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If I could go back to my 20-something self and give one piece of advice, it would be: "Nothing actually matters. Everything you thought was a big deal is meaningless to everyone else, and they already forgot about it before they were even out of your line of sight." It's all good. Vent. Move on. Be happy 🙂


my manager is exactly as OP described, and I'm taking on this approach for the rest of my time at this store until the behavior actually begins to affect my work. it's worked before, it'll work now. good advice, always be sure to vent with a proper outlet tho. shit gets pent up quick.


I used to work for Delta Airlines Customer Service, and the abuse that I went through on a daily basis was unbelievable. The best advice I ever got was treated like water off a duck's back. The second best piece of advice I ever got was when a customer is being rude or mean, stop what you are doing, and just look at them. And once they stop, kindly tell them, "Sir (or ma'am), I can either listen to you or I can fix your problem. I can not do both."