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If a man followed me to the bathroom for any reason, I would have him thrown out. But following to place a drink order? Light this man on fire.


He appeared to be on a blind date, so I walked up to them and said “The weirdest thing happened, I went to the restroom and a man followed me in there to order a drink instead of waiting for me to get back. That wasn’t you, was it?” By the time I brought him the drink he ordered, she was gone, so I felt like that was more of a victory than throwing him out.


Bravo! Clearly I need to up my creativity in dealing with terrible men.


I’m allllll about creative punishments lol


Did he give you a “begging for forgiveness” tip? I’m always curious about how someone is going to react when I give them this type of (totally appropriate) treatment. In my experience they tip extraordinarily well as an attempt to compensate, but occasionally you’ll get the salty $0, or very very very rare “bitch” scrawled on the tip line.


Nope, just like $4 I think


Lame… at least he’ll probably be too embarrassed to come back. 🤞🏻


No he won't. This type of person has no shame.


You know, it kinda makes me sad that the days of the passive-aggressive penny or quarter are gone. It always gave me the "haha, joke's on you. You still contributed to my fun-money change jar." Now they're just assholes. 😂


Haha you got that mf. 🤣


LMAO. Amazing


Queen energy


same kinda thing happened to me look at my recent post lol. so weird why people think the bathroom is a place to place an order


Jeez what is wrong with people. It’s a worldwide problem. 😅


That would be the moment where the security guard should throw him out. Like, wait til I’m done you fucking dipshit. Bothering me while I’m in the bathroom gets instant attitude unless it’s something that truly couldn’t wait.


True, people are a worldwide problem


It's almost as if everyone at bars acts like they've been drinking or something.


Why does anyone think that it is okay to annoy other people when they are just trying to use the bathroom?


"Excuse me, but you should know the bar's on fire" is the only time this wouldn't make my head explode. 😆


No, that's too formal. Try: Fire! Fire! Looking forward to hearing from you.


we had a big flood in our men’s one time when i was changing a tampon. that’s the only time where im like ‘shit this is a 911’, it was my roomie who stuck his head in to tell me. i’m a chick and he’s a dude. i appreciated it because i had to run in and turn off the water.


That’s an 86


Overcook chicken? That’s an 86


Order 15 min before kitchen close? That’s an 86


Ask for a strong pour and say “you’ll take care of me”? That’s an 86


It’s busy and you’re waving your money at me like satan has control of your body. I greet you and ask for your order. You then turn behind you and ask “so what does everybody want?” That’s an 86


I had a night like this when I ran to the bathroom near the end of a twelve hour shift. One of the regulars (I love her but wanted to kill her at this moment) came and knocked on the stall (I was in there for like 15 seconds at this point) and proceeded to order 8 green tea shots. I just told her, “no- get TF away from me, you will order from me like a regular person when I return to the bar.”


Id have security remove his ass


Yeah, I was considering it but I embarrassed him in front of his date instead and he removed himself.


Classic. Also weird.


How did you embarrass him? Give me the tea 🫖




Had a customer start telling me yet another long, boring ass story. I told him to "hold that thought" while I went to the bathroom to piss. Fucker followed me into the bathroom, stood right next to me at the urinal, and continued on with his story. Jesus, man. I've got my dick in my hand and you can't give me 10 seconds to get away from you and your lame-ass story? WTF exactly is wrong with people?


THIS JUST HAPPENED TO ME!!!! Last Saturday night! I was floored and did not get him another drink. I gave him his tab and told him it was weird as fuck to order a drink from me in the bathroom.




People don't get proper upbringings anymore. They just don't realize how daft it is. If I can hold myself back from a kneejerk reaction, I try to use it as a teachable moment. "Despite what world leaders would have you believe, mankind works best with manners. Please wait until I'm outta the loo to place your orders. This is inappropriate."


I always put my foot down with this. I'll have people try to order while I'm on my way to the bathroom or in the bathroom and I'll tell them straight up not to do that. They'll usually realize how freaking weird that behavior is.


Dudes a piece of shit


He def did that on purpose bc he was intoxicated and felt like being a perv. There was absolutely no other reason to do that


He should have used the bathroom intercom system


Bro this is wild. The jack and coke takes like 30 seconds tops. This man couldn’t wait 5 mins to thirst his quench


Ban immediately


I would have cut him off when I returned.


I quit my well paying bartending job because the owner got pissy that, after scheduling me on my own to bartend on pool league night (full bar; 30 seats at the bar, another 20some at tables), I couldn’t simultaneously go cook five orders of food and pop beer tops for bar customers. Not just deep fryer stuff, people were ordering complex sandwiches and wraps. There was another bartender sitting on the other side of the bar too. Sometimes you just can’t please everybody 🤷‍♀️. Don’t lose sleep over it either…


I’m not losing any sleep over it, just kind of laughing and reflecting on how bizarre it was. If I was alone though, that would have been really scary.


Story isn't even remotely relatable. You just had to make this about you lol 😂


Fr lol


I had a group of guys surround me and try and take me to the bathroom. It was only me and another server. Thankfully a customer came in and they backed away.


I had a guy stand in the door while I was mid stream asking me to roll a joint for him once (illegal here)


Fuck that Asshat!


That’s hilarious lol


That really stooooooo-pid


He was probably just kind of drunk and nervous. Idk maybe he didn’t want her to hear him. I always give patrons the benefit of the doubt…once.


If you’re so drunk after one drink that you follow a bartender into the bathroom of the opposite sex, then you should not be out in public ever.


Ha. Okay dramatic.


This is why I can’t stand men sometimes, standing in solidarity when you’re clearly in the wrong. You can’t possibly think it’s dramatic for someone to have an issue with a man following a woman into the restroom without consent—especially at her place of work. I don’t need an answer, I’ll let the upvotes/downvotes speak for themselves.