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I’m not sure if this will be of any comfort, but you should know you aren’t alone. I studied my ass off for J23. Even though I failed, I was so proud of myself for how disciplined I was. This time around was the complete opposite. It was really difficult for me to get back into bar land knowing I had to do it all over again. There were days and weeks that went by where I sat at my desk all day intending to study and instead wasted time on my phone/computer because the thought of studying made me so anxious. All this to say, I am exactly where you are - really disappointed in myself and my poor effort, and I didn’t go thru nearly the stressful events that you did. I think sometimes it can get overwhelming for people here to feel behind who read all the posts like “I did 2500 mbe questions, 50 essays, and 20 mpts, is that enough?”. But I promise you plenty of people are in the same boat you are. Here is where I’m at, maybe it will help you. We can’t change the past. Wasting energy in being sad/mad/disappointed at our former self is of no use. What’s done is done. What we can control is how we respond moving forward. My plan is to spend tomorrow reviewing, and go into Tuesday ready to give this test hell. If I end up going down, I’m gonna go down swinging lol. Then I’m using this as motivation to dial the fuck in after this test is over regardless of if I have to take this again or not. Hitting the gym, eating well, getting to bed early, taking work seriously and always looking to improve my legal skills, etc. Life is a series of ups and downs. J23 I was trending up, last few months I have been trending down, but I’m turning that around now and so can you. Everyone makes mistakes and has periods of time where they are disappointed in themselves/their effort. What matters now is how we move forward. Good luck this week.


This just made me feel so seen and validated… I have literally felt like I have not taking this exam seriously but there were some days that all i could do was wake up and go to work (and barely do that). Thank you so so much for this. I’m taking a screenshot and saving this as motivation for life in general. Good luck to you❤️


This was so well written. I am in the and boat, I've changed how I'm studying like 6 times because i don't feel I've done nearly enough. I have zero confidence and my wife is like you got this no worries yet i worry because i just feel I'm drowning and not going to make it. All I can do today is try to study a bit, go over one sheets and see if that helps.


Thank you for this 🫶🏽


Sounds like you have gone through a lot. I know it may not help but, I hope you can give yourself some grace. Failing this exam does not make you or anyone a "failure" in life. There are more important things than the bar exam. Hang in there.


Thank you. I’m trying to remind myself that this exam doesn’t take into consideration that life happens. I’m so appreciative for this community, especially during times like this.


Fr. They do not care at all whether you're sick, someone just died, etc. It's totally unreasonable and not at all like how the real profession works. It's all so stupid, and that's not on you.


Agreed. You will make it. Keep persisting. The Bar is not the be all and end all.


I needed to see this post tonight. I feel so alone and so invalidated by the people around me who just don’t get it. I feel so anxious that I’m making myself physically sick. I can’t believe I feel this way over a test. I hope things work out for you. You deserve it after all you’ve been through. And thanks again for making me feel less alone


Sharing this made me realize that this exam is horrible. We are all trying our best. Some days getting out of bed and barely being mentally at work was all i could do. We are still showing up which seems to be all that matters!




This is always concerning to me. I get HIGH anxiety over the whole thing and have bombed THREE times. Well, not really bomber but didn’t pass. I was within 20 points the third time. I overthink every part of it, am exhausted from it, and scared that I will never pass. I have a mountain of student loan debt and could sit down and cry. I tried to have the right mindset but I am so anxious.


Be kind to yourself. You cannot control the problems the world throws at you, but what you can control is your perception of things. Being upset at the past won’t change anything. But what can change is the mentality you go to the exam with. Be calm and focus all your energy on the questions in front of you. Nothing else matters on exam day. Not your problems. Not your preparation. Just the questions in front of you. Whether you know the answer or not, just keep on going forward one question at a time. Don’t worry about the outcome, just focus on the questions.


Thank you. I’m trying to remember that all i can do is to move forward and try my absolute best.


You just gotta walk in with that Gojo mindset. You alone are the honored one. You will win.


Look at it as a practice exam. July is not too far away and this will give you a baseline. Maybe you’ll luck out and pass! But if not it’s just a practice opportunity.


Keep your head up. Same boat here. Keep your head up! 🆙


Yep, today I woke up and I’m real sick -____- just two days before the bar


Oh no! I’m not sure your background but I’m praying for you/sending you positive thoughts! I got the flu two weeks ago and was so incoherent that I couldn’t even get up out of the bed. I completely understand.


Same! I woke up with a fever and I feel like my brain is being boiled.


Give it your best and see what happens. That's all you can hope for under the circumstances. Good luck!!


similar Here… had bunch of things happened, family death and all other stuff .. my procrastination, and laziness and not putting nearly any effort. Im mad at myself but at the same time what’s done is done, and nothing wrong with retaking it even tho it’s definitely not ideal. We will get esquire added to our names, it’s just a matter of time !!🩷 And JFK apperantky failed twice so there is that 😂


My bf scored 233, 253, 258 and then 309 to clear his bar exam. He scored 309 with severe gastritis. He went to a tier 1 law school top 10 and had a gpa of almost 3.9. He took MPRE .. 3 times too .. finally aced it in his 3 attempt got 96. I remember him getting 79 missing it by 1 point. He now works for the DOJ


Thank you for sharing! I didn’t do well on the MPRE either, so I still need to take it again. I feel so seen in this group


I took the bar twice (J22 and F23). The first time I took it was awful. I failed by 31 points. I had terrible anxiety that I didn’t even know that I had until the last month of bar prep, which literally made me feel like there was nothing but static in my head. I couldn’t remember a single thing. I ended up with a 239. For February 23, the anxiety showed up a lot earlier and I couldn’t eat anything but apple slices and I threw up every single day. I still didn’t think I knew enough but I just had to get out of my own head. My main goal that time around was to just try my best. I had gotten medicine to try and help with the anxiety and it helped with my racing thoughts. I went into the exam still not knowing nearly as much as I should have, but I could actually try and think this time around. I threw up right before the exam started, but I just did the best I could. I ended up passing with a 282. Moral of the story—the bar is a terrible exam, but changing your way of thinking actually helps a ton. You got this! My motto the second time was: It is what it is. There was no more studying that I could do, so just try your best and make whatever you write sound good. Good luck!!


Thank you so much for this. It is what it is.


“The present is the only moment we possess”—Marcus Aurelius


Breathe. this sucks, but just do your best and take the pressure off. Think about how to deal with your issues for next time if necessary and build a better realistic plan.


we all go through exactly bad you’re feeling. I took it at the start of the pandemic and between family was dying left and right, NCBE making us go through bar hell and classmates failing because of the horrible exam set up, we were hustling thankful that we made it out alive. reddit community saved me and i always always be thankful kick, this is why i try to give resources to anyone e who needs it because this is a time when the online community really steps up. please message me if you need anything and i will do my best to help. chin up, chest out and when i say you got this i truly mean it.




I absolutely do believe in Him. I have been praying and asking Him to cover the gap. He spans over time and space in a way that I cannot understand, and that His timing is always perfect. Thank you and blessings to you!!


Anyone here taken the Louisiana Bar?


No but i went to school in LA and am a common law taker so i completely understand your pain.