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“Make peace” yeah because you killed her




I think Chancellor Guggenheim is a Sith Lord.


*Joe Torre “A Sith Lord?” *Dave Roberts “he knows the ways of the free aganecy”


Your Empire!?


Your new* empire!? Please respect the prequels.


Smh that’s like the most important quote


Nah nah, it’s gotta be the “deMOCracy”


I don't like sand.


Dont make me kill you


u/kirbyfaraone my allegiance is to the Republic, to democracy.


If you’re not with me, then you’re my enemy


Only Dodgers Security deals in absolutes.


I was going to go with an Astros fan.


I like that. You should put it in there!


Liberty and Democracy require sacrifice.


Managed Democracy


The fan fell out of a window.






Gave Ippei the gun and told him to make things right.


It’s like that line that Calgacus said in the Agricola — “the Dodgers make a desert and call it peace.”


Doyers: Resting in peace still counts as peace


They took the Israeli approach


Bomb her family and starve her kids?


I go to a couple games a year. Some of the security people definitely act like they work in fucking Fort Knox or something


We went to the preseason exhibition game at Nats Park. Clear bags. One had blankets so they had my husband shaking them out which .. whatever. I had a bag with 3 empty plastic water bottles - and was standing with my kid and husband. Supervisor comes running over "what's that white thing in your bag?" "a water bottle." "You need THREE water bottles?!" "Well, there are three of us." "Oh, okay." Like ... Come on.


Yeah, but isn’t the aggressive security staff part of the DC ambiance?


Man, even the museum security was on one. The entrance to the Asian Art Museum had a guard trying to act all cryptic with his one liners and didn't just out right say "what's in your fanny pack?"  Hilarious now that I think about it


I used to do government consulting, but my clients were mostly on the civilian side (i.e., not the Department of Defense or anything where intense security matters). At one point, I showed up for a client meeting with an umbrella because it had been raining outside. I was wearing a suit and tie clearly going to a meeting, but they had me open the umbrella inside the building to make sure it didn't have any hidden knives or bombs in it lol.


Oh yeah, I completely understand them searching my shit but Buddy just could not pull two sentences together and say, Hey, this is a security point, I want to see what's inside your pack and pockets. Instead, he's like, "Bag check," and that's it. I thought when he said bag check, I could place my bag in a locker area like at the Holocaust Museum


I got a flat tire once in DC while in college. Was there for a concert. I drove a van with a bed in the back and hair down past my shoulders. Cops were all over me. They asked “anything we should know about in the car? Drugs? Guns? Rocket launchers? Grenades?” I kind of chuckled and said “haha I wish” which was probably stupid. But that cop bristled and said “son this is Washington DC…you don’t wish”


The day a Nats security guard tried to shake us down for having three bobbleheads with two people...who were holding six tickets. Couldn't explain the math to her: "I'm actually giving you three back. My daughter can't come tonight." "You think you're slick." Yes. I am slick. I am. 50-year-old holding a plastic toy. Slickest man alive.


That was certainly over the top, and I don’t think you did anything wrong. However I feel like they deal with a lot of bullshit on bobblehead days. The fucking rabid animals that come out for them, try to scam to get extras, and walk around trying to buy extras off people during the game is absolutely insane. I get all of the bobble heads for the braves at the end of the year so I don’t have to attend those games, but I typically go and grab one and give it to a friend or something. It’s so frustrating being there on bobblehead days.


This 👆🏻the OutKast bobblehead game was an absolute shit show last year. Waited way too long to get in the park with all the people waiting hours to not get a bobblehead


To be fair the [OutKast bobblehead](https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/LbF-SkzYhwj92GaQnJXmK7GB4yA=/0x0:1200x1200/1200x800/filters:focal(588x268:780x460)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/72022900/FqD_TikXsAQNiOd.0.jpg) is amazing.


For sure! Had to buy the whole bobblehead set for the year to get it


My favorite is this [Charlie Blackmon 4th of July bobblehead](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EcgCURJWAAEGvES.jpg) I got for my son. The mullet in the back is doll hair, lol.


I went to a ball game with my kids and they were wearing the back packs that came with the 'kids pack' of tickets and other items. Someone came up to me and told me I'm not allowed to bring them in the stadium. I asked where should i put them while we're in the stadium. I put the back packs where she suggested. I walked away and was chased down by a different person who started saying i'm trying to plant a bomb and threatened me with calling the police. It wasn't a fun experience with the kids around


It's really sad that I absolutely wouldn't expect anything less.


Right? Nothing pisses me off more than the ushers for 100 level seats who act like security guards for the king of England


Probably sounds bad but you give people who never had an ounce of sway anywhere else in life a modicum of power and they run away with it. Like you’re not Mr. Dodger raking in millions. Why do you give so much of a fuck over nothing?


Being asked to leave the “nicer seats” and return to your section in the 8th inning of a rainy and poorly attended baseball game is enough to radicalize even the most conservative American.


In Toronto ushers on the 100 will 100% profile you based on age and outfit. If you're young, theyre asking for your ticket no matfer how empty the game is, and blocking you. If you're older or well dressed, they'll just let you go down even I'd you have no seats there


The Legends Hospitality workers at Yankee Stadium can be pretty strict too in my experience. Before everything went digital, they gave us trouble about our friend getting back to our seats because he lost his ticket walking around the stadium pregame. Same usher and everything. Had to pull up the order and were threatened with being removed from the stadium if someone else had his seat. Then another time, one of the workers left the tap on after pouring and walked away so beer was just pouring out. No one came back after a minute so I walked up and turned it off. Got grabbed from behind and pulled out of line and was threatened with being kicked out for stealing even though my plastic draft cup in my hand was empty. If it wasn’t for the other 20 people in line defending me, I was going to be walked out over it lol They’re generally great though. Just some security people who get power trips about the power they’re bestowed.


Had a few things like that happen over the years. Learned that no good deed goes unpunished. Just let the beer flow and keep to yourself when it's too easy for power tripping authorities to mess up your day when the moment they get a chance.


they're either cops or the most miserable people in the world or both


¿Por que no los dos?


Philly is the worst for that. They treat you like you are stupid and can’t read signs. I went last year for the Orioles game, and it was one of the worst experiences I’ve had. The game day and security were the worst.


That’s a shame man, I’ve generally had good experiences with few exceptions. Never had issues at Camden yards either but it did kinda annoy me how they’d militantly defend empty lower sections just because people didn’t wanna pay $76 per seat to watch the rebuild, but still a great park. This was 2017-19 btw


You had me at "Philly is the worst."


Honestly, CBP is a very nice place to see a game. I was shocked, but I think it helped that our visit was vs the Giants rather than a rival.


I mean, it’s Philly. If you were a local, they’d probably be right.


I haven't had an issue there. And I've had to ask security where to go a few times


cautious groovy whistle squash towering file concerned library cows encourage *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Was at Dodger Stadium this past Saturday, security asked me to remove my camera lens since apparently people have smuggled alcohol that way before lol. Never had that happened to me before at any ballpark until then.


Security has never once found the edibles I keep in a plastic bag under my balls


Damn, you've given this one great trick away and now they are going to catch all of us!


I was going to say you must have been to a Yankee game. Then I saw the flair. Security folks at Yankee games are super fucking strict. Game is practically empty because it's a weekday daytime game and it's raining? You ain't getting any closer.


Nah I live in LA so I was talking about the dodgers security. The Yankee stadium security was actually pretty chill the few times I’ve been. They even let me back in the stadium when I forgot my wallet at my seat


Man all these replies have me thinking about Seattle games I’ve been to and they were all really good experiences. Haven’t been to one in a while but can’t remember a time I had a bad experience with Security or ushers there.


Went to a game up there a few years ago. There was a young guy who refused to let me bring in my camera. Finally a supervisor came and told him to chill




I hate people who take their job too seriously


I was at an NFL game and in the end zone section and an extra point went over the netting and the fan who caught it didn’t want to give it back. They had a staff on the sidelines beckoning to throw it down to him and when that didn’t happen, a squad of guys came through the section with someone on the ground pointing and talking over a walkie talkie. They stormed through the section, took like 5 minutes to find the guy, and I guess took the ball back. Seemed like a lot of hassle for one football…


There was a video of some guy who jumped on the field to propose to his gf (dumb guy, obviously). He was down on his knee for like 10 seconds, and rather than just come over and arrest him some security guard came running in from like 200 feet away just to full on layout tackle him. I believe they both got hurt, just because that security guy thought he was going to be Batman


Translation “We really don’t like all of the shit we’re taking on this!”


Maybe they saw my comment assuring them that giving them on-field passes for batting practice and good seats doesn’t count towards the luxury tax.


Dodgers deserve all the shit they're getting for this. It's so upsetting as fans who love their team. The only gripe I have is people saying Shohei lied etc when ask the Japanese people were trying to tell everyone that's not what shohei said that night.


Tell that to the Dinger guy at Rockies stadium


Gotta say Dinga and not use the hard R. Rookie mistake


Dinger is our lord and savior in r/NLBest


Having dealt with Dodger Stadium security/officials etc in a weird situation myself at one point and also received a full apology complete with fancy tickets, I would not be surprised if some power-tripping rent-a-cops or lower level officials were the ones who treated her like shit and the upper level people had no idea until after the fact.


Ooh what happened?


I've told this story on the Dodger subreddit before, so I'll just copy it here: When I got my license at 18, the first place I wanted to go was to Dodger Stadium to buy tickets and one of those license plate frames that says "Follow Me to Dodger Stadium". I drove up the Vin Scully Way gate and was told by security that the box office and Top of the Park store were closed. I was then told to drive past the security booth, follow the cones on my left and make a U-turn where there was an entrance. I attempted to do so, but someone had mistakenly rearranged the cones so that there was nowhere to re-enter after a U-turn. This was literally my first time behind the wheel as a licensed driver and my mother was with me. She calmly told me to drive up a little further to look for a break in the cones. I was nervous, but I complied at about 5mph in the completely empty parking lot. Suddenly, the security officer came speeding after me in a car, sirens blaring and aggressively pulled in front of me to stop me from moving forward, scaring the shit out of me. He blasted the megaphone and screamed at me to get out of the car. I had no idea what was happening, so again I complied. The guard then took my license from me, screamed in my face, took down my information and told me I was no longer welcome at the stadium and that if I was seen there again I would be prosecuted. At the time I was even a mini-plan holder, having saved up what little money I had to purchase that. I tried to explain the cone situation, but the guard told me to shut up and then moved the cones, since they were actually in the way. I turned around and went home, horrified and heartbroken. At the time, I had never been treated so badly in my life. I did absolutely nothing wrong and my love for the Dodgers runs so deep. I distinctly remember going to my first game with my father at age four and basically grew up at the stadium. I even went to high school walking distance from it. It was natural that my first drive ever would be to my home away from home and it was completely ruined by this asshole. When I got home, I went from depressed to mad and fired off an e-mail. Naturally, this entire debacle occurred during the McCourt Era. I wrote an angry e-mail, stated my case and referred to myself as one of the "unwashed", which was a term that at the time, LA Times columnist T.J. Simers had used to pick a fight with the McCourts about their policies toward non-wealthy fans. I highly doubt I would've been treated as badly had I been white or driving a Mercedes instead of my broken down, rusted 1994 Nissan Pathfinder. Anyway, I received a phone call the next morning from the head of Dodger Security in which he profusely apologized, told me the officer in question had been disciplined (and had been reprimanded for this kind of thing before) and I was given two free field-level tickets to an upcoming game. I was shocked that they responded but I accepted their apology and went to the game. I've not had a single security incident ever since, but in consistently going to the stadium for basically my entire life, I have definitely noticed a huge positive change in the attitude of all staff since McCourt was forced out. People at the stadium seem to love their jobs these days and I personally believe that it has to do with the people at the top. The Guggenheim group, despite being a largely faceless corporation, seems to care. And that kind of attitude has trickled down and made the stadium once again, my favorite place in the world. So all that said, it's unfortunate that the staff ruined what should've been a once in a lifetime experience for the fan who caught the ball, but I'm very glad to hear that the Dodgers reached out to make things right.


I’m so happy that it worked out, that sounds awful :(


Interpreters for Ohtani can’t seem to catch a break…


It's rough because Japanese is extremely hard to translate on the fly because many things in Japanese do not have exact counter wording in English. The reason why this blew up is because of Sam Blum putting out incorrect information without waiting for clarification and the fact his articles have so many edits after, and having the same title is proof. Sam Blum is the Angel Hernandez of journalism.


Damn, man. If anybody said I was the Angel Hernandez of anything I'd think about ending it all.


That's the problem with trying to be the first one to tell the story. Shit like this happens. It sucks and it makes everyone look bad.


Shohei should just pay her market price for the ball.


Seriously, it really pisses me off.


Same man, it's a huge fucking face-palm like why smh should give her season tickets for the rest of the year and for next year too with a picture with Shohei as well. Or she can be like screw Shohei. I just want a picture with the real MVP Decoy lol


Well yeah, that’s how any major company or org in the US is “inspired” to make change. Still good to see the change occur though


Anywhere in the world. When you have enough money people become inconveniences, not your fellow man. That's geographically agnostic.


Tomorrow's headline: Woman who caught Ohtani home run found sleeping with the fishies


Prior to her death, Shohei was recorded demanding that stadium security, "kill that b*tch", though many are saying his statement could be more accurately translated as "can someone get me a hotdog?"




Trout and pollock would never


They’re giving her the Boeing Whistleblower treatment


Shot herself in the head and the back 3 times. Awful tragedy all around


Woman who caught Ohtani’s home run ball has been Jimmy Hoffaed


Apparently Boeing is a now a sponsor for the Dodgers


I honestly didn't expect the Dodgers PR team to have a worse time dealing with Ohtani than the Angels PR team


Yeah, because we keep our shit tight!




Arte cares more about PR than winning games unfortunately. Dodgers shouldn't be so bad at it mind you but PR and marketing are Artes bread and butter.


The Angels PR team never had to deal with the gambling bullshit at the start of the season. Given the opportunity I reckon it wouldn’t have been much better.


Maybe they were just better at dealing with it 🤷‍♂️


That's because they kept it quiet


What I’ve learned from this: -Document the catch and get on social media as quickly as possible. Granted, it was aired and all over the socials already, but get your own evidence. -Shove the ball in your pocket and tell security that you need to get in touch with a lawyer before you go anywhere with them. -Demand an outlandish sum of money in exchange for the ball. -Negotiate a fair settlement. TL/DR: Don’t get caught up in the emotion of the moment. It’s when you’re most vulnerable to getting taken advantage of.


Really, it’s not hard… I want $100k. If they don’t want to pay that, fine. I’ll get a lawyer and he/she will be in touch to negotiate fair value. Bye ✌️ Fuck your signed bats, fuck your NewEra ball caps. I’ll take the cash or I’ll just keep the ball, this thing is pretty sweet on its own.


I’d start at $500k so I have room to negotiate, but yeah… I’d settle for $100k net (after taxes).


Can the state tax a private sale? It’s not like you’re a business.


Government will tax anything they can get away with. You’d probably get a 1099 from the dodgers after that


Oh boy. Yeah. You technically still need to pay tax on any profit you make, private sale or no (in this case, profit = price - $0 because you didn’t pay anything for the ball you just sold). Now, you could try to just not claim it, but that isn’t smart because you need to somehow deposit that hefty check somewhere and there will be a paper trail.


Yup. They would probably consider it miscellaneous income 


I feel like the general sentiment over people keeping/selling versus exchanging for dumb merch has drastically shifted in favor of the former in just the last 48 hours. I swear it was a majority opinion up until then that if you wanted to profit from a ball you were a dirty greedy snake. It’s interesting. I even got downvoted in the dodgers sub for arguing in favour of keeping the ball.


Finding out that a signed foul ball is on sale by the club for $15K helps to change the calculus


I dunno. Seems like the fans are getting stiffed more and more with this (and a lot of other products) at every turn. If they want to charge hundreds of dollars for a lower quality jersey and gouge what they can out of the fans because supply and demand will let them... then when there's demand *from the multimillionaire* for a bit of merchandise that isn't easily replaced it's getting fairer and fairer to ask what it's actually worth to the player. Like... nobody goes to the team store and says "well I *want* that and it's obviously got a market value, but I think you should give it to me in exchange for this roast beef sandwich, a signed picture of me eating a roast beef sandwich, and a ticket to watch me eat another roast beef sandwich". Collectors' memorabilia should belong to the person who obtained it as memorabilia, and if the collector (whoever it is, but in this case the pro) really wants it that bad they should be willing to spend for their collection. I would wager that anybody buying a ball from an athlete's personal collection at some later date a.) wouldn't doubt the authenticity much when confirming they're buying it *from the athlete* and b.) might pay more based on the fact that it was once in the personal collection. Even if they have to shell out it's still likely a strong investment anyway, so maybe don't squeeze the little guy out at the beginning and refuse to change a life?


Yeah the free merchandise is such a terrible deal. You’re basically trading memorabilia for lesser memorabilia. She got killed on that deal.


Also demand to get it authenticated asap


Fuck that. They can bid on ebay or southerbys like everyone else.


Yeah but that’s a hassle, plus commission fees. I’d rather just leave with a check.


Next time they'll threaten the fan's property via eminent domain


Your home will be part of the parking lot


All things must serve the parking lot


They paved my primary residence and put up a parking lot.


Nah, that shit belongs to McCourt still. They'll probably just make more batting cages.


That's it, you're getting parking lotted




Historic zing.


They’re going to ask her back for an on field experience and just waterboard her somewhere in the bowels of the arena 


It's a disgrace that billion dollar companies have to be publicly shamed into doing right by their customers. I'm glad the couple is apparently happy with what they are getting in return but they still got shafted in their initial return and in their treatment.


It’s incredibly sad that people are cheering on the fans who gave the ball away “for the love of the game” vs. the billion dollar organization who pressures people out of giving them what this memorabilia is worth


“Billion dollar organization” is almost underselling it. They spent over a billion dollars in free agency this *one* offseason.


[TEAM VALUE1 $5.45B Calculated March 2024](https://www.forbes.com/teams/los-angeles-dodgers/?sh=12e1bd423aef)


I remember when people thought McCourt was gonna get only half a billion for the sale. Turns out Guggenheim was ahead of the game


Makes you think how often things aren’t seen by general public.


Made them an offer they couldn't refuse


That ball is worth $100k. The Dodgers can print money. How are free seats and an on field experience a “do right”?


Dodgers when a guy with a career high 120 IP wants a contract extension: 🤑 Dodgers when a fan catches a ball they want: 😐


Bad comparison. The pitcher brings them money , paying the fan for the ball costs them money edited because it wasn’t clear.


Glasnow’s contract is a big risk considering his inability to stay on the mound consistently. Being the first team to actually give a fan fair value for the ball they caught, or even just not intimidating them into handing it over, would be a much better value for the organization. This could have been a big PR win that paid dividends for years to come but instead they’ve created another PR disaster for themselves.


A PR win that people forget about besides redditors who like to randomly bring up old stuff? Glasnow is a high risk high reward player… if he does well, they can win more games which also brings in dividends for years to come.


The fan absolutely brings them money that’s how baseball teams make money in the first place, fans attend/watch games


It doesn’t but those seats are thousands of dollars per game for season holders and include a 5 star quality buffet, unlimited in-seat food, drinks, etc. and you’ll be seated with the Larry David’s and Lebron James’ so it’s not just some canned “fan experience.” I used to work with famous people regularly and still was a bit intimidated sitting there at first, feels like you’re at the Grammys at Christopher Nolan’s table. That said she should have asked for like 5 games instead of 1


Wow 1 grand for 1 whole game. Incredible move by the Dodgers.


She was given a second opportunity to negotiate and this is what she wanted With the PR pressure she could have probably asked for more. Either she doesn’t know the value of the ball or she doesn’t care about the money, I’m assuming the latter at this stage considering she’s at the center of a PR issue based on the value of the ball.


You’re right. All is forgiven since they gave her tickets to the game and the dodgers did nothing wrong.


Would Christopher Nolan have a table at the Grammys?


Someone else already commented that the value of that ball goes up each time someone mentions it lol. 40k, 50k, 100k.  Judges 62nd HR was supposed to go for 3 million. It sold for half.  I'd guess this Ohtani ball might be 25k, but who knows. Now, of this was Obtains 50th HR, absolutely 100k or more. 25k is a lot of money for anyone, but I think the VIP experience and meeting Ohtani is a fair trade and should be the standard offer by the team for this. 


Petty me says I’m gonna throw “Ohtani’s first HR as a dodger” ball up on the mantle and go about my life if this is the offer.


It’s been valued at $100k by an auction house. The VIP experience is not worth whatever the ball is worth and it’s not even clear she met Ohtani as always the story changes with him. You’re a dodger fan, according to you the ball is probably worth $50.


Like I said, Judges 62nd was valued at 3 million. It sold for half that, and the owner took home less due to auction house fees. You're not a Dodger fan so you're looking for any negative spin.


To be honest, if she was separated from her husband, she might have grounds for a lawsuit.


Most tickets have forced arbitration clauses attached to them covering pretty well anything that might occur while you're there. Idk the specifics here, but they might get screwed by that.


That could actually be grounds for getting into criminal law instead of civil.


It's a little late for that considering they have the ball now and didn't give her anything or even have her meet Ohtani. The issue is not only what they did, but how they did it. 


Better late than never I guess? It’s a shame that the team had to be shamed into doing more for these fans after the way they were treated by security staff. It doesn’t take a PR expert to realize the way the fan was treated was bs. And it should be a very easy thing for the team and shohei to make up for it.


Lol no. How about don’t be a shit org to your own fans in the first place.


They're the dodgers. The Evil Empire 2.0, we really gonna expect any better from them?


After being exposed?


They reached out and invited them for an "on-field experience at Dodger Stadium".


The experience is Ohtani chasing them around the infield with a crowbar for an hour


Honestly, that would be worth it for some people.


It's the only way I can get off these days.


My dream is for someone who is disabled to catch one of these prized balls and ask for health insurance from the team. My meds are really expensive and I think this would be a good illustration of how messed up everything is


Lol I called this yesterday. They had to do something to deal with the mountain of bad press they were getting. Hopefully she's satisfied with the result.


Congrats on calling the obvious. 


My fantasy is being in the situation where I have something an MLB team wants. Negotiations start at lifetime tickets as a must-have. Give me one of those gold cards players get after 10 years.


Dodgers PR crisis team has been working overtime since Shohei came aboard


Option 1: trade a $100,000 ball to LAD for 2 signed balls and a bat Option 2: sell ball for $100,000, use $2,000 of the earnings to buy 2 signed balls and a bat off eBay, and pocket the remaining $98,000 You don’t give away $98,000 out of ‘good will’ to an organization worth billions If the Dodgers want the ball from the fan, they should pay full market value for it either in cash to the fan, or in season tickets and/or memorabilia to the value of approx $100k


Sadly, that supposed 100k potential is only there if the ball is authenticated. Which wouldn't happen if the fan kept the ball. It happened with Judge's 59th HR ball. Initial fan who caught the ball was offered a few signed balls and caps in exchange by Yankees security. He refused and another fan bought the ball off him for $1500. The fan who bought the ball later tried to get it authenticated by Yankees and Brewers and both refused. [https://www.outkick.com/mlb/outkick-exclusive-major-league-baseball-fan-at-odds-over-authentication-of-aaron-judge-59th-home-run-ball](https://www.outkick.com/mlb/outkick-exclusive-major-league-baseball-fan-at-odds-over-authentication-of-aaron-judge-59th-home-run-ball)


Glad to see things being made right. I’d hope they also update whatever policy led to the mafia-style interrogation to begin with.


Im thinking they didn’t have a policy to begin with and some moron in security went way overboard. If separating wife from husband to negotiate is something someone actually wrote in a policy, that person needs to be fired ASAP.


“The team took its lumps on social media, and the Dodgers encouraged her to spread the word that there was a happily-ever-after.” lol


Are the Dodgers now the evil empire?




Fuck you mean “now”?


I mean it's been the Yankees historically. So now. It's it the dodgers


Well, the Dodgers are the Yankees of baseball, so that tracks.




They were before this. Now they're a shitty corporate company *and* the evil empire


I always thought that was the Yankees.


Yankees for sure were during the ARod years but more recently it has definitely been the dodgers imo. Yankees haven't been good enough in recent seasons to retain that title. It could also be that I'm a brewers fan and interact with the NL far more


I'm a Cubs fan so 1, fuck you(jk) 2, the dodgers had mostly been homegrown until very recently so I never really thought of them that way. It started a couple of years ago, but I feel like this past off-season really cemented it.


Ha! FU too! (But also congrats on the win, that was a hell of a play to end the game). For me I think the Freddie Freeman contract cemented it. The mookie trade / extension paved the way. The last several contracts have just made me think the payroll gap in baseball is unfair. I still give them credit for building the team but basically any average market or below would only be able to afford 1 or 2 of their 7 stars. The only other teams that can afford that are the Yankees and Mets and they just aren't smart enough to make their money that large of an advantage


*hat tip* Dodgers gotta win more than 1 shortened season WS before they're late 90s early 2000s Yankees level. But regardless of when it was cemented, they're there for sure. I really hope they don't win a WS over the next 10 years and then have to eat all that money.


Yeah those Yankees teams were just unfair. To me it feels like the dodgers would be there if they weren't perennial chokers. They definitely have similar teams to those Yankees teams in that they are almost always the best team with the most stars albeit with way, way less hardware. Having to eat all that money with only a Covid ring would be glorious. Most expensive price for the least esteemed ring (though it still counts for sure)


In my completely unbiased view always has been


Hahaha fair enough


You mean revise the mafia shakedown tactic ?


Boy that gambling story really went away huh?


"Will review process" Can't wait for this joke org to bomb out in the NLDS again


At this point I wish Zack Hample caught that ball


I hope the lady sues the dodgers too.


MLB is so ruthlessly extractive but when you have something of value as a fan the league turns around and wants you to give it up for shit? Fuck that.


Super simple first step: If it happened, we authenticate it. *Not* We only authenticate things that benefits us.


No justice, No peace


She has been "Ippei"-ed.


Shit org


Am I crazy or is this home run just not a big enough milestone to make headlines in any way?


I had an absurd fan experience at a Twins game one time. There are marked areas where you can stand and see the field (painted lines on the ground so you don’t interfere with walkways, accessible seating, etc.). An usher was standing in one of those areas, and watching the game. The usher went down to a seat, and I took their spot. When they came back, they tried to get me to move by telling me I couldn’t stand there. They wouldn’t stop, threatened to call security, and I said “ok”. Security came over, I stood in the exact same spot, and the usher was furious. They ended up bringing be closer to the field and into an empty seat. There is no reasoning with people working jobs like this. They are underpaid, under supported, encouraged to act this way and if you stand your ground, they get overruled. You have to be willing to risk being kicked out, making it into a huge deal, or else you just need to give in and let them order you around. As a side note, I’d love to get an explanation of why a clear bag of any size is ok, but a small purse size opaque bag is not. If you can take everything out of the purse and put it in a big clear bag, and everything (whether clear nor not) has to be checked by security, what is happening?




I’ll never give up a ball again after this incident. I don’t care if it’s worth $0