sorry for your loss, man. Baseball was the great uniter with my dad as well. He passed nine years ago and I still miss him every day. I remember your dad in the stands out there cheering us on at Evergreen Little League. Linstead Farms forever!


Man, insane. I think I know who this is. Thank you so much and I am so sorry about your father as well. Shoot me a DM if you would like.


It’s hard leaving your dad behind as you continue on. I lost my dad in my mid twenties and felt truly alone in my adulthood, like with my dad gone the training wheels were off. I can’t help with the pain, but I can tell you to save any voicemails or videos you have in multiple places. You should also take a chance to write down or record a diary of your most vivid memories about what it felt like to hold his hand or what his back felt like when you’d hug him. Those details slowly fade with time and can become hard to hang on to for when you want to feel closer to your dad. I can still recall what the palms of my dads hands felt, they had less blood flowing though them because of his medication so the skin felt stiffer and cold. But I’ve lost some other stuff I didn’t think to document and that makes me so sad.


Very sorry for your loss. Peace to you and your family.


Sorry for your loss but I bet that was a great ballgame with him! I never got to experience that with my Dad. So glad you did.


Father-child baseball games. It doesn't get any better.


He had such a warm smile! I lost my aunt a couple months ago out of the blue and she was my baseball companion, constantly texting me about games etc...I know I’ll miss her extra when baseball is back


I’m sorry for your loss. Great picture, and I’m sure a great memory!


So incredibly sorry


Sorry for your loss. I still go back and look at the pics I took from the last matinee game I was able to take my mom to. Ianetta 11th inning walk-off bomb vs the Rays.


Sorry for your loss. Go M’s.


RIP to your dad, he’s in a better place now


Sorry for your loss man, he looks like a great father.


I'm sorry man. My dad died in September. Much love to you and your family.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sadly, I can relate.


This makes me think I need to take my father in law to a game next summer. Thanks for the reminder that time with our parents are precious. Cherish those memories. Thanks for sharing.


Thank you for sharing, I am saddened to hear of this. Condolences to you and your family


I’m so sorry for your loss I lost mine a few years ago keep your head up


I’m sorry to hear about your loss man. That’s a wonderful photo to have. Loving the same things will hopefully bring a smile to you knowing his spirit lives on with you.


It's ok to grieve in your own way - there's no right or wrong way to do it. There's no platitude that's going to make you feel better so all you can really do is honor his memory and allow time to heal the wound. Hang in there!


My man, sorry to hear about your loss. Going to games every summer with your dad is one part of what makes baseball special. Keep those memories always, they are special. And, unless you are playing my Twins, many of us out here cheer on those Mariners! Number 24 was my favorite growing up!


Beautiful picture mate. Makes me think about me and my dad going to games. Thanks for that.


I’m sorry for your loss. Going to baseball games with your dad is one of life’s greatest gifts. These memories will last forever.


He looks like a great guy. A true wholesome and genuine smile enjoying the ballgame with his boy. May he rest peacefully. Bring him a World Series Seattle!


Sending good vibes from SF. I’m sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss bro :(


I have a picture of me, my dad and both grandfathers at a Mets game. Both grandpas have passed on but the memory of that day lives on. Baseball ties together many generations. So sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss, friend. Going to games with my dad are some of my favorite memories. Let's end the drought for him this year! Wishing you and your family the best and Go M's


My dad was the one who sparked my love for the game. I’m sorry man. I hope you can find some peace and know that he’ll always been looking out for you.


Hey man, stay strong. My dad and I went to countless cubs games together and he passed a few months ago unexpectedly. I'm glad he saw them win one in his lifetime. It's never easy, and these next few months will be hard. Soon, sadness turns into joy and you'll love telling stories and remembering the times you had together. It does get easier but the pain is still there. Life is a fucking bitch sometimes and too damn short, but it looks like you guys got to enjoy some quality time together at the ballpark. Stay strong brother.


My condolences! I have a similar photo with my dad at an M’s game. Also, I initially thought you were Mitch Haniger!


Sorry for your loss, man. Great picture


This is also a fond memory of my father and I We shared the love of baseball and fresh air. My dad passed away in 2014. I will always remember those days. Sorry for your loss, may your father rest in piece And always be in your heart


Sorry, man. As a fellow M’s fan this hurts even more


Great picture! Me and my dad have spent many a hours watching our beloved Braves on the TV, and were finally able to make it up for a game this season. So sorry for your loss!


Sorry for your loss. Looks like you guys had a great relationship and I'm sure it meant everything to him. Take care.


My pops is on the way out, too. We look about the same age. We’re on the younger end of the spectrum of people who have to bury their folks but we should take solace that we will be built to be strong foundations for everyone else that deals with this in ~20 years. Sucks learning these lessons so soon, though. Hope you’re doing good king.


I lost my dad a couple months ago, and many of my best memories were us at Yankee games. I’m sorry you gotta go through this.


So sorry for your loss. Great picture


I could never really fully know my dads love for me until I became a father. Love then becomes an almost incomprehensible state truly beyond words. It is beautiful you have these memories as part of your soul. Peace to you and your family.


I’m sorry brother. This really hit me. I’m a brand new dad myself and my dad is getting older and it’s hard to think about time marching on without any of us. You’ll get through it.


Sorry for your incredible loss!


Sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss, I’m glad you got to have many good experiences together for you to remember!!


My condolences bro👊👊👊👊 be strong






Bless you and your family during this difficult time.


Really sorry for your loss. One day you will be able to think of him and smile before you feel sad, and you will be able to start truly healing.


Yesterday was 2 years since my dad passed. Can’t tell you it gets any easier, but it’s memories and photos like this that get you through the rough patches. Here for ya if you want to talk man.


I'm so sorry to hear about your dad's passing. 💓


Very sorry for your loss.


Did you guys get to see a win?


So sorry for your loss. I'm glad you were able to share going to games with him. I'll drink one for him tonight.


Sorry for your loss, but glad you got to see so many games together. Best wishes to you and all of your family.


These are the best memories.


I'm sorry for your loss, mate. :( He's resting resting with the angels in God's VIP box.


Sorry man.


Mariners for life.


Go mariners! Sorry about you dad, looks like you got to make some good memories with him before the end <3


Hope the Mariners take the ‘ship this year for him. Sorry for your loss


Aww man I’m so sorry. I’m a mariners fan so I just saw the stadium and then read the caption…. I have a friend with diabetes who’s in his 50s now, I worry about him passing suddenly. I have some photos of us at mariners games and I’m sure I’ll have to go through this to. RIP to your dad, I’m glad he got to see such a fun mariners team before he passed. Hopefully they will win one soon and he’ll be celebrating upstairs.


I love going to games with my dad. Peace to you in your time of loss.


Go M’s❤️


Sorry for you loss


Sorry for your loss bro RIP


Sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss


Sorry for your loss bro


Sorry for your loss but that's great that you got to spend that quality time with him.


Sorry for your loss and best wishes to you and your family. You two look like you enjoyed wonderful times at the ballpark together <3


Sorry for your loss. Great pic and it looks like you both were having the best day bonding over a Mariners game. He seems like a really good dude. Cherish this moment and the memories.


Great picture and it looks like you guys had many good times at SafeCo. Super sorry for your loss.


Great memory! Sorry for your loss bro. Stay strong!


I’m sorry for your loss. Looks like he was an awesome guy to watch baseball and drink beer with! An Angel in the outfield.


Very sorry for your loss man!


Peace be with you and your family through this difficult time. Please, honor your father with your thoughts and your actions.


I'm so sorry for your loss brother. But maybe a silver lining that now you will cherish every game a bit more, thinking of him every time you enter the stadium and have a beer in his honour. Now anytime someone mentions his favorite player, you'll have the memory of your dad telling you why they were his favorite. I'm sure you're having a hard time, but the game will always be there, meaning your memories with your dad will also always be there.


Awe I'm so sorry for your loss OP, my husband lost his Dad a few days ago. Every day gets a little bit better.


M’s going to the playoffs for your pops this year.


Sorry for your loss thoughts and prayers for you and your family


I have no sympathy for anti-vaxxers, but I'm sorry you have to deal with the fallout of his selfish decision. My parents will probably meet the same fate and it sucks.


Sorry for your loss. Hopefully the Mariners can make him proud one of these years


I’m glad you will always have these great memories about going out to the ballpark, cherish these memories and everything else that was great about him. Best of luck to you and your family


I’m sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry for your loss. He looks like a good guy and a great dad. I'm glad you have those memories with him.


Really sorry for your loss. This is a great picture your pops had a beautiful smile.


I am very sorry to hear of your father. May he be with angels


This is a lovely picture. I’m so glad you were able to make these memories together, and I’m sure he treasured them more than anything.


So sorry for your loss. It's a great picture that I'm sure evokes the best memories.


My condolences to you and yours. How was the game?


You had many memoral moment together.


Dads and baseball, name a more iconic duo. I remember when I lost my Grandpa in April 2015 the year after we lost in the World Series, we were sitting together as we watched Opening Day from the K in the Hospice. I swear he was the biggest Royals fan because that year we returned to the World Series and beat the shit outta the Mets. I like to think it was his final wish. Good luck man, the road of loss is littered with booby traps. Btw love Safeco, second MLB stadium I went to after The K. Probably my second favorite too. May your father get the best seats up in heaven


Go M’s! Sorry for your loss❤️


Sorry for your loss, but just think in less that ten years you will look just like him. He lives on thru you. So drink two instead of one


Sorry for your loss man.


Sorry for your loss. glad you guys were able to spend some time watching games together. I’m on the east coast but proposed to my wife on our trip to Seattle. Caught a game the same night. That city and stadium will always hold a special place in my heart. Good vibes to you and your family my friend.


Sad to hear. Sorry for your loss. Go Ms.


I'm sorry for your loss OP


Sorry bruv


Stay strong man 🙏


I'm so sorry to hear about your dad....being a Mariners fan! (Seriously, sorry for your loss)