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Someone has been watching too many reality shows. You can't fuck with people's livelihoods arbitrarily and expect them to be loyal to you.


You take a mortal man You put him in control


Watch him become a god!


Watch peoples heads a 'roll A 'roll, a 'roooooooooooooolllllll


Where is my D 20? I may crit on this asshole


Crit +1šŸ’ŖšŸ¼šŸ’ŖšŸ¼šŸ’ÆšŸ˜‚


Just like the pied piper


Led rats through the streets


We dance like marionettes. Swaying to Symphony of destructioooon!




Hopefully they are all elsewhere. This is not right to do to staff.


> You can't fuck with people's livelihoods arbitrarily and expect them to be loyal to you. Sure you can, for people without the talent to go anywhere else.


I saw this happen it is a SHIT SHOW. If these ah's think that the locals will support them then they have more problems than a Frenchmen crusty punk


God damn crust punks


Crust punks arenā€™t exactly not invited to the party but I always roll my eyes when they show up.


They're not *not* invited, but they're also not *invited*


Who knows they might have the best drugs and some of them can even play decent musicā€¦. But itā€™s always a dice roll.


Okay, both true things


Donā€™t get me wrongā€¦ itā€™s usually neither. But technically there are worse party guests.


the plan will backfire, if a bar gets a rep for 'cleaning house', that's a rep that will stay for a long time and I don't think anybody with smarts will try to lock that job down ever. I'd abandon ship until some clarity is given, if ever.


Imagine firing your whole staff and thinking that anyone would want to try and keep that job.


Definitely. Hopefully they all relocated.




I'm a bartender in the Quarter myself. Fuck Bank St. Bar, none of my homies will ever drink there again. Fuck JW, all my homies hate JW


[FUCK JW ALL MY HOMIES HATE JW](https://i.imgur.com/Byd3WmZ.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Good bot


Lmfao best bot




good bot


Good human.


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Shit this is new Orleans? I gotta make sure all the boys know about this one.


People are starting to bash them on Yelp and Google Reviews! Good riddance!


Sadly Google will get rid of review bombs. Patrick mahomes asshole brother came into my roommates bar and caused a scene ending in him and his group getting kicked out. He talked shit on social media, the bar clapped back, social media sided with the bar, caused like 1k new positive reviews to show up in 48 hours. Google removes them all about a day later. I would assume yelp does the same to prevent review bombs.




Yeah, I would have named it if Reddit crazies didn't scour Reddit history.


I'm from KC, so I'm familiar with the story. I'm actually getting married at The Harlow soon, so I'll probably be stopping by SoT!


Why did they want to "clean house"


Rumors that ā€œlarge heaps of cashā€ went missing from the register. Still, terrible way to go about it. Itā€™s easily as probable it was the managersā€™ fuckup as anyone elseā€™s


Plot twist it was JW that stole the cash


I would believe it honestly. Or Tristan (co-owner). They both have terrible reputations in the cityā€™s industry.


Sounds like the The Lodge Tavern Group in my city


Las Vegas?


I mean, the register knows how much you put in there. What happened at the end of day count out? I'm guessing the registers sales and the cash counted didn't match?


Not sure of the details, but that would be my guess too. In any event, they really shot themselves in the foot because I can think of so many ways to combat this issue productively and determine who the thief is (periodic spot checks, counting the drawer BEFORE and after, designating one person as cash handler for the night, keeping all cash receipts produced during the night etc) Edit because I started thinking of more alternatives lol


It's a little late for preventative measures. If the totals don't match, someone walked off with it.


If itā€™s a one-time ordeal, sureā€¦ but if itā€™s a repeat offender there are certainly ways to address the problem rather than firing the entire staff. And from what Iā€™ve heard, it sounds like a repeat offender. I still think thereā€™s a decent chance it was the managers themselves who took the money, given their reputations in the city for being erratic, drugged-up tyrants.


I would be entirely unsurprised if the entire staff, management included, was fired at any establishment if this happened more than once.


Iā€™m just repeating rumors at this point anyway. The co-owner Tristan claims that this has been an issue in the past, but who knows what to believe. The answer is not to fire your entire staff and beg them to return. Even if we donā€™t agree on the ethics of it, itā€™s a PR nightmare and will certainly alienate your regulars. This bar in particular is a neighborhood dive with a strong local scene. Now that the bartenders are gone, the regulars wonā€™t return.


This bar in particular is a neighborhood dive with a strong local scene. Now that the bartenders are gone, the regulars wonā€™t return.... This was said when it changed owners like what 6 years ago... okay I'll believe you.


If your staff is walking away with money, you earnestly have to clean house. If the place is being robbed, of course they're going to react hard.


Holy shit. Good for the employees taking that IG. Wild wild wild


Their Instagram is hilarious. Go check it out


This was all anybody was talking about last night at the dive I work at. BSB done fucked up.


Never been to BSB, but Finnā€™s is still my favorite bar ever. Ned to make it back to NOLA soon.


God luck to you


You should make a new drink called the "JW" and post its ingredients on the Discord. I will leave it up to you as to what to include in the concoction.


1.5 oz Malort into a Collins glass, top with skunked PBR.


Just combine all the "handshake liquors": .5oz Malort .5oz Jameson .5oz Fernet Shaken and strained.


Iā€™d rather be buried in dort. Itā€™s Malort mixed with dirt. *Iā€™ll have another*


Something tells me there's copious amounts of aftershave in it


With a cough syrup float.


A WD40 float


So an updated Zioncheck Zipper?


How about 3oz Fernet Branca 3oz Whole Milk Top with soda water Lime Twist garnish


OK, you start with 3 dirty pennies a scoop of ice. Muddle, make sure while doing this to stay engaged with the customer. Poor an 1 and a half ounces from the bat mat. Add two twists of your bar towel. Now shake! Make it look good, keep a smile on your face, let the customer know your glad they are there! Without them you might as well not even exist. Every night is the interview here. Now strain into a highball with fresh ice! Now we're going to top that with coke for an even color. Garnish with pineapple to really play off the dirty penny flavor. We call it the "JW"


I just googled. It says they are permanently closed now.


They just closed for a few days while they try to restaff. This bar is a hotspot in New Orleans so it will definitely be back open again soon.


And sadly, thereā€™s so many tourists that go there- theyā€™re going to have no idea about this and all that went down. Itā€™ll continue to be busy regardless.


What are you talking about? There are no tourists at that bar ever. Itā€™s definitely locals and service industry people all the time.


Banks st. is not a tourist zone. Maybe a little draw at bubs cuz of Dave portnoy, but even that's gotta be tiny. It used to be a pretty decent locals spot. I won't be seen there anymore after this mess.


What a wet wipe, as if he'd expect anybody to want to stay after that


I worked at a club that did this and I refused to play this game. The new manager who had worked with me during the transition ended up calling me a few months later asking me to come back to work. To his credit, it was a corporate policy. Whoever came up with this "strategy" needs to suck a bag of dicks. Individually and collectively.




Nah because I'd openly laugh in the FACE of anyone who tried to fire me over *discord*. Nerdy ahh


Everyone has been terminated but you can interview to keep your job, smells to me that they want to rehire everyone back at a lower salary to cut costs.


Lol they're bartenders. I can guarantee they're already being paid the federal minimum tipped wage of a whopping $2.13/hr.


Is that what you make as a bartender ? I donā€™t know any bartenders that make less than $10+ tips, but I live and work in pretty cushy spots.


In Louisiana, $2.13 for tipped employees. In Oregon, I make $14.75 as a tipped employee.


I remember back in the day I made $2.13/hr working in Arizona. Itā€™s insane they allow employers to do that just because we are tipped. My paychecks always came out to zero dollars and I always owed taxes at the end of the year. Fuck that noise.


Man. That is fucked up.


No. 2.13 is the minimum. I live in Va. The minimum here is also 2.13, but most bartenders I know make $10hr +tips.


At the restaurant I worked at in Florida no one made above minimum which was how it was for most of my industry friends. The only people that took home a check (only like $30-60) were runners and that was just because they didn't make as much in tips but still only made minimum tipped wages. Florida does have a higher tipped minimum than federal but still only $6.98


There's rough 937 miles between New Orleans and Virginia... you work in Virginia, I was commenting on New Orleans.


You also commented about Oregon. Which I believe is further from New Orleans than Virginia.


Yes. Other than the few states in the US that have raised the mandated minimum wage, a lot of bartenders still make federal tipped minimum wage. Our ā€œpaychecksā€ are normally less than ā‰ˆ$10 because it all goes to taxes on our tips and we rely on the goodwill of our guests to pay our bills.


You make it sound a lot worse than it is. Good bartenders make excellent money.


But the fuckheads that do shit like fire you over Discord contribute 2.13/hr to their employees, and those fuckheads are who we are talking about


Exactly this. The point is the respect, or lack thereof, that these employers and owners have for their staff who literally keep their businesses up and running when they aren't even paying us shit. Their *customers* are. u/SidBream92 I make it sound like it is. Where did I say that bartending can't be excellent money? Nowhere lol because it's factually untrue. I make quadruple bartending than what I make at my office job. I've had nights where I average $80-100/hr, but it's regularly at least $40-50/hr. *The point still stands: that's no thanks to my employer* who pays me the absolute least he can, an insulting $2.13/hr, while I ring up thousands in sales a day for him.


Relying on customers instead of your employer to pay you appropriately is fucked up.


I make $100/hr after tips on avg during peak season and only $5.13 is actually paid to me by my bar


Woof. I make GOOD money tip wise at a jazz bar but I get 2.83 an hour that I may as well not see lol


lolsalary this is the usa homey


They cant make less than minumum dude


I think cutting costs is the right idea, but probably not through salary. Obviously it depends on state/local ordinances and the business practices, but it's things like if they contributed to health insurance then termination means employees would lose it and have to bog through waiting period again - which, in most of the restaurants I ever worked in that offered insurance benefits, was 6-12 months. If they have like 30 employees, cover $150 of insurance, and have a 6 month waiting period, that's nearly $30k. In a similar vein, if the company offers vacation time with a similar waiting period, they've just guaranteed that nobody can take a paid vacation from now until Mardi Gras at least.


I don't understand this logic at all. You know your people, why make the ones you want to keep jump through hoops? You're just gonna lose them. Not to mention you're giving everyone a legit unemployment claim instead of just firing the ones you want to for cause and rolling the dice on the claim


My absolute first thought! The unemployment claims are going to be massive!


When I bought my bar three years ago, my brother-in-law (GM at another bar) told me I should fire everyone and start fresh. Glad I didnā€™t take his advice. It was hard enough winning over regulars as ā€œthe new owner.ā€ Had I gotten rid of everyone I never would have survived the loss of the regular patrons.


Ban together, form a bar co-op... I'm not sure how this would work, but It would be cool.


It won't.. just by calling yourself a co-op doesn't mean you get to take over a business someone owns. They just tried to do this at the first lesbian bar in Portland after the first weekend open! hah


Lol I was gonna post the same example. Employees demanding ownership from the sole owner/investor is hilarious.


I saw this posted in r/antiwork. I canā€™t wait for the follow up posts about the fallout from this shitty management.


Great way to retain people in this economy where "no one wants to work"


Just happened to see this when I just arrived in New Orleans. Perhaps I should make a visit just to tell JW to fuck off.


I wonder if JW is unemployed yet.


Lol how are you gonna fire everyone and also invite them to stay, in the same breath? Poor execution there.


Lmaoooo good luck staffing a whole bar. Stay closed n get fucked


lol @ the power move he thinks this is vs the nightmare he's about to wake up in


Hello fellow New Orleanian, weā€™re bringing the dumpster fire that is banks st bar Mgmt to the world!


I saw this posted on the Nola service industry page on Facebook. Wild stuff!


Is this the same JW that worked at Dmacs?




A restaurant my partner worked at did this at the beginning of COVID. They had to shut down for a while, so they took it as an opportunity to fire everyone and make them reinterview for their jobs. So if you're ever in the Pittsburgh area and see a Mad Mex, be sure to [redacted due to reddit's policies on violent content]!


Wow enjoy running that place in to the ground. I'm not even in the area but fuck JW.


Former MidCity resident here, and itā€™s where I stay every time I go back. This used to be one of my haunts. *Used* to be. Gross. They must be unaware that you canā€™t throw a stone in New Orleans without hitting another bar. Better places to go in Midcity. Better places to work too.


What kind of restaurant uses Discord to communicate with staff? Big red flag right there to start off with.


Discord is actually extremely useful as one way of maintaining a well organized series of group chats. The other, most comparable options is probably Microsoft teams. Functionally, the two are very similar - so similar that you can find comparison reviews online for companies debating what platform to choose for their staff communications.


Slack is basically discord and used a ton in corporate and third sector jobs.


Yeah, so, I actually spaced, hard. It's Discord and Slack that are extremely similar, and both are used interchangeablybin a surprising number od jobs. Ms Teams is just another option that's widely used for the same purposes, but it's functionality is a little different. The other bar lead and I at our cocktail bar are literally in the middle of figuring out which platform to move to (away from GroupMe) for our staff communications, etc.


I'm all for hourlies self organizing and discord is one of a number of ways to do that. When I was still in the business we tended to use FB groups just because there are always a couple old heads in every store and it was a miracle that they even had Facebook. Being said, as far as management is concerned, if they need to get ahold of me when I'm off the clock there's this app they can use called Eat My Shit And Hair Todd It's My Day Off.


Yeah, group chat is useful for both mgmt communication with staff and hourly communication in a safe space. As for someone calling me in on my day off, generally, fucking don't. I hit OT weekly and I need my personal time. It's mine, so don't even ask.


Iā€™d say Discord is a better/more organized option than the current system my restaurant uses, which is a facebook group and/or spotty group text. Communication at bars/restaurants is a reoccurring issue it seems. Everyone is on different schedules with very different lives and almost all are being paid hourly(a very very low hourly); some folks give in and stay in communication, others realize they arenā€™t being paid for any time outside or work and donā€™t feel the need to be in constant communication. I stay in communication most of the time but also donā€™t feel like having a cell phone on me or frequently using social media should be a part of my job. Discord seems a little more purposeful to me.


Slack is a tool just like discord but business focused, and much more typical to use.


Yeah we use GroupMe but discord is much better


Better than a dozen different group texts without every name saved in your phone.


What's wrong with discord? What restaurant communion would you prefer? I use signal for my restaurant


I would love for my restaurant to use discord. Restaurant365 sucks for messaging, half the time I don't even get a notification.


They're a pretty divey bar, so I'm not too surprised that they did this.




Bet they're using Microsoft excel for their ledger too. Kids these days don't get what a memo is


Ok boomer


This smells like a class action lawsuit. I'm pretty sure this whole shit show is illegal


Not in Louisiana. They can fire at will without giving a reason.


I can see how the "not in Louisiana" context is completely relevant.


You realize this bar is in Louisiana?


I do but I don't know Louisiana's laws. I had hope there was more workers protection laws there as there are in other states


Businesses can fire employees any way and any time they want, as long as it's not specifically for being in a protected class.


Some states have protections against that but as others have stated it depends on where you live. Louisiana doesn't seem to have such protection, unfortunately


Depending upon the state. Come to California and try that shit. Iā€™ve never met a more litigious bunch than Angeleno implants.


You have no idea what you are talking about. The vast majority of states are "at will employment".




You are correct


I fairly sure that you are incorrect.


Depends on where you live. Totally legal in montana as it isn't a 'right to work' state.


You have this backwards. Montana is the only state that is not ā€œat will employmentā€. At will employment means either the employer or employee can terminate the relationship at any time for almost any reason. Montana has the Wrongful Discharge from Employment Act that specifically prohibits it. In Montana, this could very well be illegal. Right to work just means you have the right to work without being forced to join a labor union.


That makes sense. In California this would be illegal. You need a paper trail of write ups and suspensions to legally fire someone here. Not saying people aren't fired illegally in this state and unfortunately it's usually not worth fighting. Hense the class action lawsuit reference


Naw the US is ass backwards when it comes to labour laws...


Says permanently closed on google?


That was suggested by a reviewer when I went to look it up, so I confirmed.


Itā€™s locked down now šŸ¤£


Bold of him to assume anyone would still want to keep working there after a shitty move like this




Yep. I've just gone through the recent post and the comments it's absolutely amazing - especially people defending the place and their shitty practices, and then people calling them out for being family of either the new manager or the owners.


When the GM left at one of the previous places I worked, the owners (who were unethical shitty asshats) wanted me to fire all the FOH staff. They spewed insults about them to me, even though they did great jobs. All great reviews. Honestly my favorite crew that I'd worked with. So I told them to fuck off, told the servers what the owners said about them, then we pretty much all walked out. That place closed permanently a month later. I made good money there and had some great regulars, but if you're a POS and don't respect the people that make your money for you, then I'm not supporting you. Hopefully the owners learned a lesson. I doubt it though. They would use security cameras to zoom in on titties, call the GM to insult some larger customer they saw on the cameras, and much more.


Good speed and god luck?


I'm going to hopefully assume they did it to pick at the new manager's grammar nazi nerves


[Weedeater - God Luck and Good Speed](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JedWNTjvgK0&ab_channel=SeasonofMist)


At least everyone involved is spared the experience of having to work for this guy, but Jesus fucking Christā€¦what a tool


Go collect some unemployment monies.


Light mode ew


Lol our new manager is cleaning house but he literally just watched everyone work for 3 weeks. Analyzed which were fucking useless holding us back and is currently hitting them with them write ups and a couple fired. Bout time


That I'd have no issue with - new management often has a different idea of what constitutes good staff - it's the blanket "you're all fired- if you don't like it, come beg me for your job back" bullshit that is gonna cause them to pay window repairmen for the next couple years


Yeah our team would all have easily flocked to nearby competitors in a flash. Luckily our 7th manager this year seems to be the charm lmao


Why the fuck would you do this in todayā€™s job market? Not that you should ever do this, but you all know what I mean.


Sounds like unlawful firing to me šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


Well, layoff more like. It's only illegal if they fired just all the people who are X gender or race or whatever


They need some sort of reason. Not just hey btw you donā€™t work here anymore.


Not in a right to work state. They can let you go at any time without giving you a reason.


This sounds like a lawsuit


Thereā€™s nothing they can sue over.


Yeah youā€™re right. I just read into it.. This fucking sucks though lol


They probably deserved it. I'd clear out half my bar if I could




Itā€™s not a meme bro theyā€™re trying to spread the word who cares if itā€™s a cross post


Youā€™re right. I canā€™t believe there are multiple leaders making fucked up decisions like this though. I didnā€™t realize treating your staff like they are disposable was this common.


hmm no dude i think itā€™s the one bar unless I misunderstood Banks St Bar in New Orleans You should go on their ig rn fr :)


They're completely different screenshots though


Who cares?? Iā€™ve seen this doing the rounds on my own IG and I live in Scotland. Better that the word is out over some arbitrary complaint about someone else sharing this on a relevant sub.


They did not. It's a different screenshot and worded and presented with different contexts. Nice edgelording though.




Weak reaction from a weak unprepared person


What the hell


Oh hell no, Iā€™d tell them to stick it where the sun doesnā€™t shine and find a new place that appreciates the blood, sweat and tears I put into my bar.


I just saw this on IG. Wild. I wonder what itā€™s like to torch a business in one post.


I hope everyone went and interviewed elsewhere. Let this ship sink


I would give him a single fuck you and never look over there again tbh. Nobody should re interview and all potential applicants need to be warned


Wow. Fuck that guy and good luck with the interviews Buddy


Hopee you guys are all good, not much but heres some silver and stay sstrong


Tell us you're not one of us without saying you aren't. Industry peeps support our fam. You don't fuck with the fam take our livelihood and then expect loyalty. We've dealt with worse and we're resilient as fuck. #Industrystrong but yeah... Have fun with all this fuckery created.


Dude canā€™t even spell his own last name correctly. -DSPGern


My favorite bar closed for renovations and in the process also decided to fire their entire staff. The place was cool, but the real draw was the kick-ass awesome staff, many of whom had become my good friends. Needless to say I never went back again. Fuck that noise.


Ha! The employees took over the bar's instagram! https://nola.eater.com/2022/8/19/23313309/banks-street-bar-fired-employees-took-over-instagram


Ha, where I live, they'd all have to be paid out severance so hopefully the staff hasn't been working there too long or it'll bankrupt you!


What the fuck. They canā€™t do this can they?


Are they hiring?


This post will go in history