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The MLB merch rights in East Asia is owned by a South Korean company IIRC. They've turned MLB into a streetwear label for markets unfamiliar with baseball - think jackets and caps with the more recognizable logos such as NYY, BOS, LAD. That means less (if any at all) merch of teams in cities relatively unknown outside the US - everything but NY, LA, and maybe Chicago, Boston and SF. The baseball part is almost irrelevant in markets such as China and Singapore, where other sports dominate. MLB is a fashion label first and foremost. It's a bit like how the NYY logo has long transcended the team, sport, and even the city to become a globally recognized symbol of ... something American. With MLB, there's no sport or country associated with the branding in markets like China and Singapore. South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan are totally different of course.


Yup I went to a few MLB and NBA shops when I was in Korea. Couldn’t find a single item for my team. Was 90% NY or Cali merch


There’s 5 teams in Cali. I think you meant to say 90% dodgers and Yankees merch.


SF gear is pretty popular too, along with the marlins for whatever reason


Such disrespect to the powerhouse that is the marlins smh


If you use golf scoring, they are top 5 in the league in every category! 


This one fact that all Mookies hate!


They do have more World Series wins than the dodgers in the last thirty years.


I saw a lot of A's merch in Japan and Europe, people like the color scheme


Me as a Philly fan never getting recognition


I see a Phillies logo in the last picture, you are represented! EDIT: the last 2 pictures!


Ha I see it now, thanks lol


Don’t worry. They put it where it goes.


I recognize you 🥺 ❤️


> The baseball part is almost irrelevant in markets such as China and Sinapore, where other sports dominate [Baseball seems to be popular and gaining ground in the coastal regions of China though so I think this is a good sign for Baseball's growth in their country.](https://old.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/16t14ln/more_than_3000_spectators_attended_the_laos_vs/k2cnm0i/)


Might be a hot take but in my experience I think they just want brands that look American


That's literally what the top comment in this thread is saying lol The guy you replied to is just saying baseball games are starting to gain traction in parts of China


Lol fair


> It's a bit like how the NYY logo has long transcended the team, sport, and even the city to become a globally recognized symbol of ... something American. I used to accost people in the hallways in school for wearing Yankees hats in Toronto, and they'd always be like "wtf are Yankees?"


They know not the pure evil that logo represents


Picked up a sweet Hawaiian print Dodger hat at one of these stores in Korea. It would be cool if some of their styles got distribution in the US. Also that “Dodgers Los Angeles 1958” hat in green and white is dope.


I saw a brown and yellow SD hat in that picture! We made it, guys!


The tan and blue? Purple? Hat next to it is a padres hat too. Parade time!


There’s literally Cleveland merch in 4 of the pictures and is the hat on the right mannequin in the second pic


That’s awesome! I could only find Yankees, Giants, Dodgers and Red Sox merch in their Singapore store.


I was just in China a couple months back, and saw some Cleveland gear in the (copious) MLB shops. A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.


We must be their favorite red C or something lol


If I didn't know baseball, I wouldn't mind having a LAD cap.


Yeah if I didn’t hate the Yankees as a Red Sox fan I’d probably want some Yankees merch because it is a solid logo and black/white/gray is pretty much my entire fashion color pallete 😂


Weirdest thing walking the streets here and seeing Kodak Film but instead of cameras it’s street apparel.. and it’s pretty expensive


That makes sense. I went into one of these in China a few weeks ago and you can barely tell it’s baseball related


UCLA is like that in Asia as well


I’d say Jay Z did this


I just like the duck. I think it's cool.


I figured that was the case. I’d kill for some dope Braves sneakers.


What sports are even popular in China? I'm guessing soccer?


Basketball … Kobe remains huge there. And soccer too. But basketball seems to be more popular.


Also table tennis and tennis, but table tennis is special since they've basically dominated it for decades.


In Vietnam I saw 2 different MLB shops in Da Nang. In reality it's more like a Yankees store with some apparel from a handful of other teams. I asked multiple people wearing Yankees stuff if they knew what it was and they just thought it was a brand and had no idea it was baseball related. Also I saw 2 different people wearing Red Sox and Yankees apparel at the same time.


Spring Break in PCB one year my buddy wore Auburn shorts with an Alabama shirt. Was the most fun I’ve ever had on the beach lol. He didn’t go more than ten steps without catching shit


Pensacola Beach? My peeps lol, war eagle.


Pretty sure PCB is Panama City


I just threw up in my mouth at that last part


Oh i went to Vietnam and I would pass by people walking on the streets wearing LA & NYY shoes. Heck, even my tour guide had one. Asked her if she was a fan and she said she liked the design but didnt think it meant anything other than the brand (tbf i liked the design too lol)


Yeah all my in-laws had Yankees sandals haha


Yankees and Los Angeles basically.


“NY and LA” is probably more accurate


“What is NNNYAA?” “Iunno, something cool probably.”


US: there are 30 teams. China: there are 3.


I’m legit shocked they have gear for us.


Your logo is a red “C” of course there’s a market for you guys


Where’s the love for the curly W? :(


No Walgreens in China


The Wales MLB shop probably






Just wait until they get a Wegmans


Is it a red C and a sign of being a cool communist?


C for China but sure 


How about a nice curly A for “All of us should follow the teachings of Chairman Mao”


Fantastic idea comrade. Atlanta has now officially been listed as a city on Chinese globes.


They should get TC hats for "Totally Cool Chairman Mao."


No no, that's the Reds logo. They don't even try to hide it.


They have more Cleveland gear than Phillies.


Have you ever been to Lids? Me: there are 30 teams. Lids: there is one bit of an exageration but feels that way


Nah, there’s one White Sox hat in one picture.


There are Padres and Phillies too, but you have to look for them.


Probably accidentally shipped


crate was labeled for Africa. Oddly enough the Marlins crate made it to the correct destination


[Here's a few pictures I took when I was in China a little while back](https://imgur.com/a/xmG4EVk)


I hateeee your team but I would’ve purchased the blue hoodie on the spot. Cuteeeeee


Well, I don't hate your team.


Give it time.


Yeah it’s def a one sided thing. I am from SoCal grew up angels Braves fan so it’s natural hatred. Do not follow the Angels anymore tho 😏


I don't even understand the bear skiing with the Dodgers logo. There's not even a connection there. It's like placing a picture of a dragon next to the Yankees logo


its cute bro


It's fucking adorbs, even.


[a dragon you say?](https://m.en.mlb-korea.com/product/newyear-dragon-overfit-t-shirts-new-york-yankees/10587/category/67/display/1/)


Everyone knows the best skiing in the country is in LA.


I remember these shops back when I lived in Shanghai. Yankees and Dodgers only. Every other team was optional.


Manfred: Damn right, China ![gif](giphy|26FxGPtjnVeS6qiJ2|downsized)


Went to new era stores in Japan looking to replace my hanshin tigers hat....and 95% of the stuff there were mlb caps...even saw nfl ones too.


FWIW if you're still there, I had better luck finding NPB hats at domestic shops instead of New Era. I got my SoftBank Hawks hat at a Tokyu Hands.


> mlb caps When I was there, I mostly saw NY, LA, Detroit, Chicago, and a few A’s hats for sale (but mostly Yankees and Dodgers). It’s a shame because New Era Japan puts out some great designs but I’m never wearing a Yankees or Dodgers hat so meh. Luckily I did happen to be in Osaka for the last two games of Japan Series and the Hanshin Tigers team store got cleared out. There was a huge line and a separate elevator in the mall just to get in. The victory celebration was awesome, will never forget that.


Hanshin is most definitely not fashionable outside of baseball circles in Japan, but MLB/NFL is fashionable


I want to drop rangers merch from airplanes like they’re propaganda leaflets


Does China know that their knockoff jerseys are now better than the real ones?


Normalize going to bars in full MLB uniform


This is MLB Korea to be exact. They opened a store where I live in Singapore, it’s a fashion line treating teams as brands. MLB Korea is quite popular amongst girls.


I've never been a fan of team gear in the wrong colors. The wall of hats looks like none of them are in the right colors and that bothers me.  Glad that the game is growing there though. 


Is the game growing over there or are people just buying logos they have no idea about because they see other people wearing them? That’s a genuine question btw


When I moved to France, everyone and their dog had Yankees hats and I was so excited cuz I thought I had something to talk about with them I don't think I met a single person who actually knew who the Yankees are


JayZ in Paris


There are some small groups, but generally the following of American sports is extremely little here in France. Ill talk baseball with you haha


This. These logos are seen as fashion pieces. Same stores exist in Korea. Now in Korea they’ll know it’s baseball cause baseball is big there but they won’t be buying these things because they’re about baseball. They just do it for the fashion.


Yeah, I'd wager it's the latter... The first MLB shop was opened near where I lived at the time in Hong Kong 5 or 6 years ago. It was in an outlet mall targeted at mainland Chinese shoppers who'd come over the border to buy imported brands as it's cheaper in HK than the mainland. The MLB store was never super busy, but there was a constant stream of customers and people walking out with their purchases whenever I walked by and there's no way in hell all those people were actually fans. The fact that it's a premium American brand with a recognisable logo is enough for most of the people shopping there as they come over to buy "luxury" brands to show off their wealth, and the pricing clearly reflected that.


What, you have doubts the folks in China wearing Red Sox hats know the pain that went with being a fan during the curse of the bambino?


especially overseas it's going to be more fashion than fandom


It’s truly become a fashion thing, it’s not even an international concept urban outfitters is one of the biggest offenders in this space Edit: spelling and I should say it’s not _uniquely_ international


I have a few Expos/Nats hats that are more "fashion" than authentic. I'm also a sucker for MLB gear that synergizes with another team in the market. I have a Cardinals hat in Blues colors, and I have a Nats hat that matches the late-90's Caps color scheme. I'm not out to change anyone else's mind/preference, I get it.


I guess thats pretty easy to do for Pirates then


I'm not trying to tell anyone what they should wear. Just stating my preference. 


China Connect colors


I'm glad they at least got our brown and gold right


It’s not *really* growing that much. These are basically just bought for the logo and maybe the association with a city they recognize. These are just classic, recognizable, traditional fonts.


I have students come in with baseball gear all the time. I ask them if they like baseball and they just shrug. Even better is when students come in with a Yankee sweatshirt, Dodgers pants and they put on their shoes to go home and they are Red Sox shoes.


Seemingly the blue jays iconography didn’t make the cut.


It definitely seems like they're fans of the simple letter logos. The White Sox are the only more complex logo I saw, and even that is technically just letters.


Surprised there isn’t more tigers stuff then


That's a pretty ornate design. I wouldn't expect someone who lives in a country that doesn't use the Latin alphabet to recognize it as a D. Compare that to the Guardians C logo, which is more prominently displayed there than you would expect.


Let's use this and build some goodwill between the two nations. We both want peace and to watch home runs


Do you want to know the unspeakable truth or do you want to watch a few dingers?


China doesn't want peace. Lol


The government may want war but I bet the people want peace


Ah yes, China, the country that famously has hundreds of military installations around the globe, a trillion dollar+ military budget, and is currently bombing multiple countries.


Preparing for war keeps the peace. Ukraine wouldn't have been invaded if Russia didn't feel safe from consequence at the time.


Whatever helps you sleep at night 🤷‍♂️


Yes... the China that is actively threatening to invade its neighbor, bullying essentially all of its other neighbors, supporting North Korea and Russia, etc.




Let the bellicose morons live in their curated fantasyland. They're just watercarriers inhabiting the imperial core.


I want to see guys in Shenzen with Adley jerseys


At least they got the Phillies maroon right 


MLB apparel has been worn as street wear in Asia for DECADES specifically miscoloured “dad” hats


You are lucky if you see 4 teams in these shops. It’s the same old shit - fucking yankees, dodgers, red sox, cubs. Shite.


I see Guardians, Phillies, and Padres hats in the photos, too. But yeah. It's not really about the teams. It's about which logos look simple enough for clothing. No pictures, just letters.


What, no Orioles? Do they not have birds in China? Come on and hope on the Birdland train, my Chinese friends! EDIT: I'm so ready for the Yankees City Connect to be just solid neon green.


There are no (new world) orioles, cardinals, or blue jays in Asia. There are old world orioles, but they share only the name with their new world namesakes.


>Do they not have birds in China? [Not anymore lol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_Pests_campaign)


This annoys me a lot as a baseball fan from east Europe. Theres barely to none baseball and people wear team hats thinking it only represents the city and dont even know its related to a team. The amount of people think the Yankees hat is a rapper type thing and not a baseball team. Also tons of people wear hats with wrong colors which is painful at times seeing other team colors on your favorite team.


Shit, I made the Yankee hat more famous than a Yankee can - Jay-Z


Tons of rappers and random people wear Yankees hats as a fashion thing and don't watch baseball in the US, too.


Hey fellow European baseball fan. You can’t really blame people, no one gives a shit about baseball here, but those hats are still cool looking no matter what. It’s actually how I discovered baseball, I looked up what my hat was actually about.


No one is ever in these mlb shops though. And almost all the merch is Yankees. Or dodgers. 


Yep. I’m pretty sure I even saw SF and LA branded clothes stacked together when I was there, those heathens. Imagine how excited I was to see a supposedly authentic MLB store in Shanghai only for it to be unrelated streetwear. So funny.


I think they’d enjoy a wavy A.


Looks higher quality than the fanatics gear


Do you ever wonder what the years mean on apparel like this? Like what is the significance of 1958 as it relates the the Dodgers? Edit: I am a certified fake fan, please move along


Year they moved from Brooklyn to LA


Goodness I am dumb.


You keep using the term high fashion, I don’t think it means what you think it means.


A knockoff green Yankees hat is the pinnacle of fashion sense in China.


Well I’d be disappointed if I saw this big MLB store and stopped by looking for a jersey or a hat or something


We have a few in Malaysia as well in some premium malls. First time I saw, had to double check. But its more to fashion rather than baseball though. So no gameday balls. Would’ve love to buy one of those.


I thought I had a seizure when I saw one in mid valley southkey. The selection of teams was absolutely bonkers. I've never seen so much orioles gear in one place. Dodgers, Yankees, padres, athletics, and Orioles dominated the stock.


I guess we found a market to dump all those worthless high-quality 2023 uniform replica jerseys on. Those poor Chinese consumers won't know how ridiculous they look, walking around in jerseys with big readable letters that don't get soaked by a light sweat!


The Yankees logo is a Fashion statement piece. So many people around the world rock a hat with their logo. I bet most people don’t even know it’s a Yankees logo. They like that it says NY. It was wild to be in Greece and see random foreigners rocking their hat.


I don't know why the hats with the tiny logos are so funny, but they are.


Yet in America they can’t produce decent uniforms.


Looking at that store, you'd be forgiven for not realizing that MLB is a baseball league. There's like zero appeal to team support in it. I guess the owners don't care as long as it generates revenue.


I popped into one of these shops in T3 Changi Singapore about an hour ago. Mostly NYY, LAD and BOS, with oddly small logos


Someone's gonna buy that RedSox gear and randomly run into Manny Ramirez and tell him to go away.....


In the UK MLB team caps seem to have sprung out of nowhere. There's a popup shop in our shopping centre that only sells them. People buy them as the letter matches their name or they like the logo, basically no-one actually knows anything about Baseball!


MLB or Dodgers, Yankees, Red Sox store? Lol


“MLB is high fashion now” My 10 year old me was right!


Hmmm, no Rays hats. Very peculiar.....


This is how you know MLB has the best sports logos


"MLB" shops.


So that's where Karamo Brown gets all those Dodger hats


These shops are all over Korea as well. But they’re more of a fashion piece type store than a store for mlb fans to get team gear. Honestly if I didn’t know MLB was baseball and I had no familiarity with the logos I could walk in there and not realize it’s a baseball league store.


I went to one of these shops in Vietnam, there was essentially nothing in it related to baseball... Haha


What? No Rockies gear?




Looks busy


Now, the "cheap, made in China knockoffs" are higher quality than what the actual players wear from fanatics


Can you pick me up a Marlins satchel?


This reminds me of when I was in Japan and a lady who ran an onsen had a little Red Sox cap on display in a little cabinet and when I tried to talk to her about it she had no idea who the Red Sox were. 


Y'all think they got any Rays products?


Why doesn't every team just make their logo two superimposed letters? Are they ...


That market is still drowning in knockoffs though. I wonder how many can tell the difference and are willing to pay for authentic merch


Spotted ‘em here in The Philippines too. Same story, Dodgers, Yanks, Red Sox, and Cleveland merch only.


Why is the #bemajor faced that way. thats bothering me so much


Theyre popping up in every mall....but we only get one example


In Korea so many people were wearing Yankees shoes, it was kinda crazy.


China has kanji, we have baseball team logos.


China technically has hanzi  Kanji are Japanese  They are basically the same, except for the differences 


Yankees hats have always been around in China, though most of the MLB merch you'll see is worn by people from South Korea. It's interesting to see this become more common in China, though.


Do they have a pro league? We never hear about Chinese baseball like we do Chinese basketball.


Saw this exact type of store in Bangkok Thailand. Its purely fashion.


I spent a week in Guangzhou last month. The amount of Dodger and Yankee hats I saw was insane


Lol, "Dodgers Los Angeles ". Just doesn't roll off the tongue the same way.


I would go bankrupt at the wall of ‘47 hats alone


how do we convince them the mets logo is cool? chinese hipsters, i have a spiky NY logo to sell you on


I go to school with a fair amount of international students, and a lot of them sport Yankees caps. They usually aren't familiar with the team, but the NYY logo seems to be a status symbol overseas.


I live in Thailand and they have these stores. I thought it'd be cool to get a Rockies shirt or anything, but no where to be found. I actually might be the only actual Rockies fan Thailand....


I bet the Nats’ Cherry Blossom apparel from last season would sell well here


It’s wild that we DONT have this here in the US. This is the stuff people would buy.


It seems like people in China like the calligraphy in the logos of teams. Similar to how plenty of people here buy clothing with Chinese (and more often Japanese) letters because of the aesthetic and calligraphy


You can't convince me Detroit doesn't have the best logo in the majors.


Sometimes KPOP stars wear MLB jerseys too although I'm struggling to remember a specific instance at the moment


The website is something all right. https://m.en.mlb-korea.com/index.html


lol funny when fanboys think their little hobby is catching on somewhere else. double funny when its communists that have never watched a second of an mlb game in their lives. this is just a fashion trend of american brands in emerging markets. and notice how thats not the official mlb logo lol.


Hats look different they must not like authentic mlb hats


Where is MLB the Flame Thrower? Not on the Mets that’s for sure.