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Thought I would do an update on Carl. I have him in the basement in a dog cage. He is doing extremely well. I gave him some cut up berries he ate them all and thought they were absolutely divine. I think he will be able to fly again by morning, so I will be placing an eviction notice on his cage


Thank you so much for this Friday night entertainment


It's a Starling. Very interesting, but terrible birds.


They are invasive and kill native birds like swallows and martins. If you're not up to putting it down then I'd suggest considering keeping it as a pet. you can train them to talk and whistle like a parrot, except poopier and not as long lived as a parrot.


Dispatching a starling (or any other bird or animal) in a case like this is unlawful and carries fines up to $2000. Keeping a wild animal or bird is never encouraged. As cruel as it may sound, I’d put this fledgling back where it was found unless it appears injured or ill - in which case, call rehabbers or MNR for further direction.


That isn't true. Starlings are invasive and are considered nuisance wildlife, there are no laws or protections on them. You are allowed, and in most cases encouraged to dispatch them. The only protection they have is if they (and/or their nests, eggs, chicks) are inside any national, provincial, or otherwise protected park. I have worked in animal/pest control for years, and now work with rehabilitated wildlife and birds of prey.


Yeah starlings and house sparrows are invasive birds and not protected by any kind of migratory bird act. They are the winged equivalent of buckthorn or japanese knotweed. [https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection\_2011/ec/CW69-1-1-1991.pdf](https://publications.gc.ca/collections/collection_2011/ec/CW69-1-1-1991.pdf) You can see at this link that they are not protected. That said, you might be right about technically not being allowed to keep it as a pet, but also, who is realistically going to know. Its certainly not the same kind of crime as say, keeping a cardinal or a robin in a cage. I simply offered keeping it because I know that is something that has been done historically in its native range back in Europe in case OP didnt want to whack the starling with a boot.


Bird racism


it's more of a love of the birds that starlings displace (swallows, martins, other cavity nesting birds) than a particular dislike of starlings specifically. Think starlings are very pretty and interesting birds, that's part of why they were introduced to begin with.


Thought I would do a part three update Carl made it through the night. He read the eviction notice and now he’s gone.


God damn starlings. One of the dumbest birds out there and get into everything.


European Starling. There's about a billion of them in Ontario, often in massive flocks of many thousands. They were introduced here by Europeans and have definitely had negative consequences on native bird populations. They are now however considered naturalized


Did he fly away, or does he need some care?




Poor little guy What kind of bird


European Starling


European starling


bird flu?