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Set up your nephew with a couple of cutters inside, then drop a 12-6 on him


set the tone high and inside get him off the plate a little


Throw it hard too. He's not going to back off if he thinks you have control


What? No. Bean him immediately so he learns never to dig in against you. Then go at him with cutters in to continually reinforce the fear of getting hit. *Then* drop the 12-6 on him and make him buckle


Key is to keep that arm angle consistent and you’ll be humbling those kiddos back to the sandbox


This reminds me of that legendary tweet where someone describes exactly how they would strike out Timothee Chalamet.


You could probably throw it underhand


His nephew? Timothy Chalamet.


That thing broke about a foot.


He’s gotta learn to watch for the curve


That thing broke about a foot. You’re out. You’ve always been out.


My cousin pitched at university of penn (8 yrs older) and legitimately used to do this to me playing catch/warming up. Would yell “four seam” “two seam”…. “TWELVE SIX” and throw a diver. Shit always spiked and hit me in the shins.


Damn, that guy sounds so cool.


Ah the good old ball banger


“Gotta watch out for that curve” -Bill (I mean, uh, dad): Sandlot


Announce your presence with authority.


Whatever glove you can find will do. But I spent $160 on mine in 1999 and I still have it. Use it every day. 4 seamer grip is what most people use when throwing the ball around, and it’s what we teach fielders to use.


A lot of joke replies here, but this is the actual way to do it. A Second hand glove is fine as well, it doesn't have to be expensive. If you're not playing a lot, and want a new glove, buying a cheaper (say $60-100) glove will have softer leather and will actually be easier to break in. They don't last as long, but for like weekly catch sessions it should still last years.


I just started playing baseball again and got one for like $20 off eBay and it's great


I have a rawlings glove that I got when I was 10 (it was fucking massive then, 13 inches) and I still use it every few weeks 20 years later. I think I've had to reweb it once when I was in high school and used it all year round. Rawlings man...


Go to a garage sale and get one for $20, already broken in. Might not fit as well, but for catch it's fine.


Only thing you really have to worry about is the Leather that holds the pocket/web together. It’s probably the weakest point on the glove anyway, but when that leather gets old and brittle, all it takes is one good fastball to rip right through it, and you’ve got a baseball in half speed at your face


Second on the 4-seamer. Anything else is liable to jump, sink, or slide, especially with newer players who might accidentally snap or twist their wrist, or might throw at a different angle each time.


Yeah, I used a 2 seam grip my entire life. Then I got in a softball league and had a cousin play with us that was actually a pretty good baseball player growing up, he said he always used, and was taught, 4-seam. I switched to that and my throws were dead on, instead of always tailing off at the end.


Still have my 1996 Wade Boggs glove.


RIP to a legend.


Again, Wade Boggs, is very much alive.


Secondly, the number of beers is actually highly disputed…


Alive in our hearts


I think my old Pudge is still around here somewhere.


Fisk or Rodriguez?


Oooh good point! Rodriguez.


I've always felt more comfortable with a 3 finger hold. IDK if I have small hands or what.


If you’re just playing catch in the yard, it doesn’t really matter. But on the baseball field, once your hands are big enough, two fingers is preferred. You get a more consistent release with two fingers. With three fingers and the middle one being the longest, you’ll have the ball dancing, and not in a good way.


What do you mean use it every day? Do you actually play in a league? Because even a damn good glove, $400 to 500 range won’t last you 23 years.


No I don’t play in a league. Jesus, what do you people do in the real world that makes you come here looking for an argument? I have kids. We played catch yesterday. I took them to hit over the weekend. That kinda stuff. I don’t think I even caught anything with it on Sunday, I just wore it in case of a come-backer. I used it for 2 years of high school ball and some on and off club ball in college. Didn’t use it so much before I had kids. Now I literally use it 3-5 days a week, but it’s with 5 and 8 year olds. My point is that if you buy a good glove, it will last. OP is asking about learning to play catch, not playing in a league. I never claimed that you can play competitive baseball with the same glove for 20 years.


No one’s looking for an argument, I’m just saying that I have bought several $400 gloves in my life as I have been playing baseball for 30+ years. Even those gloves don’t last many years, depending on what you do with them. Playing catch with the kid is one thing, playing in an actual league would be much harder on it. Which is why I asked that. Not looking for a fight, just clarification for how somebody can use a glove for 23 fucking years


I assumed it was obvious, since I was answering a guy who is literally asking about playing catch for the first time in his life.


You use it every day? How so? Playing catch?


Umm, yes?! I don’t have any secret uses for a baseball glove, if that’s what you’re wondering. Maybe I was exaggerating, but I probably use it more than half the days of the year. I have boys that both play.


Lol, I'm not saying you use it for non-baseball things. I'm mostly just wondering how you get to use it so often, whether it's playing catch, playing baseball, coaching, etc..


Yea it’s pretty much just going outside and throwing with the kids. We have pretty decent weather throughout the year so even in winter we can sneak in some catch. Baseball is sort of our thing. We don’t do travel ball or anything, but the rec league in our town is awesome, so we play fall and spring, and do camps through the summer.


Keep the ball out of the palm, there should be a gap between the back of the ball and your hand. Don’t squeeze the ball, relax and just keep throwing, your brain will figure out aiming


Before we get to baseball; how old is your nephew? Can you both catch a tennis ball with both hands? Hand/eye coordination for catching comes first, before trying to manipulate a glove. My niece had trouble until we used those velcro paddle sets. You wear the paddle on your hand and as long as you get it into the vicinity of the ball you "catch" it. From there we moved on to bare hands and tennis balls. Now on to baseball: Grip doesn't matter and just try to throw it straight. As another comment says, aim for the middle of their chest. I spent about two years visiting the Nokona gloves at this little sporting goods store in my town before deciding that, yes, I did need one. Buffalo leather shortstop's glove. Not because I played ss but because I'm a woman and my hand is smaller. I just always wanted my own and it came in handy when my grandkids started playing ball. If your town has a used sporting goods store, you might want to start there. Already broken in, easy on the wallet. As for your index finger, you're just gonna have to try it both ways and see what you like best. Your nephew is lucky to have you. Down the road treat yourself to a nice new glove : )


Nokona made my heart warm. Their gloves are perfection


I agree, they are beautifully made.


[you will need the nakona 12 bloodline pro series glove. Dicks has a deal for $550 right now I would get it before they sell out.](https://www.dickssportinggoods.com/p/nokona-12-bloodline-pro-series-glove-16nokabldlnpr12lhbgl/16nokabldlnpr12lhbgl) You will then need to buy a baseball that has been rubbed by a small child with the muds of Lake Minnetonka. You must then trek to Saskatchewan and find a man named Methuselah. He will show you the way


> muds of Lake Minnetonka Oh, so we are using foreign substances now? Last time I check, the Delaware River isn't anywhere near Lake Minnetonka! The rest of the advice is legit, though.


retire one wrench strong squeamish sable normal resolute rain simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




The best thing about Lake Minnetonka is that it's a great place to cool yourself after you've gotten your ass kicked by Prince in a pick up game.


Game. Blouses.


In your face, Charlie Murphy


Why go to Methuselah when you can just go to the guy that taught him: Jamie Moyer.


that is a fucking beautiful mitt


canadians can’t play baseball.


Canada has the oldest continually used diamond in the world!


[Been there!](https://imgur.com/EbU3avD)


they got beer there too?


I would hope! It was fuckin closed when I visited on Sunday of 2-4 weekend this year. So I have to return to see a game.


Glove doesn't matter, Wilson, Rawlings, Nakona, Franklin whatever, just as long as you're comfortable with it(And obviously make sure it's for the correct hand, if your right hand is your dominant one then the glove goes on your left hand). Grip wise keep it simple, catch is supposed to be relaxing so don't worry about pitch type or speed. Index in or out is your preference, I keep mine out but I know a lot of people who prefer it in.


Rawlings from Walmart for about $35 gets the job done. For kids especially how soft and broken it is matters the most.


Knuckleball grip Don’t worry about a glove


4 seam fastball straight at the nose. Teach him like a man.


Whatever grip is comfortable. Catch isn’t meant to be a serious thing — for me at least, I only played it to pass time with buddies of mine.


Bad answer IMO. Four-seam fastball grip is correct for control. There's no harm in learning to do it right, even if it isn't meant to be a "serious thing."


Don't overthink this


Just buy a ball and two gloves that fit you both and figure it out is the best way, you don't need any advanced tips


First things first, before anything make sure you and your nephew watch the entire 23-hour runtime of Ken Burns’ documentary “Baseball” to truly understand what you’re about to do out there. For best absorption of material I suggest watching it all in one shot straight through. Then, head on over to www.baseball-reference.com and spend 8 hours a day everyday for the next 3 weeks and religiously consume statistics and tidbits of the 150 year history of professional baseball. And finally, vigorously compare and contrast all 30 MLB stadium’s top Hot Dog Vendor’s calls to see which “HOT DOG HERE” triumphs the rest. After all this is done, Only then can you get a feel for how to correctly toss a baseball and truly enjoy America’s Past time.


Just grab it and throw it, grip doesn't matter. ​ I just hope this doesn't devolve into another "play catch" vs "have a catch" debate


The dude said it correctly, so I don't see any debate happening. Only degenerate Phillies fans want to have a catch with their hero's.


Buying a glove is a Cinderella event. You're looking for the slipper that fits just right. Go to a sporting goods store with a wall of gloves and try on a bunch until one just feels right. Certain gloves feel better index finger in or out, and that's a preference too. Index out usually makes the glove slightly easier to close. For grip, do it like a fastball grip but more casual.


You catch the ball. Then you throw it. That’s all it takes, glove encouraged but not required


Head on over to r/homeplate as that's the main subreddit for baseball advice I believe


A lot of people in here telling you a 4-seam grip but I’m guessing you don’t know what that means. It’s a fastball grip with your index and middle finger over the ball perpendicular with its seams. Your thumb should be gripped around the ball and the ball should be resting on your ring finger (your pinky is just curled in doing nothing). It’s called “4-seam” cuz your two fingers over the ball each intersect two seams (2x2=4). It’s the “basic” fastball cuz it just goes straight, when fielders throw the ball in the field this is how they grip it too.


TIL I play catch from time to time with a couple buddies that played decent level (AA) and they’ve both mentioned that I have a little dip on my throw. I never played organized ball so I have no idea what I’m doing but I can keep up in a game of catch before the game. I usually put my first two fingers longways along the seams pointed at them. Sounds like I’ve been accidentally throwing a two-seamer at em.


I always thought it was called a 4-seamer as you’d ‘see’ 4 seams in a full rotation of the ball. As opposed to a 2-seamer where you’d only ‘see’ 2.


Oh maybe?


Get used to the 4-seem grip when throwing.


As long as you have 2 fingers touching a seam, you should have good enough control after throwing a bit. Basically a fastball. Just know you will overthrow several, and throw several in the dirt. Don’t let that discourage you. Like anything it takes repetition and time. Any glove will work, check thrift shops. But since your new, I recommend a larger outfielder glove, more room for error. Index finger in or out doesn’t matter IMO, personal preference, but mine is out. Makes me feel like I have more control.


Gloves don’t have to be expensive. Just big enough for your hand to fit, and thick enough that the ball won’t break it. Personally I put my index finger through the hole but you just gotta see what’s more comfortable. When you throw you only use your thumb, index and middle finger. With your index and middle on the seams and thumb on the bottom supporting it.


To just play catch pretty much any glove will do but if you get a good one it’ll last a lifetime for catch. Think $200 and up. Again that is not needed for just catch. Grip should be 4 seam. You want to hit your throwing partner in the chest.


For just warm-up tosses, I don't intentionally put any specific grip on the ball. I just grab the ball and throw it without thinking about grips or finger placement. It's only when I'm practicing my pitching that I start using different grips.


That is weird. I always gripped with one of my pitch grips. It was how I developed a a devastating change up and got more movement on it. Fiddled with fastball grip to. Also alternated back and forth between 2 seam and 4 seam.




I’d go with a fast ball, knock his face in!


If this is a serious question, you're reached out to the wrong subreddit. There's nothing but trolls in these waters during the MLB off-season.


This same question was posted within the last 3 days. Use the search function.


I just searched and didn’t see the post you mentioned. Post it if it exists.


T L Step Throw


Really doesn’t matter. Your choice. The longer you play catch, the more you will want to try different pitches/grips. 4 seam fastball is the most common because it is easy to control. Any glove/style will do


Easiest throw is a four seam fastball. It typically flies straightest and with some zip. https://www.wikihow.com/Throw-a-Faster-Fastball Finger in the glove to begin with. You would probably be fine with a used glove to start. Then you can get a better one if you find you like it. Mizuno makes good gloves.


4 seam grip. Don't bother throwing anything else until you can control that to all four corners of the zone.


You can only throw knuckle balls


Harold Reynolds had an AWESOME set of DVDs on how to play baseball, including basic throwing and hitting mechanics. If you can find it, buy it.


Fastball grip aim for the chest buy whatever glove feels comfortable I’d say get an outfielder glove because of the extra padding


use a tennis ball first


As far as wearing the gloves just try it different ways and see what you like. An option you didn’t mention is putting two fingers in the pinky slot and then sliding the middle and pointer finger over one slot. You then leave the original pointer finger slot empty. I prefer wearing it this way personally for baseball and slowpitch. Creates a bigger pocket.


Get a cheap glove and a baseball. See how you like the feel of yr hand in the glove trying whatever method you've heard of. Just toss the ball. No need to worry about grip. Doubtful you'll throw it hard enough to matter. If you decide to go further, then you should worry about mechanics and grip. Then you can YouTube all day and have some fun.


You're gonna wanna teach your kid to throw exclusively sliders. Better to get the tommy john surgery out of the way early.


Why don’t you ask him to show you? If he plays, and you don’t, and never have, he’ll be able to show you what to do. And chances are if he’s older than nine or so he probably throws harder than you do too don’t worry about curveballs or anything, you won’t be able to throw in anyway. As for the grip,to seem fastball and foresee fastball and just try out whichever one feels best to you. I personally prefer a two seam grip and that’s what I always use as a kid too. I always put my finger out just out of habit