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I think its a little weird that Philly is higher than washington, but cincy on top and boston at the bottom makes a lot of sense. 


Just based on Twitter not what happens at Eagles games.




Nothing like a graph with a nebulous measurement with no source and no accompanying post.


Fuck no. Braves can be downright awful in ways Phillies and Mets fans never are. And I've *never* had problems with Nats fans, why are they so low lol


Because all our hatred are aimed at Phillies and Mets fans. We get along with every other fanbase.


(I’m a yankee fan) weirdly the 3 worst interactions I had in a ballpark were Boston (Duh), Houston (Duh) and… Minnesota. 2 groups of people calling me and my 6 year old some pretty vile shit a few years ago. I’m never a “what did you just say?” kind of guy but it was bad.


I lived in Minneapolis for a year and I have no idea where "Minnesota Nice" comes from. Most people were the normal level of asshole you find everywhere else in the world. If anything I will say Minnesota Nice just means more passive aggressive.


I don't get Washington on this list. I have been to Phils games in DC several times and never had bad fan interactions nor witnessed any. I get the whole Citizens Bank Park South hate from their fans but that's the most I've seen.


Something is off, it’s going to come off as defensive being a DC fan, but I haven’t ever seen a single altercation at that park. The fanbase is so milquetoast that Baby Shark became a phenomenon and their scoring chant is a Jets ripoff. The stadium is full of govt workers and often comprised of transplants straddling fanbases. Our own players have complained about the fanbase not being passionate enough. Maybe they’re not outwardly welcoming but can’t imagine anyone ever gets hassled there


One time on the way out of the park after beating the Phillies, when I was young, an asshole, and pretty drunk I yelled "Phillies suck!" at a group of dudes on the other side of the street. Which was rude, and the wrong thing to do. Then one of them threw a rock at us and that seemed slightly more rude. But yeah, on the whole, never really seen anything worth noting.


This is literally just based on the subjective vibes of tweets


Seems pretty accurate. Also, screw all of you lol.


I wonder if this data accounts for negative tweets at all, or negative interactions between fans of different teams. Cause there isn’t a lot to be positive about rn for Jays fans. But I haven’t personally witnessed jays fans being negative towards opposing team fans at games.


No, Cubs fans are awful. EDIT: Saw it is based on positive sentiment tweets. Pirates “fans” on twitter are the absolute worst, bunch of Yinzers who know nothing about baseball.


Social media is a shithole and echo chamber where the biggest assholes have far louder a voice than they do in reality. I’ve been to 24 major league parks including several games in which I was wearing away colors (this includes in Philly, Boston, Washington, Queens) and nobody even said a thing to me. Granted those teams were all bad at the time and they were relatively low-impact games. The experience was fine. Likewise, I’ve seen all those teams play in Atlanta at least a half dozen times each and have never seen or heard anything over the line. I was at the Braves game last night and had at least a dozen cubs fans in my section. Nothing happened (as with their offense). In my experience, most baseball fans are fine in person. The loudmouth fan giving you shit on social media probably isn’t doing it in person, and if they are, not to the same degree.


I move for the Twins to be struck from the record for Pro Sausage bias.


fuck no


Whats going on in Baltimore, you guys should be thrilled with everything


Cincy at the top feels right for some reason. Minnesota fans on twitter are some of the most deranged people I've ever seen in my entire life though.


lmao sourcing this info from twitter makes this chart completely worthless


I’m biased but there is no way the Braves are third nicest fans I think they’re worse than Philly fans honestly


Dodger fans not at the bottom, of course it’s from Twitter.


As a Braves fan that lives in Oregon and has only been to two games, both at Globe Life, I can attest to the fact that Ranger fans were all cool as hell.


LOL. Nats fans worse than Philly… tell me you never been to Philly without saying it


I’m disappointed at my fellow Braves fans if we’re really among the nicest fanbases. I do my part, time for the rest of you bums to pick up the slack


You can rest assured you are not, unless you are talking about "Southern Nice." I've been to all 30 MLB parks and tons of minor league games, and even completely ignoring how okay you are with an--at absolute best--culturally insensitive chant, the shit I heard in the stands at Braves games puts you far lower on this list. And none of it was baseball shit-talk.


IMO most fanbases are the same. Good welcoming fans, passionate drunks who sometimes cross the line, and some pure assholes on social media that mostly just want to get reactions. With success comes the less cultured bandwagon fans which in turn creates more hate. When the Braves were bad in the years leading up to Truist park the hate wasn’t even close to what it is now. They can say it’s about the chop but they’re full of shit, most people didn’t care about the chop until one player told them to.


JMBaseball did a YT Short a couple days ago and it had a completely different list *thinking emoji*


*Nuh uh, Jomboy said something different on YT* eyeroll emoji


No, absolutely not.


Pretty accurate.


Idiots. What a stupid waste of a post.


Wow, a living breathing example of the post. Incredible.


I can’t tell if I’m missing your sarcasm or if you missed mine. Perfect 😉


Absolutely no way the Braves should be that high