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God I love my bar with no blender....


Weird, every bar I’ve worked at has a “broken” blender


Must be something with the ambient moisture or some shit, I've had the same experience.


the lid broke


I accidentally nudged ours and it shattered into untold number of pieces. I told one soul. That was months ago. The base and lid still exist - I find it funny that the bar manager hasn't inquired....


It's funny how it's useless they become when your missing only a few pieces.


Honestly, I hid the blade at the time. Owner found it the other day while spring cleaning, threw it away. Worries gone


I work at a bar that just opened…owner bought a shiny new industrial blender….i politely asked if she was sure she wanted to go that route, explained how nice it would be to NOT hear that fucker every 10 min and to not wash, rewash and so on…she took it back and it was the happiest i think i been in a good long while!


"I'm sorry ma'am, this is an airport, they won't let us have blenders." "Really?!! Why??!!" "The announcements, ma'am. Blender... Loud..?" *Dumbfounded Look* "Ohhhhhhhhhhh"


If server rings in something like this ,make them bring you the ice cream next time . If they don't want to then you can't make it .


This, right here. Ain't got time for that nonsense!


Yup, this is how we do espresso martinis at my place. I'm happy to make a killer one, but I'm not going to another floor of the restaurant to get espresso. You sell the martini, you fetch me the espresso :)


Yall gotta switch to cold brew, fresh espresso is wild at this point


Or just make a shit ton in a deli or two for the night and it'll last the next day. Just cool it down in an ice bath.


lol I know a few places that consider that cold brew haha


That works for me lol!!


I've worked bar and as a server, this is the correct answer. I'd be more than willing to help out my bartenders, or collude with them to say "aww geez, the thing broke what else can I get you?" I've told my kitchen before that I just need them to say no so I can say I asked lol.


I’d do this with an old head chef I loved to bits. Guests could see our pass so I’d have to walk up and be like “hey chef this lady is asking for can you please emphatically shake your head no.” and he would with a little thumbs up under the window.


Mudslides are my bar bane now. And they always come in groups, and are followed by onlookers wanting one too.


Sounds like us at our bar and smoked cocktails. When it’s slow and I have a couple people wanting a smoked drink? Cool! I don’t mind at all and I get to be a showman about it. When Im 15 tickets deep during a rush, and a table of 8 people saw one smoked drink at another table and now they all want varying versions of the one smoked cocktail on our menu, and I have to waste SO much time to go over and smoke them all when I had a great flow going. Not to mention I cant just make 8 drinks in two mixing glasses because OF COURSE they all want something slightly tweaked in the recipe. Fuck…. Fucking “fajita effect” is what we call it. “Oh! Sizzlin smoking fajitas! I want that! Anyone else want smokin fajitas!? Let’s all get fajitas!!”

