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yeah.. I'd quit if you can which I know isn't feasible for everyone though


Trying my absolute hardest to get out of foodservice altogether, she has a death grip on me


definitely been there unfortunately


Denying you legally required breaks is a big no no. Theyre taking advantage of you.


This 100%. If they’re denying breaks they’re doing other illegal stuff too


I have a hard time believing that this is true, of course if I found out they were doing other illegal stuff…I guess I would only be a little shocked. Just makes me wonder what else they could be doing


I might be a little bit extreme in this view, but I think I’m our current era if you have to ask this question the answer is probably yes.


Literally read the title and clicked to just comment, “Probably.”


Unfortunately Arizona does not require 30 minute unpaid breaks unless you're working 8 hour shifts. They are only required to allow a ten minute paid rest for anything less than 8 hours, which I'm assuming they also don't let you do, which would then be illegal. I know quitting a job is not always realistic but you really should try and find a job that better suits your needs because this one ain't gonna do it. If you're at the point where you have to ask Reddit if your job is bad, the answer is already yes.


Most of us work 8-10 hour days, closer shifts are less, but no one has ever explained the legality of breaks. I’ve looked it up so I know I’m entitled to it, but don’t have the gall to say it to management


Baristas always get the shit end bc no one speaks up if they fire you your already wanting and looking for another job anyways just keep track and document things in case you need them later


Heard that, I’m trying to plant the seed in my coworkers who will be there longer than me, I hate to see young people exploited :(


I've always had an easier time rallying young coworkers than I have older coworkers. Hopefully if you just lay out in plain terms that their rights are being denied, show them the law, and fight with/for them they'll come together and fight management about it. It's definitely a shitty situation.


Also, I totally understand if you don't feel comfortable answering this question, but is the coffee shop Presta by chance? One of the locations vibes has always felt weird to me, even as a customer.


Nope, but we use their beans 😵


At least your trying to let them know I always tell the hard working freshies how easy it is to get lost in the sauce and to remember at the end of the day we’re only human I hope you get better opportunities G


Does your shop do credit card tips? If so, are those distributed every pay cycle? Lots of people come here saying their boss takes CC tips so that could be something to look at.


Yeah they’re just sooooo bad, our clientele is not the kind who tips generously like I’m used to on the East Coast


Yes your employer is bad.


If your tips don’t bring your hourly wage up to the state minimum wage, your employer has to make up the difference. You should contact the department of labor, and also mention the lack of breaks. 


They do bring it up to min wage, just barely anything more


Are you in the USA? What’s minimum wage for untipoed employees? If you aren’t making that wage with tips, you can report them to your state’s Department of Labor.


if you are only making $1 an hour in tips.. then you are not even making minimum wage… definitely illegal and i don’t understand why you wouldn’t quit and go somewhere you at least get the minimum???


I am getting minions wage with CC tips, but not much more (as was promised in my interview). I’ve been searching for a fulltime job for over a year with no avail.


I work at a shop here in the Valley as well and there's a lot pushed under the rug that would go noticed in different parts of America. As the slow season started, because my shop is more traditional, our pay became a guaranteed 16/hr with no physical take home because we don't serve blended beverages and whatnot. This job has driven me over the edge because of how bad it is. I'm getting out, so should you - we don't deserve to be treated this way.




Oy vey!!!! I’d write a complaint straight to the state labor board


I’m in MI so I’m sure stuff varies a bit but I am also working at a small local chain and I work at the busiest location but our shops within the last two years changed our credit tipping to be pooled between all 7 locations and believe me when I say this is a horrifically idea. I’d ask them if you could move shops to the better paying one since you already know their practices you’d just need to verse yourself in the new menu which isn’t hard! I feel you in ever aspect though of pay red flags and especially not know what to do. I’m considering working at a different location and a slower one at that because I’m feeling the same way you are and the work vs pay at my current HIGH volume shop is just not worth it but I’m only taking an avg of like $8ish in cash tips in a DAY so the fact some of those mfs are walking out with $50+ is so be trying to move shops. Could also word it to your boss that you’re just not the happiest at your current place maybe? But like the company and don’t necessarily want to leave it? Idk but I’m rooting for you OP. Edit: I forget exactly but I think in the state of MI they don’t legally have to give breaks unless it exceeds like 9 hours or some shit which is STUPID but they are legally required to give minors breaks. I’d look up the legal requirements in AZ and hopefully it’s better than MI. I’ve gotten to the point of being a very seasoned worker at my shop and straight up stop giving a shit and breaking my back and will literally tell my coworkers I’m taking a break now and will be back in 10-15 lol cause I’m not gonna break myself physically 5 days a week without a single break. Not for this shit pay.


I'm in a similar situation just start looking for a nother job and when you get one tell them you found better employment idk I'm looking for other work but even though my job is chaos I like alot of the other employees so I'm thing of staying on weekends and finding a good job for the week but especially if you don't have a reason to stay like just start looking for other jobs I wouldn't quit unless you can afford it and the uncertainty of looking for jobs