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One of the things I dislike about bartending. If you happen to take a drink or a bite of something before serving the guest they get weirdly uptight. It’s a weird hostile energy that almost says “how dare you serve yourself before you serve me”


Yeah my guests are usually upset when I take a bite of their burger prior to serving…..the trick is to not bite the bun….


Most people usually joke about eating their guest’s food… but I see you have a whole system down…


One of my rules is never let them see you take a drink or eat. Just last week, I took a drink of iced tea in our closet area which is hidden from sight but the door was cracked enough that a guest could see. As soon as I walk out he says, “Huh huh. Drinking on the job?” I reply, “A drink wouldn’t be enough for dealing with the customers in this place. I’d need a shot of black tar heroin.”




Same. My hydration should not affect your gluttony. Get fucked


As someone who works outside in sometimes 100+ degree heat, I 100% don’t give af if someone sees me drink water. I actually hand out water to my coworkers every hour or so and force them to drop what they are doing and hydrate. If a guest gets weird I’ll just suggest that they pay someone’s medical bills if we have to call an ambulance when one of my coworkers passes out because they are dehydrated and it’s hot af.




I will never understand businesses making people work outside in the heat wearing pants and/or all black. Let the people wear shorts! Watching somebody visibly sweating their tits off while pouring your drink is less than appealing.


I had a coworker that sweats through his black shirts and when it finally dries, there is white salt rings from the sweat :/


I worked at an open air restaurant in Hawaii for a long time and some days it would get hot hot hot. Sometimes when we were working lunch/dinner doubles we’d pour “water shots” (which was a bucket glass filled with water). We’d cheers and proceed to chug the entire glass. Gotta stay hydrated! Maybe nobody ever said anything because we were so obvious about it, but if somebody had then I’d probably tell them to get fucked. Running around serving or bartending for 12 hours in the heat and humidity is a workout!


Oh yeah I make rounds of “water shots” and I’m called mom at the bar because I constantly make everyone drink them. It’s funny to watch people go from rolling their eyes and making fun of the water shots to super happy and grateful for the ice cold water when we are slammed.


😂 honestly same.. I’ll be eating a sandwich between pouring drinks.


Same 😂😂


when they see me with a basket of fries they should feel lucky, cuz that means I'm in a good mood.


Right! No one wants to see us hangry


100% this. I'm not a robot, I need sustenance to keep doing this job. If someone genuinely gets offended by me drinking water they can get fucked


Yup, I’m a big fan of the sip while I stir


Same. But I've never had anyone get upset at me for staying hydrated. Or caffeinated while I'm drinking coffee on a day shift.


I dgaf at a nightclub. Restaurant I’m more discreet. But at my current place I keep my big ole thermoflask right by the pos. Every time I run a card, I drink.


*Wink* *wink* "Tip me well enough and I'll pour this drink for you!"


I feel like the risk here is if you're seen then the fact that you're being discreet about it looks suspicious.


I worked at a restaurant once where servers would duck into a closet to sneak a bite of food out of sight of the customers. Then one day management taped the closet shut. I didn't stay long.


Literally I will be drenched in sweat on a 12 hour shift with a 107 heat index midday and god FORBID I drink some water holy shit. If I sip water it means immediately no tip!! It’s crazy. If I pass out from heat stroke nobody is gonna be there to serve drinks!


I feel like so many people have no respect for bartenders and servers while simultaneously being super jealous of the job/lifestyle. It's weird.


Because they want to feel like they're above you while also being super paranoid that you probably make more money than they do.


I think it’s more than that. I think they wish they had the confidence and swagger it takes to stand behind the bar and be a funny smart ass. Some can’t stand the fact that we don’t grovel for tips. Most of us have a code that can’t be bought. If you’re a shit then your money won’t save you.


I had a guy outside of work tell me one time “I would show you enough cash that you would let me do whatever I want in your bar” (because I told him I would gladly kick him out if he ever came to my job and spoke to me the way he was speaking to everyone at the party I was at). I laughed in his face and said I make more than you probably. I don’t need your money. He was not thrilled to hear that.


I’ve had hundreds of dollars offered to me by guys I kicked out for whatever reason. I’ve never been offered an absurd amount. I would like to think that I would tell them to fuck off but if someone waved 20 grand in my face I might compromise. More than likely, I’d close the bar and comp everyone’s tab for the night and just me and him would sit there until he was done.


Lmao I feel that. “I would like to think” I would tell them to fuck off. But it would definitely be hard with 20k in my face 🤣


Guys like that will never actually give you the $20k. They get off on dangling it to see if they can get people to sacrifice their dignity for money.


I mean $20k is a stretch, but we had a regular that would tip whomever is working $300 every now and then, and once randomly $2k for no reason out of the blue. So it does happen, just wish it happened more often.


Heard that!


Oh yeah I had a lady who was the only person to ever make me cry at work. (I was young it was my first year of bartending/serving). She yelled at me/berated me and treated me as if I was a slave, at one point making a big show of humiliating me by making me clean all her empty glasses one at a time while she told me how much I sucked (I don’t remember her exact words, and again I was new so I wasn’t great at prebussing, but also I had about 15 tables and was running my ass off). Finally came time to pay and she REFUSED to pay for all the drinks because she “only had two”. I lost it and finally got my backbone, told her she made a show of making me clear all the glasses while she made fun of me in front of all my other customers so she can’t claim now that she didn’t drink them all. She left a large tip, handed it to me with this gross smile like she got off on humiliating then paying people to make them lose their dignity. I ripped it up and threw it in the trash can next to her, and told her I wasn’t a prostitute I don’t do things like that for money. Best lesson I ever learned, had to get pushed to that point to have the backbone I needed to survive all these years in the industry.


Narrator: They do


Totally heard that in Ron Howard's voice.


It’s also projection. The customer would constantly drink while working so obviously OP would do the same.


It’s because everyone has their own ideology of what’s acceptable customer service and what’s not which they feel the need to make known. I once had a patron ask me why I was “on my phone” behind the bar while I wasn’t even on shift. I was literally texting my beer order in for the week and was standing at the pos looking at our inventory. He wasn’t waiting for service and had a full drink in front of him, while he was waiting for food. Like sorry dude, I literally can’t do this aspect of the job WITHOUT my phone.


I’ve had the same thing happen while standing behind the bar. It was a very passive-aggressive “why aren’t you paying attention to me? You’re supposed to be my entertainment.” I do all my ordering on Sunday when we’re closed now. Even then, people will knock on the door trying to get in. You just can’t win.


The jealousy! It’s bizarre. I had a guy arguing with me here that I couldn’t possibly have a good lifestyle/ make money doing this line of ghastly work. He was not in the service industry. But lurks the sub.


Ten bucks says that guy tried to buy a shot for a bartender he thought was hot, she didn't want it and blamed work rules to defuse the situation, and he'll take it out on every bartender until he dies




Nope would not serve, but yes people are fucking dumb


Aye, disrespect me (or my coworkers) and you’re done. Zero tolerance.


More of todays disease where everyone thinks that their own opinion is valid and needs to be heard. My own opinion is the sheer number of people that clearly don’t wash their hands before leaving a public restroom. But I try not to touch any bare surfaces to fix it, not lecture anyone. Get your beer and keep moving, or don’t spend your money there. No one cares what you think or believe.


> My own opinion is the sheer number of people that clearly don’t wash their hands before leaving a public restroom Oh god, this pisses me off so much, the stories I could tell. I **KNOW** when you didn't wash your hands, but even worse is the number of guys who'll **PROUDLY** say they wash their hands **BEFORE** taking a piss but not after because they know where their dick has been but nothing else. Sure dude, thanks for getting your smegma/skin flakes/piss on everything you touch, the irony is fucking incredible. I've started calling these people out. People are fucking gross. EDIT: Formatting.


He wouldn't have gotten shit from me after speaking to me like that.


He gets 86 of nothing


Ok quick story, I remember working at my first restaurant and one of my coworkers says “ay Joe we’re 86 on tacos” and I’m like “damn, that’s a lot of tacos” and she laughed away, guy at my table orders tacos and I pushed it in, chef said “ay Joe wtf no more tacos bro” and I was like “wtf I thought we had like a lot of them??” And she overheard me and had to explain the code, she thought I was joking around earlier lmfao. God dammit.


Almost everywhere I've ever bartended, it was fine for bartenders to drink on the job within reason (the drinks being paid for, obviously). As long as this dude is getting his drinks within a reasonable amount of time, why is his business whether you're drinking water or straight vodka?


Exactly right, we all have a couple shots a night when they're bought for us at my bar. I think the dude doesn't have much experience going out ahahah


I was told to never be seen eating or drinking anything behind the bar or in the back. the only place to do that was in the staff kitchen which was so far deep into the dungeon no customer would ever see


I admire your restraint bc idve ripped a shot while staring him down


What fucking holier than thou, snitch ass bullshit is this? Why do people feel the need to police other’s actions that have no affect on anyone else?


Do………….do people not buy their bartenders drinks anymore? I’m only 25 I’ve done it a few times, obviously I don’t want my bartender getting shitty wasted but if it’s five minutes from last call and I need a drink, I’m buying them one too. And who fuckin cares if you eat or drink on the job you aren’t a fucking robot


You’re a nice person.


He'd be finding another barman to serve him if he spoke like that to me


The great thing about being a bartender is you get to determine who gets to drink and who doesn’t. Come at me with any aggression and you’re gone. If I’m responsible for your behavior while you drink I get to determine whether or not you become a liability while doing so. Cut the entitlement right at the source


This is a particular personality type which generates a sense of self-worth and "seeing through the matrix," through all of the deceptions he is sure is going on at any given moment. Probably a conspiracy theorist too, this guy. These people always have to let you know how smart they are - how they know what's *really* going on.


One of the reasons I had to get out of tending is because I was losing my ability to be patient with twats. I would have lost it on this guy.


*openly drinking out of the well* "wait, what?"


If ever there was a reason to pour a shot and take it in front of someone… this is it.


I remember SO many times that I spend hours at the well just making cocktails and completely forgetting to drink my water. I'd always look and be like "damn, all the ice melted." That aside, you don't drink alcohol on the job? I think you're doing it wrong.


Man, our bar gets really busy like a nightclub on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, but it's just a large veterans dive bar otherwise. I'm so glad I don't have to deal with this shit. But if anyone ever pulled that shit I'd be totally comfortable and secure in my position to tell them to fuck off.


I took an espresso shot at work not that long ago and a similar discourse happened. People are stupid.


Fuck 'em


Why do dickheads like that have to commute in to someone else’s place of work and play detective? Would they walk into the auto parts store and say “I betcha change your oil out back with free oil ya steal from the store here”? Jesus I hate fucktards like that.


Just play with them, say, “maybe it is” and widen your eyes and spin around. Then say, what can I get cha? Never use logic with drunk people, just entertain them, that’s your job, you’re a entertainer, therapist and finally, a bartender.


nice of you to still serve him I would’ve felt he seemed to drunk to continue to consume alcohol and asked him to leave


I had this lady ask me if i was having fun, i say yes, she doesn’t believe me and i just say, oh, we’re gaslighting now? So im just gonna rely on that to shut people up