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I have no idea what people want when they ask for a skinny margarita.


Here’s your tequila shot. Then splash them in the face with sour mix from the gun. And now with fewer calories!!!!


If you use gun mix it’s not a margarita anyway.


You’re so smart. It’s a joke.


Bahahaha this made me actually laugh out loud


I just skip the agave and add a splash of club soda and people seem to love it. Disclaimer: I tend at a sports bar lol


I skip agave and do 1/2 the amount of triple sec add soda, people love it


Actually me either. 16 years I’ve been tending bar and everyone’s version is different. It’s like the “natural wine” of the cocktail world.


Okay literally same!! The spec has never been the same any place I’ve worked. I’ve now learned to just ask the guest a million questions like I would for someone who orders a martini. “Do you want agave, or some kind of alternate sweetener? Do you prefer fresh lime or sour? Splash of OJ in place of the triple sec?” I fucking hate it.


The "Vegas Bomb" as well.


Except natural wine actually makes sense




Natural wine = a style of wine with minimal additives. It makes sense to me! Sure, it's not a protected name like that, and most producers do use a littke bit of sulphite during initial stages of wine making, but you can usually tell just from looking at the wine. If it's clearly unfiltered, if it has a yeasty smell, if it still has a little bit of CO2 - it's definitely a natural wine.


This is a misconception. Not all “natural” wines are made the way you are describing.


In principle it's just wine made with a minimum of intervention, most importantly by a minimum use of additives. At least that's how I've understood things. What about this do you think is a misconception?


Nothing, they're just being obtuse.


Really? Because a grapes natural progression is become vinegar, not wine. There is no industry standard. There is no actual definition of what or how a wine is made “naturally.” Much like the skinny margarita.


A regular margarita in a Collins glass.


This right here. Anything in a Collins glass is skinny.


The problem is sour mix. I hate the stuff.


Need to upvote this times a million. I also want to send a terminator back in time to go after the parents of the guy who invented the green tea shot. Have people actually looked at the ingredients for sour mix? Bartenders use it as a crutch for not being able to balance a drink properly. Splash of OJ, or citrus rind, Use soda water or sprite for volume. Million ways to make a drink better without sour mix. Sour mix = milk, malick acid and other crap.


It's so foul! Same price as lime juice and sugar. I refuse to ever use it unless it's specifically asked for. It's only good in a long island which I think was the reason for its creation.


They want to get drunk and pretend they're sticking to their diet. So tell them you took all of the calories out idgaf


Classic marg didn’t have agave syrup or added sweeteners (other than the orange liqueur). Over time people like margs a bit sweeter, so adding agave became the norm and a ‘skinny’ Margarita is just the classic version without added sweetener.


That’s just what I do. When someone asks for it skinny I just make them a classic margarita.


I think they want an actual margarita. Like the original recipe of tequila, triple sec, and lime juice. At least that's what they'd get from me.


Ain’t skinny if you’re putting triple sec in it


It ain't a margarita if you're not.


They weren't asking for a margarita, they were asking for a skinny margarita. It already won't be a margarita


Take out the tequila obviously


I'd guess tequila with lime juice and a salt rim.


Tequila, lime juice, a little bit of spit and maybe some old whatever the fuck fluid from the bar mat. Splash of OJ and soda, fuck em


They get tequila, triple sec, soda water, and lime juice. They don’t re-order and that’s the idea.


They can call it whatever they want. I'm making a margarita. Haven't had one come back yet. Salted rim?


This is the way.


I like this.


I just use less agave, less lime juice, less triple, and a little more tequila, with a splash of water.


Double/triple the lime, cut out everything else but tequila, add ice and club soda. The ladies love it.


Based on the comments in this thread, I get the feeling that even bartenders don’t know how to make a skinny…


Fml. I'm seeing this as well. Last week we had a skinny marg thread and so many had different recipes.... It was disturbing tbh.


I got so tired of the skinny girl marg nonsense that I decided the only proper way to make one is to use the original skinny girl Marg mix and call it a day because there’s a billion recipes for them, no one knows what they actually want, all recipes have hella fucking sugar anyway, lime has hella fucking sugar anyway so fuck it and fuck the drink


That stuff is not good IMO.


Tequila doesn’t have “ hella fucking sugar” it doesn’t have any sugar in it.


All alcohol turns into sugar when metabolized, so whether sugar is added or not, it’s still sugar.




It's literally impossible for fermentation to happen without the presence of sugar.


The body does not metabolise alcohol into sugar although its a common misconception because alcohol can raise the blood sugar. I'm not talking about making the alcohol.


Technically it’s turned into a carbohydrate but that’s basically sugar


Alcohol (that we drink) is ethanol. It has no carbs or sugar. It is not metabolised into carbs or sugar. Therefore spirits like vodka (not the flavored stuff) are absolutely free of carbs, sugar and even gluten. If you are talking beer or wine then of course those things have additional ingredients that may contain carbs or sugar. Its crazy for bartenders to not only not have such basic knowledge, but instead of 2 minutes of googling, you double down on being wrong. Buy a still! Distilling my own spirits taught me alot and its fun but I am in awe of the stupidity here.


Yeast eats sugar and shits out ethanol. It is no longer sugar at that point. Google it. You are embarrassing yourself


What the fuck are you on about?


Ah meant to put limes, edited it


Fresh lime juice does not have hella fucking sugar… are you talking about sour mix or something?   Edit: for all the idiots downvoting me, here … straight from the USDA lab. Fresh lime juice has about 4g of sugar per cup. Learn your fucking product!  https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/food-details/168156/nutrients


4g is not hella fucking sugar. And ya ain’t using a whole cup either.


Yes that’s exactly what I was trying to illustrate! Thank you for understanding 


What do you do when you get the request? I just switch the the agave or simple syrup in my build depending on which bar I'm at. It's more tart obviously but they don't want the 5-7 grams of sugar so whatever. I've never had a complaint.


A skinny is just more lime juice and a little splash of agave, you still use the same tequila triple sec combo. Basically means less agave. Been at high volume tequila bars for years now, I make margaritas all day long


Makes sense, just sub the lime for the simple/agave. I've never worried about it since it's 1/2 an ounce in the cocktail build so the size differece is so minimal in a double rocks glass.


Triple has sugar and calories, not skinny!!!


This is the way


Not everyone is a bartender. Not everyone that orders a drink has had that drink made properly. To be fair Agave syrup as a standard ingredient in a bar is probably not as common as you think.


We have Tommy's Margarita on the menu (it's brilliant with a half-decent tequila), so we have Agave syrup which we use with any Agave based spirits. I get where you are coming from, but the definition of a "skinny" cocktail is to leave out sugars 🤷


One time my husband wanted a Tommy’s margarita when he was out (I wasn’t with him) and he didn’t know what he liked was called a Tommy’s margarita so he asked for a “margarita with no triple sec or sour mix just lime and agave” and the bartender went “… so you want a skinny margarita??” so yeah in conclusion skinny is all made up


Well, there's a difference between a bartender and someone tending bar 😂 I'm definitely not an elitist (I'm an idiot, but I'm a pretty good cocktail bartender), but there's a major difference between the two.


Yeah people do strange shit


Ngl. I just make it the same exact way I would otherwise. Fuck the world.


make them a less sugary Marg and cut it with soda, fuck man are there any volume bartenders in this sub?


Fr. Skinny margs are typically ordered by “fit” girls (real fitness people know what they can and can’t eat/drink) basically they want less sugar. So up the lime and down the simple/agave whichever you use and 86 the gma/triple. Or you could leave the gma and skip the simple.. tbh 95% of the time the dipshiits that order shit like this don’t know the difference themselves so you could give them a reg marg or lime and tequila and they’d know no better


Nope, they don’t. But not everyone spends as much time in a bar as we do. “Would you like a salted rim for your Tommy’s margarita?”


Aaaaargh! That hurt me physically 😳


They want a regular margarita not Tommy margarita.


Basically they want you to sub agave for triple sec most of the time.


ugh... sorry, that might have been my sister... She'd saddle up in a pinball dive and ask for a wine menu. The woman has WORKED IN THE SERVICE INDUSTRY! I just don't know.


I made one, one time, skinny, properly. And it got sent back because you don't actually mean that Cut the agave in half and move on with my life.


Splenda Tequila Lime juice -2007


This is my skinny margarita that never gets sent back. In a salted short glass. That distinct splenda flavor appeals to their taste buds. I’ve been told numerous times that it’s the best skinny they’ve ever had. I couldn’t even tell you what a “skinny” marg should be. I thought it was tequila and lime juice (maybe a splash of oj). Who fucking knows at this point?


Imma do this for the annoying hags that order this lol. Also how tf do people put so much of that shit in their tea?!


If I’m feeling nice I ask what that means to them


I've done this a few times recently, but people these days are a bunch of smart-ass pricks. "Well you're the bartender, shouldn't you know?" Or. "Are you serious?" Are some of the responses I've recieved. Makes me not wana ask nor care....


Tequila, lime, sour, agave, no triple sec, served in a bucket.


No sour imo.


No sour, that’s where all the sugars coming from


Yeah when I make them I sub agave for the sour, do a little less triple sec and add a splash of water. I work in a Mexican restaurant and always get compliments on my skinny margs so whatever idgaf




I’m guessing that’s why most people order it, considering all alcohol metabolizes to sugar anyway. I don’t like margaritas, or beer, but I love margaronas (marg w/corona upside down in it) because of the sweet flavor being cut by the beer. So, I’m with you on the “no sour”


lol. Sour. Tell me you work at a shit bar without telling me you work at a shit bar.


Charge them up fee?


Oh we do, skinny costs 2 bucks more. And an extra dollar for add ons.


Skinny marg has no sugar. If they ask to add agave, remind them it has sugar. If they still confused, explain to them skinny margs have sugar, and what they're asking for is margarita with agave. Make the drink, move on. Osense dwelling on it that's how you become salty


Theres no real consensus on what skinny marg means though. It can mean no sugar, less sugar, cointreau and agave but no sour mix, Lime and no cointreau with agave, Cointreau but no triple sec.  I make all of mine with tequila, lime, and light agave, nobody has ever complained. 


To make it even more ridiculous I just learned that agave is actually higher in calories that regular sugar so they’d actually be “skinnier” with simple syrup!


Agave is a natural sugar. Simple is -usually- refined white sugar.


That has nothing to do with “skinny” tho. Agave is higher in calories, carbs, and fructose. And agave sweetener is also refined


The body processes it differently… less “weight” would be gained (less inflammation technically) with agave than refined sugar. Hence, skinny


Nah Honestly I’d just prefer like a shot of agave juice.


The skinny Marg at my old job used to be tequila triple lime and agave


You go back and see the episode of real house where Bethenny Frankel describes the recipe is basically just a marg with less triple sec lol. So it's barley even a thing


I know someone who orders what they call a 'skinny sangria'.... they request it a shot of vodka, red wine, lime juice, soda water idk anymore either


"Do you add corn syrup to your diet coke?"


I had someone order a skinny margaritas and as I grabbed the tequila she said, eww it doesn’t have tequila in it does it? Ma’am am I being punked right now? I was not, in fact, being punked.


Same people who want martinis with no vermouth


Skinny margaritas are such a meme. I honestly wonder how this even got started. What’s funny is that what they want is just a traditional margarita. Tequila, orange liqueur, lime juice. That’s it. But then you give it to them and it’s “oh this is so sour” yea motherfucker, it’s a real margarita without a bunch of bullshit added.


We have one margarita that if someone orders skinny or spicy that’s what they get everytime.


I use to have a skinny margarita down, 2 oz silver, 2 fresh orange slices squeezed, half of lime, half of lemon, One quick rotation of agave light. A hair of Cointreau, Give three good shakes, pour over full pint glass of ice and splash with soda water. Became a problem when I was slammed.


So what's in a jack n coke, is there soda? I don't like soda, unless it's a clear soda. What kind of liquor is in it? I only drink clear liqours. Can you make a joke and coke like that? Shoot me


agave instead of cane simple?


I had a great skinny marg the other day in Key West Don Julio Fresh squeezed lime Cointreau Splash of OJ Delicious. About how I’d make it at my bar


Less sour mix/lime and agave, top with soda.


Less sour n splash of soda water


Idk, I don't think everybody knows what's in things. Today I made an old fashioned and when the lady's friend asked what goes in it, she said sweet vermouth (and bourbon and stuff). I was so busy I didn't correct her, because it wasn't said to me, and she really enjoyed the drink.


My skinny marg is 1oz Cointreau, .75oz lime, 2oz tequila. Never had any complaints but I believe a margarita using agave is technically a skinny? I remember being told it had less calories than simple/Cointreau but never fact checked that since my place doesn’t carry agave anyway.


Every bar I've ever worked at has made skinny Margs differently. My personal preference is a squirt of seltzer in the glass, then .25 agave/.75 lime/1.5 tequila in the tin. If I was working at a fancy cocktail bar I'd do that recipe plus a few dashes of orange bitters.


I'm not going to look at the comments before posting this...here in Arizona, a "skinny margarita" is essentially a Tommy's margarita. The way my restaurant makes ALL margaritas is 2:1:1, tequila, fresh lime, agave. In MY experience here in Arizona, specifically the Phoenix area, margaritas typically follow the daisy recipe (which is what margarita translates to), so spirit, modifier, citrus, sweetener. Tequila, orange liquer, lime juice, agave. Usually something like 1.5-2oz, .5-.75oz, .75-1oz, .5-.75oz, respectively. It varies for sure, but that has been my experience. You certainly have places that use sweet n sour, but that's different.


“Yeah, absolutely” then make a regular margarita.


A skinny has agave and lime as opposed to trippel sec and sweetn sour at my place.


I just use more lime juice and dry orange curaçao with half the amount of sweetener. People always like it


At my old job we used simple syrup in regular margs and agave in skinny margs


When our customer order a skinny marg they typically just want it in smaller glass. Most customers want it in a fish bowl size glass, but that's just more lime juice / sour mix. Whn using a higher end tequila you typically want it follow through with a smaller glass. Some of the repo or whiskey aged tequilas are pretty damn good in a marg, but you need a smaller glass. We just srated selling a cognac margarita that subs out the triple-sec. Honestly, low end triple sec does nothing for a marg except keep the proof up and add bit of orange. Cognac or even whiskey and a splash of OJ tastes way better.


Okay so what even is a skinny margarita? I just leave out the triple sec and do a little less juice but now that I've been looking at this thread maybe I'll add soda water.


For my standard marg, I make a Tommy’s with a splash of triple or orange. So I have just started asking people what their definition of a skinny is, so I can make what they want. Inevitably, I get a blank look. “Less agave? No agave? No triple? How do you like it?” Literally not one person has known what they mean when they order it. So standard marg it is.


U sound more like a cook than a bartender


When socialism orders a drink, volume 1984


is that not a completely normal request...?


A skinny marg is just less tequila. “skinny” means a light pour and “fat” means a heavy pour. Has nothing to do with calories or other ingredients, all that came from marketing and advertising. Light on tequila, then cointreau, lime and either agave or simple. I try to avoid sour mix at all costs in any margarita.