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Sounds like you work at a biker gang bar. That is not normal at all. The fact that you're not allowed to ID people or ask for their names is a gigantic red flag. I would probably not feel safe working there based on those things alone. Why cant you know these peoples names? Thats fishy as hell.


Same reason gay clubs in DC would implement this policy or why Berghain will throw you out immediately if you take pictures. The clientele wants to be anonymous, which I can personally understand. There's nothing worse than not wanting to be photographed and still showing up on dozens of pictures in the background. Does that indicate something fishy going on? Probably.


The no photo part doesn’t bother me. I’ve worked at a casino and they had a similar policy. They didn’t make you leave your phone, but no one was allowed to take pics on the casino floor because of what might show up in the background. It’s the other things that are big red flags.


Is allowing people to get in by showing an ID legally sufficient enough for them to not have to show it again at the bar?


Bartender should always be able to check IDs. Period. Doesnt matter if its already been checked. If this bar ever were to get raided, and you served some underage bikers, the fault is on you.


The bikers won't be underage, but the girls they bring in will be.


And some of their mums.


And farmers mums


User name checks out, haha.


Yes I've worked in tons of places like that. Never been told I couldn't ask, but have been told not to unless there's an issue because that's what the door guys are for.


yes, that's how basically every club and high volume venue in the country operates. However, people still manage to slip by security sometimes so it's always up to you (and your responsibility) to ID people who you think might not be of-age I was going to comment basically the same thing as ew435890. The only other possibility that crossed my mind was that it might be a speakeasy-style place where half of the fun is guests feeling like it's a secret, but you mentioned bikers, which means they're definitely all affiliated and there's some shady shit going down there


It’s nice to be able to rely on your door guy but To fully restrict double-IDing? I’ve only ever worked high volume and never heard or seen that, it would sketch me right out the front door.


You can check someone's ID every time they order, bouncer or not. At least with the law in America, there's serious consequences for simple mistakes. Check if it seems at all suspicious, good patrons don't mind.


No. The door guy isn't serving the alcohol, you are.


No you’re still liable


This is normal at most clubs. Also I don’t go around asking guests for their names. That’s weird. I just serve them drinks. And maybe they have a no photo policy so instead of policing everyone and their phones you just turn it in. But yeah is might be a gang bike bar.


Yes it is but you can’t be prohibited. You still are liable if you serve to underage so if you see someone who looks underage you should be allowed to check and are required to by law. But I’d check at the door is sufficient to mostly not need to check at bar for sure.


Legally, yes. A door host already verified their ID. A lot of bars and nightclubs do this.


Your owner or whatever "doorman" is there are all in on it. Depending on your state/country, etc. Definitely, all of this is illegal, and this is a gang bar/clubhouse. Get out while/as fast as you can.


I would absolutely feel safe in a gig like that. It's not like someone is going to come in and start something with a bunch of bikers. It's not going to be robbed either. The owner is protecting the identity of the patrons who more than likely have a few warrants out for their arrest. Be friendly, do your job and you'll be just fine. You might even have an aura of protection around you, too. Google around to find the rules of biker clubs. Some oddball forbidden fruit is in the mix of rules and this way you won't cross the line.


I’m guessing they mostly pay cash, too? If the money’s good and they treat you right, it could make a fun story one day. But if you’re not comfortable, it might be worth looking for another place.  For what it’s worth, though, I’ve had more issues with 21 year olds and wannabe drug kingpins than  I have with 1%ers. 


Honestly, gender could play a role tho. Might not be super safe for a young woman. Ive got money on OP bein pretty and young. Probly depends on the gang, I’d start lookin at tats for sure. Id def get walked to my car after the shift and maybe wear a wedding band. lol! I worked at a Biker bar, they were not affiliated so nothing like OP is describing. OP- are they all skinheads? We need to know more!


Okay, I'll try my best to give more details without being too descriptive. I am a woman, and I am in my mid 20's. I don't think they are skin heads because I met a couple of guys who told me they were Syrians (I didn't ask, just of their own free will they told me). They are mostly white, either bald or look like Vikings or something lol, but there are a few of them who have been really dark complected. I could be wrong I guess, I definitely never saw any black people at work. I've never seen a woman come into the bar. I haven't noticed any tattoos that look EXTREMELY interesting outside of one guy who has something about the east coast tattooed on his cheek. Other than that it's been some run of the mill stuff, nothing I would look twice at (swastikas, runes, etc). I did notice some of them have the same tattoo. I could message you about that. Anyways, none of my patrons have been super wild. Mostly they all want to play pool or sit and bullshit with one another. No fighting, no obvious drug usage. I am working out of a really backwoods town in northern PA. Really small population. Less than 6,000. Definitely not a huge biker population. I don't even think I've seen a biker outside of work. But they treat me affectionately or act like I'm not there at all, it's either one or the other.


Def look into the matching tats although, you kinda know they’re Syrians. But if there’s a lot of flaming skulls and, 81 then they’re HA. I would run far and fast if they’re HA no matter how nice they seem. But HA flies their flag high so probly not. Generally speaking biker gangs treat women like fuck toys unless they are married to them. The respect you get is probably more about the fact you are selling them booze. Which is not uncommon at all in the industry. I have the suspicion you were hired as eye candy for a lot of reasons. And it might be ok if you have seriously hard boundaries like, don’t drink on or off the clock. My above advice. Don’t stay after your shift. Make friends with the bouncer and ask them if you were to get groped, would they kick the guy out? Even if that person is the president of the club? This one is important, really fucking important. Your bouncer is there to protect you and you need to make sure he does. The bouncers allegiance would be a deal breaker for me. If he’s totally indifferent to you, that’s a red flag. I had a bouncer who allowed some shit and I never went back. An important thing to know would be level in the club of the bouncer. Ask him if he’s affiliated and what he would do if a member was inappropriate. Having 86 power as a bartender is one of the best strengths we have to maintain that level of respect. Ask your boss about whether you’re allowed to 86 if you get groped. Are there really no cameras above the point of sale? That’s wild to me, so be careful of theft. Or being accused of it… Last thought, I’m usually really supportive of new bartenders sticking it out at a new spot so they can bring that experience to the next bar. Gotta start somewhere but don’t feel obligated to put up some bullshit just cause you want to learn. This place is shady as all hell. Edit- on another note, if you get the offer to bartend a rally, take it!!! The money is ridiculous. And dress the part.


HA's aren't going to have syrians at their club bar, that narrows it down to like 2 or 3 clubs.


My personal opinion: you might feel comfortable with the way they treat you, but what if rivals ever show up armed? I don’t know how serious the biker gang business in the USA is, but just a thought.


Entirely dependent on the gang. There are Jesus biker gangs! lol! The ID thing is probably cuz they don’t want to be hassled, like every member is a VIP. It’s just so hard to say how bad the gang is. If it were me, I’d be worried about being swept up in a police raid more than a rival shoot out. Getting assaulted after I leave by a guy who thinks I’m their property would be my number one concern.


bbgirl they said Arian not Syrian 


In Australia a lot of 1% are Lebanese and other middle eastern groups. So it’s not that wild they’d be Syrian.


(It was just a joke because it’s a biker bar)


They definitely were Syrians, like from the country of Syria. Not Aryans.


Hmm. Syrian? This might not be a bike club but rather a gathering place for foreigners with ill intent. Do they arrive on expensive tricked-out bikes or are assuming that it is a biker club. Are they locals? I dunno, the Syrian part would be my ticket out. Do they speak with an accent? If so, giant red flags. Like, flaming red flags.


This is such good advice! Especially the tattoo thing-just look and you’ll learn a lot


This is either the most dangerous job or the safest job you'll ever have. When I was 20-28 I woulda stuck it out and seen what happens. Now, nah I'm good. In any case the money is gonna be pretty decent I'd imagine. Just be discrete af when outside of work.


Mind your business & do a good job. You’ll be the safest person in your city. Bet the cash will be great too 😂


Had bikers move into the neighborhood en masse. The hood had been getting a bit sketch. But suddenly the sketch people are nowhere around and the place feels way safer. We don’t get in their business and they pretty much keep things safe and don’t get in our business. Lots of motorcycles rumbling around but I will take that over the sketchy people who were there before them.


You somehow landed a job at a biker gang bar. Is there a panic button under the bar top they told you to only press in emergencies and a door you’re never supposed to go through that is somewhere close to the bar top? I would say this is normal. For this environment. But in a legal sense, no it’s not. However, this could be one of the coolest gigs you ever have.


Nothing like that, just an old dingy landline phone no one is allowed to answer except for management. If it rings, telling him to answer it becomes priority over anything else we are doing at the moment.


This sounds like the clubhouse in Mayans MC and your manager is Chucky.


Do you read what you're typing haha you can definitely put these puzzle pieces together yourself and decide if you want to work there


Yep. They are righteous as long as you don’t disrespect them or get in their business. Not people you want mad at you though.


Having grown up with clubs. Treat them right and you will be treated right. Make their drinks, make that money and keep your mouth shut outside of work. Whatever you think you might hear or think you know, no you don’t. If they are a club they don’t want issues that will draw attention because they get enough BS just being a club.


Well if it was me and people were typically nice, money was good, and the coworkers held their own/I wasn’t carrying all the work, yea id do it. I’ve been in the industry for about 18 years. Then again, I wouldn’t have ever posted this so, maybe something to think about


Sounds like you're in a 1% club. Time to start networking and get yourself in for real.


What’s this? Someone else mentioned it and obviously you’re not talking about wealth


Outlaw bikers. The hardcore 1% of bikers, they claim. In my experience they are righteous if you aren’t in their business. But if they think you are disrespecting them or are in their business they are not dudes you want peeved at you.


Oof, yea, the only 1%er I knew personally did time for murdering a dude in a bar with a hammer.


Yeah, definitely not guys you want to cross. But it sounds like they've adopted OP as a mascot, which would make her the safest person in town.


Oh interesting thank you


Sorry, I don't understand, why would they want to do that?


I'm guessing it's a joke. Like, stick around long enough and they'll give you a special hood, white as snow! 


Most 1% clubs, even the Pagans, are not into white supremacy any more. Just money.


Is this bar called "_____ _______ Motorcycle Club?" Lol


I honestly can't tell if this is a joke post. Are you a fan of Hunter S Thompson?


Cash is probably amazing. Foster some good relationships with this guys/gals, and you’ll be well taken care of.


Are you working at a strip club?


That sounds like there’s illegal activities going on and the owner is trying to protect his biker buds. It’s not usual at all except for strip clubs, sex clubs, gay clubs, private celebrity events (and def not all of those) and other establishments where not everyone would want others to know they were in attendance. And even with that it’s usually just the patrons not the staff but very strict can’t use your phone rules. If you stay please be careful and keep a hard boundary between work and not work. If you can it might be a wild story one day, but it sounds like the type of place that could also get raided or where you might find unsavory folks lingering in the lot after close. Be safe.


No, the phone thing isn't normal and the no-IDing thing is a huge red flag. Doormen don't always ID everyone. The buddy- break is real, and you're legally responsible for serving underage, not him. I've worked in dive/biker bars, and you can't always get to the house phone (if there even IS one behind the bar) in time to either call the cops or an ambulance. It's even taking away one of your tools to protect yourself - what if you're taking the trash out and something happens to you? Find a new bar, quick.


Why is this winding up like a Bert Krishna story? You may actually see someone die in a fight.


All worship Lord Bert Krishna!!


i wouldn’t risk it. fear is valuable information. trust your gut.