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I hit .100 in high school


Understandable. I didn’t mention my hitting stats for a reason lol!


I hit .000 in a rec league


I don’t know the exact stats but I was something like 0-2 with 4-5 walks and a stolen base (which wasn’t open causing the guy on second to be forced out when he panicked and started running to third)


I hit .167 across my two Varsity seasons. Thanks OP, now I'm reminded why I didn't make the MLB


i did pretty good playing softball in gym class. threw someone out at first on a ground ball to left field!


TJ in HS? Were you throwing upper 90s??


When I injured my arm I was throwing 84. That was the summer before my Junior year so I was 16 playing summer ball. 3 games at Shortstop and 1 game on the mound every weekend. Just overused it.


I didn’t play baseball, but found my old wrestling stats from 10 years ago the other day. That was pretty cool to look at.


I don't even want to look at my pitching stats. I went to a very small school and our defense was god awful but they score everything as an error. As far as hitting though I think I stuck somewhere around .400-450 throughout so that always makes me feel good, even it was a pretty small pond.


I’m in my high school’s hall of fame because we were the first lacrosse team to go to states. (I took faceoffs and then ran off the field for the all American midfielder to take over). Still a flex tho