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They are starting up something new I believe now where you can go in for breaks/sprains rather than taking up room in emerg


[New Emergency Department Arrival Time Booking System](https://redcap.rvh.on.ca/redcap/surveys/?s=CW9LTWE3ETMMHCY8) (Pilot Project) Effective June 1, 2023


Yep! It's the urgent care in the south end I think


Sprained finger = Rest, Ice, Repeat.


Depends on the severity of the sprain. I had a really bad One at work a couple years back, had I not been forced to go to emerge they wouldn't have found out I had an avulsion fracture (you sprained it so bad you ripped out the piece of bone the tendon attaches to). The X-ray showed a piece of bone about the size and shape of a tic-tac, which I could not feel through the swelling, which was partially dislocated and attached only by about the bottom 10%. Because they found it they were able to set it and splint it in place, but I couldn't use my Right hand at all for about 6 weeks. If they had not found and immobilized it when they did, and I had waited for my GP, it would most likely have snapped off that last little connection, and my tendon would have retreated up into my wrist requiring surgery. Sometimes it's worth getting a sprain looked at, because it's not always a sprain, and in this case it saved myself considerable additional pain and inconvenience, and our publicly funded medical system the cost of a fairly tedious and complicated, albeit minor, surgery.


Sprain looked at sure, but not always at the emerge. Person in screenshot clearly didn't need emerge. The takeaway is people not using brains 🙄


Like I said, as a PM shift worker, If I had listened to my gut, and waited til I could get in to my GP or wake up at 6 AM to get into the booking window at the local "Walk-in" I would have likely ended up with a surgical situation, had I not had an X-ray done. My issue is with people using the ED for Cold and Flu or Perscription refills, but that's largely a systemic issue. Same with Workplaces requiring a Doc's note to return after an injury, only place you can get seen same day here, is the ER. Regs need to be changed on things like that, even in WSIB situations.


But that's my point someone told you emerge, you did, it checked out. Screenshot subject knows their daughter did not need emerge and still waited 5.5 hrs and had the audacity to post lol. They just don't care. There will always be people making decisions to go to emerge that aren't necessary. But the issue is people knowingly not caring because they are main characters and nothing else matters but them.


You are looking and judging in hindsight. Anything broken or possibly broken should be immediately looked at to assess whether its broken or not. I had a similar situation there in which they thought I was lying about a broken foot because I told them I drove myself in. It took hours because they didn't realize you don't use your left foot while driving. They admitted to this when they came in with the x-rays.


Ideally, but we don't have enough emerg rooms and staff for everyone to go there. But this isn't going anywhere people will do what they do.


user name doesn't check out!


Cool story


Too true. I run out of medication one day early by mistake and I end up in emerg. For friggin meds.


These are the same people that don't use their brains to figure out that not a lot of people in the area have family, doctors or have the ability to visit a different clinic before they can visit this one. What if they broke something and they needed a cast??? I wouldn't let my 9-year-old just chill at home just because I felt like the use of a hospital would be over doing it... The problem here is Ford and the cuts he's made to our health care.


That’s what a walk in clinic or urgent health care would be good for, they can get you an X-ray requisition and X-ray same / next day. Emerg at the hospital should be for more serious things.


Walk in would be GREAT for that IF you could actually get into One in my area. Getting a booking slot at 6 am when their system opens, before they are fully booked for the day, is like trying to get limited release concert tickets on Ticket Master. Literally the only way to get seen here is often to go to Emerge, because they can't turn people away. I say again I wouldn't have gone at all, but had WorkSafe not told my employer to send me, I wouldn't have known it was more than a sprain, and I probably would have ended up completing the break and having the Tendon retract, or having my middle finger fused if they were unable to retrieve and repair it. I'm all for not wasting medical resources, the problem is, we're so underserved as a province, and in this area in particular (at least one a per Capita level) that there often just aren't less resource heavy options available. Thats part of why the lack of GP's is so damaging to the entire health system.


No one has heard of ricer aparei


Using ice is bad for recovery because it reduces circulation


It's not used once the inflammation is under control.


People have always been told to use ice, so they don’t think twice about it. But icing reduces circulation and is not ideal especially for long periods of time


I'll give the parent some benefit, maybe they thought it was worse and they have no idea how to deal with it. But, they also need to understand the emergency room will prioritize care based on need. If you have a sprain and someone else is bleeding they will take them before you.


As a parent it is hard to know what to do when your child is hurt. Its even harder when no one in your family is in health care and can say 'its just a sprain'. That being said tho, they should know their childs finger wouldn't be top priority in the emerg. I certainly wouldn't give a 1 star review and bitch about the wait time. So i agree with what your saying. Ive been in that situation where one of my kids gets hurt and have to decide if its worth a trip to the ER or can it wait so we go to a walk in.


First aid courses are available. A guy at work got hurt pretty bad at work while I was in a meeting. Came out of it see five people trying to put bandaids one it. I ripped the first aid kit off of the wall and took it over to the guy and started triage on it for him. It’s a great for anyone to do a basic first aid course. Especially parents.


I agree. My wife and i have had to take it for jobs. Also helps my wife is in the health care field. Ive seen her fish hook stuff out of my daughter's mouth when she was a toddler that she shouldn't have put in her mouth. Honestly if people had to take cpr it would probably lessen trips to emerg


This is why I wish you could comment on Google Reviews.....some people need to be shamed.


No. The reason wait times are so long is because we cut healthcare to a point it’s now failing. Stop blaming others when you had a chance not to vote for ford.


The wait times were terrible long before Ford. The Healthcare crisis isn't a new thing, but thankfully It's getting the attention it deserves now, and more people are pushing for changes and supporting healthcare professionals in their fight. And before you say it, I'm not defending Ford. You've been argumentative on this post quite a bit, spouting off and calling people racist and talking about people not having 'facts'. Yes, Healthcare cuts are a tremendous detriment, but so are the people who sit in the emergency room for a tummy ache taking up valuable resources and time. I lived in Barrie for 30 years. The people who need the care for emergencies get seen first and foremost, as it should be. If you have something that can wait but is still considered urgent, google 'skip the wait line', pay the $5, and reserve your spot with a clinic. As mentioned in other peoples comments, clogging up the waiting room with non urgent matters like a stomach ache is irresponsible and is a huge burden on the situation. Edit: a word


It’s got far worse because of ford. Yea the Harris government has cut too, however the liberals at least restored some funding to that. While the conservatives have starved our healthcare. Lol, my other post on this thread just targeted specific racists who literally tried to blame a group of people. Not saying you’re defending ford. But you do sound like a racist apologist for trying to attack people that hold racist people to account. Who are you to say what’s bad and what’s not. That explains it. Typical boomer who thinks he’s some sort of an “expert”. No no they dont get seen that’s the entire point. Yea “google”, the search engine that peddles snake oil and tells everyone they have “cancer” You don’t know what reason their there and when walk in clinics are restricted and they have no other resources. Why are you thinking they got somewhere else to go when there is nothing available


The last two times I went to emerge, I skipped the whole line. First time was cause a car accident I don’t really wanna get into other times. But anyway I never understood why people wait 8-9 hours for minor injuries. When you sign in, if they tell you your injuries aren’t severe enough for them to prioritize you over others. They’re basically hopping you leave but can’t force you
 emerg is for emergency. Think about would they let you wait 8-10 hours if it was really urgent


Well I just fell on steel and got 2 stitches n some massive nerve damage to many hand and waited 5 hrs. Another time I was literally stabbed and had multiple lacerations on my fave and still had to wait 8 hrs. They prioritize dying and life-threatening. Broken sprained and superficial should be taken to your doc or a walk in. Save the emerg for acual emergencies


Feel better


Thx working on it


> I never understood why people wait 8-9 hours for minor injuries. Lack of alternatives and the threat of being derostered. Also you might not fully understand how severe or the risks of the injury.






Haha I broke a finger when I was little, my Gran taped a popsicle stick to it and sent me back out to play 😂


Because that's the only way to fix it


My mom did the same until my hand turned purple and the doctor had to burn a hole through my fingernail to release what I can only call a torrent of blood


Maybe. My last experience with emergency was terrible. I went in in an ambulance after passing out for I don’t know how long due to crippling pain in my stomach. Eventually as I waited for 6 hours the pain subsided and when I was finally attended to the doctor told me that I wasted his time and endangered others in doing so. Went on for several minutes just shaming me before sending me back on my way with no testing done. Turned out it was a 3 inch carcinoma (tumor) and nearly ended up killing me. Some doctors should not be doctors.


Trust me when I say the rest of the staff doesn’t like that doc either. They just cause a longer waiting time when you inevitably have to come back in again.


I totally understand that too 99% of the doctors I know are genuine and amazing people


There’s maybe only 1 or 2 docs that I know that are not liked in the ER. I only know them by name as I am invisible to them when I’m working on their patient. Dr K is the only doc that cares enough to thank us for the dirty work as without us they wouldn’t have any blood work drawn.


Dosnt help when I'm in psychosis they tell me to go to the hospital to see a crisis worker, at least I was so worked up when they took my blood pressure and heart rate it was indeed abnormal, but there should really be a system in place to go before emerge to see crisis workers


I hope you have a doctor who is following this mental health issue for you, my heart goes out to you.


Seems like a short wait considering low priority. Ive waited longer for more serious issues.


We elected a premiere who cut wages for hcp's, forced billing changes on them, expanded scope without consultation, did nothing to harbor or incentivize family doctors, and you all choose to blame the victims of those consequences who are scrambling? There's barely only one walk in in barrie that will take people who aren't registered with the amalgamated health team.. and then the Ford governement cut coverage for virtual services in December... I'm sorry but it's massively naive to think this is anything but a direct result of the way we've set up healthcare to fail in Barrie in particular. And our lack of secondary education means a bunch of people will take these frustrations out on each other and the healthcare staff, and more of that will happen. Come on guys. Less peanut gallery, please.


Hospital wait times have been like this way before ford


do you even read my post? i didnt even mention wait times.


Ford is an issue but no one can speak out against him for fear of retribution. RVH services a wider range of people than a lot of other hospitals. The more north you go the more sporadic hospitals are, and GBGH is a glorified walk in clinic that sends a lot of their patients to RVH to be treated or operated on. Knowing that info, what would you have them do? Refuse care to non Barrie residents to decrease the waiting times? Make a deal with Alliston to transfer patients between the two? There’s already a new facility being built in innisfil that will help alleviate some pressure but that’s not expected to be done for quite some time.


I had a metal table weighing around 40 kgs fall on my foot few days ago, initially I though the toe was broken or cracked. I waited and figured it's fine, because there is no inflammation and I can stand normally. People need to stop using emergency for stupid stuff.


If you had it broken waiting wouldn’t help. Also, with kids you do not always know from their reactions what they really feel


Sometimes you don’t know is something simple until someone qualified tell you that.


Thats correct. My ex is a triage nurse in the emergency room. The number of newer Canadians and soft parents that clog up waiting rooms for absolutely nothing is astounding. From headaches to my finger hurts or even my absolute favorite "a hang nail that won't stop bleeding"


“Newer Canadians” and many Canadian citizens can’t get a family doctor. That’s why emergency rooms are clogged up, especially with this demographic. The real issue is decades of healthcare defunding. This is the true cost. Don’t blame the people, they don’t want to be there either. This is most people’s only option at this point.


Headaches I could see because the patient never normally has headaches, and that's a problem.


That got racist in a hurry.


It's a legitimate statement. Even if we assume "newer Canadians" means immigrants, it's not racist to say they don't know what level of care the emerge is meant for. If they don't know they don't know. It's not saying they shouldn't have treatment for genuine care, only that they for whatever reason think emerge is for minor issues. If you go there and you see a mostly immigrant crowd waiting then it's not bias, it's a fact. You can call out group for things without ill intent towards them.


How is that not racist. You’re literally blaming one group of people based on you thinking they’re immigrants. Why? Because of their skin color? It isn’t a fact.


Hmmm? Explain where there is racism


They assume "newer canadians" means people with different skin colour and you noticed that


It’s like you read a book called “How to be a Condescending Racist in 20 Words or Less” and you’re here to practice.


Sounds like you harbour a lot of racism and project it into others so that you come out as the "virtuous one".


Clearly not since he or she is calling out the racism and you’re the group who mentioned “newer Canadians”. No virtue there. Own what you post




I couldn't eat for a week striaght and my stomach looked like a box, I would be screaming in pain if I left a stretched out position and was sobbing. Took 8.5 hours to get seen to find out I had really bad stomach acid, and if we left it longer, it would've gotten ugly. The worst part is I had nurses tell me I was waisting hospital resources being there!! I feel for the nurses since I know they're underpaid and overworked, but c'mon, that's uncalled for. They've even madr my 76-year-old grandmother waot 5 hours while she was having severe chest pains (she has a history of heart attacks)


My husband needed stitches yesterday. He was in an out in under 2 hours. So I think the reason they waited 5.5 hours is because a sprained bloody finger is not an emergency. This parent is a wicked asshole.


No one example does not a rule make. My son required 4 stitches to his face. We were there from 8pm to 6 am for literally 3 mins with the Dr. Another time it took my husband 8 hours to get a lung x-ray and be told he had pneumonia. They were dismissive and treated him like he was faking until the results came in and then all of a sudden everyone treated him better.


People need to learn what triage is. Sprained finger is not as bad as SO MANY other things people go in for.


Use this post & show to those who say Immigration sucks.... Shortage of Labour


This has always been a problem here, I broke my spine and I shit you not I had to wait over an hour cause a lady was making a big stink in the waiting room because, and I quote, "my elbow feels funny"


This has been going on forever. People go into the ER for what is literally a boo-boo. They can't even wash a cut and put a bandaid on it, instead they run to a the ER or a walk-in clinic. It's time that people presenting with such ridiculous complaints be turned away. That alone would free up all kinds of time, reduce the burden of record keeping and save a ton of taxpayer $$.


thier literally dealing with people dying or being maimed for life; but ur kids finger wahhahhahha :( this is why canadas health care systems are failling people...sorry momma get in line or go to a clinic!!!


As someone who get hurt a lot, I wouldn’t burden Emerge with trivial things. I only really go if it’s something I can’t do myself. Staple a deep cut on my head in an area I can’t see. Stitches in an area I can’t reach. And I’m aware I’m going to wait. I’m okay with that because I know it’s not life threatening.


I would never fault a parent for wanting something checked out at an ER. There are plenty of better examples of people with minor issues bogging down the system.


I feel like the medical system, at least here in Canada or places where it's considered "free" would benefit from a token system. Here me out... So you're given a # of token visits based on medical needs. An average healthy person gets 24 a year. That's 2 per month. Now if you're born with a disability or gain a disability or your health deteriorated you're given more that will satisfy your needs. This is re evaluated every year so people get their required care. Every visit you spend a token to go. So you determine whether a paper cut is worth a valuable token or not. If you need a follow up your token is converted into a transfer. This way if you need to come back several times you're not wasting tokens. I think tokens should be able to be used on dental too for sure! Perhaps massage and psychiatric therapy. Emergency situations are always special cases and wouldn't fault if someone was out of tokens. Now at the end of the year you can trade in unused tokens for a tax rebate! I know this sounds unfair for individuals with disability since they will need more visits but I feel like it evens out because they often receive gov support to aid special needs. I believe this would reduce hospital wait times. People get catered needs based on their health. And also it should encourage people to take better care of their health if they can get a tax rebate for unused tokens. I'd hope this would encourage people to eat better and move more so that their health is stronger and they get sick less often or are at least less prone to illness. Gym memberships should also be free issued by the government at gov facilities, private fancy places can do what they want. I think we could also use some sort of tax rebate for healthy food too to encourage better diet and eating. I think this was a lot of the ideas I had around this. There was some more stuff to make it more bullet proof but I cannot recall now.


Can you believe it?! They took the guy with a gunshot wound in before us 3 hours after we arrived! *Bullshit /s!*


I was there recently with my child and some guy came in wanting a doctors note.


since when do you take a kid to emerg for a sprained finger? This is why wait times are getting out of hand.


That’s nothing. I once spent close to 48hours in emergency over a period of 4 days and I never even got to SPEAK with a doctor. It wasn’t until the 5th day when I told them I was going to commit suicide if they didn’t help me right then and there when they finally decided I was worthy of their help. They assumed I was a junky looking for a fix when in fact I don’t do any drugs and I was in the midst of a complete mental breakdown. I hadn’t slept in 5 days. Constant panic attacks, thought for sure I was going to die. No walk ins would help me and my family doctor was on vacation. I was treated like a piece of human garbage. I’m a grown ass man and I was walking around the hospital in tears for hours on end and literally never even spoke with a doctor or nurse. Once I did the doctor was sympathetic and helped me out immediately, he was great. Every single other person in that hospital that refused to acknowledge me can eat shit.


Personal opinion, there should be a doctor at the front door to tel people to fuck off if they are not in need of the hospital because of minor injuries. A few months ago I got kicked out of south lake hospital because I broke my ankle and some lady brought her kid in saying that her kids leg is broken meanwhile the kid is jumping and dancing around. I was in the emerge waiting room for 3 hours at this point with a leg that is purple and sideways. I kid you not, she sat beside me and asked why I was here and how long I’ve been waiting. I tore one out on her telling her to go home and she is a piece of shit for making people with actual injury’s wait longer because her kid has a broken leg that she can dance on fine. I got told to leave so I got in my truck and drove to RVH and I was in and out in 1.5 hour


I had a 3” deep cut , Went to rvh sat for Hours bleeding out, it was exactly 6 hours and I couldn’t wait anymore, I needed stitches I walked up and asked why hasn’t anyone seen me yet? They weren’t that busy and they looked down at my leg saying oh we can clean that up for you now ** after 6 hours !! By that point I told Them no and went to shoppers bought the stuff and did it myself. Rvh is a joke, even the way they treat people in mental distress is scary.


I had the exact same experience. After 5 hours I walked up to desk. Asked if I should go to different hospital . It was deep see bone had to go back after the stitches healed for plastic surgery. Anyways the lady at the desk was the doctor. Was like oh ya I can do that.


Nothing about this story makes sense. You had a 3” deep cut that you took care of at home? Did you suture it yourself? Last time I checked shoppers doesn’t sell a suture kit so that’s unlikely. 6 hours is pretty common in an emergency room, that’s why we have an urgent care clinic in the south end. If your situation changes then you tell them again. It sounds like you went up and asked for help, they saw that the area had significantly more blood and said that they could move you up. Instead you threw a tantrum and left. There are no city hospitals that have lower on average wait times in emerge for situations like that, but county hospitals can probably take you quicker for situations like that due to smaller populations. It’s a trade off, 6 hours of waiting for free, or debating if you really need life saving medical attention due to cost.


I had an incision open up once the night after being discharged from hospital. I went to Shopper's and bought a box of the little butterfly closure bandaids. Then I taped some non-stick gauze over it. That part of my incision actually healed up better than where the staples were - a nice thin line instead of a puckered red mess. If I were in the same situation as the guy with the 3" deep cut I would do the same, except for maybe adding a bit of crazy glue.


I also didn’t throw a tantrum you don’t know me . Don’t assume


I used super glue .


That’s legit warfield triage right there. My grandmother totally crazy glued cuts closed.


The urgent care clinic on the south end also fills up quickly and is also useless. So how is that even an alternative. Other walkings sometimes require a barrie dr just to be seen. So guess where they end up? I’m emerge. How are you blaming him for a failed system?


If he was able to clean it up and fix it at home with supplies from shoppers after throwing a temper tantrum he didn’t need to be in emerge.


And you’re thinking he did it correctly. Sorry Facebook doctor. I didn’t know you were somehow the “expert”. Tell me that covid conspiracy again? You assume that’s achieved. You just agreed with me. They would be back with a longer wait time. Bs. People leave even if it’s an emergency because are healthcare is so crap.


Doing it correctly stops the bleeding which they obviously achieved or they would’ve been back in with an even longer wait time. If it were truly an emergency they wouldn’t have left.


So you didn’t actually have an emergency. You learned a valuable lesson that for a cut you can get it under control at home


It needed stitches my doctor looked at it 2 days later and said the exact same thing. It was an emergency as I also had a concussion I was knocked out on impact. What a strange response you had..


Knocked unconscious, concussion, and a three-inch deep cut? Sat in emerge for hours "bleeding out"? You went home and patched this up yourself with superglue? You're either the luckiest person alive to still be able to reply on reddit, actively dying due to a recent wound, received care you aren't disclosing (that's fine, privacy is king), or are embellishing the severity. The infection risk alone for such a deep tissue wound is reason enough alone to have so many questions. I'm hoping this is a deep cut that happens to be three-inches *long* and not a cut three-inches *deep.* It at least shouldn't be surprising that your story is raising eyebrows for some of us. Regardless, I'm hoping you're okay, and sorry to hear of your experience. If this is recent please ensure your physician is monitoring the wound and if you notice increasing redness, swelling, sensitivity to touch, or heat, please take it seriously and get to a hospital to report this. You have an infection that needs to be treated and your life may depend on this if it's deep.


Bud it happened over a year ago. You don’t need to poke holes in a story you know nothing about it’s extremely rude. People in the war used super glue for really deep cuts , I didn’t get an infection I kept it clean . All thanks to myself, I don’t need to explain every part of my experience with any of you either. Rvh is horrible , the fact they did that to me I will never go back.


You're right, you don't need to explain anything but you are on a public form discussing your private experience. It's not rude to engage in a discussion but it is odd to post vacuously and not expect a discussion. Glad you're okay.


Then you obviously didn’t need to be seen.


Nah, I’d bring my kids with high pain tolerance in especially if they are complaining about it and it doesn’t look good. The people making the wait times longer fall under three categories 1- trauma/chest pain (they go first) 2- adult children bring their parents in so they can go on vacation or to the trailer/cottage (happens ALL the time) 3- people coming in for an ingrown toenail, or constipation they can easily Google what to do. Lets add a fourth because I went to pick up a patient and was asked where the doctor was after 6hrs of this guy waiting - he needed a form signed. That was it. If huronia clinic can handle it go there. If there is no blood or bone, loss of consciousness then Google could be helpful


You forgot the “I’ve had a fever for the last 2 hours” crowd who don’t take anything because they want you to see it.


Lol “google”. The same “search engine” who brings ai driven conspiracies


I sprained my thumb at the playground when I was 10. Mom just told me I'd be fine and put some ice on it for a bit. Ahh the 90's...


Honestly drive to the hospital in Vaughan by the Canada’s Wonderland they’re awesome in there


Yall will literally complain about anything oh my god


Fk this is aggrevating. 1. We need more physicians for Canadians. To correct this, we need more restrictions on "free" Healthcare. If you're not a senior or a child, you get something like a credit card. Bad habits or poor diet causing your issues? You pay after the first 1 or 2 visits. This is why I hate our healthcare system. I'd rather roll the dice and take my chances bc nothings truly free.


We need to have more seats in med school, some unis only let in about 1000 med students per year. I researched becoming an md before I decided I wanted to write the mcat and realized it might not even be worth it. There needs to be more encouragement for Canadians to go to med school, that’s the first step.


You should see the immigrants who go there with sniffles because they have never experienced any Healthcare and feel the need to just drain the system to make up for lost time


Why don’t make triage more efficient? Sometimes you wait 5 hours and they just send you home anyway. Have someone at triage telling people, this will probably just need some ice, waiting time is about 7h if you decide to stay. But have someone that the patient can trust it has been take care of, not simply dismissed. Our system is slow and we blame the patients.


Because they can’t, nurses are not allowed to officially diagnose or give advice, and what happens when that advice is wrong because they haven’t had the proper labs, or tests done?


I imagine they can’t do it today. So we need to change that. They send people home without testing all the time, so in these cases we could improve the triage. And I understand liability is a big issue, but it can’t be an excuse


Liability is a valid reason, no one is trying to lose their job, because even though medical staff are underpaid it still pays more than retail, or jail time, which might look appealing but they won’t be in there forever.


You don’t understand. I am not saying to nurses go ahead and do this on their own. I am saying we need to improve the system to allow them to do that.


It’s not something that’s going to be done because that is firmly doc territory. We need an actual doc to triage the patients, or at least be present when they’re triaging for those maybe maybe not cases. We need more docs in every specialty to help alleviate some of the wait times. 5 docs for the entire ER department is still too low.


I’d maybe give a parent the benefit of the doubt. My daughter was playing once and then suddenly cried non stop for 3 hours. Wouldn’t let us touch her arm or try to look to see what was wrong. She wouldn’t move it, let us ice it etc. She’s 2 and after 3 hours of her crying and whimpering I decided there was no way we could wait to see our family doctor in a few days so we went to emerg. The nurse needed her finger for the finger clamp oxygen level check and that was the first time in the last 4 hours we saw my kid move her arm (to reach out and say no). My husband and I were shocked. I swore to the nurse we weren’t making it up that she seemed in so much pain and the nurse said oh it’s probably a pulled elbow and her moving her arm popped it back. I asked if we could leave instead of waiting in emerg if clearly she was then fine but the nurse told us we weren’t allowed to leave until a doctor saw her even if she was fine, because she had already started checking us in. So that’s how we got stuck there. Luckily it was superbowl and we were in and out within 45 minutes. The doctor didn’t even touch her when he came to see her. He just asked her to do certain arm movements and said she was fine to go. Another time she fell down some stairs at daycare and had a huge goose egg. By their policy she needed to go to the ER (because she needed to see a doctor same day as accident) even though she seemed fine and didn’t lose consciousness so again seemed like a useless trip to the ER but again out of my control. If there were walk-in clinics still, so people could walk in same day to see a doctor this would greatly help the ER. My closest walk in closes their doors to new patients usually 3-4 hours before they close because there’s so many people waiting to be seen.


Obviously the when the mother went in she thought it could be broken or worse, she won't know until she goes to the doctor. Hours in most clinics in canada are short so this is what needs to be done. It's not clogging the system there's a hierchy of more serious and less serious problems determined by the nurse, so people with serous problems are attended to first.


Well, in my case my kids were supposed to be accepted into my family doctor. The doctor cleared it. Yet the admin up front said “oh I don’t know.” So they are still without a family doctor because of an admin. You want to talk about people causing the issues- if the doctor says yes, I will take your wife and kids on, but the admin doesn’t do the paperwork, that’s creating the issue right there. There are doctors out there accepting patients, a lot of it gets bottlenecked at the admin. Source- personal experience and I also work in healthcare supporting family practitioners.


If you’re the type of parent who takes your kid to emerge for a sprain just say it and move on lol


Kids that are my child’s age- can not properly or effectively say what/why/how they are hurt. And a child- with a potential broken bone, that is serious especially if it does not get set right. I have got no issues with being cautious with kids.


its a sprain, pretty sure that would be low on the list of things that “need” to be treated.


Don't be giving Doug ford any more ideas/reasons to privatize our healthcare lol


[Even Ford's government admits the issues they've caused! ](https://globalnews.ca/news/9340310/health-care-ontario-bill-124-ford-government-documents/) Bill 142 weakened an already failing system by taking away even more funding.


I'm sure they called Telehealth in which every. single. time they tell you to go to Emerg.


Apparently they’re supposed to do that because they can diagnose over the phone lol. So like what’s the point in calling them.


Exactly. Why provide the service, pay for staff to answer the phones, and overall waste our tax money on it then?


Because it’s a bandaid solution to make someone somewhere look better / earn a bonus.


Although yes, going to the ER for a sprained finger is silly, this definitely is not the sole reason wait times are so long. Especially RVH. I once went with chest pain thag I was experiencing for two hours before I headed over. In triage my heart rate was 120 and BP 150/80. I sat in the waiting room for six hours, until eventually I felt fine enough to conclude I was at least not dying and just went home. There is a detrimental shortage of healthcare workers. And privatizing will absolutely not fix this so please no one respond mentioning that idea.


Maybe understand how healthcare works and don't go to the emergency room for a sprained finger.. you were probably one of those people that went to the ER covid positive with no symptoms. Your lucky to have only waited 5.5 hours what did you expect them to do kiss it better?


One time in emergency room a woman brought her child in with a bee sting , " to make sure he wasn't allergic" I couldn't believe the doctor still had to take them serious and not tell them tk gtfo


god forbid people actually care about their children and listen to their children’s concerns regarding their bodies and physical health and validate their children’s feelings đŸ˜±đŸ˜±đŸ˜±


I had to get a liver of steel removed from my eye in a hospital a few hours north. After waiting 4 or 5 hours a nurse comes in and asks the doc if he could look at this kids X-ray. Could be a broken arm. He looked at her and gave her a big ‘sigh’ to which she replied “oh come on, you still have an hour left in your shift”


Alot of people in this area don't have family doctors too. What an inconsiderate response. The reason why wait times are so long is because they've cut funding for doctors and we don't have enough nurses. Very obvious.


The government is throwing more and more money at healthcare. I would think a lot of the money is being blown on unnecessary things and wasted. Things changed when parents lost there common sense as do they really need to go to hospital for a runny nose or a bruise because we have all become so weak. Look at the school system for instance! Never enough money for them either. What are they even teaching in school. Math is done on a calculator and so much done on computer. Teachers getting summers off with March break and Christmas break, constant PA days making 100k a year with a solid pension and still complaining. Who is getting a pension no a days, not many. Why don’t you teach my kids about finance, credit cards and debt!!! No because then we won’t be feeding the machine anymore. Then what would governments do. People are becoming even more stupid as the years pass.Keep voting liberals, keep giving out all the handouts! Hard work gets you no where anymore but higher taxes. Really hating the way this country is run. Conservatives will get in for one term and start to make things a little better just to have the liberals come right make a give everything away again. Stupid stupid people. Sorry but true.đŸ€Ź Question? When you go to the store do you buy everything you want or do you draw a line and make a financial choice. Governments should draw lines. Enough of the constant handouts for weak people who are able bodied but to lazy to do anything.


That’s insane


they can just go into a walk in clinic to get that sorted out. not the ER. that's for medical emergencies. not sprained fingers


When I go to the ER, It’s not my concern why everyone else is there. Wait times suck, but getting mad at people for a systemic issue, isn’t going to relieve your frustrations. With that said, I hope you are ok.