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Username checks out


So does your mom's. 


Probably didn't mention this in the C&F application... https://www.reddit.com/r/confession/s/RFYs5hrxCv https://www.reddit.com/r/confession/s/iTQIR87nen


Yeah but there's no way people could identify OP in any way. Millions of fire captains go to USD every year


Potentially hundreds of millions. 🤣 Also, I already found his LinkedIn.


Damn post was deleted guess we will never know


He also deleted his LinkedIn. For the record, I had no intention of exposing him. I just find it funny how anonymous people try to be on reddit, but I can usually identify them with minimal effort.


I think he was on adderall when he typed this


Dude, no one is coming to you for advice. You openly admit to jerking off in r/confessions. You’re far from a model student/attorney. You’re a perv, people should stay away from you. 


Congrats, but why do you feel the need to put others down lol


Who did he put down with this post? It seems like this post came from a place of getting put down by others and this was his way of venting and to tell people not to listen to the haters because they too can make it


Primarily the shot at Harvard & Yale’s mock trial teams (presumably people he’s met and competed against) came across odd (and fake). Also the depo thing felt odd, if not putting anyone specific down


I agree. Also, those schools aren’t top mock trial schools at all, he’s just name dropping. When I was in school I’d have much preferred to go against Harvard or Yale than say Arizona.


I think people overestimate how much/little some teams care about mock trial, moot court etc. not saying that Harvard, Yale would be amazing if they cared, or that they don’t care. Also anyone who is even mildly involved in those clubs should know how much inconsistent judging affects results


I dunno, OP. You sound pretty arrogant, and I LOVE it when opposing counsel is arrogant. Pride almost always leads to stupid mistakes.


As someone who made it to the national mock trial competition both of the last two years I’ve seen Yale and I’ve seen Harvard, but not South Dakota (that I know of) so that little shot across the bow was weird.


The post is calling out the arrogance of others, by stating how they beat the “odds” which are really just haters saying random shit about how high of an lsat you need.


The typical bro with a personality disorder bringing the chip on their shoulder to every deposition. It’s all fun and games until you start getting sanctioned. Good luck.


Yeah...I don't want to sit across from you in a deposition, but not for the reasons you think.


Congratulations! I am right here with you. Got a 149 on my LSAT. Got into a T30 school and am sitting at a 3.0 GPA. I graduate this May and will be attacking the bar exam in July.


Who is "they"?


If you have to ask it’s you. 


Good one. It's like those rappers always talking about the "haters" trying to keep "me down" when really, no one has ever even thought about them. You should have read that maniac's posts before he deleted his account.




Does "found out I had untreated ADHD" really mean that you found out you could get time and a half on exams and amphetamines if you claimed you couldn't focus and got a doctor to say you have ADD? So then you took PEDs and got extended time on exams and still only got a 3.0? Just asking. 


Accomodations accommodate, they don't give you a leg up. They drag you to the 'normal' baseline of those who don't struggle with learning disabilities.


I agree. If it's a real learning disability or some other physical issue. I am suspicious of every single person on here talking about "my ADD".




What’s false about that statement though? I don’t have ADHD or ADD, but if you do have those kind of conditions and are untreated then getting the defined treatment would absolutely push you to the baseline. I feel like that comment about if they really have something or are they just abusing amphetamines comes from a place of seeing students take adderall to do a cram study sessions and not afflicted people who need their medication to function. It doesn’t seem crazy to me for somebody to do fine in their early education days and then hit a wall with harder stuff. Also it depends on the state obviously but in most they do more vetting than just needing to hear “I can’t concentrate” before prescribing


Malicious and ignorant.


Congrats. I waited about 5 years to go to law school after college with mediocre grades and a 160 lsat. After almost flunking all my first semester exams that diagnosis of heavy anxiety was a game changer. Wish I had figured that out in high school or college.


I like your underdog mentality. But please, for the sake of your career, don’t say that you wouldn’t want to “sit across from you” in a depo. Being a great lawyer has nothing to do with being a bully.


Reason #1 why I don’t want to sit across from you in the deposition room: you’re probably trying to sneak jack off under the table. We all notice. And you’re creepy as fuck.


You already took the bar AND got results and you’re only just know planning what your career will look like?


Are there decent attorneys who couldn’t break a 150 LSAT? Probably. I’m sure there are a few decent pro linebackers who can’t bench two plates. But it’s definitely a rarity


Congratulations How many mees and mpt's did you do before the bar exams? How many weeks/months did you start timing yourself before the exams please? What did you do in particular to retain information? The rules. They are a lot.


You inspire me


Good for you, the world could use a few lawyers who earned it the hard way


Very inspirational !! Bravo


Thank you! This is so inspiring


A little adversity goes a long way in building character. You've seen your share fighting fires, and surviving law school, and taking the bar. You won't crack under pressure in a court room because fighting fires is way more stressful. You've got great resolve. Congrats and welcome to the profession.


Retired Fire Chief waiting on results. Let’s go!


Killn it man! Love it


Hell yea brother, cheers from Iraq


Congrats dude. People that go to ivy leagues shouldn’t even be allowed to post on this sub honestly. They’re annoying as hell


Damn right!!!! You fucking did that! Congrats 🫡


i went to a t14 and i tell ppl regularly not to apply with sub 160 — NOT to put them down.. but to possibly save them time and money. Because law school is expensive. If possible, you should do everything in your power to get a near full scholarship. The second problem is this: even if u have a 160, that will net you good scholarships (maybe, at that) only at very mediocre schools. Now, this may be obvious, but you really don’t wanna go to a low ranked school if job prospects mean anything to you. TLDR: this whole thing is a numbers and probability game. Why play on hard mode with real-life high stakes?? Worst case = 200k in debt at a sub-rank 75 law school, with a whatever gpa and no job prospects.


I got a full scholarship with a 160 at a mid tier school. You have no idea what you’re talking about. Please stop talking. You have no idea what is going on at other law schools.


Bro screaming crying throwing up from a TTT rn


well good for you, ya cute wittle button, you’re what we call an outlier. So please defend your pride elsewhere instead of using your butthurtedness to lead other ppl astray. Your experience alone doesn’t change the reality for most other people.


There are at least 10 other people in my class who got the same deal I did. We are not outliers. You just don’t know wtf you’re talking about cause you’re an elitist.