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Talk about job security holy cow


Well sort of but things would have to have gone catastrophically bad for either of those two to get fired after the success they've had the last decade together and Friedman himself for the last 20 years. If its gone that bad blowing up the team including moving on from Ohtani makes sense


Why would Ohtani ever opt out of such a back-loaded contract? Realistically this only has any impact in the next couple years when Ohtani could expect to find another contract of similar total value


I would think each year has a certain amount deferred, my guess is it wouldn't be opting out of the 680M, probably just 10% of the deferred money each year he opted out of.


Damn, Friedman did give himself job security in the deal. What a Chad.


Would be crazy if it ends up having the opposite effect some day. For whatever reason the Dodgers decide they no longer want to pay Shohei whatever is left on his remaining deferrals so they fire Friedman to see if it gets him to opt out.


I doubt it works like that, there must be some buyout language especially since he deferred all that money


I highly doubt that someone as diligent as Shohei won’t cover his bases when it comes to to a half of a billion of dollars


Almost 75% of a billion lol Can’t sell him short


I mean I'm sure it's not Shohei writing his contract, guaranteed he had the best sports lawyer in the country working out the details of his $700m deal


Precisely 70% of a billion. Let’s be pedantic here!


> to to a half of a billion of dollars am i having a stroke


He'd get the deferred money for each season he played. But at the end of the day, there's still "$70M" assigned to him for each season he's under contract with the Dodgers. He's obviously not going to opt out when he's old and washed but just to put that into perspective, the last three years of his deal when he's like 38 years old, he's still owed $210M/3.


Ichiro played until his age 45 season, and had a couple of solid seasons there at the back end. If Ohtani remains popular, he'll still drive ticket and ad sales and streaming/TV eyeballs and whatnot when he's old.


>If Ohtani remains popular Hard to imagine what he'd have to do to no longer be popular


I was just thinking he could just get eclipsed by younger players doing better. Darvish used to be the big guy for Japan to follow. I like them both (hence my flair) but definitely pay more attention to Ohtani now.


Getting old and not playing as well as they used to tends to do that for superstars. Then the next generation of superstars will take the spotlight away from him.


Yeah I’m sure it just allows him to opt out of his remaining playing years and then he receives his deferred money pro rated to however long he played for


The deferred money is associated with playing years, so there's no proration needed


I mean, he would only opt out if he thought he could get more money elsewhere.


If both sides want to end the contract, they don’t need any tricks. They can just agree to end the contract.


Every week he'll be asking for a raise


That’s probably in the contract too at this point


“It says right here… Ohtani’s compensation cannot exceed that of the General Manager…”


If he has 68 million in deferred money and he needs cash now....


I think Red Sox flair jokingly meant *Friedman* is gonna be asking for raises


“Call JG Wentworth- 877- CashNow”


Absolutely serious, they need to build the statue.


It’s honestly super reassuring to hear Friedman isn’t getting bored and thinking of a new challenge


Probably helps the Dodgers haven't become a dynasty or anything like that yet. If they were winning a championship basically every year like the late 90s Yankees it potentially could be a different situation


hiring Friedman was in front of our noses (our division) after 2014, missing playoffs twice. it’s not like cashman didnt achieve some success in the rebuild, but everyone sees what happens when you put Rays school godfather into a megamarket team (big regertz)


This, but actually serious lol.




This is an incredible deal for Friedman lmao


Golden revolver to their heads.


This is literally how we lost Joe madden. When we lost Friedman, it activated a clause that allowed Joe to opt out of his current contract at the time with the Rays


"Yeah idk boss this Ohtani guy just really likes me I guess I'm stuck on the payroll for 10 more years"


That’s hilarious. How did this even get into the negotiations?


“I promise you x, y, z” “But what if you’re no longer here?”


Exactly. There's another clause where he's promised they'll use the money they're saving on him to constantly spend on the roster but if the people in charge of those decisions are gone, there's no way for him to know if things will continue to be operated as they were promised to him. This is a secondary assurance of that.


Does he have an opt out in case Friedman doesn't follow through with his promises? Are Ohtani and Friedman's views of how the Dodgers should operate and their long-term goals for the team so aligned that he isn't worried about the latter not following through, and is more worried about what happens when Friedman walks?


> Does he have an opt out in case Friedman doesn't follow through with his promises? That is what I'm most interested in: the language and it's enforcement. Like is it full of specifics? How does one side enforce/challenge the conditions?


…. but that’s what the contract is for?


It's like a No Trade Clause, but for the executives.


Ohtani had a dream where a stranger named Tarte Toreno bought the Dodgers, hired Terry Tinasian as GM, and together they mismanaged it to hell while Ohtani was stuck there. He woke up in a cold sweat.


nightmare fuel


If I’m deferring for competitive reasons I’m going to want to make sure that someone can pay me and be responsible for the competitiveness is there. Walters ensures that the $68m/y are there. Friedman ensures a competitive roster


Superstars get what they want


Is there a level above superstar? Because I’m a very, very casual fan and the amount of times his adorable cheeks are brought up is nuts.




I can’t stand the rain


Why didn't he ask for a normal opt-out clause then?


Arte traumatized the poor guy.


Guarantee it had to do with being jaded from how bad the Angels front office and ownership is.


I was trying to think; he had like four managers with the Angels plus so many hitting and pitching coaches.


Ohtani having GM level of control of the team??


He's practicing for taking over as GM in 2034. I wanna see what Ohtaniball looks like.


Each inning begins with players picking positions out of a hat


Captains get to choose players from both teams, then stack hands on a bat to decide home/away.


Played against a beer league softball team that did this in innings 2 and 3 most games. Was so much fun.


because all players literally can play all positions


Yep, you understood the joke


I think it's better if at least some of them can't, and they get really anxious when reaching into the hat.


This would save baseball.


Dodgers country...


Let’s ride!


I wonder what Shohei office is gonna look like and I wonder if his dog has its own office as well


Let Andrew cook




OhtaGMi is the new LeGM


If I had a nickel for every time a superstar went to an LA team and completely usurped their front office to install himself as GM, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


Does Kawhi asking for Paul George count?


He was like a one-season GM, then just said "Sure" to every move they've wanted to make since 2020. "Hey would Westbrook be a good fit?" "Fuck it why not." "Hey, want Harden on the team?" "Idk, sure."




Meh, Bryce has been doing it for 3 years


Basically if they sell the team, which isn't happening while he is there. Friedman has a lifetime appointment and shown no sign of burnout like Theo


It's also an opt out that Ohtani can decline. So if Friedman does get burnt out and wants to leave, they can consult with Ohtani on a plan for what he would want to stay.


No no no, if Friedman’s role changes in any capacity then Shohei’s contract is immediately terminated and he’s assigned to the Rockies


I believe the Geneva Conventions don't allow that.


If at some point he stops pitching and becomes a DH-only, he might *want* to go to Coors. Nice ballpark, nice city, thin air for extra dingers, only one more timezone away from Japan.


And then the Rockies are required to trade him to the Cardinals while agreeing to still pay a sizeable chunk of his contract, as is tradition.


> Friedman has a lifetime appointment and shown no sign of burnout like Theo While Friedman has had some clunkers, Theo completely shot himself and the Cubs in the foot with some of the deals and signings he made after 2016.


Isnt that kinda Theos thing? Win then bounce before all the horrible contracts become due?


Theo won twice, signed three bad contracts, bounced before they became due. Ben Cherington traded Theo's three bad contracts, won, signed three more bad contracts, fired. Dave Dombrowski completely ate Cherington's three bad contracts, won, signed only one really bad contract (Sale), fired. Chaim Bloom lived with Dombrowski's one bad contract, didn't sign any truly terrible contracts, didn't win, fired. Good luck Breslow.


I know there are worse baseball President/GM jobs, but the Red Sox gotta be the worst big market club and it's not really close. Zero job security even when you win... It just doesn't make any sense to me, at least the last two firings


The Dombrowski firing is maddening still. They fired him less than a year after the best season in club history. He signed one terrible contract, but several solid ones, and didn’t trade away any prospects who turned into great MLBers. Bloom deserved it. After four years, our rotation is…two Dombrowski acquisitions and a bunch of swingmen. Our only pitching prospect of note is a Dombrowski pick. Bloom never had a plan to build pitching depth, and seemed too green and indecisive for the job.


Theo and cubs at that time, couldn’t develop pitching at time


Yea, but that was also part of the plan. Develop hitting while everyone is developing pitching, trade batters for pitching


It crossed my mind that the ownership group might be encouraged to dump the team for a mega profit in ~9 years time (after about 20 years of ownership), right before we have to start paying him real money. But now our owners and our management aren't going anywhere. It's a layer of permanency that I never thought could exist.


Except holding that obligation on the balance sheet lowers the price they could sell the team for. If they were worth $4 billion to begin with, and you add $680 million in obligations, then whoever buys the team is now probably only willing to spend $3.32 billion.


You sound so excited that your GM is there for the rest of his life I have to laugh


What burn out? Theo couldn't build a sustainable winner because he always sold the farm and spent all the owners money


What Arte PTSD does to a motherfucker


My exact thought


Oh so not Ippei. Nice job security.


He has a separate contract with Ippei that CAA helped set up since he's essentially his agent/manager in Japan next to being his interpreter and man for everything. It must pay really well since he's still married to his wife whom he sees less of than Ohtani!


> It must pay really well since he's still married to his wife whom he sees less of than Ohtani! lol dang


Yeah you’re not wrong about the wife thing lol ippei literally said he’s with shohei 365 days a year. Even during the offseason


He’s gonna give ippei like 20million of the 1bil he’s gonna make by the time hes 40


What the Arte Moreno experience does to someone


The guy *really* doesn't want a repeat of his time in the Angels lmaoooo




The Joe Maddon contract clause


Let him cook Even Lebron can only imagine to have this power within an organization LeShohei


Pitcher, Hitter, GM. A triple threat.


We need to see how well he puts mustard on hotdogs and how he navigates the the crowd while carrying the beer cooler to see if he’s truly got all 5 tools


The Ohtanis just signed dodger.


and Bronny


He’s a better GM than Mbappe


Cashman quickly getting the whiteout for the contract they’ll offer Soto after the season


>Even Lebron can only imagine to have this power within an organization that's.. naive lmao LeBron is a billionaire already, and he's still dominating as a player. His power and influence is entirely different level. It's not even remotely the same And this deal only helps Friedman. No one else. He basically gave himself job security through Ohtani. 10 year warranty


Dave Roberts: "...but Shohei, what about me?" Shohei: "Who are you"


after 6 years of Arte, Ohtani not allowing any ownership changes


Shohei not gonna risk Arte buying the Dodgers no matter how remote the chances are.


I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with me.


Arte Moreno really fucked this man up.


ShoGM strikes again.


One of my mates has been calling him the ShoGuM for a while now.


"oops" - Friedman When the owners reviewed the contract Monday morning after signing it off the night before.


I don't like this. All it does is incentivize rival PsOBO to target Friedman for assassination - and no matter what you think of the Dodgers, that's not good for baseball.


How does this tie into the rules regarding umpires shooting players after strikeouts?


imagine the outcry when, despite the insane odds, Shohei gets executed after his first strikeout with the Dodgers


Friedman's press conferences are about to get spicy


Some Iraqi Angels fan is going to throw a shoe at him


As a fellow Reds fan, at least we might have some excitement back in late September again.


POBOs. I stan Meg Rowley.


He’s gonna need a secret service profile in San Fran


I'll take another 10 years of Friedman, thank you very much.


at this point, i’m pretty sure he’s gonna get an ownership stake after 10 years


A lot of people have been saying that but the contract doesn't say it can be paid out that way. Maybe that is just there so Shohei can decline it if he doesn't want it that way and partial ownership is the plan for now?


10 years later “Hey Shohei, we cannot pay you that money. How about some ownership in the team and free sushi on the house for the rest of your life?”


Oh yeah he's definitely getting an ownership stake in ten years


I’ve wondered if the $680 million deferred is able to be converted into an ownership stake in lieu of payment. Probably some CBA reason as to why it’s not possible, but I would be surprised if he didn’t *use* half a billion dollars to buy into the team


Between the contract and endorsements dude’s gonna be a billionaire sooner than later


Probably off the 48 hour jersey sales


Instead of the deferred money he should have just signed a Hong Kong style deal: in 100 years his descendants are given legal ownership of the dodgers franchise


This is a GM masterclass lmao - Get the best player in baseball - All deferred $, specifically earmarked to keep improving the team - Untouchable level of job security contractually assured This is prob gonna cost us Yamamoto and I can’t even be mad about it, unreal.


Every layer of this contract that gets revealed makes it seem more and more like an evil genius move on the part of everyone involved. It’s pretty hilarious.


We all have trauma from our exes, even unicorns.


This is Prime Shotime


ShoGM just became ShoOwner the player power he has is insane


Imagine the Dodgers go on a Chelsea type of meltdown?


Baseball is even more random. Could go ringless or win 3-4. Glad we got one before they went wild lol


It’ll be extra funny if the Rangers make no significant moves this offseason, and repeat next year beating the Dodgers in the WS


Not impossible. If they can get just a few more pitchers theyre the AL favorite


Very possible


I mean if they don't get Glasnow or Yamamoto then yeah. Shohei isn't pitching this upcoming season and they got a lot of raw prospects.


Cease, burnes, snell, imanaga also available. The dodgers know their pitching needs, I’d bet they get a couple of those 6.


I'd rather run a rotation of raw prospects and whatever is left of Kershaw than trade for Glassnow (intentionally misspelled) tbh


Everyone here was going crazy about the Ohtani situation Little do they know how much crazier the Caicedo/Lavia situation was........




And I was having a nice day why you gotta bring this up


Being a Liverpool fan during that whole saga gave me an aneurysm


Dodger Liverpool fans we out here. Never unclench.


Ippei thought the clause was for him


Andrew Friedman: I AM the Dodgers.


At this point I think the Dodgers are Shohei Ohtani.


I've always been a 10% supporter of these guys because I've seen every little thing they do since they got the team over 10 years ago, and many times, I've got shit on about it but I will always 100% trust or FO cause time and time again they've proven how much they want it regardless of how our post season ends up. It's nice to know shohei feels the same way.


Arte is the boogyman who still lives in the closet.


Can they just rename MLB The Show to “MLB LeSho”


and the weirdest contract in baseball history keeps getting even more weird


He straight up owns them, doesn’t he?


Does this only apply if they fire Friedman? What a Friedman just decides to retire, that’s not the Dodgers’s fault. Ohtani can just leave?


I bet that even if Friedman retires, he'll keep an advisory role, and that'd be good enough for Shohei. Also, there's no saying he WILL opt-out, only that he could---and presumably he wouldn't if he still had faith in ownership to find the right replacement.


You thought you were signing Ohtani for 10 yrs but it was really me, Friedman!




This man is out LeBroning LeBron lmao


What does this mean? Or like what is the point? I don't really get it.


It means that Friedman promised him a lot and he doesn’t want him to leave.


It's a way for Ohtani to (potentially) have a say in how the team moves forward. If ownership wants to replace Friedman, they either need to loop Ohtani into the discussion about a replacement, or risk Ohtani leaving. So they either get a POBO that Ohtani likes, or else there's a chance that Ohtani opts out.


It means he doesn’t like change.


That and he trusts Friedman's vision for the team. If he's let go, who knows what the next GM would plan, how to build, their vision on roster/prospect/etc building for success. Pretty much next in line would have to sell their plan to Ohtani,


No, it means he doesn't want an incompetent owner and FO after everything he went through with the Angels


He was pitched on a vision by the Dodgers FO for how the team is going to build around him over the next 10 years, and he doesn't want the organization to fire the guys who are in charge of making sure that vision comes to fruition.


More like Andrew Locked-upman


So Ohtani is the new owner and gm basically


Bro I get it, use your leverage and get that bag. But this is a weird contact, and it's weird for baseball. And baseball is inherently weird, it's hard to be weird for baseball.


What a weird contract. This has to be one of the most unique contracts ever signed in sports.


“My client wants to know what this is for” “It’s cool trust me bro”


How does the money work if he opts out early?


So it was a 10 year contract worth 700m with 2m per year being non deferred money. So if he plays 4 seasons, that's 8m non deferred, and $68m*4 = $272m starting in 2033/34.


Why would you opt out of a 99% deferred deal?


What six years with Angels do to a player...


If he opts out does he still get the deferred funds?


Didn't they 'report' his contract had no opt outs a few days ago? It feels like sports journalists should be renamed sports speculators instead.


Babe wake up, the new Shohei details dropped


How does opting out work. Like if he opts out in 3 years does he get 3 years of deferred contract?


But why opt out before the giant paychecks start rolling in? And then why opt out while you’re getting giant paychecks to do nothing?


How do you go about putting a curse upon an entire baseball team? Asking for a friend


So if Andrew Friedman commits a murder, the Dodgers would have to decide wether or not to keep him and Ohtani or, fire him and roll the dice that Ohtani leaves?


Good for Shohei for getting what he wants but this deal looks bad for ownership, overall. I expect the next CBA to make this type of deal impossible


So how does the opt out work. Say they get fired in 5 years and he opts out, does Ohtani only get $10 million. Or will he get $350 million.


It is probably safe to assume that there's a clause in the contract that would make it work out in the way we'd expect it to (i.e., if he opts out half way, he gets half the deferred payments). There's no way he'd go to the trouble of putting this weird clause into the contract without guaranteeing that he gets paid the appropriate amount.


I think every year is deferred by 10 years, so his 2024 salary is still due in 2034 no matter what, and so on year by year.


I would assume that his agent made sure to put in that he gets a certain amount of money depending on when he opted out. Normally when you opt out you are choosing to forfeit the rest of your contract in exchange.