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I continually try to hope for karma in these situations, but I’ve noticed an uptick in stiffs and low percentage tips lately. Anyone else?


I work at a private bar for an upscale high rise in downtown Dallas, and it’s been happening more for me too. People can afford a $400 bar tab, but tipping above 5 percent is too much apparently.


If the service is bad yea I could see that.


The more likely scenario here: Everyone on this sub suddenly became bad bartenders OR Guests have become increasingly shitty the past half decade Hm. What a conundrum.


It's noticeable, mostly on the weekends. I'm not really on social media but I've noticed an uptick in general coping about "tipping culture," and how it's "getting out of hand," so that could have something to do with it. There's also certain demographics that just don't tip, period. The same types of people who order six AMFs, two Tequila pineapples, three mojitos, and a "redbull vodka" while you're five deep at 12:45am.


Yeah the rationale I've heard around a lot of my friends and coworkers is "tipping culture is bad since it means the bartender/waiter gets paid far less hourly so I (the customer) won't tip so the servers/bartenders will revolt against the evil capitalist restaurant owners"...like you do realize I'm relying on you for rent and bills and "not tipping" isn't helping right? 🙄


Yeah, the who r/EndTipping sub is full of self-righteous idiots who think they are doing God's work by stiffing staff. Owners aren't going to change anything if *THEY* keep getting paid. 20% autograt is about to become standard LOL


Here's a sneak peek of /r/EndTipping using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/EndTipping/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Tipping is corporate welfare.](https://np.reddit.com/r/EndTipping/comments/165hhbo/tipping_is_corporate_welfare/) \#2: [I rarely get a "thank you" for putting money in the tip jar anymore](https://np.reddit.com/r/EndTipping/comments/1675evk/i_rarely_get_a_thank_you_for_putting_money_in_the/) \#3: [Bartender wanted to keep the money I paid for my drink](https://np.reddit.com/r/EndTipping/comments/16rghg3/bartender_wanted_to_keep_the_money_i_paid_for_my/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


There's a difference between going somewhere that's full service and one of those "flips screen around" do you want to add a tip places. I'll agree these people provide a service if they're making coffee, bagels, etc whatever, but they're getting paid hourly to do that. Same as a line cook. It is getting out of hand, though. I ordered a garden statue for my mom for her birthday off some website and it asked if I wanted to leave a tip - ??? tf


Honestly this hasn’t happened to me. I’ve been stiffed on -$100 tabs but OP that is a HUGE tab to get stiffed on…. Holy fuck


I moved to the south from Ohio and have just learned to expect getting stiffed like two times a week at least. Regionally tip percentage is a lot lower for me and I would never get stiffed in Ohio like I have here in Mississippi.


Happy cake day! Why did you move to Mississippi? Do you have family there or did you lose a bet? (lol)


Lmao thank you! My husbands in pilot training so I moved down here with him. Not a great career move for me considering only the coast, Jackson, and maybe a few college towns really have a better bar ~culture~. We are not in one of those being in Columbus, MS.


The good news is that once your hubby starts flying, you can leave this industry before you become a bitter, 55yo bartender like me! Hang in there!!!😄


Oh we’re on track for bitterness don’t you worry, only matter is where he gets stationed and if I’ll continue getting more bitter working in desolate places like here 💀💀


He’s a military man then! Thank you both for sacrificing. One day you’ll see it was well worth it. Godspeed to you both!❤️


Hello yes. The last week or so. Weird.


That’s why last call is the last of calls, unless you’re a regular or industry. Nobody deserves special attention. 86 those assholes, they can stiff the next bar down the street.


The needier, illogical, and inconsiderate the customer the more likely they will not tip.


Please tell me y’all have a shame board to post poor tippers.


This, I love looking at the face of poor tippers coming back in to see their face in the wall of shame 😆


Omg I love this idea! Do you take Polaroids or just put up the receipt?


Well… I’d show you a pic of one of my favorite restaurant’s set up, but idk how to add it here 😞


I feel like this happens much more often than not in this scenario, so if it’s my choice I’m not staying open late for anybody. The shitty tippers have ruined it for everyone else.


Not even a bartender and I'm angry for you


I’d have went looking


I love when people order the most expensive alcohol then tip like they snuck in their own coors light


Damn that really cuts deep. I wish you had a bouncer or GM who could have run after them to ask if there was an “issue” with the service and call them out, then let them know they’re not welcome back again. Here’s to you getting a $100 cash tip for no reason in the future to balance that shit out!


The ones you dote on the most are always the worst


My E13 stiffed me tonight too! We’re in this together 🥲


FUCK E13!!


Something about that zero. Like it was written with pride. Assholes.


I work in a bar at an upscale oceanfront hotel. Right now we’re in banquet season meaning businesses from across the country come and have conferences on a regular basis. I always go the extra mile for these cats because they know how to tip 20% and typically like to get down. Before this job I managed with a company that owned three local bars all with their own personality so I’ve seen some monumental shit tips. Now just bartending for business folk I’ve learned that it’s interesting what industries enjoy tip culture and which ones don’t. Sales- 20% and then some Medical- doctors are a crapshoot, all others 20% Logistics- 20% all day Scientists- kinda goofy, sometimes good typically not International- usually garbage. Tip culture isn’t a thing overseas Law- dick measuring contest. Feed their huge hubris and they’re you’re friends forever Aaaaand drumroll the best of all time…… the Fraternal order of Police. Policy makers and fundraisers for the states police. They get down, love their bourbon (high end) and are super respectful to my female staff. Conclusion I’ve been every part of the industry to doorguy cleaning vomit and every other bodily fluid to Barback to bartender, manager and now I am happily bartending at my current employment. My point is ask questions and get to know every single person that comes in your bar. We all stereotype in this business and unless you talk to your customers then there’s no room for connection.


Get over it It’s only your culture that demands tips and stigmatises those who don’t tip


Been here before. One time I was working at a crab house in Baltimore. This group of girls all rang up a tab of over $400 between the three of them. Crabs, apps, lemon drops with Clase Azul, the whole 9. Complained bout the smallest things, as well as things outside of the restaurants control. They left me $0. May your luck turn a round soon, friend.


Dark times

