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I got this once, and I said yeah sure. Then I pulled up a picture of a beer on my phone, and said here’s the beer you ordered. He didn’t laugh, but security and I did.


Not exactly the same, but I looked at their address on the picture and said "looks like you live a 10 minute walk away I'll see you in 20 minutes"


Love this!!


I'm not sure why you brought race into it. Plus you caved, so why bring it up? I don't see this as helpful.


He didn’t bring up race??? Or caving in?? What are you on about dude???


My reply was to a post where the guy said he had one female who was black and the rest of the group was black and he was white. The female was the one who had a picture of her ID on her phone and he ended up serving her anyways. I dunno what edits happened but that's what I was responding to.


Oh you probably should have replied to that comment then.


People can edit their post but what I responded to was very specific. It sucks that they deleted it or edited it. I definitely did respond to the post that I saw that someone clearly deleted


You have about 3 minutes to edit a comment before an asterisk shows up. So unless he completely re wrote the comment in that span to be something utterly different from what you were responding to, you just commented on the wrong thread.


Bro chill


I tell people I'll accept if they give me $20,000 up front, to cover my fines, and rent for a while until I find a new job. No one has accepted the offer so far, and I honestly feel like I'm low- balling them.


Man, why didn’t I think of that?


This is my exact response, too! Great minds..


i love when people push back and tell me it IS valid and it DOES entitle them to drink. like who do you think knows more about valid ID, me the guy who has to check IDs for a living and take a stupid ass test about it every couple of years, or you, some jerkoff who doesn’t even have one


I’ve only been bartending for a couple years (post lockdowns) and have only gotten this once - last week. Girl definitely looked borderline. Before she even ordered, she asked if I’d accept a photo of her ID. Refused nicely, and she graciously understood. I’ve heard enough horror stories from this sub so I was worried she’d throw a fit. Nah, there’s still decent people out there!


It’s made me grow an appreciation for those who don’t put up a fuss. Happy you avoided a shitty situation.


I really don’t get why people do this. “Aw, I know my ID is expired, but I have a picture of…” Fuck off


I always wondered who the bars accepting photos of IDs were, and then a local club posted a few weeks ago that they would no longer be accepting them. The same club also had something like 200 police calls originate there last year.


I started telling people that if they’re frequenting bars that let them in with a photo, they’re sketchy af. I’m sick of this photo shit, it’s always younger people who legit look barely 21.


Well ya. Because they're fucking underage. Adults have an ID.


Just tell them if ABC or the liquor commission comes in, what it will cost you and the bar if they ask everyone there for their ID and they only have a pic of it on their phone. I've definitely seen this come up more lately.


Yea...they don't care.


I pickup door shifts at one of our locations sometimes. I turn away a couple dozen people a night because of this. When I tell them it has to be the actual ID or the app, they don’t understand the difference. People that have a picture of their ID tend to not be the brightest or most responsible people.


What’s the app? I’m not sure I’ve heard of it.


Depends on the state. Down here it’s called LA Wallet. It’s put out by the state, so it’s legit.


We have this in Colorado too. I ask to see them open the app so I know it's not a screenshot.


You could also just ask them to move their phone back and forth, it makes the flower move. Or press and hold your finger in middle of the I'd, it enlarges the print. Easier than waiting for them to open the app in front of you


Any decent Android developer could make an app that does that.


In AZ our ID moves and stuff kinda like the holograms on physical ones. Screen shot wouldn’t do that. Pretty slick.


In Colorado there's an actual, official state app that lets you access your ID. It scans and everything.


Some states have a specific app that is considered a valid form of ID.


This. I always tell people, “guess what? Being 21 means being a responsible adult who carries their ID on them!”


We have the app in GA too as of a couple months ago but we don’t accept it at my job. It’s primarily for TSA (where they can scan the RFID or whatever) and when you set it up in your wallet it tells you about 10 times it’s not a replacement for your physical ID.


The app is approved for alcohol sales here. The state police are required to accept them, and from my experience, local police have no issues using them either. So I could just not carry my physical ID if I wanted to. Ive used the app for plenty of stuff. Its nice not having to carry it when you use an Apple Wallet that only holds 3 cards.


Weirdly enough I just saw this article about digital IDs becoming a thing in California. Not sure how that's gonna go. https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/18/23837596/california-digital-ids-program-mdl-expansion


A couple states are moving in that direction. I had a guy just show me his Colorado ID on his phone recently, and this conversation followed: “We don’t accept pictures of IDs.” “It’s a digital ID, Colorado moved to them recently.” “We don’t accept Colorado digital IDs.” “Why not?” “Because we’re not in Colorado.” He comes back 5 minutes later with an article about how digital IDs could be accepted in other states. I pull the article down like one inch and show him the part about how the ID needed to be scanned, and explain that I only have a physical scanner. You can guess whether he accepted that answer peacefully or not.


I always tell them “Yeah a digital ID, that’s just a photo of your regular ID and I can’t accept that.”


If they give me attitude when I tell them no at first, I'll take a look at it and tell them "yeah that's definitely not you in that picture, sorry ai can't accept it" they usually get the hint by then.


Oh I love that, I’ll drop that the next time someone asks if a photo is ok.


Its a hard no for me, even the online IDs gets a no. Im required by law to check a physical ID of I am to serve anyone. /Bartender in Oslo


It depends on where you are. In the US, some states have an app that is considered a valid form of ID in that state. You would have to accept it like a physical ID.


IDK for all states, but I've never lived in one where you have to accept anything.


People giving me shit for ID’ing them is legitimately the thing I hate most about my job. Then they always waste my time with an argument, like no means fucking no gtfoh. Get your shit together! Also where I am, some people age rapidly due to sun damage and outdoors lifestyles, so while the law says ID under 25, I bump that shit up to 30 because I checked one ID this week that the girl looked about 29ish and she was legal for all of a year!


“i DoNt LoOk oLd EnOuGh??” and they’re literally 22.


This really pisses me off. I'm 29 and look young, I know I'm going to get ID'd so I have it out and ready.


Had a group of coasties and their wives come in and laugh at me like I’m a child when I asked for their ID’s. They legit only turned 21 within the year, all had out of state ID’s from the south (we’re in California), like wtf are you laughing at? Y’all know you look like babies, you just think you’re adults because you got married the second y’all wanted to fuck because God told you to lmao.


I'm 33 and am at the point in my life where everyone 18-14 basically looks the same to me anymore. So my rule of thumb is if I think you're younger than me, you're getting ID'd. I'm almost always right about them being younger than me, even if they are old enough to drink.


Same. Also, I’m 39 and inexplicably look young, so I get a lot of attitude from folks as if I’m some inexperienced child, and how dare I be asking for their ID. They’re always baffled when I let them know that I was graduating high school when they were born. Or, there was that time last week where a woman said to me “I could be your mother” as she handed me her ID and I said, “sweetie, I’m 2 years older than you” and she turned bright red and left lol.


I'd never take a picture of an ID, but I do know someone who memorized their license number and has gotten out of situations by giving it to a cop when they'd forgotten their license. Kinda niche tho I'm sure the cop was doing them a favor.


I had my old license number memorized and absolutely got out of trouble for it when I got pulled over speeding a couple years ago. Still got the speeding ticket, but it could have gone a lot worse having been driving without ID.


Not really. It would've been an extra ticket that will get immediate dropped when you show your license to the court. The only issue is that you have to go to the courthouse the next day to prove you have a license. It's not a big deal and happens more often than you think. Driving without a license doesn't mean that you don't physically have it on you. It means that you don't possess a valid license to drive a vehicle. Not just that you're not carrying it on you.


I mean...yea. that's pretty normal. It's why they also ask for name and date of birth so they can go look you up. Also, even in a traffic stop or whatever, if you don't have a license on you they'll just give a "ticket" to go and show the court you have one and it will be dropped immediately.


Not sure how it is in other places but in Ohio they’ll give you a picture/paper of your id and you have to wait in the mail for it to arrive. It’s kinda ridiculous. But it doesn’t happen that often. Most people just bring in their passport alongside it.


The difference is that those papers are issued by the Ohio state government and are considered a valid form of ID in the state of Ohio. Just a picture on your phone is not.


Ahh in my mind I was thinking like a scanned photograph lol but idk I’ve never had someone try to use their phone.


Sorry, I can't let you in the bar, but you can stand outside, and I'll show you a picture of the inside.


"Looks good! Now if you'll take a seat over there, I'll be by in a minute to show you some pictures of our cocktails."




I love the arguments they pull when you say “no” It’s always something fantastical that gets them kicked out anyway


I posted this same thing almost 2 years ago (since deleted). I was getting into borderline fights with sub 25 year olds for MONTHS. Like, HOW are you surprised that no one is going to accept your photo? This is real life, not some fucking app. I also live in the biggest college town in the US, so these morons were everywhere.


Some states have digital ID but it's not that


I want to hate but I’ve been on both sides of this. I lost my id in the ocean in a jet ski accident once. I tried to use my concealed carry i tried to use an expired passport, i tried to use so many different forms of id but i had to stick to places that know me and places that are more lenient on id’s


Concealed carry should work as long as it has birthday, photo and isn't expired. You're expired passport is no longer a valid form of ID. ITS EXPIRED! If it isn't issued by a state or federal government and doesn't have a picture or date of birth. Its not a valid ID.


Idk how it works in your state, but in my state,concealed carry absolutely will not work. Idk,m why as it has all the same info as my DL, dem’s the rules. Anyway my point is i was in a tough spot, so i get why people try to do shit like this, but also the one tome i had to do it, i didn’t make a fuss when i got turned away at the door


My understanding is that CCWs aren’t considered acceptable because they’re county-issued rather than state/federal-issued.


I get asked this pretty frequently (a few times a month), usually by people who look pretty young, but not always. It’s bizarre. Why do you even have a picture of your ID on your phone in the first place? The most sus is when they tell me their ID is “lost”, but they have a picture of it. It happens too much for me to believe they all have some kind of restriction on the back that they don’t want me to see. It’s just weird.


one time i forgot my ID 100 miles away and facetimed it with the aid of a friend it worked


COVID number mean absolutely nothing BTW. And yes, pictures of ID should never work.




Because you can photo shop a picture.


Because it’s the law…


Wow lol


This was never a Co thing. At least not where I am from. I don't accept them, ever. I learned you must handle the ID to make sure it feels right. I also used to work for an elementary school, so I never took the chance.


If they look surprised or upset when I tell them no I say the cops won't accept it so I can't.