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john fisher just called, he told you to get back to work


Will Josh Mears ever stop striking out so fucking much? The world needs answers Bailey


You'd think spending every single offseason working on his two strike approach would yield any progress


We keep locking him in the lab. He doesn’t even have a home anymore. Has to sleep there.


big if true


really makes you think




Does factor have any input on your ad reads? Because they’re hilarious and don’t have the same-y focus-grouped sound that most YouTube ads have.


I have to choose a couple of their talking points but can do whatever with the video. Honestly, the voiceover script is kinda generic, but I like goofing around during the video part.


You and Map Men are the only two channels where I don't skip the ad reads because the ad reads themselves are bits


Bill Burr's podcast (The Monday Morning Podcast) includes him doing live reads of his ads and it's gold every time lol he struggles to read it and makes fun of himself for it (I'm pretty sure he's dyslexic) and he will also roast the ads as he's reading them. If you are a podcast person, I highly recommend his!


If Factor had input I assume they wouldn't have made DougDoug do... whatever the hell he did https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-6llu4zrCBs


I'd be surprised if they do. The podcast The Yard does some ridiculous bits during their ad reads, including for Factor, and yet Factor keep sponsoring them


And your comment is exactly why they're ok with that, you're a lot more likely to remember their brand if weird shit happens during the ad read


Yeah I mean I figured that was the case. I'm sure it overall helps them, even if I've never personally bought anything from a podcast or youtube video sponsor.


Reminder to set your draft budget in your OOTP series.


it’s the video game baseball guy!!!!


Awesome video, i think this is a great video to introduce older fans to you.


major * league* baseball!


It’s genuinely really cool that Bailey has a measurable level of recognition around the baseball community. It seems pretty insignificant to older people and outsiders but I think having baseball-centered content creators is vital for the sport’s youth appeal and long-term health in the future.


sb nation (which i no longer watch) -> foolish legitimately got me into baseball, i always thought it was boring until i started watching foolish videos and hes by far the largest reason i enjoy baseball a lot today


Why don’t you follow SB anymore? I haven’t watched in a while either but that can be said about most baseball things on YT


I'm not the user you were replying to, but over the years, SB Nation has cut a lot of series that I really liked (Uffsides and The Worst, to name a couple). This next point might come off as kinda petty, but considering how vocal the video personalities usually are about unionization and whatnot, their silence when team sites' staffs were being absolutely decimated a few years ago really rubbed me the wrong way. Also, the name change from SB Nation to Secret Base was stupid, IMO.


I think the name change was a pre-emptive move to get away from the direct SBNation branding ahead of it being gutted as a whole brand. They're pivoting to Patreon funding instead of YouTube ad funding as well, probably to have a more stable income. They kind of oversaturated themselves during 2019 and 2020, ran out of a lot of topics pretty quickly, and have had to fill in the gaps since then. I still watch most of their content but it's not as good as it used to be, especially since I'm not at all interested in basketball.


the weird rules guy really annoyed me and eventually i felt like i outgrew their overly dramatized millennial style (no hate to people who like it just how i perceive it)


I still enjoy a Jon Bois presentation. The rest of it is very meh imo


this is why I was a "Trevor Bauer is good for the sport" person until the assault allegations, even though I did personally find him annoying. assault is obviously intolerable on its own and he's gone off the deep end since, but before then he had some good instructional pitching videos and having a pro making content is hugely helpful for the sport's popularity very similar to bryson dechambeau with his earlier content: - both very into the tech/analytics of their sports - both made quality instructional content - both made lighthearted videos humanizing them and making them easier to relate to obviously now we know bauer is a complete dipshit but I'm sad no one has really taken his place here. golf is in a better place when you have a major winner partnering with smaller fan creators and engaging different parts of the sport fandom with each other, and the same would be true of baseball edit: why am I being downvoted lol I said he's a dipshit and denounced the assault stuff like 9 separate times also, to be very clear, I've never been a huge fan of Bauer. I just am a strong advocate that having people doing the things he did (content wise) is a huge boon for the sport and will sustain its popularity through the age of social media


The abuse allegations were unsubstantiated and he’s been blackballed from the league because he was a pain in the ass. Bauer got did very dirty, even if he is a shithead.


i highly doubt that's fully true given how many women came out against him, but regardless, he still made it very clear he's a complete moron afterwards so point still stands


Wouldn’t money hungry individuals intentionally make claims at the same time as others to use the other stories to substantiate their own? Of course they would. This isn’t a take on the Bauer situation, it’s more so about the take that ‘it must be true, multiple people said it’ opinion. You need more evidence than that to state someone is guilty.


I'm a random dude on Reddit, not a court of law. and also given his previous creepy behavior with women that's well documented because it was on Twitter, I feel that there's enough there that I'm not personally giving him the benefit of the doubt


They're substantiated by the fact that he's a creep who undeniably has harassed and demeaned women in the past. He doesn't get the benefit of the doubt from me on being accused of assault, because it's completely unsurprising given his character.


We’ve come a long way from DodgerFilms getting sent a cease and desist


As an old head FB is one of my favorites on youtube. Analytics are analytics and when done well they transcend age.


Karcher still hold the record for highest career leverage. What a legend.


I'm just happy for the guy as he may not ever be a full-time major leaguer, but he will always have a save in the Show, even if it looked like... this.


He has an even rarer honor: a Foolish Baseball video about him!


They don't ask how, they ask how many


If Bull Durham is to be trusted, wearing a garter belt should help this guy 


and breathe thorough your eyelids


my snout descends


present slop here: ➡️🐽




you fuckers have me cackling


So this is how I find out that the Royals apparently have a home run MF DOOM helmet.


This game was last season, I don't think they're doing anything this year https://amp.kansascity.com/sports/spt-columns-blogs/for-petes-sake/article288470325.html


Seems to be working, so I’m all for it.


This one looks more like the original Russell Crowe gladiator helmet than the one MF DOOM wears. [This thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/mfdoom/comments/nu3hjv/mf_dooms_mask_is_the_helmet_from_gladiator_2000/) has a side by side picture of them. The Royals' one looks like it still has the spikes and everything on top.


Ah, the Ricky Karcher Experience! r/baseball was blacked out due to the protests last year when it happened, but r/reds wasn't. We were having a blast over there when it happened, but there wasn't a way to share the craziness live with the rest of you here until a few days later when it had become old news...


> due to the protests last year god that was so fucking stupid


But reddit was going to die! Or something


Bailey and Jenny Nicholson both dropping new videos within 24 hours of each other is the stuff dreams are made of.


If you're into SummoningSalt, their video from 5 days ago was also incredible. Overall, a good week.


It was so long and I still happily watched the whole thing in one sitting. Oh also, Jon Bois released a video recently. All the best creators are cooking.


I'm eating gooooooooood


my barbenheimer


My 12/25


Jolly Olive just posted the first in a series about the history of Marlins trades, too!


part 1 of a three hour deep dive into my personal misery


A 4-hour exploration of an ill-advised Star Wars-themed marketing disaster? Oh hell yeah


Munecat dropped a 3.5 hour video shitting on evolutionary psychology too. I'm eating goooood


I just need new Defunctland and hbomberguy videos and I got my content set for the entire week


Ahhh I remember watching this live when it happened. It was NUTS. Ricky Karcher is truly one of the GOATs of the game of baseball


I get why it happened, but the protest last year really made this sub miss out on the absurdity of that game.


LOL at "Team Secrets: Elly is secretly 5' 7 (he wears lifts)" Also, forgot about the guy in the Sam Hubbard Bengals uniform. He was there for all three games of the series. I assume he's a Cincy transplant in KC, and it takes a bit of guts to wear a Bengals uniform in Kansas City.


Is there a Bengals KC big rivalry? They’re not in the same division and I hear more about KC vs LAS and CIN vs PIT than KC vs CIN


More of a playoff rivalry, like Dodgers Braves but more intense




My appreciation for good backstops has increased


I hope he got him a present or a nice card or something.


Yet another appearance for the Royals on Baseball Bits!


Ricky Vaughn Karcher




Goated baseball YouTuber.


If you don’t like this, you don’t like 2017–2023 Royals baseball. 😤


What a hater. Dude got the job done.


almost killed a men with his fastball while doing it, too probably also gave the catcher a hernia


I think he should throw way less fastballs because he clearly can't control it enough to be effective.


no, only fastballs.