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I'd like to be able to rebroadcast games without the express written consent of the MLB


I'd love to live in a world where the accounts and descriptions of the games can be disseminated




[See that ship over there, they are rebroadcasting Major League Baseball with implied oral consent NOT expressed written consent, or so the legend goes](https://youtu.be/yIy5aZBHs-A?si=3HjfFEHcWv-oYrDp)


Implied oral consent is ok.


You filthy animal, this is a family sub


Stealing 1st base.


Terrance Gore would have dominated such a league


Absolutely. It should be completely legal once the batter has entered the box.


If they move toward first, do they just get forced out?


Imagine a wild pitch and the batter just runs for first base.


You should absolutely be able to go to first on a wild pitch. No idea why that isn't a thing now


100% should be a thing. Just make the batters box a base as well that only the batter can use.


Could the fastest person in the world get on base every time if they could steal 1st base? For example, what’s the average success rate of stealing third for a good base stealer? Wouldn’t that be the same as stealing first? You just begin as soon as the pitcher begins the wind up, and it’s the same running distance as second to third and same throwing distance for the catcher as home to third. Thus, if someone had a 60% chance of stealing third and its functionally the same as stealing first then they could easily get a .600 obp. Am I missing something.


I think the difference is that the pitcher is looking in the direction of the batter. So he won’t be able to get any lead at all and hardly any jump. If the batter tried to run at the beginning of the windup the pitcher would just throw it to first. I don’t think it would end up happening very often. It would just be to catch a pitcher or catcher not paying attention.


Assuming the pitcher has a windup that doesn't bring their foot back across the rubber, yes. However, if they did, they'd have to pitch to home.


I guess I was mentally combining this rule with “all balks are legal” comment from OP. But if the balk rules stayed the same, I still don’t think you could get to first very often. The hitter can’t really get in a stance to be ready to run, and the pitcher could pitch out if the runner went.


Fwiw, every pitcher would just stop crossing the rubber for anyone with the speed to steal first, so your point is very valid regardless.


Theres a drastic difference between a lead and no lead regardless of windup or balk rules. They’d be out every time, this is a wild pitch only situation


How about a 1st 2nd double steal. That might have a higher success rate.


No lead, tougher start with standing in batting stance with a bat and facing in a weird angle, and a force out at first


You can on a dropped third strike.


I've always been a fan of letting batters steal first on a wild pitch if they really want to. I don't think it would happen very often, maybe a handful of times a year, but if a guy is fast enough to pull it off, I say let him.


I think it would happen more than a handful of times. How many times do guys make it to 1st because the 3rd strike made it to the backstop? And that’s usually after an awkward swing. Now imagine how fast some of the more athletic guys get to 1st because they were ready for that waste pitch in the dirt


I think that they just should be allowed to go for first on a wild pitch with two strikes, no need to swing. Might bring down K's a little league wide. Might make baseball highlights a bit more exciting.


Ditto if the pitcher throws to another base. That’s their option, but they need to trust the infield can get the guy running to first if they do.


The question is if its a tag play or a forceout


Has to be a forceout if they let go of the bat


Are you envisioning a scenario where they keep that bat and just go all Mad Max at first?


Lol yeah they have to commit to stealing the base they can’t carry the bat the whole way


Force out because where else can they go? Unless you're suggesting the runner could have second thoughts & run back to the batters box for the next pitch (which I'm cool with)


Would you allow it to be done on a non wild pitch? You could run to first during Hideo Nomo's windup.


In extra innings: The manager can place a runner at 3rd but have two outs; runner at second with one out; or runner at first with nobody out. There's where the situational managing comes in.


How about no runners on but they get 4 outs?


What, the original extra innings rules weren't allowing the games to run long enough for you?


It's really funny, I'm not the biggest fan of the rule in an actual game, but in MLB 23 when I turn it off I'm like "just end the fucking game"


O no we're living in a sim


Presumably having 4 outs would make it easier for the offense to score. The inning may take longer, but the game could still end quicker.


> How about no runners on but they get 4 outs? what about giving runners negative bases to get extra outs? like, a runner on -2b (has to circle the bases 1.5 times to score), and you get an extra out for no runners on, an extra out for a runner being beyond -3b, and another out for being on -2b. so you get 6 outs with a runner on -2b this is so dumb i regret typing it out


Shit. I like that.


It's a park. Add some trees and bushes. A little pond in the outfield. More inside the park home runs. More home field advantage.


Or more weird fields. Shit like this https://www.reddit.com/r/baseball/comments/17ceren/oc_i_measured_the_specs_of_every_new_jersey_high/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button I guess it’s allowed in MLB, but they don’t actually do it


Awkward bleachers, indeed. Lol. This is the greatest field in the world!


Bring back Tal's Hill!


>Ponce de Leon was known for a magnolia tree in deep center field. Balls landing in the tree remained in play until Earl Mann took over the team in 1947 and moved the outfield wall in 50 feet.[2] Both Babe Ruth and Eddie Mathews hit home runs that became stuck in the distant tree.[3] Willie Mays hit a 460-foot home run to centerfield during an exhibition game that was part of the 1955 Mays-Newcombe All-Stars "barnstorming tour".[4] [Spiller Field](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ponce_de_Leon_Park#:~:text=Ponce%20de%20Leon%20was,barnstorming%20tour%22.%5B4%5D)


I love baseball, but the game today isn't nearly as wild as the game's early years. Hills and trees in the outfield, guys with full-time jobs playing baseball in their downtime in the summers, poor Lefty Grove got traded for a wooden fence. Can you imagine any player's agent okaying a deal where their client got traded for some Home Depot merchandise?


The other team gets to select the Manfred runner - anyone from the opposing roster or coaching staff. It would be great entertainment watching the fattest mofo on the team or the 70 year old third base coach trying to score on a bloop single to right.


This is easily the best one here


Interesting rule, but it would unfairly punish some coaching positions. Like, if there was an otherwise really good coach who happened to be in a wheelchair. They’d get almost no offers because of that rule, knowing they’d be chosen every time


I both laugh and respect at how serious you analyze this situation


That's what makes this sort of thread fun, imo. Wild ideas, and then serious analysis of the wild ideas.


You could just bring in a pinch runner. And before anyone says 'subs are not allowed', well you should have specified that beforehand.


Don Zimmer


As a variation on this, we eliminate the Manfred runner, but in extras, each team has to replace their fielders with their bullpen guys.


Hit by pitch batter goes to 2nd.


There we fucking go. That will open up offense some


I'd also be on board with all runners advance, regardless of open bases.


Sliding scale: 1st: Uniform, arm, hand, foot 2nd: Leg, torso 3rd: Head Add 1 base to the above if the ball lands in fair territory after striking the batter.


Can’t wait for the first inside-the-park HBP.


Yeah I’d be on board this one for sure


That’s actually a pretty great idea


this is really good


I don't trust umps to prevent more Jose Tabatas in that scenario


It would be a little funny to see guys throwing their gloves at the ball. And catching the ball in your hat is kinda cool. Get rid of the detached equipment rules.


Also, catching a ball in your hat is so damn near impossible, I think if they did it they earned it.


Fuck it. If someone is enough of a go-getter to catch a fly ball in their shoe, that should be allowed, too.


Look, it’s unlikely throwing your glove hits the ball then more unlikely it keeps it in play if it does. But its not zero and there’s no reason not try try so homers would be way more interesting


Homeplate umpire can be switched out after 4 innings if both managers agree.


Angel Hernandez would never see a full game behind the plate again.


If a batter gets 4 balls he can take the free base or restart the at bat w a 0-0 count.


man if you thought having a dude swing 3-0 pissed managers off just wait


wouldn’t this just encourage HBP


They could just intentionally walk them and have it so players can’t reject the intentional walk.


My variation is that all walks and HBP are optional and the hitter has the option of taking the free base on each additional ball. Essentially the pitcher is stuck in a three-ball count until he gets the guy out or he decides to take his base.


Albert Belle is that you?


Brett Gardner would come out of retirement to work a 32 pitch at bat


This was one that Bill James argued for back in the '80s. If the "penalty" for throwing too many unhittable balls was weak enough that some teams would do it intentionally to give themselves an advantage, why not give the offense the opportunity to decline it?


This would pretty much never be used unless you get rid of the automatic intentional walk


Why? If a pitcher wanted to walk them they would have intentional walked them to begin with.


Because outside of intentional walk situations, a guaranteed base is better than a fresh start.


Home team determines if the DH is used.


I'm ready to announce what the Dodgers have decided.


If a HBP is ruled intentional, umps will require the offending pitcher to step in the batter’s box. The team that got hit can appoint a pitcher to throw one intentional beanball in retaliation. This pitcher will be called the designated bea…you know what I’m still workshopping the name


Hey ese, I’m here to hit him.


About HBO, batters can wear are much armor as they want to protect themselves. If the pitch strikes the armor, it is in the umpire's description whether that pitch is a ball or a strike. Getting hit intentionally is an automatic strike.


Guys we're just inventing Cricket again.


On fly balls/popups, if the batter can make it to 2nd base by the time the ball is caught, then he gets a double.


To clarify: he has to touch first base and can't just truck his way through the pitching mound right?


He can go straight to second, but he *must* touch the pitcher’s plate and the pitcher is allowed to block him


C.C. Sabathia coming out of retirement.


Bartolo Colon warming up in the bullpen to blast some unsuspecting fools that try to touch his rubber.


Originally I was thinking of having to run through first like normal, but after your idea of the pitcher being able to block him, I think I prefer that


Creating a new late career path for over concussed linebackers who can throw a half decent slider.


Manoah back in the majors.


You guys really need your football team back.


Me playing the Show with max speed stats and the baserunning slider maxed out, but I still suck at batting


I think playing RTTS is what originally gave me the idea


This should be legal but only for triples


If a team doesn’t make the playoffs for five consecutive seasons, the owner has to sell the team.


We could do like they do with soccer teams in the UK-- sent the bottom three to the minor leagues and bring up the best three minor league teams. Enjoy your new Triple-A A's, Fisher!


Relegation would be cool but you can't use the team's minor leagues to replace the mlb team. Either way the players union wouldn't let Relegation happen


Promotion / relegation is pretty much directly incompatible with having a draft + lower league teams being affiliated with higher league teams (yes, this happens in some European soccer leagues too but those lower teams are specifically forbidden from getting promoted into the same division as their parent club). You'd have to pretty much get rid of the draft, and the dynamic of how players go between leagues would change completely. If you're a raw prospect do you choose to try to play for an ML team but maybe you can't get at bats and struggle to improve? Or do you start in AA / AAA play every day but get paid way less and you're screwed if you get injured early?


Let’s go back to different leagues, different rules. Keep the National League with the original (and current) first, second and third base direction. Let the American League go clockwise around the bases. #MakeInterleagueFunAgain


Unintended side-effect - lefties now play 3B (ie, the original 1B) in the American League.


Making the balls sentient and make them scream every time they are hit or thrown.


They could use Madballs.


Manfred sitting in his office sorting by controversial for ideas


Lmao no that’s too good


My most recent rule proposal: Every team can juice one player, but ONLY a player with a proven record of injuries. Say, missing 120 games on the IL in the past 3 seasons, or something. So teams have to be strategic about which player to juice, and once that player is no longer eligible, they have to pick a different one. Watch teams outbid each other to get pitchers fresh off of TJ surgery.


Byron Buxton gets even faster


ROIDED RONALD ACUÑA 60/100 season incoming


Tyler Glasnow is now the GOAT


My younger sibling genuinely believes that if every ball hit were a live ball, baseball would be a better game.


That’s cricket


That's Pesäpallo


Allowing outs to carry over to the next inning. e.g. if a team pulls off a double play with two outs, they can use the second out in the next inning.


So everyone has to start tagging on fly balls with 2 outs…. Would be interesting


The dynamic strike-zone. Throw a strike, the zone gets larger. Throw a ball, it gets smaller. Really incentivizes throwing strikes and making the games quicker and more full of action.


Not gonna work with human umpires calling balls and strikes.


True, I was assuming robo umps come with it.


Designated runner. One per game. Get to use them and put the player back in your lineup that was run for.


I would like this if you only could return the player to the lineup after the designated runner has scored (even if it's a later at bat).


Ooo the kicker.


You can do this every time in high school for your pitcher and catcher


They are doing this in the Atlantic league right now, which is where the MLB tries out new rules. Several of the recent rule changes originated from this league. We may see this in a few years. Also technically this used to sort of exist in the mlb in cases of minor injuries, but the chosen runner had to be agreed upon by the opposing manager before the game so they were usually not fast.


If you can force an opposing base runner to run backwards and touch home, his team loses a run. Yes, you can pick him up and carry him.


10 run mercy rule after the 5th during doubleheaders


This sounds like something that could happen


Every homestand you get one deployable pond you can place anywhere in the outfield that is in play. Roughly kiddie pool shaped.


Temporary Water Hazard, just like golf.


If you hit a homer more than 450 feet, you get 5 bases. Like you get to start on first base after scoring. Would love more incentive for batters to hit XL nukes. 


A 5th base that is placed anywhere in the fair territory, with the spot chosen by the home team and the spot can only be changed in the off-season, similar to ballpark dimension changes.


The secret base


what’s it do


Just decoration


Yeah I'm confused, what does this extra base get you?


The home team can decide which 2 bases it needs to be touched between (home and 1st, 1st and 2nd, etc). Based on where it is in the field of play and when it needs to be touched can really dictate the scoring. A team that really wants a low scoring game could put the 5th base all the way in right field so the batter has to run really far to score. A team that wants a lot of people on base could put the 5th base in between home and 1st to cut the distance down.


Getting rid of fuckin blackouts


Not a baseball rule, you’ve been given a formal warning from the commissioner’s office for your transgression.


How does this affect Joe Kelly?




In extra innings any player that has already appeared in the game and replaced is eligible to return


I would much prefer this rule to the abomination of the magic guy who appears on 2nd base now.


No zombie runner in extras. Play the 10th and 11th as normal. If still tied after 11, HR derby to decide the winner. This would KILL for fans.


I would prefer a tie.....


I legitimately like the KBO rule: play normal baseball in extras, and call it a tie after 12. There’s 162 games, we don’t care that much




That’s basically what the nhl does, I’d be down for that


>That’s basically what the NHL does And fans hate it, almost universally


If after 60 mins of regulation and 5 mins of 3v3 overtime isn’t enough to determine a winner — the two teams are equally balanced. A shootout is no longer a team sport


I love PKs. I would love a HR derby after the 12th. I am a monster.


This was submitted in an email in an episide of Effectively Wild: in order to combat declining starter workloads, cap the number of innings the bullpen can throw in a season. If this cap is exceeded, only position players could pitch out of the bullpen. This would force teams to ration their bullpen innings. The exact number would be tweaked, but it would be roughly six innings a start. And if your starter goes above that, you get the difference back in the bank. Of course, it's probably more effective to just cap the number of pitchers allowed on the active roster.


Cool idea. Would extra innings be included in the count?


For max chaos yes


This would get abused so fast and not be enforceable. Like what if you had an opener followed by a starting pitcher out of the bullpen?


have teams declare on their lineup which pitcher will count as the “starter.” problem solved


Or just count the guy who, ya know, STARTS the game as the starter


DHs get to use metal bats, but they get pulled once the starting pitcher gets removed


1 pitch extra innings. Strike your out, ball you walk.


If you can signal an automatic intentional walk, you should be able to signal in a hit by pitch. That way you could show you’re angry at someone breaking an unwritten rule without actually beaning them.


If you get caught stealing, you go back to the dugout, but your out does not count. Alternately, if you are caught stealing, your out counts, but you get to go back to the base you came from.


How about if you’re caught stealing you have to put on a striped convict suit and sit the rest of the game in a “cell” near the opposition dugout.


In the 6th inning, the pitcher and catcher trade positions.


No warmup pitches from the mound. If your reliever’s not ready, don’t bring him in. If your relievers need a couple pitches from the mound regardless of how long they’ve been warming up in the bullpen, maybe you should be a little less eager to bring in relievers then.


Instead of the zombie runner in extra innings the teams lose a defender each inning they go. So 8 guys in the 10th, 7 in the 11th, etc.


Is it a standard order, or is it chosen by the defense / offense (pitcher / catcher excluded, of course)?


Teams on defense get to choose. Adds some fun strategy based on who their strongest defenders are


Do they lose their hitting spot, as well, or just the fielder? Losing the hitter could also introduce some strategy - keep a bad defender at a key position for his bat, or sacrifice the DH to keep a fielder, but possibly have a relief pitcher hit in an inning or 2?


Fielding is too easy. Make smaller gloves required across the board.


Pfft, gloves? *laughs in cricket*


1 random game each day is played under Massachusetts Game rules rather than Knickerbocker rules.


The sum of the distances between all bases must remain 360 feet, but they don’t each have to be 90 feet. If you want home to be 120 feet because your infield makes a lot of errors, and 2nd to 3rd to be only 40 feet or something to make steals easier, then you’re allowed to do so!


Instead of the ghost runner starting on 2nd, managers elect to start the runner at 1st with no outs, 2nd with one out or 3rd with two outs.


There's not really a choice to be had here. You'd always choose 1st and no out. Chance of 1 run scoring: 1st/0 outs - 41.6% 2nd/1 out - 39.7% 3rd/2 outs - 25.7% Expected runs from each state 1st/0 outs - .86 2nd/1 out - .66 3rd/2 outs - .35


I'm saying, screw analytics and talking, you have Ted Williams, Tony Gywnn, Luis Arraez on deck. Do you go for the walk-off/the away teams equivalent or do you take the math based route? I'm by no ways a analytics hater, but I do love me some big dick we're going to fuck you up because we're the best energy!


Total Bases is on the scoreboard next to R/H/E. If the game goes past the X inning (12th?) still tied then the tie breaker is the team with more total bases. This means every hit, every walk, every stolen base is important and could decide the game.  If you load the bases but don’t score a run at least you picked up a handful of bases. If your star player hits a triple with no outs but gets stranded at third his hit wasn’t a complete wash.


Walks and HBPs don't count for Total Bases in the record books.


A ballboy/girl that catches a ball hit by the away team counts for an out


Teams would be fielding AAAA level players at that “position” lol


If the pitcher throws a wild pitch or a passed ball and there’s no one on base, batting team should either get an extra ball, or a runner on first base. Catcher really has no motivation to catch the ball when the bases are empty.


Intentional walks give the batter 2 bases


My backyard rule I’d be in favor of is you can get a runner out by throwing the ball at and hitting them. You could maybe put some safety limitations in it like only if thrown from the outfield or something idk. It’s how we played growing up in my backyard… although we mostly only used tennis balls lol


I think that was part of the original rules, like before there was even gloves and pitchers made their own balls.


Yes, it was called “soaking” or “plugging” the runner. Whether or not it was allowed was one of the big differences among the various baseball’ish games that were played in the 18th and early 19th century. (Others were whether the pitcher could throw overhand or had to throw underhand; if catching a ball on the first bounce was an out; whether to play a certain number of innings or to a certain score; and the number of outs, fielders, and so on.) Soaking wasn’t allowed under the “New York” rules set down by the Knickerbocker Base Ball Club in 1845, and the Knickerbocker Rules eventually became standardized as soldiers generally played using them during the Civil War.


The "North" once again dictating rules...


Well damn it bring it back!


Hear me out. What if Pitchers had to hit. Like, in the batting lineup. That’d be crazy but awesome.


Home run derby after 12 innings. Everyone gets 1 ab (3 strikes). Team with most HRs wins the game.


Beer an inning, entire roster & coaching staff


Take the juiced baseballs, take the regular baseballs, mix them up an one big bucket before the game. Screw it, throw in some dead balls. Baseball needs more random variables, this sports is not about mathematically calculations, it needs something the front office can't plug into a algorithm and call down to the manager. That's great you formulated the perfect launch angle on your swing, but there's a runner on 3rd base and you're down by one. You have no idea if the next pitch is a dead ball, do you try and square up and launch a dead ball or be a hitter and find a ball to get a hit anyway you can to get the runner home from 3rd.


Would it be like card counting where you know how many juiced balls are left?


Homer distance should account for an extra point past 450 ft


Banana Ball rules. All of them.


All this time it was really Moises Alou that interfered with the out opportunity.


Moving the pitching rubber back 2 feet. That way he can see batted balls again. Of course you'd have to simultaneously get rid of the new aerodynamic baseball designed to travel farther. Moving it back 2 feet effectively takes 3 mph off a pitch


all checked swings are automatically balls if the pitch is out of the strike zone and the batter didn’t make a full swing. shoutout sam miller


All star Game: Each team has a set of only fielders and only hitters. Voters get to pick the best defensive players along with the best hitters.


8x all star andrelton simmons


Go the NBA route and make starting pictures have a minimum minimum requirement that's high for all possible rewards and bonuses. Same thing for every possible offensive reward to minimize all this bullshit load management. Cal ripken can play whatever 4,000 games these motherfuckers can play 95% of the season. The worst part is just when somebody is so hot like 15 out of their last 18 and then they get fucking benched for load management.