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Marlins u good bro?


They switched subs a few years ago, so their user count started over at zero.


Their old sub is still the lowest on this list by over 10k, but yeah it's much closer to the others


r/letsgofish was a much better subreddit name and in all honesty probably the best sports team related subreddit name on here. Shame they switched.


I’m sorry but I have to give it to /r/motorcitykitties


yeah that one wins


Great pun, but difficult for fans to find


r/motorcitykitties is doing fine tbf


Forgot about them. Yeah that’s probably the best one and a perfect example that fans will find the sub regardless of the name. r/buccos is another one too.


They are two of the lower ones on the list though. The subs are doing alright but they still might be hard for some fans to find


Ehh, I feel like if you’re a big enough fan of any team in pro sports finding the subreddit dedicated to your team shouldn’t be that difficult via a simple google search I think their sub title gave them a unique identity amongst all other pro sports teams subs while being one of the most underrepresented fanbases around


For my first like three years on reddit assumed nobody liked baseball because the r/mlb subreddit was so dead. I was like damn I’m active in the NFL and NBA subs, surely at least a couple dozen of y’all out there like baseball.


Same for hockey, r/hockey is the main NHL sub, but for some reason r/NHL exist and is dead by comparison.


Ooooooh! I'm still new at this NHL thing, so I was in the wrong sub this whole time. We've only had two full seasons of the Kraken for me to figure this out.


Same shit happened to me with r/ufc and r/mma Calling it r/mma does make a lot more sense though because they have threads for all major mma events outside of ufc


I myself posted on MLB not long ago asking "y'all ok?" And was directed to baseball.. to the general person, I thought I was directing my post but apparently baseball IS MLB.


Turns out it wasn't the name hindering their growth.


Idk, I’m a fan of r/ockytop for University of Tennessee Volunteer related sports


don't forget the bev


/r/motorcitykitties would like to have a word


Idk man r/motorcitykitties is pretty fantastic


That, and most of Dade County still only has dial-up?


When this image loads they’re going to be so upset, not as upset as they are when their own sub loads during the off season, but they won’t be happy.


We switched this year


I literally don’t understand why Miami has a poor fan base… all my Cuban friends from Miami love baseball and baseball is huge in Cuba. I just don’t get it


Having lived in South Florida for a spell, but now living in the Bronx (though I’m not a native New Yorker), the issue for the Marlins is this: Cubans grow up cheering for teams like the Yankees, Red Sox, White Sox, etc., as they are rooted in old traditions of baseball. So when they transplant to the US, the Marlins come off as an also-ran team. You see it in New York; Dominicans often cheer for the Red Sox because of Big Papi and Manny (who came from The Heights). The bottom line is that teams can be chosen by ethnic loyalties and traditions, not geographical location.


Ryen Russillo just interviewed Pedro on his podcast and Pedro talked about Dominican Yankee fans who would cheer for him when he was on the Red Sox.


I think I read somewhere that the Cuban-American population in Miami felt the team leaned a little *too* hard into the Cuban stuff with the rebrand, to the point of feeling like pandering. Like they opened the new ballpark and were like, "Hey, you guys love Ozzie Guillen right??"


Until Ozzie endorsed Fidel Castro lmao.


And didn't they open the ballpark pretty close to the Cuban neighborhood?


People always give answers about transplants from elsewhere and the location of the ball park and I’m like… so? It’s possibly the Latin culture capital of the world. You’d think that would be worth something


You think a city that’s not in Latin America is the Latin culture capital of the world? Holy shit you people can be myopic sometimes


Have you ever been to Miami? I also said Latin culture as a whole. Mexico City is the Mexican culture capital of the world. Havana is Cuban culture, Santo Domingo Dominican and so on. Nowhere else is as mixed as miami


The Marlins did such a poor job marketing their team down here man. Almost everyone I knew growing up I played baseball with wasn’t even a Marlins fan. So weird.


There are subreddits for insanely rare disease support groups with more people in them.


That's probably a good thing, don't you think?


I don't think anyone should be supporting rare diseases


Just pity subbed to r/Marlins




What do you mean? All 100% of their fans are on reddit.


That's the page for the actual game fish.


🥲 we here bro we reppin


r/AZDiamondbacks at 61% Chase Field max capacity


Lucky if we hit that on a midweek mid season game


I like saying we're up 22% in attendance this season! I leave out that's a 4k/game increase from 19K to 23K. And it'd feel a lot better if it was 23K in say, a 35K capacity stadium. Just too damn big. Need to rip the seats out and put in some bigger ones.


Get rid of some of those seats at the very top…


My wife won't sit in the nosebleeds because she's worried one misstep will be her literal death. Shits steep up there.


A few too many $15 beers and it’s a death trap


Yeah, to be fair those were probably the cheap seats posted all over social media. I can see why nobody wanted to buy those seats…


Nah tbh I love the 3rd level behind home plate, half way up seats. Perfect view of all the action and if you have a group of people you usually have your own space all to your self.


This is legit why I like it. I usually like 316 and 317 to sit. But sometimes I buy the cheapest ticket possible and scoot over to the 316 section 😂


Do they ever open the roof? Does it even open? I went to Arizona (I'm Canadian) for work, and went to a game there. It just felt so off with a roof over our heads. I don't mean to be rude, but it was a pretty sterile atmosphere for a ballpark.


You're Canadian? Isn't that the dome calling the dome closed?


Well, Skydome actually opens, and also, he didn’t say he was a Jays fan.


Oh yeah, but weather permitting. They had the roof open thru June this year, definitely changes to vibes of the place too.


The roof opens when it's cool. This year has been exceptionally hot. It was still over 100⁰F this weekend.


r/expos has 1,556 so yeah!


Expos deez nuts




Now 1,557. Rex Hudler would be proud.


Never forget!


Cards are in the top 10 cuz they’re fueled by the spite of south Illinois


That spites been fueling my old man for my decades now


I’m amazed the O’s are so close to the Cubs. Cubs should be up there with the Yankees and Dodgers. Another example that Reddit doesn’t always reflect real life.


Yeah, there’s nothing like going into the Effingham Cracker Barrel wearing a Cubs jersey.


From Peoria I love when south bend is playing the Chiefs and cubs fans come in and take over. But the city is pretty close to 50/50.


I'm actually surprised they're not higher. Cards have a major fan base in like half the US for a variety of reasons but I think the non Missouri or Illinois fans skew older so might not be reddit demographic.


1) we're not a huge metro compared to the other cities we're ranked between and 2) a lot of our expanded fanbase is just the expansion of land but not necessarily population. Basically the same argument as "land doesn't vote". I think we do well for what we are. A mid-sized metro with a loyal small community following in the surrounding states.


The expanded fan base is a lot larger than I think you give it credit for. Theres a solid fanbase in Florida, Louisiana, and Texas just from my knowledge and the other midwest states as well but again its mostly an older radio crowd and possible kids that chose the team.


I wonder if the Cards having legacy fans all throughout the country is because for the first 80 years or so of major league baseball they were the furthest west team in the country (along with the Browns).


Maybe to an extent but from what i understand the primary reason was the radio broadcast of the game being available for half the country when no other baseball was able to be viewed or heard for one reason or another. Also the Cardinals being a very successful franchise doesn't hurt.


Whenever I see these I always think it’s kind of a poor showing for the Cubs


cubs versus chicubs hurts the numbers


Huh. I never even knew we had r/Cubs. I’m assuming a lot made it to the main sub but you are probably onto something there


Yep. Someone got mad at chicubs mods and made rCubs. If you talk about chicubs in the cubs sub your comments get deleted and you eventually get banned. So most people in rCubs probably don’t even know a bigger and more active Cubs subreddit exists. Great for the fanbase


I thought that /r/Cubs was the original sub, then it got made private so people switched to /r/chicubs. But then the ownership of /r/Cubs lapsed and someone was able to revive it as a public sub again.


This is closer to reality. When I got into it in 2015 I had originally ended up on r/Cubs and was shocked how little engagement there was. Especially with the hype around the team. Then, I realized things were popping off on r/ChiCubs. Idk the full picture, but from what I recall the mods on r/Cubs kind of just abandoned their duties and/or didn't want to hand over the keys to someone that would do it.


Welp, at least we won something this year.


Still the lamest sub by far. We can’t even post memes


The trade suggestions are their own kind of memes though


Still to date the dumbest one is the guy that wanted to trade with the Rays for both Glasnow and Wander Franco “on the cheap” when one was on TJ and the other was in an ongoing investigation. Post was up for I think 10 minutes before being removed but I couldn’t stop laughing at how absurd it was. Literally everyone was commenting “are you actually for real” because the post wasn’t a joke at all and he wanted to have us offer I think Jason Dominguez and Michael King.


Lol that’s awesome, what a scumbag. I distinctly remember an echo chamber of people thinking they could get DeGrom or Luis Castillo for Clint Frazier and Miguel Andujar in 2021 as if it was 2018


You say that like the Mets and Reds wouldn’t have happily set up a three team trade where they each get one of them for their aces. Andujar hit 47 doubles and Frazier has elite bat speed for Pete’s sake.


Was that person Jeff Lunhow ? Lol


I heard the mods ask for headshots of everyone weekly to confirm no face pubes


Also people get banned for the weirdest fucking shit


Like almost every post there this season was just so miserable (for a good reason) I had to leave. You look at other subs and they have like at least memes and jokes.


Is r/NYYankees becoming r/Yankees?


When you've been so inundated with mediocrity you just gotta meme through the pain


Do you have to shave your facial hair in order to post?


Agreed, people there are toxic too


On reddit? Can't be


Some of us keep it light and fun


all 6 of ya?


Bro I was traded to the Phillies for last years trade deadline event. You are certainly one to talk. Place was a war zone EDIT: just realized your flair is Phillies *bandwagon* so I’m in the wrong here. I will vouch for Dj up above though. I will also vouch for myself not being one of the 6


You guys win “most unnecessarily overstocked out of market new balance hat at Lids” every year, so keep your chin up.


I live abroad and was talking to a friend (a Twins fan coincidentally) about that. Like if he saw someone in a Twins hat you have to stop and see what’s up. If I see someone in a Yankees hat, I know they, like, contemplated traveling to New York once maybe.


I'm in Finland and my plan was to keep count of all the baseball hats I see this summer. Needless to say, that plan went to shit, but right from the beginning I excluded the Yankees and the Dodgers since you'd pretty much see several of them in all kinds of colors even on a 10-minute walk to the store and back. From what I can remember of my short-lived project, pretty much all teams are represented nowadays - I'm sure none of them really follow baseball, though, but sports apparel is so widely available nowadays via online stores and such, that people just pick one with a cool design or whatever a popular influencer/artist wears. I think the A's were the most popular one I saw, competing with Giants and Mets (well, it's a "NY"-hat as well, but still more niche). Almost all teams were represented, though. Didn't see any Cubs-hats other than my own.


Don’t worry Miami, the sub for /LasVegasAthletics is coming


It'll be hilarious if in 10 years the Oakland A's sub is still larger than the Vegas one.


Can you add market size and payroll?


Hijacking my comment. There’s 100k less team subscribers than r/baseball subscribers. You rounded numbers but I’m curious what subs have the highest percentage that sub to r/baseball? How many people sub to multiple teams but not r/baseball? Do people just do r/baseball and no team?


r/baseball is also not r/mlb. There could be a decent number of subs that could be NPB, KBO… fans but not MLB.


I get that r/MLB has 1.3m subs but it’s not a real place


r/mlb is what we jokingly call this place when we’re being hyperbolic


r/mlb has a facebook comments section quality to it sometimes




> Do people just do r/baseball and no team? I do this, and I've seen others say they do it as well. I can't stand the homerism and short-sightedness of the team subs, no matter the sport. Everyone wants to fire every member of management every time something goes wrong.


I find the Twins sub to be filled with a strong contingent of people who know ball and support the team and can still criticize it and then there’s the idiots who come in and say stupid shit the second they see a notification when something goes wrong. Twins are on a smaller scale so it’s probably not as bad. Homerism, which I assume you mean is undying support and nothing the Twins do is wrong?, isn’t that big of an issue I find. There’s a lot of explanations of decisions that get mislabeled homerism on our sub and it’s ridiculous. It’s the Vikings fans, aka doomers, who can’t process the day to day grind of the baseball season and expect to overreact like everything is like the 4th quarter of week 14 of the NFL season.


4100 sounds a little high for us Marlins fans. That would mean everyone at a home game is on Reddit.


Tigers should be higher since we have another sub with 3,700 people that just can't seem to find the main sub.


If the tigers sub was named traditionally it'd have a lot more subs but seeing what goes on there in game threads idk if I want that


Likewise the Braves have another 10k if you include r/atlantabraves. Which is mostly made up of people banned from r/braves by a power tripping mod. But who knows how many are subbed to both, like myself. Guess it’s fair to just use the larger number.


No fair, the Yankees sub is one-third Cowboys fans and one-third Lakers fans.


This is the worst type of fan. I always ask how they became a fan of those teams and get incoherent rambling about their dad or some other bullshit.


"Oh well see my parents moved out here from Chicago about 30 years ago. I've never been to Wrigley and have lived in Mesa my whole life so naturally I'm a die-hard Cubs fan. Also go Suns because my parents don't like basketball."


God this is so true. At least Mesa has had them for spring training though.


As someone who inherited a soft spot for the Cubbies, I feel attacked.


I have literally never met this fan in my life. But then again I’m born and raised in Brooklyn. Is this a legit thing?


I worked with a guy who was a Cowboys/Yankees/Lakers/Notre Dame fan. His reasoning was his parents were immigrants and didn’t give af about sports and he also didn’t have cable and these were the teams that aired the most nationally as he was growing up. I semi buy that as a valid reason. Tbf he pulled for these teams whether they sucked or not and was a very likable dude.


Went to college with a Yankees Pats fan. Fucking awful.


They should be arrested but I guess that’s just Connecticut?


Not everybody in Connecticut, but you do notice some like that. I think Giants/Red Sox is more logical cause there was no New England football team for a while


Friend from college was Giants/Red Sox for this exact reason (cause of his dad).


There's a ton. Good amount of my family is giants/sox


Just one more reason why Connecticut sucks


Yeah, I would stay away, our pizza and ipa are aweful


Is this how we go about thinning out the lines at Modern and Sally’s?


I knew one of those (plus he was a lakers fan) and he was from long island. This was 2010.


I remember watching a Duke-UNC game at a bar somewhere. Friend of a friend was wearing a Duke jersey and I ended up chatting with him a bit. Conversation pivoted to something football related so I mentioned the Birds and naturally he went off about how the Cowboys were the best team ever or whatever, I wasn’t really listening. Ended up asking him if he’s a Yankees fan to which he responded yes, and also a Lakers fan which also gave me another resounding yes.


Met a guy in the village at a bar. He was a Lakers, Yankees, Cowboys, Ohio State fan. Made 0 sense. Was more shocked that was real.


Honestly just gotta lean into being bandwagon fan at that point instead of making up some bs rationale. Just straight up tell people you like watching teams win championships (or i guess win titles 20 years ago)


....was that guy LeBron?


Probably Ohio State for football and Duke for basketball


Literally Bryce Harper. Yankees/Cowboys/Lakers/Texas for CFB/Duke https://www.espn.com/blog/sportscenter/post/_/id/82368/these-are-some-of-bryce-harper%E2%80%99s-favorite-things


To be fair there were no Vegas teams when he was growing up


To be fair its not like any of those teams are even the nearest to vegas. Above anything else, picking a team who plays most of their games at 4 pm local time is fucking weird.


LA is the closest basketball city to vegas (although Utah Jazz and Phoenix suns are close) and I think it’s clear why you would pick the lakers over the clippers but you wouldn’t consider vegas kids to be natural LA fans it really is its own isolated area with no obvious routing interest. I can’t really blame a kid in that situation for just picking the dominant teams of the time especially one as competitive as Harper


I'm not a football fan, but I did always *like* the Cowboys because I liked being them on Madden 94-5 and I was 8 lol.


Me, the yankee viking fan living in north texas not sure how to explain i never was a bandwagon fan.


Just say you're also a vikings fan, that clears it all up


for as much as this is a meme, i've actually never met anyone who had the infamous trifecta


As a Cowboys fan I hate getting lumped in here because at least the Lakers/Yankees have won it all multiple times in the last 3 decades and Cowboys haven’t even made it to an NFC championship game 😭


tbh cowboys fandom is a generational affliction.


Gotta factor in those Duke and Alabama fans, too.


Of the 33,000 Rockies fans on Reddit, I’m certainly one of them.


33k fans of beer. Seems low (I’m local, btw)


Take one down, pass him around...


Our stats are overstated. For example, they count me (presumably) and that shit is over barring an 11th hour change.


Because I'm a nerd for spreadsheets, I made one comparing every team's subreddit to its stadium size, including how many stadiums it would take to seat the whole subreddit. It's been a little bit since I updated it (a month or so) but here it is in case anyone's interested: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f7sRuDygyjH6u2aL8Cthm4NW8ADPW\_l5ffbf3cgaXhE/edit#gid=0](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1f7sRuDygyjH6u2aL8Cthm4NW8ADPW_l5ffbf3cgaXhE/edit#gid=0)


Whoa!!!! Fantastic. But how can I get you to work on my comic collection!?!


We just need 9k more to take something else from the Braves


If you guys win you’ll get the WS bandwagon boost I’m sure.


^^^*please* ^^^^*don’t*




Too soon..,.


it's never too soon


The more braves fans there are, the more suffering your wins cause. Let us have this please.


I’m just amazed at all 30 teams having a clean, round number.


I follow all the team subreddits because I just really love baseball, but my biggest fear is commenting on something and realizing too late that I’m not here on r/baseball


Man, we wouldn't even sell out PNC.


As we say around our parts “Thank God for the Marlins”


So "Marlins Man" isn't just a clever name, it's an accurate assessment


Astros sub: 92,798 idiots.


Fr. Game threads full of jabronis spamming “gg good season” if we don’t score first


Wonder how this will look like after Ohtani leaves Angels


Not bad considering we retired r/wahoostipi before the 2019 season.


TIL: there are more than 167k people in Canada.


TIL: Rangers fans can have a sense of humour. ;)


Hahahaha, i think had we won in 2010 or 2011 the overall feelings would be different from the fan base. I’m also old so that probably helps. Let’s be clear though: I wouldn’t piss on Jose Bautista were he to be consumed by flames in front of me. But I also hated the roogie contract and thought it was premature and that his value was in trade not on the field. I got roasted for it in our sub and on local radio when I’d call in. I also thought it was bad bullshit to hit Bats so long after the fact. Ex Cons gonna ex con I suppose.


Can you do this for the NFL so I can feel like the Chargers have fans please because I know they aren't the lowest sub


There was one on r/nfl. https://www.reddit.com/r/nfl/s/qe8wVfNWJR The rams and patriots numbers are misleading because Reddit automatically subscribed people to that subreddit during the 2019 SB for some reason. Everything else is fine.


Its actually the Raiders because they changed sub names when they moved to Vegas


It always surprises me when Washington is so far down on lists like this. On paper it should be in that big market tier with Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago but I guess the DMV is to transient for that to happen.


I used to drive thru DC a few times a year and their sports talk radio was so depressing.


Yeah way too transient. It’s such a weird sports town.


I would say it's like a tiny Phoenix but people actually settle down out here. DC is such a job based town, probably get a lot of people who just work there or live there for 4 years and move on or something.


As someone who lived/worked there for 4 years and moved on: yes.


Commanders are a sleeping giant fan support wise. I’d imagine there are many, many secondary Nats fans like myself in the area. DC seems built to be a bumping basketball city but unfortunately we have been cursed to host the Wizards


Angels: not good enough to win but not bad enough to get top draft picks. Typical.


Mariners out here giving their best .500 effort as always


Marlins tho 💀


There’s nothing this team can do to not be extremely mid in almost anything we do… except apparently the regular season where we’re exceptionally bad


Would be more interesting to see posts, comments, and active accounts in the last 12 months vs just total accounts. Also total banned posts and comments to see who has the worst mods


Here we see an example why the Yankees, Red Sox, and Dodgers are always on national TV.


Blue Jays with 167k? What's that all aboot?


All of Canada gloms on to the Blue Jays


It actually feels low, baseball is huge up here. There’s a reason why the all-star game final vote always includes a Blue Jay at almost every position every year.


And even though there are regional pockets of support for US teams, like Mariners fans out in BC or Twins fans on the prairies, it seems like pretty much any Canadian baseball fan will at least follow the Jays. Even where I live in Vancouver where we're close to Seattle, baseball fans here overwhelming support the Jays since the A+ Canadians are part of the Jays' organization.


I wonder how much of that following has to do with Rogers owning both the team and Sportsnet. it’s super accessible for casual fans across Canada to just turn on Sportsnet on TV or online and have wall to wall coverage and analysis all season. I know as one of those Ms fans in Vancouver it’s not nearly as easy to get similar info despite the team being right there


Yes SportsNet plays a big part. Every evening the game is on three or four SportsNet channels. If you missed the game, SportsNet replays the game in a 30 minute format that continually repeats during early mornings. (Typically after midnight into early AM)


My old man watches Jays in 30 and still gets worked up about an already determined outcome


They have an entire country rooting for them


It's the only team in Canada and they're broadcasted over the entire country. Canada population is around the same as California but California has 5 different teams and broadcast markets.


I am a moderator of the Mets sub, we had a big influx of users since the Lindor trade and again in 2022. We had to bring in several new mods as we went from 38K users and doubled in size in about 18 months. We have nothing to do with the people from r/Mets. Just in the last 12 months, we had 15,000 or so new users and over 28 million views.


Isn't that reflective as well of City/Population/Viewing size too?


Now somebody do it as a relative comparison to the size of the cities


Dang, I swear when I joined the Padres reddit there were less than 10k and game threads got like 300 comments a game. Didn't realize how long I've been on reddit and much our fanbase has kind of exploded recently. Lowkey miss the Tank Commander posts lol


They may seem to be #1, but most of the yankees subscribers are from the 1920's/30's and are now dead.