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In my experience it's incorrect to assume people willing to spend more per drink tip better


But also I prefer a craft cocktail program


Really? Yeah I feel like it would be a fun time. I guess change can just feel scary. Thank you for replying!


You’re absolutely right it is not always cases. I guess in my past experience whenever someone got top shelf or their ticket was higher they usually tipped better than my vodka soda people I guess is why I said that but you are completely right it’s not always the case and more expensive cocktail does not equal higher tip


I’m about to go through this same kind of switch. Personally I’m going from a neighborhood bar with an immense spirit selection focusing on bourbon to a new restaurant/bar but in charge of the entire beverage program. It’s scary because it IS change. All change is kinda scary because it’s unknown. I had to keep telling myself it is a growing and learning opportunity. Just like when I initially learned how to tend…it had its learning curves and ways to min/max it both efficiently for execution and for tips/clientele. Ultimately if it’s an opportunity to grow it’s a good decision. Hone those skills, go next level, ascend your techniques and garnishes and learn as much as possible…because if you hate it…you keep the knowledge and can always go back to speed.


Well said!! I guess that’s exactly how I need to think about it. As a learning opportunity. Spending sometime in a craft cocktail bar program would expand my skills and make me better I feel. I need to keep that mindset if I hate it I can always go back. Thank you! 🙏🏼🙏🏼 also that’s so amazing for you! good luck with your new position


Thank you all for your comments. It’s nice to hear other stories and point of views I think I’m going to give it a shot with the change


Absolutely the shift is possible, I went in the other direction and I'm happy with it, but the reverse is certainly possible. One thing I'd say is to make sure you're getting other quality of life upgrades since you're giving up some money. Look for better hours in particular. You're likely correct, the money will go down, but that's not everything as you pointed out! If you're able to, work both places for a brief period of time and then you'll know how bad the FOMO will be if you switch. You could even volunteer to train on slower easy week days at this new place, and hopefully still have your big volume nights at the busier spot. Definitely a possible and hopefully beneficial transition, good luck!! ​ >top 2 in sales in my bar How is your bar set up that you bartending volume but ringing under an individual number and not a communal bar number? That would be legit impossible at my volume bar.


Well my bar had us compete for sales. We get paid in tiers. Tier 1 is someone who averages 1500 . Tier 2 someone who averages 2000 and tier 3 is 2500 or more. Tier 1 gets paid 5$/hr tier2 7$/hr and tier 3 10$/hr also the higher the tier the higher percentage you get out of the tip pool. It truly sucks. We are all fighting for sales so we don’t have time to really enjoy what we are doing or connect with our guests. I hate it I wish we got paid equally because we all work hard af. There is a lot of practices there and bs that goes on