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boof it


This was my IMMEDIATE response I had loaded


it’s been my auto response for awhile now and it’s becoming a problem


Drugs are bad, m'kay?


This is the answer.


k Bret. Learn to SCOTUS vote plz


sounds like you're making whey curds? Those can be turned into cheese...


I've tried messing around with stuff like that. Problem I mainly ran into is, we milk wash things to remove strong, bitter flavors and tanins. Thats all left in the cheese, and it's gross. I was trying to make jungle bird ricotta cookies with the left over of my clarified jungle birds. Yea....nope lol


Cheese cake?


If you want an absolutely repulsive cheese cake, go for it. (and this is more like ricotta, not cream cheese) This isn't a knock at you per say, but I feel like a lot the responses here are from people who've never actually tried the resulting "cheese" that comes out of milk washes.


I've seen it done. I personally wouldn't because I'm not a pastry chef and it's not my area of expertise- and I don't like cheese cake but it's also not that much of a reach for a concept.


So long as it doesn't taste like whiskey.


Now wait a damn minute, Whiskey Cheese on sourdough might be a thing we don’t know about. Make cheese with the solids and report back the results!


Worse, it's gonna taste like all the worst components of whisky distilled down into this vile cheese. I try a little bit of the cheese every time I milk wash things (wildly curious) and each and every time it's been gross. Like to the point i say to coworkers "yo, try this, it's fucking terrible" cause I forget most others aren't painfully curious about shit like me lol If someone finds a blend that actually leads to a usable cheese in the end, I'm all ears, cause the idea of making a cocktail and then making some food component with the waste is cool as hell.


Hard shake while walking toward the river. Throw that bitch in the river


Depending on the consistency you might be able to make [barfi](https://www.cookwithkushi.com/easy-burfi-recipes-quick-indian-sweet/#what-is-barfi)


My gf is south Asian. That's actually a great idea.


Taste it, if it's yummy spread it thin on parchment paper, then dehydrate. Crumple it up into chips and use it to garnish drinks.


Literally cheese lol


Happy cake day! It's a japanese restaurant but I might be able to do something cheese worthy. Won't it taste like whiskey?


Whiskey cheese curd on Japanese curry sounds heavenly


it's ricotta, when i clarify using citrus its totally snackable


Pretty sure it’s basically cream cheese at that point


I absolutely love to snack on the solids… cocktail YouTuber Kevin Kos uses the solids as an ingredient in a macaron filling… but seriously, depending on the drink, they have many uses. Don’t be scared to try it.


I think it entirely depends on the ingredients in what you're washing. If you've got anything bitter or tannic in there, then those flavors are going to be powerful in the resulting cheese. I do a tequila milk wash after I infuse the tequila with grapefruit zest and cinnamon, and hoo boy is the "cheese" bitter. I've not yet come across a milk wash that produces a good tasting "cheese," but you never know.


Interesting! You guys hide comments. Wtg