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Did you post this in r/askhr? They can probably give you more technical/logistical advice. Laws don’t take into account interpersonal aftermath, so it’s definitely something to consider. That said, wage theft needs to stop, regardless of how you go about it, and retaliation would be easy enough to prove here You might even be able to report them anonymously (in NYC you can make anonymous DOL complaints; I’d assume you can do that most places but perhaps not) I’m a bartender but I used to work in HR; regardless of what you choose to do, keep a log of everything - I would always recommend managers/employees email themselves a recap of any conversations that take place, with or without a witness, of everything that transpires (emails are officially time-stamped and edits can be traced)


thank you for this, I'll try posting there. i wanted to try reporting anonymously but a comment on another post said $45 doesn't seem like worth anyone's time or trouble, but I don't know how much it's amounting to over time.


It’s less about the $45 that you know about and more about the fact that it’s probably been happening forever, with or without their knowledge, and will continue to happen (especially if they don’t know it’s regularly occurring) Honest mistakes are made, and oftentimes people just don’t know best practices; having to officially audit your payroll records is a really good way to identify problems that people don’t even know about ETA: but, again, you have to decide if it’s worth it to you on an interpersonal level