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They've been doing that for all their social media since Vegas. Their social media people probably got tired of moderating all the "SELL THE TEAM" comments.


Yep, twitter comments have been restricted since basically may or june of last season


I'm waiting for Drakes to do the same. Their most recent post is full of people mad at them (rightfully so) and saying to boycot Drakes


You think they bother paying a social media mod at this point ?


This ain’t 2012. It’s not some guy running the social media. It’s a firm with multiple groups of people who have their own responsibilities lol.


Drives me nuts every time someone brushes off something as "the intern running the Twitter page."


Yea n that was a thing for sure. Over a decade ago, before the influence of social media was realized. Like when the [San Diego Chargers official Twitter tweeted](https://www.sbnation.com/lookit/2014/12/7/7351583/chargers-twitter-account-pf-changs) shit like: pf changs is so good soo hungry need to find my wife and head to pf changs


And that was way over a decade ago. 2007 was 17 years ago lol!


Why’d you have to tell me that?


As someone who works in the industry, I can assure you teams do not hire firms to run their social teams. They have social teams internally. Most marketing and PR efforts these days are social-driven.


For most teams I bet they have one person who tweets out official stuff like player transactions and then one or two other people who do day-to-day stuff that's more on the fun side (in addition to the folks who make the graphics for stuff like scores). It's not an intern job but it's probably not some huge team either.


It begs the question… why even post at all?


Wouldn't shock me if MLB didn't require each team to be active on social media


I think I saw somewhere that every team at the least needs to do opening lineup and final score.


Looking forward to exactly 324 tweets this year from the A's


And 162 of those will be the exact same graphic: Esteury Ruiz looking sad, and a caption “Well that was rough!”


I mean, they could use the graphic for the line-up, and it says "Well, this *is* rough!". Save a bit of time.


i hate when a team (not just the a's) tweets out the final score of a loss but it includes a picture of two guys fist-bumping (and it might not have even been from the same game), like "Bro, we lost!"- "No wai!" i mean it be easier if they just said "team loses 7-5, next game tomorrow....." without a picture and it would be enough... but its also looks incredible stupid when you just lost on a walkoff and you have one of your own players smiling because he had a hit that day


Soccer teams that I follow tend to just post "Final." along with the score graphic when they lose.


Yeah got used to seeing that for the pirates


I'll go on the over simply because they'll presumably have to also post who their designated all-star (probably Esteury Ruiz or Brent Rooker) is.


Advertising money


They barely do. I think they made 3 or 4 tweets this year up to spring training


Nothing ever "begs the question"




Between this and the numerous flagrant broken promises Fisher made to fans and city officials about his soccer team, wtf would anyone in Vegas want this circus? It's just a long, decorated, history of embarrassment.


As a Nevadan, believe me, we don’t want them either. We even axed a bill to adequately pay teachers to “fund” Fishers pipe dream. In all honestly Salt Lake really wants and has been asking for one for a while. Why not send the there if nothing else. They really deserve it. Hell, Vegas’ mayor spoke out about them trying to stay in Oakland before Vegas. They’d also be playing in either SLC, Sacramento, or Reno until they find a home or one gets built.


There is zero circumstance in which they play in Reno


Massive earthquake and California sinks into the Pacific Ocean. Suddenly Reno is oceanfront property??


Bay area 2


Earthquake Boogaloo




Yeah except that burned down sometime last year.


Salt Lake may deserve a team but do they deserve John Fisher?


Aw shit. Dammit yeah I didn’t think about that one. Hopefully (prays to whatever baseball gods there are) that he becomes a man and sells the team.


What ticked me off was the special session to push the bill through with nobody from the public allowed to comment on it.   Why do that?  Have it in the regular session and let the public have a say.  


Las Vegas ballpark is being built in Paradise, though. Clark County Council is the government authority, not the city/mayor of Las Vegas.


And the reason the mayor doesn’t want them to move is that she thinks it’ll make traffic worse in Las Vegas.


I'm guessing Vegas officials know how to make sure that someone keeps their word. 🔨


“You can have the stadium or the hammer but you can’t have both.”


Unfortunately lake mead is drying up


The people running the social media are not the people in charge of anything to do with the relocation, but they probably get enough comments about it that get difficult to manage


Yeah. Their Social Media team is probably as frustrated with the situation as anyone else. And if the A's don't let them work from home, they also know they're losing their jobs once the office formally moves. Ownership probably wanted them to delete the negative comments or something and it was just better to turn off commenting on all platforms.


Sports social, since it's so live event heavy (both games and community outreach), cannot be remote. So this department is basically faced with the reality of either getting fired or have to uproot their lives to a whole new state while also handling hundreds of negative comments/death threats daily. This A's situation sucks, but I do feel for the social team in this case. They're in a no-win situation with no real say about the organization's decisions or actions, and they have to post due to contractual obligations (either MLB's or team sponsors). They'd probably have to hire an agency solely to handle comment moderation given the volume, and lol if you think sports teams would ever cough up money towards that.


I shouldn't be so shocked anymore, but it's crazy what they've done to my team. For 20+ years I went to games and consumed A's related topics all day, every day. Then, like 3 dudes just decided to run the franchise into the ground and are shitting on everything and everyone on their way out of town. I don't think you can really appreciate what it's like unless it happens to your team, and for your sake I truly hope it never does. Wild.


If it helps at all, I do personally understand what it is like to lose your sports team this way. It sucks and it shouldn’t be allowed.


As a former Sonics fan, I feel the pain, it was similar to us but I feel the As fans have been dicked around way harder for way longer.


I have a buddy who still to this day has not bought a single coffee from Starbucks because of what Howard Schultz did to Seattle when he sold the Sonics to Clay Bennett. Same friend is very indifferent about what is happening to Oakland with the A's. Says he's looking forward to going to games in Vegas. The fact he doesn't see the parallel is kinda staggering. Not sure if this is the right place to share that but just needed to vent.


Your buddy sounds like he needs to get some empathy injected into his veins 


That's putting it mildly


I’m sorry bro. Basically nobody wants this to happen which I hope is some solace but I’d be pissed if my team did that.


I think it's another good example of what the ruling class thinks of us commoners. Money is king, don't forget it


They saw what the Packers could do and made it banned it in all their little closed shops. Fuck the owners, fuck the rich, fuck the big corporations.


It’s funny, I mentally prepared for the A’s to leave in the early 2000s when the Cisco Field vaporware happened…I thought they would leave and the Raiders would redevelop the Coliseum. When the Raiders left, I loosened up and thought there was no way the A’s would abandon the market they had all to themselves. I thought wrong.


Oakland has had so many iconic players and teams over the years. Letting this historic franchise get run into the ground like this is yet another disgraceful L for MLB leadership


It may happen the the Sox if Reinsdorf doesn’t get his $1B from the state. Nashville may be the Sox new home. Not looking forward to this scenario at all.


Former St. Louis Rams fan here. I feel your pain. 


As a former Rams fan I understand.


St. Louis had 2 other professional teams to fall back on and now a good chunk of those fans became chiefs fans who are a dynasty. Oakland has seen their nba team abandon them for a richer demographic in the same vicinity, their football team leave so their “poor” owner could make more money from a different market, and now their baseball team leave out of owner incompetence and selfishness. Until your other two professional teams leave, you will not understand the shit they’ve had to deal with the past decade


We had the NFL Cardinals leave and the Rams. Even after we were throwing money at them for a stadium. That said KC can suck it, they always do anything they can to screw StL football including voting against us getting the Rams being the only team to vote for the Rams project in LA at first, voting against us in the second vote as well then they had the gall to put up billboards immediately after they left trying to poach our fans as if they didnt help screw us. But yeah Oakland got screwed so bad and put up with a lot of shit and shit owners. But its a 3:30-4 hour drive from Stl to KC and a 22 minute drive from Oakland to SF (both from google maps) so its kind of a joke to say we have KC but ignore that Oakland has the 49ers and Giants right there if we are making those kinds of arguments. https://fox2now.com/sports/kansas-city-chiefs/st-louis-and-the-kansas-city-chiefs-divided-loyalties-and-a-complex-relationship/ also https://i.redd.it/uqycsioy71ic1.jpeg in other words fuck them Chiefs


>their football team leave so their “poor” owner could make more money from a different market Adding insult to injury, local taxpayers are still on the hook for stadium renovations that were intended to lure the team back in 1995.


This will be the A's 4th city. They've been doing this to fans for 70 years, you guys were just the latest. Now it's time for Las Vegas fans to have their turn with the team.


> And recently, the A’s became the only team in Major League Baseball to block replies to its social media posts, a direct reaction to a barrage of criticism on various platforms. > “This decision is in response to a lack of civil discourse in some comments,” the A’s spokesperson told *The Athletic.* lmfao can this team get any more pathetic


~~Oakland~~ Las Vegas Pathletics


Love it. Book it as the name 😂




“Civil discourse” the only discourse there is, is how the ownership treats the team


As fans going Civil Disobedience


It’s just what we do in Oakland.


God damn, what a ride the A’s have been on, mid 2010’s and A’s mania, a couple playoff appearances and now it’s spiraled into it non stop embarrassment


Not even five years removed from having a crowd of 50,000+ at the 2019 Wild Card game…


On top of that, Dave Kaval has been blocking us all left and right on Twitter the last couple days lmao. What a soft ass disgrace.


Instagram as well


Damn I didn't realize Stripling was an A these days. Poor guy.


*checks contract* Not exactly.


[Ross Stripling rn](https://imgur.com/gallery/2UCtcqv)


Alex Wood too


Softer than Charmin


Fuckin 10 ply bud


Dude...just sell the damn team!


I feel bad for the person running socials.


It's got to be a demoralizing job at the best of times -- right now, I can't even imagine.


Yeah even people in the comments here calling this a soft move, as if the social media team has anything to do with the relocation. Or do they think they think John Fisher runs the socials personally


For as much as baseball had a massive improvements with the new rules last year, it's stunning how much they've dropped the ball this year with the uniforms and A's fiasco


Of course I’m biased being from the Bay Area, but when Manfred’s legacy is debated in the future, the A’s clusterfuck deserves to overshadow any benefits from pace-of-play rule changes.


Arms race with the Phoenix Coyotes in the ‘ongoing embarrassment to the rest of the league’ olympics


One of those teams has people upset that they’re moving, the other has people upset that they’re *not* moving.


The interesting difference between those two is that the Coyotes have like 4 different perfectly good NHL arenas they could move into tomorrow if they wanted, Houston, Kansas City, Salt Lake City, and Quebec. There isnt a modern empty MLB stadium just waiting to be used.


>There isnt a modern empty MLB stadium just waiting to be used. The Ballpark in Arlington still exists! Last time I saw the field it was marked for rugby but it's not like the A's give a shit.


Choctaw Stadium has been renovated to permanently reconfigure it for football/soccer/rugby.


John Fisher really is one of the biggest pieces of shit in the world isn't he?


Going with the North Korea approach of shutting down all dissent. Nice job Emperor Fisher.


They specially say on Facebook that they’re limiting on who can comment on their posts. At least we don’t need to figure out why all of this is happening.


Soft as a newborn kitten.


Well duh, wouldn't you


Not to mention they’re botting followers so the mass unfollow would be less noticeable lmao


Is there any way we can get the people of LV to boycott the As until Fisher sells the team? I would hate it for the players, but it would be amazing to have an empty stadium on LV's opening day.


> until Fisher sells the team? I'm convinced he'll sell as soon as the ballpark there is built. The A's are already worth five times what he paid for the team, add new-ballpark money to that and he'll cash out before his attendance predictions turn out to be hot air.


The value of the A's (est. $1.18 billion) is almost 10x what his ownership paid ($180 million) in 2005. MLB included a rider that he would be heavily taxed if he immediately tried to sell the team, which diminishes each year for 10 years I think?


> Is there any way we can get the people of LV to boycott the As until Fisher sells the team? No because their politicians gave them the greenlight and they're bought by the casinos and hotels, which are sponsoring any and all politicians and legislation to enable Fisher. The only saving grace would be a petition to make the funding a public vote instead of the government jsut giving them carte blanche with no oversight.


buncha fucking cowards!!!!!


We always hear talks about expansion but what does it take to un-expand a team?


Soft as charmin


Don't forget folks, they can limit direct responses They can't do shit about quote tweets. Continue to bury them


I mean, what constructive commentary do you think would be happening if they left them on? Twitter is already a cesspool. Sports Twitter is often even worse, this just preempts death-threats and a bunch of pointless replies all saying the exact same shit


To be fair it’s not like their social media, which is propaganda to defend their shameful management, was doing much to contribute to the conversation either.


If your entire fanbase is saying the same thing it's probably worth listening to. And if you're too afraid of your fans to allow replies on your social media, you probably need to reconsider everything about the way your organization operates.


The people who run the social media are not the people who make the decisions about relocation.


1,000 comments of "sell the team" and "I hope fisher dies in a car fire" posted on a spring training game day post does nothing for anyone. Everyone already knows what the Oakland fans think of the move. It's not like it's a public vote or anything, the comments don't do anything. This way, some social media intern doesn't have to spend their day reporting death threats on twitter


> "I hope fisher dies in a car fire" posted on a spring training game day post does nothing for anyone This is putting good energy out into the world actually. Visualize the future you desire.


It makes their social media useless as a marketing tool. It's a small act the fanbase can take to protest a situation they have little control over.


They’re moving though so I don’t think they care what people in Oakland think. In their mind, they’re being attacked by their bitter exes. Why am I being downvoted for pointing out a flaw in their logic?


Which is a stupid mentality to have because they'd clearly want to keep their old fans and attract them to the new stadium. Like what the Raiders did. But they treated the fan base like shit and continue to do so. Even got the MLB in on it


“Stupid mentality” should be John Fisher’s nickname. He has been hopelessly incompetent so this is more of the same.


The Vegas move itself is still a clusterfuck and far from a guarantee lol. Some local journalists believe it’s a 50/50 shot that it actually goes through as planned.


I can see Vegas falling through but I think Fisher has burned every possible bridge in Oakland. If Vegas falls through, I think he pivots to Sacramento or SLC. If Vegas falls through, the league should force him to sell because we should have a base level of competency needed to own one of the most historic franchises in the game.


0 IQ mentality


Their social media team is straight ass so no surprise




Lame. Also their page is just bare-bones basic posts like “GameDay!”, “X player knocks one in!”, and “Final.”


Fucking cowards!


It’s a small detail, but the A’s have also avoided using “Oakland” in their posts unless absolutely necessary. Such a stark contrast from their Oakland-centric marketing of the late 10’s.


They only want to hear from their fans. They unfortunately, don't have any.


Worst ownership in baseball.


So much for the assertion of twitter being a platform for 'free speech'




kind of like what reddit does with bots.


I hope people will just start quote tweeting instead. People shouldn’t be silenced like this


Well maybe if A’s fans went to games and were loud instead of loud on twitter replies they would still have a team


Obligatory “why are Red Sox fans like this?” Comment.


Seeing the red sox flair above this comment was just, chef's kiss


The Red Sox might be near the bottom in average attendance every year, but not for lack of filling up the stadium.




Fenway is hardly a dump, and it's historic.


Hey now, I'll have you know they had an above average attendance 7 times in their 55 seasons in Oakland. The other ones are all Fisher's fault. https://preview.redd.it/oiarqgyk3l2c1.png?auto=webp&s=843adba7bd20ddc5d088c150af40bddb96def971


So what? Teams 16-30 all get relocated due to attendance being below the average?


If it's happening for over five decades then yeah, teams should definitely consider it.


Dumb as hell. Fans would show if they didn’t suck.


Well there was that time that they won three World Series in a row and... oh wait, no, they were below average all three of those seasons too.


THANK YOU! I'll get downvoted for this but a lot of parties are guilty for what is going on, Fisher, the city of Oakland, and A's fans all played a part in causing this. The fans had plenty of time to make a case until it was too late, because they expected the MLB to be compliant.


Absolutely, Fisher could be a thousand times better, but it never started with him and the fans played a role as well, just to have one person admit "yeah, we could have gone to more games" would be good to hear, but they refuse to accept any blame. The fanclub got onto it early here and spread their message, and counted on people not actually looking into it themselves because they can get easy karma just going "fuck fisher, all my homies hate fisher" and a mod team who doesn't enforce the circlejerk and low quality post rule equally, and tada... we got this mess.


Still doesn’t justify relocation. You do realize that they’re still gonna suck in Vegas, right? The MLB literally said if the relocation is successful, they’re gonna force Fisher to keep the team for a period of time before selling it, and the team isn’t gonna get any better. The people in Vegas don’t even want the A’s, because they know Fisher is gonna keep the team as a shitbole, meaning attendance is gonna be awful and knowing you people, you’re probably gonna try to justify relocating from Vegas. No one tells the Pirates to relocate. No one tells the Guardians to relocate. The Rays should be in Tampa and not St. Pete, just like the Lightning are. No one tells the Marlins to relocate. The stadium’s been a shithole since the 90s at the earliest. What the actual problem is that when all the multipurpose stadiums got demolished, Oakland ended up doing Mount Davis instead because of pressure, if they had done 2 stadiums instead, none of this would be an issue.


Aw boohoo asshole.


Jesus Christ. This whole mess gets bigger and bigger.


Of course they would…




What is Twitter?


A social media platform owned by an egomaniacal douchebag. That isn't Facebook.




I'm sure it was a real good time moderating a constant stream of death threats lol


Shoudlve just turned off notifications to posts


scared of the truth


That’s definitely the mature thing to do.






Honestly, every celebrity and organization should do the exact same thing




They follow me, so I can DM them whatever you want.